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The Story of Our Lives by Helen Warner (19)

‘I’m so pleased for you – about the baby.’ Melissa linked her arm through Sophie’s as they walked barefoot along the beach in the early morning sun, the sky a vivid watercolour of orange and blue and the sea a vivid indigo, topped off with fluffy white swirls of surf.

Sophie smiled. ‘Thank you. It’s a bit different to the last time…’

‘I know. You weren’t in a great place. We lost you for a while there.’

‘You can talk!’ Sophie smiled ruefully down at Melissa, who looked fresh and pretty, with no make-up and her braids pulled back into a jaunty ponytail.

‘I’m sorry. I was a mess and it was inexcusable.’

Sophie shrugged, walking closer to the sea so that the water splashed over her feet. It was freezing, despite the warm weather. ‘Everyone has a reason why they behave like they do, Melissa, and you’re no different. I’m sorry for cutting you off like that. I just didn’t know how else to get through to you.’

‘I’m glad you did.’ Melissa pulled Sophie to a halt and they stood side by side, paddling in the shallows and gazing out over the waves. ‘It was what I needed. And I’m trying really hard. I’m not there yet but I am definitely better than I was.’

Sophie put her arm around Melissa’s tiny shoulders and gave her a quick hug. ‘That’s fantastic. I’m so proud of you.’

Melissa nodded. ‘I’m quite proud of myself, if I’m honest. I know I have a problem. I just couldn’t see it. Didn’t want to see it.’

‘No. Well, in that respect you’re no different from the rest of us. We all have things we don’t want to admit.’

‘But you’re OK now? You’re happy with things at home?’

Sophie nodded emphatically. ‘I am. Steve and Emma are just amazing and this pregnancy feels like the final piece of the jigsaw. It feels like a second chance to get things right.’

Melissa’s brown eyes clouded. ‘You’re so lucky, Soph. I’d give anything to have what you and Steve have.’

‘You’ve changed your tune – I thought you thought we were Mr and Mrs Boring?’

Melissa smiled ruefully and shook her head. ‘Not any more… Now I’m the boring one, being permanently single.’

‘Is there nobody on the scene?’

‘No. The truth is, I’ve spent so long hopping from one unsuitable man to another that I’ve got no idea how to have a normal, healthy relationship.’

‘I’m not sure anyone really knows that. There’s someone out there, Melissa. You just haven’t met him yet.’

Melissa laughed, showing her white, even teeth. She really was a natural beauty and it seemed inconceivable to Sophie that she couldn’t get a boyfriend. But then again, until now, she had been a bit of a handful.

‘Amy doesn’t seem quite as happy as you to be pregnant…’ Melissa began, as they moved off along the beach again, arms linked companionably.

‘No. Em and I are a bit worried about her, actually. She’s not herself at all.’

‘In what way?’

‘It’s as if she’s lost her…’ Sophie paused as she grappled for the word. ‘As if she’s lost her mojo.’

Melissa nodded.

‘And… I’m not sure things are great between her and Nick.’

‘Really?’ Melissa shot Sophie a worried look. ‘Oh God, it’s not because of me, is it?’

‘No!’ Sophie shook her head. ‘No, not at all. It’s just that he seems to be chipping away at her confidence. I mean, you remember how she was before? She was so carefree and always happy. I don’t ever remember seeing Amy in a bad mood. Now, she’s so… wary. It’s as if she’s having to think about her every move. You used to say that you wouldn’t mind the money and the house but you wouldn’t want the marriage and I never really understood. But I think I can see what you meant now.’

‘He’s a bastard.’ Melissa’s words were carried away on the breeze but they were unmistakable. ‘I know I was wrong to hang out with him and kiss him when Amy had just had the baby. But if it had been up to him it would have gone a lot further…’

Sophie nodded, not really wanting to hear any more. She had envied Amy so much but now she only pitied her. No amount of money would make up for being trapped in a gilded cage the way Amy was. Sophie thought about Steve and how lucky she was to have him. He wasn’t possessive at all, yet he more than anyone had a right to be. She had cheated on him and maybe even fallen pregnant by someone else… But still he trusted her.

And he was right to trust her. The only consolation of all that had happened was that Sophie would never, ever make the same mistake again. She had come so close to losing him that she had learnt the hard way how precious he was to her. She knew without a shadow of doubt that he was the only one for her and that no one would ever tempt her to stray again. She wanted to grow old with him and bring up their children and grandchildren together.

As they wandered further on down the beach, Sophie considered what Melissa had said about how lucky she was, and just how good her life was right now. For the first time, Sophie realized that she was right. Not only was her relationship the best it had ever been, but work was also going amazingly well. Her decision to join forces with a rising TV star called Mark Bailey had turned out to be an inspired one and she could feel already that she was going to make a lot of money out of their association.

Knowing very little about TV, Mark had relied on Sophie for everything when setting up his own production company and in return for her sharing her knowledge, he was extremely generous. She owned a large number of shares in the company and although it was still very early days, business was booming.

She hadn’t told him yet that she was pregnant because she knew he wouldn’t understand and suspected he might even be a bit disappointed in her. He had a regular stream of girlfriends but seemed to have no intention of ever settling down and having children, despite the fact that he was over forty. But she couldn’t allow herself to worry about what Mark thought. This baby came first.

She put her hand instinctively to her stomach. Protecting him – and somehow she knew it was a boy – was her priority now. It was still such a new sensation to feel this way. Instead of being full of dread about what lay ahead, she felt only hope and excitement.

‘You’ve gone very quiet.’ Melissa nudged Sophie gently. ‘Are you OK?’

Sophie shook her head, enjoying the salty tang of the sea and the warmth of the sun on her face. ‘No, not OK,’ she said, grinning. ‘I’m great.’