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Made Prisoner by Daniella Wright (116)

Chapter 2: All Hands On


Kreena was trying to hide the tears that were running from her eyes, she did not want the others to see that she was showing signs of weakness. She could hear Poco behind her huffing and puffing, and she knew something was about to happen.

From out of the silence, “Ship Ahoy,” Poco bellowed, as he was bouncing up and down in his seat. “Ship, ship,” he screamed again, pointing out of the cockpit window.

“Calm down, we heard you the first time,” Lane replied, “now where is this ship you keep shouting about?”

“Over there, two o’clock,” Poco excitedly muttered.

Lane glanced in the direction Poco was pointing in, he could barely make out the lights, but Poco may be right.

“Out of my seat and we will go and have a look,” Lane said in a commanding voice, he was always one for showing his authority, especially where Poco was concerned.

Kreena slips from the co-pilot's chair and starts to wander towards her quarters, as she turns the corner, Threx is coming in the opposite direction.

“Kreena, what’s all the commotion about?” Threx asked.

“Poco has finally spotted another ship, and you know how he nearly pisses his pants with excitement,” Kreena replied bowing her head.

With that, Threx continued to walk towards the cockpit, with Kreena glancing at his muscular body as he walked away from her. She could see the details of his tattoos fade as he walked through the shadowy light and vanished around the corner.

Kreena reached her quarters, and started to grab her things, although she is not a member of the crew, she knew the routine, and this was one thing her dad had taught her, be prepared for any situation. She grabbed her leather pants and homemade leather body armor and placed it on her bunk, and started to slip out of her casual garments. Deep space was not the easiest place to buy panties and bras, so she stood there butt naked, and looking at herself in the mirror. Kreena could see why the crew found her attractive, and frequented her quarters for some sexual action. Over time she had become a fine woman. She cupped her breasts and thought what a nice size they had become, with her dark nipples starting to become erect as she quickly imagined the crew teasing and stimulating her body, in the only way she knew.

Quickly she forced herself to stop, there is no time for that now, if the haul is bountiful, there will be plenty of fun later for all of them. But now is the time for battle stations and none of them know what dangers lay inside any ship they encounter. Kreena returns to the cockpit, the three of them are suiting up, and she notices Threx, with half of his armor fitted, but still topless, with his muscles rippling as he stretches his neck and shoulder blades. He finally slips into armor and looks towards Kreena.

“Can you fasten me in?” he says, “you have a nicer touch than Poco,” he adds with a chuckle.

She nods in agreeance, aroused by his muscular physique.

Poco looks up from trying to fasten his armor over his belly, “That’s it, pick on the fat one,” he mumbles through his red beard.

“Fifteen minutes,” Lane shouts from the cockpit.

In that moment, he flicked a couple of switches, and a loud hum started and to anyone looking, they would seem nearly invisible. The ship before them is huge, they can count at least ten levels by the lights on the ship, but no matter what firepower it may have, the crew have the best ship in the galaxy, Chymeera. Poco had named the ship, even though he got the spelling wrong, it is a class one Helvec bomber which the crew has made many custom tweaks, so now she can outgun or out maneuver any ship which they may be chased by.

Lane releases the landing platform which fastens itself to the hull of the larger ship and hits the auto-pilot button. He jumps from his chair and grabs his plasma blade and starts to follow Poco and Threx towards the ship.

“Stay here and don’t touch anything,” he said to Kreena.

“I know, you keep telling me,” she answers back to him.

Kreena removes her saber from its sheath and climbs into the cockpit, she knows she is not a member of the crew, but she must be in a position to protect the ones who have been protecting her for so many years. Her face is glued to the other ship, but her vantage point doesn’t give her any indication of what action may be going on.

Lane arrives at the end of the platform just in time to see Poco wielding his thermal lance, and Threx is attaching the hooks to the pneumatic ram.

“Finished,” Poco shouts, “stand back, fire in the hole,” he hits the button for the pneumatic ram.

In an explosion of sparks, the door is ripped from the hull and comes flying backwards, with Threx and Lane bursting into the ship, guns at the ready. Poco follows suit expecting to hear hailing plasma shots flying around, but he is embraced by silence. It appears as if the ship is empty, with no boarding party to fend off their advances, or anything.

“To the flight deck,” Lane sounds out to Threx, “Poco you have a look around and see what is of value.”

Poco heads off like a dog with two dicks, it always excites him to go off hunting for trinkets and Lane and Threx watch, as his little fat ass goes running off into the darkness, while the others turn around and head in the direction of the flight deck.

The ship was huge alright, it took Threx and Lane at least fifteen minutes to reach the flight deck area, and as they approach they hear voices, so they readied their weapons and enter the flight deck. What they find is just two bearded men sat in the flight chairs, totally oblivious to the two of them entering.

“Where is the crew?” Threx asked the two men.

Totally startled they turn, “We are the only two on board,” one replies, “We are taking the ship back to Ankron, we are full, but the others are still mining,”

Just as Threx was about to reply, two plasma rounds whizzed past him, the two men disintegrated into a pile of blue goo in front of his eyes. He quickly turned to Lane.

“I was bored, it has been ages since I killed something,” Lane said with a sarcastic grin, “now let’s find Poco’s fat ass and get off this heap of junk.”

Threx and Lane make their way to the lower decks, they can hear Poco singing in the distance, something he always does when the bounty is a plenty. They walk up behind him and stare in disbelief, the hold is full of every valuable ore and stones you could never even begin to imagine.

“We can’t take all this, it won’t fit in Chymeera,” Threx mutters, “just take what we can, fill the ship and look for any other supplies we need and we can get going.”

The crew spends the next few hours transporting riches and supplies to Chymeera, who will be full to capacity, but now they can finally head off home to Niyros, and cash in everything they have accumulated over the past two years. Lane pilots Chymeera and sets a heading for Niyros, it will be a few days’ travel at hyper-speed and is a good time to rest, but the crew have other things on their mind, and it is time to celebrate with a good meal and something to drink.

“Look what I found on the ship,” Poco said holding his arms up in the air, “a bottle of Ankron’s famous tipple Dragon Fire and a good supply of Narcon.”

Kreena heard this and knew what was to follow, Narcon was the most famous love drug in the galaxy, and taking it, was like you had no sexual inhibitions at all. So, whatever entered your mind, was what you carried out sexually, it released the sexual beast inside anyone.

The crew all headed to their quarters for a shower and a rest, Kreena meanwhile was busy preparing a feast from some of the supplies from the ship; it had been a while since any of them had tasted fresh meats and vegetables, that alone would be celebration enough, but Kreena had grown to know what turned these three on. The thrill of pillaging a ship, always got their blood flowing, and now Poco had his stash of Narcon, who knew what they would want from her.

Kreena herself headed for a shower before returning to the dining quarters and Poco had already seated himself and started munching away, Threx and Lane were stood talking while sampling the drink that Poco had found, it was indeed as nice and strong as the rumors had it. It was a drink fit for a King, they would all agree.

Poco raised his head from the drunken stupor he was in, he had a devilish grin on his face as he said, “Narcon time, lady and gentlemen.”

He quickly popped one of the pills before giving one to Lane and Threx, he then turned to Kreena, holding his hand out with one red pill sat there.

“You too Kreena, there are plenty more where they come from,” Poco said quietly.

They all placed their pills in their mouths and washed them down with a shot of Dragon Breath, looking at each other, they were wondering what effects and how quickly they would work. As if in a dream and without realizing, Kreena started looking at Threx’s stomach muscles, and at the same time she was flicking her hair over her shoulder-baring the side of her neck, at that moment, she felt the soft touch of Lane’s lips on the nape of her neck, softly kissing and whispering her name in her ear. There he stood closer behind her and she could feel his manhood beginning to swell, as he pressed against her back.

Threx stepped forwards and reached out, he grabbed the toggles on Kreena’s leather waistcoat and slowly popped them open one by one, Kreena returned the favor and slipped her hand inside Threx’s traditional robe. Then she massaged his dick, he was getting hard as she caressed him.

Her toggles had finally come open and Lane slowly removed Kreena’s waistcoat, her tits were on full show, and immediately Threx took advantage of her, he cupped her breasts and admired her dark nipples which had become instantly erect at the touch of the two males. Kreena removed her hand from Threx’s crotch and leaned forward to kiss him, his warm breath becoming entwined with hers, their tongues flicking one against the other.

Kreena reached down and opened the button on her pants, Lane slipped his thumbs inside and slowly pushed them down towards the floor, as they dropped he knelt behind Kreena and kissed and massaged her soft buttocks, his tongue running over her soft skin. Poco meanwhile, was sat in one of the large chairs, he had his pants down by his ankles and was busy stroking his manhood and for someone so short, he was very well endowed. The Narcon had shown his true wishes, he liked to watch more than taking part.

Lane walked towards the dining table and cleared an area, Kreena could sense what he had in mind and sexily walked and mounted the table, lowering herself and feeling the coldness against her back. She raised her legs and placed them on the table, her bald pussy on view to Threx. As he slipped out of his robe, Kreena licked her finger and reached down and teased her throbbing clit, Kreena can just see Threx’s hard dick as it slipped from his robe. She was pulled backwards, her head hanging from the table.

Kreena watches from an upside down position, the blood rushing to her head, Lane removed his robe, his dick in his hand as he approached her, positioning the tip of his dick against her lips and gesturing for her to open her mouth. He felt the warmth of her lips as he slid his dick into her mouth, gasping as she wrapped her lips tightly around his dick and sucked on it deeply. Kreena reached and grabbed his balls, massaging and gently squeezing as he grabbed her breasts and started to flick her erect nipples.

Lane felt himself, slowly thrusting his dick deep into Kreena’s mouth, she was taking his dick all the way to the back of her throat. She now felt Threx rubbing the inside of her thighs and he spread her legs and he saw she had become wet, as his tongue ran up her thigh which he then flicked over her pussy lips in delight. He could taste the sweetness of her juices, and focused his tongue towards her clit, as he parted her pussy lips with his hands. He could feel his dick ready for her so he guided the tip of his large member and rubbed it against Kreena’s throbbing clit, guiding it slowly into her hot, wet pussy. He could sense the Narcon was having a good effect on Kreena, as her pussy muscles were gripping his dick as he slowly thrusted in and out of her.

Threx looked to the other side of the table, Lane had his balls in Kreena’s mouth as she frantically masturbated him, the muscles of his stomach tensing as he started heading to the point of no return.

“Oh, fuck,” he said, as he reached forward and gave Kreena’s tits a slap.

The pain made Kreena twitch in excitement and she removed his balls from her mouth and again continues to take his throbbing member, she can feel the spasm building up inside of him, his body tensing. Then as he released his load into Kreena’s mouth he slumps into the chair, Kreena’s spits his cum onto the floor as a gesture of her satisfaction.

Kreena then raised herself and could see Threx, who was thrusting faster and faster, the sweat starting to run over his ripped body. Kreena wrapped her legs around his waist, drawing him into her.

“Fuck me harder,” Kreena moaned to Threx.

Then he rammed his hard dick into her as far as he can, so he could feel Kreena’s spasms building in her pussy. He felt ready to explode. Threx grabbed Kreena’s throat and squeezed gently, he is ready to cum as well.

“I’m gonna cum,” Kreena squeals, “squeeze harder!”

Threx squeezed Kreena’s throat as he felt her back arch and she quivered as she finally reached her point. Threx felt the sensations building up inside him, and he finally released and shot his load into Kreena’s hot, wet pussy.

Threx is exhausted and slumps over Kreena before rolling off her and making his way to a chair, then he grabbed his robe and covered himself, slipping off into a dream state as the effects of the Narcon finally start to wear off. Kreena had no sense of being abused by the males, she too had enjoyed all that, the feel of two men. With their animal instincts taking complete control over her body, she may not have thought she could handle it, but with the Narcon, her own sexual needs had been more than satisfied. She was lucky to be with them, she thought.






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