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Made Prisoner by Daniella Wright (68)


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All around me, the club pulses as if it is alive, throbbing with a bassline heartbeat. My body moves of its own accord, each thump of the music sending a feeling of pure elation rushing through my body. For those wondering, my name is Janine Rigby. I go to one of the best colleges in the locale, something I’m proud of but try not to be too boastful about. My days are filled with club meetings, hours of classes, and overall exhaustion. However, I don’t let the weariness of the day ruin my one escape, my nightly hours at the busiest nightclub in town: The Ivory Fang. Though the name brings to mind a rather quirky facility, the Ivory is more or less your typical nightclub. A surplus of my fellow students rush here as soon as the doors open, having our share of drinks and good times. It’s an escape for me, though I’m certain you’re wondering what exactly I need an escape from. Truth be told, the life I lead is something of a mask. I keep myself busy, as not to allow myself to give in to the somewhat darker thoughts that linger on the fringes of my mind. Though no one might expect it, I actually harbor a somewhat deep fear of being alone. That may sound silly, but I don’t mean the brief moments of solitude I get in my dorm room after classes. I mean the much deeper, all encompassing loneliness that one feels when they can not find their soulmate. I’m a romantic at heart, I suppose, but I can’t help but hope that someday I find the deep and meaningful relationship that people like my parents share. I know I’m young, only twenty two years old to be precise, but I can’t help as if feeling I am somehow stunted. As if I am missing some bigger piece of my life, in not having a meaningful relationship by now.


My friends accompanied me here tonight, likely in an attempt to distract me from my studies. It’s a kind effort, but it’s not my studies I need a distraction from. If anything, they’re one of the few things keeping me sane. All the same, I’m more than willing to accept free drinks if they’re offered. Who am I to turn down such kindness from a friend? Heh. Speaking off… I approach the bar as one of my friends flags me down, a devious look in her eye. I quirk a curious brow, knowing that she is no doubt up to no good.



“Janine, Bethany thinks she can outdo you on shots. You’re not going to let her slam on you like that, are you girl?” Crissy smiles, and Bethany shoots me a sly look from the opposite end of the bar. I can’t help quirking my lips in a smile, looking at the plethora of shot glasses spread before my blonde haired friend. Though on most nights, I avoid drinking in excess, something about the challenge lights a fire in my gut. I rub my chin thoughtfully, meandering over to Beth’s end of the bar and resting my hip against the stool beside her.


“Oh, Beth… you always have been a kidder. You really think you can outdrink me? I’m essentially royalty here at the Ivory.” I say in a faux snooty voice, and try to swallow my laughter as Bethany laughs in response. I trace my fingertip around the brim of one of the shot glasses, considering the drinks laid out before us.


“Well, I think it is due time that someone dethrone you.” She ripostes in an equally snooty tone. We share a smile, and I make a point to properly seat myself on the bar stool beside her. Crissy steps towards us, laying out the rules of engagement. I zone out, as this is little more than child’s play for me. My eyes are drawn towards the exit of the club, where a pale man with platinum blonde hair and dark eyes seems to be watching my every move. I narrow my eyes in his direction, and he seems to realize I’ve noticed him, averting his eyes swiftly.


“Three, two, one… Drink!” Crissy announces, and I am pulled from my reverie by Bethany accidentally clanging together two glasses. I consider her from the corner of my eye before swiftly taking my first shot. Then my second. Followed by my third. This goes on for several moments, with Bethany and I tossing back shots as the rest of our group looks on. Their loud cheering rings in either of my ears, and when I toss back the final shot, Bethany looks as if she is ready to spill her dinner.



“A bit green about the gills, aren’t you?” I say slyly, and she looks as if she will retort, only to be cut short by a heaving gag. She covers her mouth with her hand, bolting to the bathroom. The remainder of my friends and I share a laugh, and I stand from the bar stool. It suits me just as well that no one know how much the room is spinning for me right now. I grip the bar counter for a moment, looking from my laughing friends to the writhing bodies on the dance floor. The beat of the club resonates within me again, and I wave wordlessly to my friends before slipping back among the other dancers. They part with ease, accepting me amongst them as if they too know that this is where I belong. Among the dozens of people, among the bumping and grinding, among the sheer body heat that resonates between all of us. I glance up, only to meet eyes with the same man who had considered me mere moments before. He doesn’t move with the same ease as the rest of us, but I can’t help but feel drawn towards him. He offers me a tight-lipped smile, and perhaps because of the alcohol flooding my system, I feel inclined to put on a bit of a show for the poor guy. He sticks out like a sore thumb in this place, and though I can’t say I’ve ever known the awkwardness he seems to be feeling, I pride myself a smidge kinder than others in the crowd. I lock eyes with the man, taking note of the dark shade of his eyes. The irises are so dark they are nearly black, yet shine with a fiery that seems to blaze brighter as I move my body specifically for his eyes. He keeps his distance, even as I attempt to draw him in with my gaze. I bite my lip, swinging my hips from side to side, and I can’t help but be surprised at the lack of blush on his pale skin. He simply averts his eyes, drawing them to an aged looking timepiece on his wrist. Feeling perhaps unnecessarily offended at how easily my sumptuous dance moves are cast aside, I turn my back on him, allowing myself to merge with the bodies on the dance floor once more. Time seems to fade into nothingness, and I’m vaguely aware that I’m perhaps a little too drunk. However, I simply close my eyes and allow my body to move to the steady thump of the bass.


When I open my eyes, much of the club patrons have dispersed, and I can’t see my friends anywhere. It’s not unlike them to leave me to my own devices once I get wrapped up in the passion of the night, but I can’t ignore the stinging bitterness of their absence. As if it would mean very little if something were to happen to me, as if they could not be bothered to see me to my dorm safely. I know I’m likely overthinking it, but… well, no matter. I realize with a start that most of the dance floor is empty now, save for one or two pairs of lingering couples swaying drunkenly together. I swallow a thick lump in my throat, ambling towards the back exit of the club. As I grip the handle of the door, it is almost as if I can feel eyes watching my every move. I glance over my shoulder, but there is no one to be seen. I press the door open, stepping into the cool air of the night. I know my movements are none too graceful, and I can’t help but stumble along. I keep my hand pressed to the side of the building, and when a sudden wave of nausea washes over me, I press bodily against the bricks. I inhale deeply through my nose, trying to sort my thoughts.


Suddenly, a body presses against my back. A hand claps across my mouth before I can think to scream. I squirm weakly in the grip of my assailant, but they do little more than caress their free hand along my shoulder, down to the clothed peak of my breast. I groan unhappily against their hand, but the alcohol has rendered me too weak to fight back. I feel their lips against my neck, and can’t help but hiss as their tongue flicks against my skin. Unable to help myself, almost as if in a trance, I begin to move my body against that of the stranger. I feel a fluttering at the apex of my thighs, and attempt to turn to face him. My assailant turned potentially more offers a warning growl, pressing me more firmly against the wall. I plant my feet firmly apart, pressing my rear against his groin. It’s a dance of give and take, and though he seems surprised, he is all too willing to join me. His mouth finds my neck once more, and I grind back against him, rewarded by a hand firmly cupping me between the legs. Perhaps it’s the alcohol, perhaps it’s because it’s been so long since I’ve been with someone like this. For whatever reason, lust surges through my veins as he slips his hand under my dress.


Teeth! Abruptly, I am all too aware of teeth! They seem to pierce me to the very bone, and unbearable agony rushes through my body. The familiar throbbing of the bass beat of the club seems to be reflecting in the angry pulsing at my neck, and I can’t swallow a whimper of pain. However, the pain soon mingles with pleasure as he nudges my underwear aside, and I gasp out in pleasure. The pain is secondary, and if anything my arousal grows as a result of it. I reach behind me, groping blindly for his crotch. He shifts his hips against me, and my hand is pressed between his groin and my own rear. I can feel him throbbing against my palm, and though the position is uncomfortable, I can’t help shuddering at the sheer length of him. His lips have not left my neck, but his hands are dexterous enough for me, and the one covering my mouth shifts my dress up to reveal my lacy underwear. The cool night air ghosts against my bare skin, where he has nudged my panties aside. I shift my feet further apart, and his hand makes itself at home, pressing ice cold fingers against my warmth.


“Oh yes,” I mewl softly, and he rumbles in what I can’t help but hope is satisfaction. Even in my inebriated state, I know I should feel awful for how much I’m enjoying his touch. His fingers move slowly, ghosting against my straining nub before dipping two fingers inside of me. I press my forehead against the wall of the building, rolling my hips in time with his touches. It’s not his hand that I want, however. If I’m going to engage in this sheer debauchery, I may as well give myself to it entirely. “I want you inside me,” I slur, and I can feel him stiffen against my back. His tongue flicks out against my neck, igniting the dull pain where his teeth had pierced me once more. I groan, wishing I knew his name so my cries were more personal. I want to push him to the edge, as he is so dragging me. He says nothing, but I feel him draw his hand away from my nether regions, and I hear the soft sound of a zipper. Thrilled that he’s obliging me, I sway my hips from side to side in a manner I can only hope appeals to his inner beast. I can’t see him, but I can feel what is unmistakable as anything but his manhood pressing against my outer lips. I groan pathetically, and he seems to be testing whether or not I’m fully prepared for the situation. “Please,” I whisper, and all at once he is inside me. A chill passes through my body, but I can’t help clenching around his length. It’s been some time since I’ve felt so completely full, and my body is reacting in all the most pleasurable ways. One of his hands rests on my hip and he gently guides it into continuing the rolling motion from before. In spite of the haze that surrounds my mind, I’m acutely aware of his distinct throbbing inside me. He moves slowly at first, but I try to quicken the pace, meeting his thrust with a backward jut of my hips. He groans against my neck, and I’m vaguely aware of the sensation of blood dripping from the wound. I can’t help but wonder just how badly he had bitten me, but it’s nearly the last thing on my mind as he tightens his grip on my hips, pounding into me relentlessly. My mouth falls agape, and all I can do is babble sounds of pleasure with no name to put it to. The more he ravishes me, the colder I seem to grow. My body quakes, and I can’t tell if it’s from the cold, or from the pleasure. As I reach my peak, he sinks his teeth into my neck once more. My screams of pleasure turn to screams of pain, and It seems like so much blood, too much blood. It doesn’t really make sense, but in this moment, very little makes sense. All I know is that I can almost feel the life ebbing from my body. My vision begins to go hazy, and as my mind clouds over, I can vaguely hear a gruff voice whisper what sounds like curses in an unfamiliar tongue. Then, there is nothing but darkness.



You might expect a person to jolt awake after such an intense lovemaking session, immediately followed by a near death experience, but when I awaken, it is a fairly slow and languid process. Though I can very much see the extravagantly plush blankets strewn across my body, there is a chill that permeates my entire being. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that this is very much not my dorm room. I sit up slowly, taking in the deep maroon and gold tones of the room’s decor. There is a sense of luxury about the room, but I can’t feel as if something is very wrong with this entire situation. My mind flashes to the night before, and the chill that grips my body seems to grow deeper. I shiver, throwing the blankets off of myself to see that I am, at the very least, still clothed. My dress is torn, however, and small droplets of blood seem to have spattered the top half of it. I can’t deny how shaken I feel, but I realize that I can not simply remain in this room and wait for someone to find me. God knows what would happen, after last night…


As I am working to steel my nerves enough to get out of the bed, the door swings open and the pale man from the night before steps into the room. I can feel my eyes widening, and a perhaps unreasonable sense of betrayal settles over me.


“You!” I shout accusingly, and he at least has the decency to look ashamed of himself. I scramble out of bed, pointing a finger towards his chest. It is only then that I realize just how pale my own skin is. My skin lacks its usual vibrancy, looking grey and almost… lifeless. “What.. what did you do to me!?” I demand, fearlessly approaching him now that the alcohol is out of my system. Though I’m certainly no bodybuilder, he seems a scrawny little thing and I have no doubt I could give him a hell of a fight. He steps back, holding his hands up in what must be an attempt to placate me. I laugh at the sheer audacity, and he simply considers me with a hesitant expression.


“My name is Edmund. I… I’m so sorry. I saw you at the club last night, and--” He begins, but I am swift to cut him off, jabbing a finger to his chest.


“You thought you could take advantage of me and not have to face the consequences!” I bite out. He looks troubled, shaking his head fervently.


“No, no, miss. You misunderstand. While my touches were… rather intimate, I did not do anything you did not want. It’s simply that… your blood tasted so sweet, much sweeter than I have had in lifetimes…” He continues, sounding uncertain of himself. I touch my fingertips to my neck, expecting to feel a deep and gaping wound. Instead, there are only two small pinpricks on the side of my throat. Simultaneous disbelief and comprehension settles over me, and I stare critically at the man’s pale face.


“You’re crazy! You’re trying to tell me… what? You’re some kind of vampire!?” I sneer, and he looks vaguely offended.


“As far as I am aware, there is only one sort of vampire, and I am one. What I’m trying to tell you is... that you are too. I lost control while I was feeding and it was either change you or leave you for dead.” He says drolly. I consider him through narrowed eyes, barking out a laugh. In spite of my outward sense of humor regarding the situation, I can’t ignore the sense of dread settling in my gut. The chill I’d felt since I woke up had not faded, and the color had not returned to my skin. Though there is something wrong, something horribly and undeniably wrong, what he says can not be the truth. There is no such thing as vampires.


“Right. Sure. You’re a vampire. I’m a vampire. As a matter of fact, there’s a unicorn waiting outside to whisk me away. Maybe he’ll take a chance to stick it in me, too.” I say snidely, shoving him aside and stalking down the hall leading away from what I assume is his bedroom. Though I did not notice it in the luxurious room I was in previous, the rest of the house is rather… unimpressive. Outright bleak, to be frank. The windows are covered with blackout curtains, and not even the slightest sliver of sunlight is allowed inside. Though the dread within me feels as if it is growing more substantial, I shake off the feeling. “You’re really going all in with this vampire thing, aren’t you?” I call out sardonically, reaching a door that I hope leads outside. He has been trailing behind me, and his eyes widen as I grip the doorknob. There’s a fear in his eyes, an almost visceral and animalistic fear.


“No, wait!” He calls out, but I ignore him, pulling the door open and marching outside. At first, nothing happens, and a sense of relief washes over me. Then, the sizzling starts. Pain grips my entire being as my body begins to smoulder in the sunlight, and I can’t bite back the scream that spills past my lips. I collapse to the ground, the pain too great for me to move any further. I can not even rouse myself to retreat back into my captor’s house, but I can hear him bustling out of the house after me. He is swearing in that unfamiliar tongue once more, and I can see smoke rising from his exposed skin as he gathers me in his arms and rushes back into the safety of his home. He slams the door shut behind him, and for a long moment it is all I can do to simply catch my breath as I remain in his arms. The pain doesn’t fade, at least, not immediately. However, the indignity of being gripped in this monster’s arms is too much for me to take. I push away from him, and he keeps his grip on me just long enough to safely place me on the floor. For what good that does.


“What have you done to me…” I whisper, repeating my prior question. He looks as if he will explain again, but I hold up a hand to stop him. There is no need. As impossible as this situation is, I know now that he has been honest with me. He is a vampire and now, at his hands, I am as well. “What am I supposed to do!? Where am I supposed to go?” I begin quietly, but quickly gain volume. Anger sears my insides just as the sun had burned my skin, and I leap to my feet, stomping towards him. He looks ever ashamed, but not afraid. I want him to be afraid. I want him to hurt. “You’ve ruined me! I can never see my family or my friends again. How would I explain this to them? You’ve ruined my life, and for what… because my blood tastes really good? Do you know how idiotic that sounds?” I snarl, and his eyes flash for a brief moment, but are then awash with sorry.


“There is nothing I can do to return your previous life to you. I’m sorry it came to this. But you’re right, this is all my doing. I know it is little consolation, but as I have caused you this pain, it is only fair that I allow you the sanctuary of my home.” He murmurs, and I laugh. It is all I can do to laugh to keep from crying. My shoulders shake, and I glance briefly to the door I had tried to escape from. Weighing my options, I’m not sure what is the worse fate. Remaining here with this monster who has ruined my life, or stepping out into the sun and destroying this cruel afterlife. “You will adjust. I never thought I would, but you come to terms with this life… You just need to give it time.” He says awkwardly. I look to him through narrowed eyes, crossing my arms over my chest. It’s as if he knows what I was thinking, but as far I know about vampires, he very well may.


“Just show me where I am to stay. It’s not as if there are any other options.” I grouse. His expression seems to grow lighter, and I swallow the venom I want to spew at him. There will be time to berate him. It seems I have nothing but time now. I follow him deeper into his house, in the opposite direction of his bedroom.


“The guest quarters aren’t nearly as nice as the master suite, but I’m sure they will suit your needs.” He murmurs amicably, but I make no move to answer him. He opens the door to these supposed guest quarters and I linger at the door for a long moment, considering what will be my confines for… what? An eternity? “If you should need anything, I should be easy to find.” He offers, opening his mouth to continue. I ignore him, stepping into the guest quarters and turning to face him. He smiles crookedly, an attempt to keep things amicable, I suppose. I hesitate for a moment, baring my teeth in a snarl before slamming the door in his face. He squawks indignantly from the other side, but I simply slip the lock into place and turn to take in my surroundings. It’s not quite as bleak as the rest of the house, but not nearly as extravagant as his quarters, either. The room is decorated with muted shades of blues and green, and though those had once been my favorite colors, I can only look at them with disgust now. I step towards the bed in the center of the room, drawing back the covers to find it immaculately clean. Seems vampires did not have many guests. I breathe in a shaky breath that I belatedly realize I no longer need, slipping into the bed and drawing the blankets up around me. Though I vaguely hope it will help stave off the chill, deep down I know it will not. Nothing will.



I remain locked in the room for what feels an eternity, and very well may be for as well as I can judge time here. There is no distinction between night and day. Edmund makes the occasional attempt to speak to me through the door, but never breaks through the lock. I’m certain he could if he wanted to, but perhaps it is his attempt to show compassion. A show of restraint that is ironic considering how we got in this situation. The chill that permeates my body has settled in as a constant sensation, but I’m slowly adjusting to it. It’s a bit harder to adjust to no longer needing to breathe. I still go through the motions though I know it’s unnecessary. For brief moments I can almost pretend I am still alive, when I almost slip into slumber. I never give completely into the unconsciousness, however. Maybe it’s some sort of instinct. All the same, trying to sleep feels inconsequential, another facade in the series of masquerades that make up my life now. I’ve never been one to give into my depressing thoughts, but it seems I am left with nothing more than my thoughts for now. It’s not as if I can retreat to the familiar dance floor, where I’m sure the thumping of the bass would be but a cold reminder of my unbeating heart.


Realistically, I know waxing poetic about my misery will only perpetuate how bad I feel, but I can’t ignore the anger brewing within my gut. My hand clenches at my side, and I sit up, inhaling yet another unnecessary breath before slamming my fist into the mattress at my side with as much strength as I can muster. I can’t swallow the gasp that escapes me as the entire bed frame collapses beneath me. Dust rises from beneath the remains of the bed, and I slowly quirk a brow as I lean down to survey the damage. It’s as if someone has taken a sledgehammer and laid into the area I punched. It seems strange, impossible, but… I rise from the bed for what feels the first time in ages. I consider the room around me, consider all the antique yet sturdy and well made furniture. I take a step away from the destroyed bed, drawing close to a well aged chest of drawers. I draw my fist back, hesitating for a long moment before lashing out with a well placed strike. I’m not sure what I expected, but I still jolt with surprise as the piece of furniture collapses. My eyes widen in comprehension, and I consider the room with new purpose. I dash across the confined space, laying waste to the likely expensive furniture strewn purposefully across the room. A laugh bubbles up in my throat, and I’m struck by how good it feels to be so damn powerful. Even after all the destruction I’ve left in my wake, I’ve not even broken a sweat. I examine my fist, feeling almost as if the power is a physical sensation throbbing beneath my skin. I glance to the door, realizing just how easy it would have been for Edmund to slam the door open and do what he wanted to me. If he has even a portion of this power… well. I certainly haven’t forgiven him, but perhaps this is a step in the right direction. I glance towards the door, considering my options for a moment before stepping towards it. I flick the lock, pulling the door open and peering out into the hall to see if the vampiric male is anywhere to be seen. Satisfied that I have some measure of privacy for the time being, I slip out of the bedroom, seeking out a bathroom. I’m unclear on how long it’s been since I’ve had a good soak, but it seems that now is as good a time as any. I open several doors as I walk down the hallway, surprised to find neither Edmund or the bathroom I’m seeking. At the final door in the hallway, just beside his bedroom, I am rewarded for my efforts. Though the room is dark, I can tell that this is obviously the master bathroom. It looks entirely too extravagant for something as simple as a bathroom, but I intend to take full advantage of the situation for what it’s worth. I step into the room, closing the door behind me and edging towards the tub. It looks large enough to fit two people, easily. While I certainly have no interest in that, it means I’ll have plenty of room to stretch my legs out. I turn the water on a satisfying temperature, plugging the drain and drawing away to slip out of my clothes. My dress is utterly ruined, but I suppose it’s of little consequence. It’s not as if I’ll be seeing anyone from my old life. I kick it to the side, flinging it clear across the room. I swallow a giggle, dipping my fingertips into the water and groaning at how pleasantly warm it is. With little further preamble, I submerge myself in the water, all the aches and pains that riddle my body slowly ebbing away. For a moment, it even feels as if my permanent chill has faded, if only slightly. I sink deeper into the water, examining the plethora of soaps to choose from. Most of them are luxurious to the point of exorbitance, and I’m forced to wonder just how much this man has spent on soap alone. I suppose your priorities change a bit once you’ve been living for… god knows how long. I reach out to grab a bottle that is labelled as being infused with real rose petals, popping the top off with ease and waving it under my nose. The smell is pleasant, if somewhat strong. I dab some into my hand, slowly covering my body with rose scented suds. I can already tell my skin is going to exquisitely soft after this particular soak, and I breathe a remarkably content sigh. I realize this is probably the most content I’ve been in some time, but god knows I wouldn’t let the bloodsucker know that. Well, the other bloodsucker, in this case. Once I am thoroughly soaped up, I sink into the water, washing the suds away from my skin. I remain underwater for a long moment, dragging my fingertips down the curves of my own body. In spite of the anger I feel towards the man, thoughts of the first night I met him surge through my mind. It’s as if I can feel him inside me again. The power I had felt destroying the furniture only invigorates me, and I press my fingers between my thighs, parting my most intimate folds and slowly coaxing myself into pleasure. I gently brush my thumb against my aching pearl, shudders flowing through my body at my own touch. Instead of penetrating myself, I simply continue my assault on my most sensitive area, alternating between gently rubbing around my peak, to direct touches. When I feel as if I can take no more, my body shakes from the sheer force of my orgasm. My toes curl in ecstasy, and I just barely manage to catch myself before inhaling a lung full of water. I emerge from the water with a satisfied gasp, my pleasure being cut agonizingly short as I hear the doorknob turn. Before I can get the words out, Edmund has opened the door and is staring wordlessly at me. More specifically, his eyes are locked on my exposed and utterly heaving chest. For a moment, I am frozen in shock. Then, as if unable to help myself, my eyes are drawn to the stiffness in his pants. My eyes widen comically, and I can almost smell the musk emanating both from him and myself. It seems impossible that he could have ruined this small moment so spectacularly, yet, here he stands.


“What the hell! Get out!” I blurt, covering my chest with one arm and flinging a random bottle of soap at the intruding male. He jolts, amusement dancing in his eyes as he seems to come to his senses. He even has the audacity to laugh. “Get out!” I repeat, seeking something else to throw at him.


“Sorry, sorry. Did not know you were in here. Deepest apologies.” He offers, but he seems anything but sorry. He blurts another laugh as he steps out of the bathroom, his voice cracking as he pulls the door closed behind him. I stare after him, fury flushing my skin. For a moment, I consider soaping myself up once more in an attempt to calm down. It’s not as if my bath necessarily has to be ruined by his rude interruption. But the more I sit, the more I stew, and the angrier I get. He had to have known I was in there. There was no way he had come in through sheer accident alone. I find myself growling without realizing it, and I reach out to unplug the drain, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around myself. Somewhat belatedly I consider that I should have brought a change of clothes with me. I hesitate for a moment, debating just following him and giving him a piece of my mind clad in this towel. The only other option evident for the time being is my tattered and bloodstained dress. I consider the garment drolly, exhaling through my nose in distaste before deciding I have little option but to put it back on. It feels disgusting against my skin, and I can’t help feeling as if the bath I’d just taken was entirely wasted. Better than giving the creep yet another peepshow, though. Once dressed, I throw the bathroom door open and march out, surprised to not see him in the immediate area. I glance around, considering calling out to him. That would seem decidedly too desperate, however, so I suppose I’m left little option but to find him. I slip through the halls, peering into the various doors that I left ajar, uncertainty brewing in my gut until I come to the room I had left in shambles. I hear that familiar yet unfamiliar cursing on the other side of the door, and relish in the brief sensation of vindication. Though I had not destroyed the room with the intent of starting an altercation with my… gracious host, it seemed as if a clash was forthcoming whether I liked it or not. I linger outside the door for a moment, just long enough to hear him cursing my existence. I’m briefly struck by the thought of just how much damage I had done. Odds were, he is impossibly stronger than even myself. He could probably break me with a flick of his wrist. Oh well. Better to deal with it now. I inhale deeply, steeling my nerves. Then, I step inside.


As I step into the room, he casts a cursory glance in my direction before resuming his examination of the furniture. It’s all quite obviously ruined, and I consider making a snide comment regarding it. Before I can get the words out, he exhales a weary sigh, straightening and turning to face me.


“Most of this is irreplaceable. I can’t believe you would act like such a spoiled child.” He says coldly, and I can’t help but narrow my eyes in annoyance.


“Well, you didn’t seem to think I was much of a spoiled child when you were inside of me. You also wouldn’t have to deal with a so called spoiled child if you hadn’t drained me.” I bite back, brushing my fingertips to the pinprick wounds on my neck. This time, he narrows his eyes in my direction. His exasperation is obvious, but it’s not as if I’m going to apologize for the scene. What I said was very much true, he had no business forcing me into this life. “What, in your eons of living you never learned any carpentry skills. How sad for you.” I sneer, knowing I’m only making the situation worse. He bares his fangs, taking what is likely supposed to be a threatening step towards me. I watch him, trying to reflect just how bored I am with this entire situation. He levels a deadpan stare in my direction, seeming to consider his next action.


“Fine. I’m not dealing with this right now. If you hate it here so much, you’re welcome to leave. No one is forcing you to stay.” He says angrily, turning his back on me and slipping through the door. I stare after him, feeling my eyes widen in disbelief. I want to shout after him. I want to curse his name, I want to make him feel as awful as I have felt for these days prior. I glance aside, looking to one of the pieces of ruined furniture. I had not truly considered the pieces before destroying them, but upon looking at them now, it’s obvious the workmanship is impeccable. He was likely right, most of this would be irreplaceable. I try to tell myself that I don’t care, that I don’t care about the egotistical bloodsucker and his exorbitant lifestyle. However, I can’t help but exhale an uncertain sigh. He was right about one thing, at the very least. I didn’t have to stay here, and it seemed as if I had overstayed my welcome. I’m not sure where I can go, what I can do if I leave these walls. I know I have to talk to him, try and convince him to let me stay. A certain bitterness creeps up my spine, and I feel no small amount of distaste for how reliant I have become on this man in a few short days. I breathe in a quaking breath, stepping out of the room I had destroyed and casting a cursory glance across the hallway. I begin to meander towards his bedroom, but I’m distracted by the distinct sound of chirping crickets. I hesitate, looking to a door that stands ajar. It seems to lead outside, and from the looks of it, the sun set long ago. I press my hand to the door, pushing through it and stepping into the brisk night air. I see the man who has caused my misery sitting slumped at a wrought iron table, sipping what appears to be a glass of wine. I’m almost certain I know better than to think it’s actually wine, however. He doesn’t seem to notice my presence, but I’m more inclined to believe he’s simply ignoring me. I clear my throat somewhat awkwardly, and he breathes a sigh, raising his head to look towards me. He looks rather defeated, and uncertainty blooms in my chest as I try to consider what on earth I’ll say to him. Swallowing my pride, I duck my head, slipping towards the table and taking a seat across from him. He watches me with a reproachful expression, and I feel guilty in spite of myself.


“What am I supposed to do now?” I say uncertainly, folding my hands on top of the table. He considers me curiously, swishing the liquid in his glass before taking a sip.


“What do you mean?” He says after pulling the glass away from his lips. Desperation floods my insides, but I’m not sure how to appeal to him. I’ve made the first step by approaching him, but I have no idea how to step forward.


“I have the feeling I’ve… overstayed my welcome. So, I’m not sure where I’m supposed to go from here. I’m… at a loss. I realize I have no right to come to you with this, considering my attitude towards you. I just don’t know where to go from here.” I stammer out, and he looks somewhat chagrined.


“I did not mean to imply that you are unwelcome here. I let my temper get the better of me, but considering I’m the one who got you in this mess…” He trails off, and our eyes meet for the briefest of moments. I feel as if he can see into my very soul, feeling more exposed than perhaps when he had seen me in the bathtub. Did my heart still beat, I’m sure a blush would alight my cheeks at the sincere look he offers me.


“I shouldn’t have acted the way I did. While I still don’t quite forgive you for all of this, I only made things worse. The smart thing to do, I guess, would be moving forward.” I say, trying not to let my voice waver. He reaches across the table, grasping one of my shaking hands in his own. His skin is cold, as cold as my own, I’m certain. However, warmth feels as if it is blooming within me as he offers me a kind smile. He squeezes my hand before releasing it, and I find myself missing his touch in spite of myself.


“I suppose it’s only fair. I explored my powers none too gracefully when I was first turned, and I did not really offer you any means of expressing them. If you would like… I can teach you more about this life.” He pauses, looking hesitant. “I know it’s not the ideal, but in the spirit of moving forward, I think it would be a good step in adjusting to your new life.” He adds carefully. I tap my fingers on the tabletop, drawing my lip between my teeth and wincing as I nearly pierce my own lip. I’m still not entirely used to my own fangs, it seems. That, as much as anything, makes the decision for me.


“If I’m going to be a vampire, I guess I should learn to make the best of the situation.” I say with a half-smile. He brightens immediately, and I’m almost enchanted by his abrupt change in demeanor. He claps his hands together, standing from the table with a cheeky smile.


“Well, I say we get started as soon as possible. But first… we should likely fetch you a new set of clothes.” He muses aloud, and I graze my fingertips to the torn fabric of my dress. I quirk a curious brow, smiling mischievously.


“What, you don’t think it adds to the fear factor?” I retort. He smiles, seeming somewhat at ease for the first time since we’ve met.


“The point is to be inconspicuous.” He grins. “But, if you would rather continue trouncing around in your tattered gown, do not allow me to stop you.” He adds, and I bark out a laugh. “I can go downtown and pick up something suitable for you to wear. Then, perhaps another night, you can accompany me to choose your own wardrobe.” He says, somewhat more awkwardly. He’s less than sly about observing my small frame, and I hum to myself before answering him.


“That would be nice. I’m a size small, if your wandering eyes have not revealed as much.” I tease gently, and he sharply inhales an unnecessary breath. He averts his eyes, and I can’t help but giggle at how awkwardly adorable he seems in this moment. “At the very least learn my name before ogling me so obviously.” I say without thinking, only struck by the truth of the words after I speak them. He still does not know my name, after the time we’ve spent together. I’m almost offended that he hasn’t asked, but as if reading my thoughts, he offers me a reproachful look.


“I was… uncertain if it was something you wanted to share with me. You seemed none too thrilled about the situation, and asking your name seemed callous.” He murmurs, and I realize I have no reason to doubt his reasoning. If he had asked my name previous, I likely would not have revealed it to him.


“You have a point. But from now on, I’d rather you have an identity to associate with me. It’s Janine. Janine Rigby.” I smile. He extends his hand formally, and it takes me a moment to realize he wants to grip my own. I offer my own hand, and he grabs hold of it, giving it a firm shake.


“Edmund Thorogood. Charmed to meet you, Miss Rigby.” He says in a rather snooty tone. I snicker under my breath for a moment before managing to swallow my laughter.


“Charmed to make your acquaintance as well, Mister Thorogood.” I reply with an easy smile. For perhaps the first time, I feel almost glad to have met him. As he slips towards the back gate, I watch him go, wondering if this could be the beginning of something wonderful. At the very least, I hope we can find a way of continuing to get along. He’s not so bad when you get to know him, I suppose. At least, not too bad for a bloodsucker.


I find myself in his bedroom that night, while he’s off gathering an appropriate outfit for me. I tell myself that I’m only here because the bed in the guest quarters has been utterly destroyed, but the surge of desire that floods my veins as I inhale his familiar scent leads me to believe otherwise. As if being in his room alone is enough to send me into some trance, I slip off my dress, allowing it to pool at my feet. There are no mirrors here, and I realize belatedly that they would do little good, should the lore about vampires and their reflections ring true. Though it would be nice to look myself over, consider my pale skin fully. Instead, I simply look down at myself, considering the peaks of my breasts. It seems even my most intimate areas have changed, a slightly darker hue than the rest of my body but still with those grey undertones. I bring my hand to my breasts, feeling their weight in my palms. It seems the transformation has served to make me more sensitive as well, and I shudder as my nipples harden against the cool flesh of my palms. The scent of my own arousal assaults my nostrils all at once, and I’m struck by the thought that I should stop before my own scent thoroughly saturates his room. In spite of that thought, I find myself drawing closer to the bed, slipping my panties down my hips. I feel moisture gathering between my thighs, and his scent seems all the more tantalizing as I lower my rear to his plush blanket. I find myself rocking against the satiny texture, hands roaming against my ever chilled skin. My own musk mingles with his scent, and I’m struck by the almost animalistic desire to mark the room. I feel my lips quirk mischievously, and I part my thighs further, pressing myself flush against the surface of his bed. I lean forward, resting on my elbows and grinding my womanhood against the blanket. His scent makes my head spin, and I can feel a moist spot growing on the blanket beneath me. Perhaps it’s the fact that I’ve decided to make peace with him, or maybe I just want to torment the undead man further. Whatever the reason, I continue to draw myself deeper and deeper into ecstasy. I hear the door open behind me, and a sharp inhalation of breath I know he doesn’t need. From his place at the door, he has a front row seat to my little show, and I lift my hips to expose myself to him. Our scents battle for dominance, and he draws closer to the bed, resting a hand on my rear. He says nothing, reminding me very much of the first night we met.


“Join me?” I offer softly, and there is uncertainty dancing in his eyes. In spite of his hesitation, his hand drifts lower, lower, until the tips of his fingers are just barely ghosting my hot and slick mound. I exhale a shaky breath, presenting myself much like some kind of wild animal. I can’t help hoping I can appeal to that same inner beast I did the first night we met. He remains calm, however, sliding his fingers against my moisture in a way that is pleasurable yet agonizing in how slow it is. He languidly strokes me, and being with him in this way-- fully sober, is invigorating in a way I can’t describe. I turn to consider him, the way his brows furrow as he struggles to control himself. I want him inside me, but it seems as if he is intent upon taking his sweet time. “Join me,” I say again, more assertively this time. His eyes dance in amusement, but he does not budge from his spot at the foot of the bed.


“Roll over.” He ripostes, and I offer him an uncertain look. He quirks his lips in a smile, a second finger joining the first to give my nub a little pinch. I bite back a howl of ecstasy, and he takes the opportunity to push me on my side. I roll obligingly on my back, shamelessly spreading my legs for him. He lowers his head towards my crotch, inhaling deeply. It should seem strange, the pleasure he seems to take in my scent alone. However, as I was scarce moments earlier drawing myself towards rapture with his scent alone to accompany me, I can hardly blame him. Our eyes meet, and the uncertainty with which he had considered me seems to have evaporated. Instead, I am faced with pure, heart pounding lust. Even still, he makes no move to release himself from the confines of his jeans, lowering his head closer and closer until-- oh! His tongue flicks out against me, and I can’t help but shriek his name.


“Edmund!” I cry, thankful to finally have a name to place to the figure who had brought me to such unrivaled heights. He rests his hands on my thighs, parting me to display a flexibility I was not even sure I had. He thrusts his tongue inside of me, a content rumble broiling in his chest. I tense my hands in his hair, wordlessly begging for more as I grind my hips against his face. The stubble of his chin tickles in a tantalizing way, and I find myself growing nearer and nearer my peak before I even realizing what’s happening. He sinks his nails, closer to claws actually, into the supple flesh of my thighs. I squeeze my eyes shut, and it’s as if bright flashes of light are flickering behind my eyelids. I’ve never felt this way before, I’ve never been brought so high so quickly. Then, all at once, it’s over. He draws away, considering me with a pensive expression. I reach out to him, but he steps away from my grasp.


“Please, keep going,” I gasp out, my voice ragged. “I want to… I want to feel you inside me again.” I utter pleadingly.


“There will be plenty of time for that later, my love,” He murmurs. I stare uncomprehendingly at him, and my vision begins to grow hazy. “For now, you simply need to… wake up.” He whispers. My vision fades to black, and I’m overcome by the sensation of falling into a very deep pit.


When I hit the bottom, I jolt upright, eyes wide and searching for the man who had so enamored me. I find that I am indeed in his room, but instead of the scandalous acts I had intended, it seems I had simply… fallen asleep. I rub my bleary eyes, sitting up in his bed and noting that at least one part of my dream was true. The scent of my own arousal permeated the room, and there would certainly be no masking it. I know I’ll be nothing short of humiliated when he returns, but for now, I try not to allow myself to consider the implications of my explicit dream. I rise from his bed, drawing my lip between my teeth upon noticing a considerably damp spot where I had lay. Inhaling shakily, I slip out of his room, leaving the door just slightly ajar in hopes that it airs out.


I’m in the guest room when I hear him return that night, and if there is any hint of my essence remaining in his room, he makes no mention of it. I know I should be relieved, but a small piece of me almost wishes he had… some sort of reaction.


He remains in his room until late the following night, and when he emerges, I find myself staring bleakly at the dress he had chosen for me. He had insisted it be kept a surprise when he had come home with it, and I spent the entirety of the day wondering how extravagant and beautiful it would be. He watches me with something of a half-smirk, and I can’t help thinking he realizes just how inexcusably gaudy the garment is.


“I do hope you like it. I agonized until closing time.” He says, not bothering to disguise the amusement in his voice. I level a glare at him, snatching the dress up and excusing myself to the bathroom to slip it on. I can hear his laughter dancing through the halls, and in spite of myself, I find myself giggling as well. I make quick work of donning the new dress before slipping back into the living area, turning in a circle for him to see. “Yes, fabulous. It does wonders for your complexion.” He announces, clapping his hands together. I snort, crossing my arms over my chest as I consider him. He offers what is likely intended as an innocent smile, but looks nothing short of mischievous. A familiar feeling stirs in my gut, and I am thankful that there is no blood within me to alight a blush.


“Appalling garment aside... “ I begin, and he gasps as if deeply wounded. I roll my eyes before continuing. “You said you would teach me more about my powers tonight. I fully expect you to hold to your word.” I say with a quirk of my lips. He seems to regain some of his seriousness, and considers me as if I am not wearing what is perhaps the ugliest dress in the world.


“I fully intend to teach you about your powers. I’m of the opinion that the best option is to fully immerse yourself in the way of things. As such, tonight we will be going on your first hunt.” He announces grandly. I gaze uncertainly at him, all too aware that his idea of a hunt is rather unorthodox. There will be no guns and animal carcasses, and the prey will be arguably more difficult to pin down than your average buck. I’ve never cared for the idea of hunting, not even for food, but it seems I am now presented with little choice.


“My first hunt.” I repeat after a long moment, and if he senses my hesitation, he says nothing about it.


“It’s all rather easy, really. A matter of blending in when you must, and striking when the opportunity is presented.” He says cheerfully, and he takes me by the arm before leading me towards the door. I find myself pulling against him without really meaning to, but he seems nonplussed, all but dragging me along.


“Will you be there the whole time?” I find myself asking nervously, cursing myself for how childish I must seem. He smiles warmly, patting me on the arm with a confident smile.


“You’ll feel my presence the entire time. As your sire, I have ways of communicating my location to you.” He murmurs. I don’t quite know what he means, but I take his word for it as I step into the night. The moon is full in the sky, and I hesitate a moment before tugging on his sleeve. He tilts his head, and I gesture towards the moon with a curious expression.


“So, vampires are real. What about werewolves?” I inquire with wide eyes, attempting to steer the conversation to a more innocuous direction..


“Oh, please. You’ve seen too many horror movies. Werewolves. Honestly…” He scoffs, continuing to drag me forward. I have no time to express my indignity, simply falling somewhat sullenly into step beside him. It takes some time, but eventually I begin to recognize the streets we’re traversing. My body jolts with excitement as I hear a distant thrum, and I grasp him by the hand, tugging him forward. “Where are we…” He begins, but cuts himself off as The Ivory Fang comes into view. He resists my pull for a moment, pulling me to a brief stop. “Are you sure that is wise?” He murmurs, and though I can somewhat see his point, I can’t ignore the pull of the music.


“Please?” I implore. He bites his lip, notably more careful with his fangs than myself.


“Alright. It’s as good a place as any.” He says uncertainly, trailing after me as I dart towards the Ivory. As I step into the club, the beat seems to resonate within me unlike ever before. Though I had always felt at one with the music, the steady bassline almost seems to fill a void that my heartbeat had once occupied. True to his word, though I can not see him, I can feel Edmund’s presence lingering towards the back of the club. Though I know I have purpose for being here, I resolve to allow myself some time to lose myself in the music. As I step amongst the bumping and grinding bodies, it’s almost as if I can pretend everything is normal again. It’s almost as if I have never met Edmund. However, that feeling does not last as I can feel his burning gaze upon me. I glance in the direction I feel his presence resonating from, and feeling somewhat bold, I begin to move my body in a more sensuous manner. It makes little sense, even to me, but in this moment, I feel more alive than I ever have before. More alive than when my heart was truly beating. Perhaps it’s the fact that I do not have to retreat to my lonely dorm tonight. Perhaps it is the fact that this man who initially disgusted me has grown on me like a fungus. It’s not a romantic comparison, but it is one rooted in truth. I can feel his eyes upon my form, I can feel an increasingly familiar desire rolling in my gut. He steps out of the darkness in the back of the club, and his eyes beckon to me. It is a call I dare not ignore, and I find myself pushing away from the crowded dancers and falling against him. His lips meet mine, seeming to beseech me into joining him outside. I push him towards the door, and as we stumble out into the alleyway, I can feel his stiffening member through his pants. I swallow a gasp at the obvious size of it, palming it through his clothes. He gasps out my name, and I am all too relieved to have shared that part of myself with him.


“Janine… please…” He manages, and I pull him towards me, allowing him to press me against the brick wall of the alleyway. My wanton cries surprise even myself as he hitches up my dress, dipping his fingers between my thighs. The situation seems exceedingly familiar, and my body shudders as he explores me, as if testing my limits. His touch is heavenly, and I rock against his fingers, gasping with each accidental graze of his claw. It hurts, but the ache is so nice, and I can’t help pushing myself harder against him. He seems to get the idea, tracing my bud with the tips of his claw before gently, very gently, ghosting against it. My body shudders, and it’s all I can do not to scream his name. His touch is cold, but I’ve never felt so warm, I’ve never felt so fulfilled. The drunken haze from our first night together is absent, and the increased sensitivity from the change I’ve undergone sends bone shaking quakes throughout my body. I feel myself nearing my peak, but I draw away from him, mouth hanging agape as I gasp for breath. He quirks a curious brow at me, and I force our lips together in a bruising embrace. As satisfying as his fingers were, fingers alone are not enough to fulfill me entirely. They’re not what I want. I feel him tense as I reach out to unbutton his pants, sliding them down his hips. I shift to free him from his underwear, and he springs to eager attention. “Are you sure?” He murmurs, and I grasp him in my hand, feeling him twitch against my palm. I meet his gaze, the desire reflected in his gaze sending shivers through my body.


“Just take me.” I say boldly, and if possible he seems to grow harder, straining against my hand. I release my hold on his manhood, shifting my hands and allowing him to take control. He hesitates for a moment, searching my face for any traces of hesitation. I do all I can to express just how much I want this-- just how much I want him. He smiles, pressing me against the brick wall. He teases my entrance, rubbing the head of his manhood up and down along my most private area. He just barely dips inside me, and I mewl out his name. Teasingly, he withdraws, and I level a scathing glare in his direction. He smiles an outright devious smile, and I’m indignantly curious as to what he finds so humorous.


“Even when I breathed your scent all over my room, I did not expect how much you would want this.” He grins, and I would grow red should I have blood to flush my cheeks. “Show me how much you want me.” He implores teasingly, and I consider him for a long moment before nudging him away from me slightly. He tilts his head curiously, and I offer him a coy smile before dropping to my knees. He looks as if he will take back his challenge, eyes wide and uncomprehending. I offer him a teasing quirk of my lips, gripping him in the palm of my hand. He utters a guttural groan, leaning forward to brace himself on the wall behind me. I run my hand along his length, keeping my motions slow and steady. He strains against my hand, and I can tell he is struggling to restrain himself. Taking a page out of his book, I lean forward, flicking my tongue against him. He bites back a cry, and his body quakes as he struggles not to fight against my touch. It’s as if he had not expected such intimate touches, it’s as if he has not been touched this way in some time. I exhale a cooling breath against the tip of his length, and it throbs in my hand. I smile deviously, looking up to meet his gaze before taking the tip of him between my lips. His mouth falls agape, forming the shape of a perfect o. I hum a laugh while keeping him settled just between my lips. The vibrations seem to weaken his knees, and it all he can do to keep from collapsing against the wall. I take him deeper in my mouth, flattening my tongue against the button of his shaft. I am especially careful of my fangs, positioning my mouth until each fang is positioned on either side of him. As I take him deeper into my mouth, the blunt sides of my teeth rub against the sides of his manhood. He gasps repeatedly, though I know he does not need the breath. It’s almost flattering just how much my every motion seems to resonate within him. Deciding to test my own limits, I take him deeper and deeper into my mouth until his lower head presses to the back of my throat. Then, I swallow. He groans, a deep and wild sound as I feel precum dripping steadily down the back of my throat. I draw away, bobbing my head up and down along his length until it seems he can nearly take no more. He pushes me back with more force than he likely intended, pulling me to my feet and pressing our lips together in a furious kiss. Our fangs clack together, and I laugh against him, tangling a hand in his hair and kissing along the length of his jawline. He rumbles in what I can only hope is pleasure, and his hands are on me once more, forcefully pushing me to face the wall. He hesitates a long moment, as if he is trying to stave off his orgasm. I teasingly press my rear against him, and he gives my rear a sharp warning smack. I cry out his name, torn between indignity and outright amusement. It’s obvious that he’s struggling to keep his composure, and not spill his load on the dirty ground of the alleyway beneath us. He positions himself against me, and I brace myself for his entrance, bracing myself this time as he grasps my shoulders. Then, all at once, he is inside me. He rocks steadily against me for a moment, and I rest my forehead against the brick of the building, musing at just how familiar this position is. However, after a few swift thrusts, he seems unsatisfied with the position, drawing away from me. I glance over my shoulder to inquire as to what’s bothering him, but he grabs me once more, more gently this time. He turns me to face him, examining my face with nothing short of tender adoration. He kisses me, once, twice, peppering gentle little kisses along my face. I giggle, but the fire in my gut still rages, and I want him inside me now.


“As sweet as you’re being, I think we’re the slightest bit off track.” I tease, and he offers me a reproachful smile.


“I’m just…” He trails off, looking rather uncertain of himself. I’m struck by the sudden desire to know what he’s struggling to say, but he abruptly thrusts me once more. I squeal in shock, feeling my walls clenching around his length. He groans, and I bury my face in his shoulder as he rocks in a steady rhythm against me. I can’t help but mewl helplessly as he hits all the right spots, as if he has known me for the near eternity he has likely been alive. Now that I’m in the right state of mind, it seems as if we were made to fit together, two pieces of the same strange puzzle. My sensitivity is shooting through the roof, and my body quakes fiercely with every swift thrust. The sensations rock me to my core, and if I thought I couldn’t be more aroused, his strained whispers of my name smash that theory to bits. His lips find my neck again, and I’m not initially unsure if it’s simply force of habit. Instead of biting me, however, he very gently flicks his tongue to where I’m marked before exhaling a puff of air against it. I shudder, desperately crying out his name. He continues his assault on my neck, and I writhe against him. I quiver helplessly, gripping his shoulders in shuddering ecstasy. He whispers against my neck and at first I can not make out the words. Then, I can make out one simple statement. “Come for me, baby,” he whispers. All at once, my peak washes over me, and I feel him hilt himself inside of me. He presses his entire body flush to mine, and gently bites my shoulder. I can feel myself milking him for all he is worth, and he spills his essence deep within me. My head lolls back, and we rest in that position for a long moment, locked in a simple embrace. I’m almost ready to ask him for round two when the slamming of the club door jolts me away from him. I fix my dress, eyes wild as I stare at the woman who had intruded on our intimate moment.


“Janine…? Oh my god, Janine! It is you!” Crissy cries out, rushing towards me. I can sense Edmund’s unease, and before I can try to defuse the situation, Crissy is going on some tangent. “Your parents have been worried to death. The college has been handing out missing posters, everyone thought… we thought you were dead! Oh my god…” She trails off, bursting into sobs as she throws her arms around me. Before I can speak, a sudden rush of despair that is not my own washes over me. I stiffen, but before I can stop him, Edmund is bolting away into the night.


“Edmund!” I cry out, prying myself free of Crissy’s grip. He’s moving fast, impossibly fast, and as I move to bolt after him, the sensation of his presence drops away entirely. Where I had felt him lingering on the edge of my senses for what seemed an eternity, there was no longer any hint of him at all. “Edmund!” I scream into the night. Crissy is trying to pursue me, but I ignore her, darting in the direction of his home. Our home. Crissy’s cries of my name fade into the distance as I move at an inhuman speed. I slam through the front door of our home, expecting to feel some semblance of his presence there. There is nothing. Inexplicably, heartbreakingly, I can’t feel him at all. It’s as if… it’s as if he wanted to escape me, but I don’t understand why. Was he afraid I would sell him out to my friend? Did he not understand that I was past being angry at him? Despairing thoughts flood my brain, but I know what I have to do. I have to find him. I simply do not know how.


For the next week, as night washes over the city, I slip out of our shared home to find the man I have realized my feelings for all too late. It’s been days since I’ve seen him, and I’m not certain he is even still alive. As alive as a vampire can be, in any case. I’ve combed the entirety of the town three times over. No matter where I go, his presence remains absent. Though I thought I had known emptiness before meeting Edmund, I realize I had no idea how utterly desolate I could feel.


I see images of my own face on missing person posters as I explore the town by night, and though I realize it’s truly not her fault, I can’t help but curse Crissy. If she hadn’t interrupted our moment, perhaps I could have explained my feelings to Edmund.


As I hopelessly return to our shared home for the night, I slump in the front lawn, burying my face in my hands. The sun will rise in scarce hours, and I can’t afford to lose track of time on my hunt for the man. There are days I have been tempted to simply let the sun take me, but I know that will accomplish nothing. In spite of the rationality of that thought, I can’t help feeling as if everything from this step forward is pointless. How long can I fruitlessly search for Edmund? How can I possibly find him if he does not want to be found? What seems the reality of the situation is slowly beginning to settle on my shoulders, and I wonder if he simply got what he wanted and left. It made no sense, seemed too prolonged a process just to take advantage of me. At any time during my stay in his home, he could have easily overpowered me and gotten what he apparently wanted. I just don’t understand. Sobs shake my body as I realize that there is nothing for me to understand. Edmund captured my heart, had his fill of my body, and now he is gone. Allowing the sun to take me is sounding more appealing by the second.


As tears stream down my face, I feel the slightest tingling in the back of my mind. It’s a feeling that’s only vaguely recognizable, a feeling I’m too desolate to try and place. Suddenly, I’m jolted with a sense of awareness. It’s impossible. After all this time, it couldn’t be… yet, it very much was. I draw my hands away from my face, looking into the distance where my mind is telling me to look. His body quakes where he stands, and he seems to echo my own despair back at me. I blink the bleariness from my eyes, and he steps towards me.


“Janine…” He murmurs, like some soft spoken prayer. All at once, I am on my feet rushing towards him. He hesitates, but obligingly takes me into his arms as I slam into him. It seems he had not expected the sheer force of my embrace, and I nearly knock him off his feet as I bury my face in his chest. He wraps his arms uncertainly around me, and I find myself repeating his name in that same reverent tone he had used. He continues to shake, and our combined despair continues to wash over me in waves. I draw my head back just slightly, tilting my face up to consider his anguished expression. In spite of myself, I can feel the despair that clutches me slowly giving way to anger.


“Where the hell have you been!?” I shout angrily, pushing him away from me. He stumbles back, obviously not having expected the shove. I round on him, anger and misery mingling to spill ever bitter tears down my cheeks. “You just take what you want and leave? You just… you just… Edmund, how could you leave me alone after all we’ve been through!? You have to have known I was looking for you. I searched for days.” I blurt angrily. For the first time since I have met him, the sheen of tears glimmer in his dark eyes.


“I ruined your life…” He murmurs softly, and at first I simply can’t believe what I’m hearing.


“You… ruined my life?” I repeat incredulously, and he chokes out a sob, drawing his arms around himself. “You ruined my life!? Are you serious Edmund?” I demand, stepping towards him and grabbing him by the chin.


“Your friends… your family. Everyone who loved you, and who you loved in turn… I stole you away.” He gasps out, and I meet his gaze, understanding lancing me through the heart.


“That’s why you left. You… you…” I trail off, and he braces himself as if I am about to strike him. I brush the tears from his cheeks, drawing him into my arms and burying my face flush against his neck. “You’re an idiot.” I murmur softly. He hesitantly wraps his arms around me, as if afraid to touch me.


“Janine-” He begins, but I cut him short.


“Edmund, I’m not going to lie. You absolutely ruined my life. You took away everything I was striving for. You took away my chances at school, a degree, a career. You took me from my friends, my family… I hated you for it.” I mutter, and he chokes back a sob.


“I’m sorry.” He blurts, and I chuckle softly, tangling a hand in his hair.


“But that’s not why I’m angry. I’ve forgiven you for that. In fact… I rejoice in it. Because the life I had before I met you was a meaningless one. I may not have a heartbeat now, but when we were together… I’ve never felt more alive in my life.” I murmur, and he tenses in my grasp. “I’ve come to a realization in the days I’ve been looking for you. I thought you were gone forever, or worse.” I continue, drawing away from him to look him in his deep brown, almost black eyes. He searches my expression, presumably for some crack in my armor. I suppose what I’m telling him doesn’t make much sense, but I’ve never been so certain of something in my life.


“What are you saying, Janine?” He inquires hesitantly, reaching up to palm my cheek.


“What I’m saying is… I love you, Edmund. I’m head over heels in love with you.” I say, biting back a laugh at the sheer disbelief he meets my gaze with. He opens and closes his mouth, looking much like a fish out of water.


“You… wha?” He says, ever the picture of eloquence. I brush my thumb against his bottom lip, reveling in the softness of his skin. Reveling in everything about him.


“You shouldn’t apologize for changing me. I won’t accept that apology. Being changed is perhaps the greatest thing to ever happen in my life, because it brought me to you.” I pause, leaning in to press a gentle kiss to his lips. Just as he begins to reciprocate, I pull away, meeting his gaze. Then, I slap him with as much force as I can muster. “You should apologize for leaving me and making me worry about your bloodsucking tail for this past week!” I shout, throwing my hands up in exasperation. He touches his fingertips to his cheek, staring at me through wide eyes. For a long moment, neither of us say anything more. Then, he begins to laugh. It starts as soft snickers, shifting into uncertain chuckles before blooming into full, unrestrained guffaws. In spite of myself, I find myself beginning to laugh as well. He wraps his arms around me, resting his chin atop the crown of my head as our bodies shake with irrational laughter. I imagine we must both look utterly insane, but the anger I felt at being abandoned is being washed away with sheer joy at being in his arms again. It seems ages before we regain our composure. He tightens his grip on me, his body continuing to shake with barely repressed giggles before he manages to compose himself enough to speak.


“I’m so sorry I made you worry.” He breathes, and though the situation could quickly turn serious again, a sense of calm washes over me. He draws away just slightly, worrying his bottom lip with his fangs. He hesitates for a long moment before speaking earnestly. “I love you too, Janine. But I’m pretty sure you already had that figured out…” He murmurs uncertainly. I smile mischievously, brushing my fingers to his cheek. He predictably winces, and I can’t help but snort.


“Well, you did let me get away with slapping the taste out of your mouth. I figure you must be a little sweet on me at least.” I muse, and he rolls his eyes in amusement.


“I’m letting you get away with it for now. We’ll properly discuss your punishment later.” He retorts. I smile knowingly, kissing the tip of his nose. I consider making a snide remark regarding the punishment I had yet to receive for destroying his irreplaceable furniture, but I find myself getting lost in his eyes again instead.


“What now?” I murmur, and he steers me towards the house. I realize there are scarce moments before the sun rises again. Life goes on, as it invariably tends to do.


“Ah, my dear. We have the rest of eternity to concern ourselves with what happens next.” He hums. I grin as he presses his lips to my own, the gravity of the situation settling comfortably within me. An eternity doesn’t sound bad at all.







Janine Rigby is a young and vivacious woman, who is filled with the exuberance of life. She harbors her share of hidden insecurities, but hey, who doesn’t? She has her friends at the Ivory Fang to sweep her worries away, and where the alcohol comes short, the dancing is sure to keep the pace. However, when her dangerously fun night turns simply dangerous, Janine finds out that she has much more to worry about than petty insecurities. Turns out, there’s more to fear than ending up alone. Her newest fear just so happens to have the darkest eyes she’s ever seen, and a particularly killer smile. There’s no doubt, it’s high time that Janine faces her fears head on. This time, she’s resolved to do just that. Now, all there’s left to do is hope she hasn’t bitten off more than she can chew; lest she end up bitten herself. Sounds easy enough. Right…?