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Made Prisoner by Daniella Wright (29)

Chapter 5


Quickly, I headed toward it, eager to escape this nightmare. Just as I was about to reach it, however, someone grabbed my arm.


I screamed, lashing out at the unknown attacker, but their fingers just tightened around my arm before they pushed me into the wall.


The air from my lungs escaped my body, leaving me panting. I gasped as a large, muscular body pressed into mine, easily overpowering me. I wanted to struggle, to squirm from his grasp and make my getaway, but it was like every inch of my body had turned to stone.


“Did you think you were going to leave so soon?” His husky voice caressed against my ear, slithering into my mind, and making my heart beat twice as fast. It threatened to deafen me with its constant boom, boom, boom. “We have other plans for you…”


My eyes widened at his words. So, I really had been kidnapped. My mind was flooded with all the horrible possibilities as adrenaline quickly rushed through my veins.


I started to thrash about and scream at the top of my lungs, fighting against my kidnapper with every ounce of strength I could muster. I tried to headbutt him, but he just tightened his grip until I was sure I would bruise. “Please! Let go of me! I don’t have any money… but you can take whatever you want. Just… don’t do anything to me!” I begged him, my voice turning into a high-pitched squeal.


He just ignored me, his body suffocating mine. His scent invaded my nostrils, reminding me of that same, pungent scent in the woods. It was mixed with something else. Something I couldn’t quite pinpoint, but it was the least of my worries at that moment.


I screamed louder, hoping someone – anyone – would hear me.


“You can scream all you want… dear…” He spoke when I had finally stopped struggling. My throat was hoarse and my mouth dry. “No one dares to venture this deep into the woods.”


I shook my head. “You have to let me go…” I whispered, my voice ragged from my screaming. “I’ll do whatever you want…”


The man chuckled. The sound rumbled through the cave, sending a shiver down my spine. “You’ll leave when we’re ready to let you leave.” It was the second time he had said we. Were there more of him? Who was he working with? What would they do to me? A million different scenarios rushed through my mind, making me sick to my stomach. This couldn’t be happening. It had to be some sort of nightmare.


“Please…” The man didn’t say a word. “When… when will you let me go?” I couldn’t stop the tears from spilling down my cheeks. My already limited vision was clouded up with tears, making it difficult for me to see anything.


“That is for the leader to decide.”


The man pushed me back into the cave after a moment of silence. I was in such a daze that I had barely heard his footsteps as he left. I looked back at the exit, but I knew it would be no use trying to escape. He would just stop me again.


With my heart pounding, I headed to the back of the cave where I originally was. Roughly, I wiped the tears from my eyes. How had I allowed this to happen? If I had just listened to Abby from the start, I wouldn’t be in this situation right now.


A knot formed in my stomach as I explored the cavern, wondering if there was anything that could help me.


I stumbled into something, stubbing my toe. “Ow!” I screamed, feeling the throbbing pain radiating through my foot. Carefully this time, I approached the object, holding out my hands to feel what it was.


I felt something soft under my fingertips. It seemed like I had stumbled into a bed covered in blankets. With my legs feeling like they were made of jelly, I sat on the edge and closed my eyes, trying to figure out what I should do.


I was stuck in a cave deep in the woods. I didn’t have a phone or my pepper spray. I gulped. This didn’t look good. My fingers were shaking in my lap. This couldn’t be happening.


Before I could get up to continue exploring, I heard footsteps approaching. I jumped onto the bed, scooting back until my back hit the metal headboard. I scrunched up into a ball, hugging my knees tight against my chest. “Please… don’t hurt me…” I whispered, shutting my eyes tight, tears welling up in the corners.


“I’m not going to hurt you.” The man answered. His footsteps stopped and then I heard him sigh.


“Then what are you going to do with me?”


“My job is just to watch you.”


I wasn’t sure I believed him. “Where’s my bag?” I asked suddenly.


He chuckled. “Do you really think I’m that dumb? Why would I give you your bag, so that you could use something to attack me?”


I frowned. Well, there goes that idea…


“When will I get it back?” I asked, hoping the question would help me figure out if I was ever going to get out of this situation or not.


“When you leave.” His answer filled me with a sense of relief. It meant that they wouldn’t keep me here forever. But, then again, I didn’t know how long they planned to keep me before letting go. My heart tightened at the thought and I had a hard time breathing. My stomach was doing summersaults inside of my body, making me queasy. My fingers gripped the fabric of my jeans in fear.


I had to find a way out of this situation.