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Made Prisoner by Daniella Wright (125)

Chapter Seven


Monday morning and I was on top of the world, after class I headed to the cafeteria instead of having lunch in my room just in case I ran into Kyle. I was embarrassed that I was trying to see him but I couldn’t help it, he made me curious about him. I paid for my meal, vowing to never forget my card again and looked around for an open spot. Hayley had class for another hour so I would be on my own, until I saw Kyle wave at me from across the way. I smiled but immediately regretted coming as he was sitting with his friends. Maybe I’ll just say hi and continue on my way, I told myself as I walked toward him. “Hey Danielle, pull up a seat.” There was one spot left, in front of him and next to Eric. “Um, I don’t know.” I said, trying to think of an excuse. “Come on, you gotta eat! Sit!” I obliged and sat across from him. “These are my friends, well you know Eric, Stephanie, Tanner, Jacob and Michelle.” “Hey, guys.” I said, I could feel the confidence draining from my body. I had this horrible feeling he would tell everyone about me forgetting my meal card the other day or crack a joke about it-but he said nothing. He asked about the weekend and soon the topic of football came up. “Are you planning on going to the game this weekend?” he asked me. “You should join us, Danielle!” Michelle says. Feeling grateful to be included, I agree to go. “Sure, I wouldn’t miss it.” Kyle smiles and briefly grabs my hand, “Perfect.” He says with a smile. Did my flirting the other day make a difference? I wondered. I sat with them longer than I had planned and as they trailed off to class, Kyle and I remained. “I’m glad I sat with you today.” I offered, picking up my tray. “Me too, we should do this again on purpose.” He said. I blushed. “Of course, anytime.” He took my tray, “As long as you have lunch with me, I’ll take your tray.” He said. Damn, he was charming. “Thanks, Kyle.” I said, taking him in. I could see the muscles in his arms flexed under his shirt. I wondered what they would feel like wrapped around me. “Can I walk you back?” he asked, putting my backpack over his shoulder. “Sure, that would be great.” As we headed towards the dorms, he kept grazing my body with his arms and even joked with me once, putting his arm around me. He smelled masculine, of cologne and musk. I had to crane my neck to look up at him, at 6’4 he was a sight. “Don’t ask me why I don’t play basketball” he joked, when he saw me sizing him up. “Just not my sport.” “Ok, ok, sure you get that a lot!” “Yeah, especially as a kid. I’m a runner though. They want me on the track team actually, but not sure my grades are where they want them to be.” Before I could offer to help, he changed the subject. “So game this weekend, you’re coming, you promise?” “I do. I promise.” I said and he handed me my bag and gave me a hug. “Thanks for hanging out today.” I said. “Anytime.” He said and he headed back towards the cafeteria. My heart was soaring and I couldn’t wait to tell Hayley.


That weekend it was the day of the game. I was happy to have my new look as it gave me so much more confidence. I donned our school football tee, jeans, brown boots and my new green army coat to match. Even Hayley gave me props before I walked out. “Have the best time! Maybe I’ll run into you at the after party?” “Text me!” I called out as I left the room. Humming along to myself I almost ran into Kyle. “Going somewhere in a hurry ma’am?” he joked. “Oh, sorry Kyle! I don’t know how I didn’t see you?” “Well, nobody could miss you, you look great.” He smiled and it made me blush. “Well, thanks.” I said and beamed up at him. “Friends are waiting outside, we’ll walk over together.” I nodded, actually looking forward to seeing his friends again. “Hey Danielle!” “So glad you joined!” Michelle said and gave me a small hug as I joined the group. I walked with her and looked back at Kyle who gave me a little nod; happy I was being taken in as part of the group. Getting to the game it was packed. Our school colors of navy and gold were everywhere and the music was blaring. “How have I never been to one of these before?” I said, not meaning to do so aloud. “I’m not sure” Kyle said, “But I’m happy to be the one to take you.” And he led me up the stairs to our seats. It was cold out and Kyle made every effort to keep me warm. I saw his sweet side emerge and I wondered why he had come off as obnoxious so many times before. It made me question my judgement. Michelle was on the other side of me so I decided to ask her, “How do you know Kyle, you two seem close.” She grinned, “I’ve known Kyle since we were kids in elementary school. Our families are friends back home. He is a really great guy.” She gave me a look that implied she knew I was interested. “Oh, well yes he seems to be.” I nodded and looked over at him as he cheered for our team. “Any girl would be lucky to have him.” She added and I wondered if they had ever hooked up. My poker face, being non-existent she blurted out, “Oh, don’t get the wrong idea. He’s like a brother to me. Seriously. Besides, I’m dating David.” And she pointed to the guy on the field. “Oh, very nice!” I laughed. “Thanks, he’s great. It’s pretty new but Kyle has a few classes with him and he gave me the thumbs up. I gave him the thumbs up on you by the way.” And she squeezed my arm. I was flattered. “Aw, Michelle, I don’t know if that’s where this is going but I appreciate that.” She just shook her head. “I guess we will see.” Michelle responded in a sing-song voice. I bit my lip and let myself look at Kyle again, I think he is a good guy, I resolved as I saw him offering his scarf to Marie, Michelle’s friend behind him and with that, I scooted a little bit closer.