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Made Prisoner by Daniella Wright (51)

Chapter 2


By the end of the workout, I was sweating harder than ever. My heart was racing as Quin guided us through a High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). Beside me, James Malloy had tapped out. He was on all fours, panting for air. Years of smoking a pack a day had turned his lungs into an ineffective machine. Now, he was paying the consequences.


“Are you alright?” Quin came around to check up on him, helping him up. He deployed his pearly white smile, giving James an encouraging pat on the back.


“Yeah. This was just… intense.” James responded, breathless.


Quin laughed and I nearly stopped my series of sidekicks. It was such a sweet sound that bubbled out of his soul, wafting through my ears and straight to my heart. I shuddered, my foot barely touching the ground before I lifted it up again. My whole body ached, but I couldn’t give up, especially when I was so close to the finish line.


“Well, you gave it your all and that’s all I ask of you. Why don’t you get some rest? We’re just about to wrap things up here.” James nodded and walked away. He wasn’t the only one that had given up early. Most of the newcomers had forfeited within twenty minutes. Now, only a few veterans remained, kicking at invisible opponents to the upbeat bass drop.


“That’s it. Keep it up. We’re almost done.” Quin walked around us before he approached me, grabbing my leg in mid-air. My eyes grew big as I stared at him, about to jerk my leg away.


“What are you doing?” I growled, sweat dripping down the side of my face.


“Your form’s not right.” He said, his voice measured as his soft eyes twinkled. My jaw hardened at his comment. What did he mean my form wasn’t correct? I had been kickboxing for years.


“Yes, it is.” I retorted, my voice cold.


His fingers tightened around my leg as he grinned. “Almost, but not quite.” He pressed. One of his hands moved down my leg, resting on my thigh. I bit the inside of my lip, feeling a strange sensation crawling up my spine. Deep inside of me, I had the innate desire for his hand to move even higher up my leg. The thought alone awakened my hormones and I felt a deep aching – no, a yearning – between my legs. “A sidekick is all about the heel.” His hand moved away from my thigh and onto my shoe. I nearly reached out to grab his hand and put it back, but I restrained myself as I watched him.


Finally, he dropped my leg and stood beside me. His presence was powerful and awe-inspiring. “You want to raise your leg and then turn with the knee. Bring it back before kicking hard. It’s all about power and that power comes from driving with your heel – not your toes. If you kick with your toes, you’ll hurt yourself.” He demonstrated the kick in one fluid motion that made my head hurt. In that moment, he felt like the pure definition of masculinity. Everything about him was measured and precise. “Try it.”


I tilted my head. “On you?” I asked. I was so focused on our interaction that I was oblivious to the silence that had taken over the studio. The playlist had come to an end, marking the conclusion of the class. People had already left.


“Of course. I can take it.” He grinned.


“And if I knock you down?”


“Then I fall down.” Quin laughed. “But it’s much harder to knock me down than you might think.”


“Don’t be so sure. I’ve defeated stronger guys than you.” I bragged, my blue eyes bright with a sense of competitiveness.


“Well, prove it. I don’t want to hear you talk about it. I want you to show me.” He patted his chest. I looked at it as if it were a bull’s eye, knowing that was my target. “Give me your best shot.”


“Remember, you asked for this.” I teased. Finding my center of gravity, I took a deep breath and closed my eyes before opening them wide. With my body working in perfect sync, I lowered my hips just an inch before swinging my leg out, driving my heel into his chest.


He fell back a few steps before regaining his balance. His smile was brighter than ever. “That was perfect.” He chuckled. “It does seem like you’ve been doing this for a while.”


“Two years,” I answered. It was only then that I noticed the empty room.


“I see. Well if you would ever like some personal training, I’d love to work out with you.” Quin stepped closer, his chiseled body now inches away from mine. I wanted to reach out and touch him, to run my fingertips over his muscles, but I stopped myself, knowing how inappropriate that would be.


“I’ll think about it.”


I ended up agreeing, of course. How could I resist personal training with one of the hottest guys I had ever met? I arrived at the studio the following Friday afternoon. Quin was already there, but this time, he was completely shirtless. I bit my lip, admiring his sun-kissed skin. His abs were on full display as he racked up some weights. Standing in the doorway, I watched him a little longer before walking inside.


“Kyla.” He smiled, my knees growing weak at the sight. I wondered if his perfect smile would always make my heart skip a beat or if I would get used to it with time. “I’m glad you could make it. I hope you’re ready for an intense workout. I’m not going to go easy on you just because you’re pretty.”


I blushed at his comment but quickly regained my composure. “And I won’t go easy on you just because you’re handsome. If you want to go hard, then let’s go hard.” He just smirked at my response, thrusting a pair of twenties in my hands.