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Cocksure by K.I. Lynn, Olivia Kelley (18)



I STARE AT MY fridge, at the stupid yellow Post-it note. It reads, “Thanks again.” I’m beginning to hate her notes. At least this time she didn’t leave it next to my dick, but this shit is seriously fucked up. Where is she getting all the Post-its? I don’t even think I have any.

It’s then I remember her conversation with Cam when we moved Everly into her place. She is still a bit weird if she’s carrying them around with her, but I have to admit, I like it. Some of the old quirky Everly is still there.

After filling a glass with some water, I quickly down it and refill it before walking back to my bed. The chime of my phone goes off, but it’s not on my nightstand. I dig around on the floor for my jeans, tossing clothes everywhere until I find it.

A missed call from Cam by the time I’ve got it in my hand. It’s then I notice something is off.

My dick shows and feels signs of usage, but what I’m not seeing is any condoms. No wrappers and no used rubbers anywhere. I’ve never fucked anyone without one. I’ve never even had the urge to fuck a woman without protecting myself. Even with protection, I get tested once a year when I go in for a physical just for peace of mind. The thought of Everly and me, together, with no barrier between us has my dick twitching. I am suddenly pissed I don’t remember fucking her bare. The thought of being able to claim her, mark her in such a way, has me feeling like a fucking caveman. I keep trying to remember.

The memories are there. I remember us coming home, stripping her, and fucking her over and over, but it’s clouded by an alcohol-induced haze.

One thing is for sure—round two didn’t dispel my want for her. It feels like she’s in my blood now, a vital part of my being. Round two secured her spot as more than a good time and worth the risk to my friendship.

I’m not letting her note stop this thing between us.

After slipping back into bed, I pull up my contacts list. I haven’t changed the name yet, so “Alyson” still shows up. I contemplate whether to text or call, and finally hit the call button.

“Mm, hello?” she answers after the third ring, her voice groggy.

“How was the walk of shame this morning?” I ask.

“Not bad,” she says before a screeching yawn comes across. “It was long before the sun was up. The Uber driver was a little creepy with the way he looked at me.”

“Pretty sure you had just fucked-hair. You shouldn’t have left like that, Everly. That time of night, it’s not always safe, and you were alone.”

“Mm hm. What do you want, Niko?”

“Seriously? That’s how you’re going to act?” I’m getting tired of her aloofness toward me and our situation. It still doesn’t stop me from going after her. Somehow I know if I can just break past her walls, her mood will improve. Problem is, it’s hard on a guy’s ego when the chick just up and leaves every single time and acts like you’re the shit on the bottom of her shoe.

At least in bed, she’s honest. The taste of her lips, the feel of her in my arms, and the look in her eyes when she comes all tell me she hasn’t stopped lying. Only it’s not to me; it’s to herself.

“I’m looking for fun, just like you. Nothing more.”

I clench my jaw and close my eyes. She’s not in front of me, letting me read her reactions. Then again, that hasn’t helped me in the past. She’s very good at pushing me away.

“I’m not looking for fun, Everly, I’m looking for more than a quick fuck and a sticky note.”

“W-what?” she asks with a stutter. A fucking stutter. There’s Everly.

“You heard me. You. Me. Dinner. Or lunch, I’m not picky.”

“Niko, not to stroke your already humongous ego, but you are fantastic in bed. We had fun. The end.”

“Not the end. I want more,” I say. “More sex, more you. And to find out which of your fucking personalities is the real Everly.”


“Because I liked Alyson, and I have a feeling you were true to me then, even if your name wasn’t.”

She’s silent for longer than I expect. “I don’t know.”

“You don’t know that you have feelings for me?”

“Why would you think that I have feelings for you?”

“Because if you didn’t, you wouldn’t have kept up the lie. You wouldn’t have kept contacting me.” She says nothing, so I take that as confirmation. “Soon, Everly. This isn’t over. It’s just starting.”

“Niko, this can’t happen.”

“It already has. Stop fighting it, and just let the cards fall where they do. I’ll see you tonight.” And with that, I hang up. Let her crazy little mind marinate on that for a bit. I’m starting to see that when it comes to Everly, I have to take the choice away from her or she will keep trying to push me away. Not going to fucking happen. New point for me.



The second night with Everly did nothing but fuck me up even worse. Weeks have passed, and every text I send goes unanswered. The last fucking thing I want to do is come across as some needy wimp, but this woman has me so twisted. My whole body aches just to touch her again, and it has never done that before.

Emotions I don’t understand, feelings I’ve never had, and they’re all because of her.

I need another drink. Something to dull this hum running through me.

As I pull up to our usual haunt, I spot a very familiar car in the parking lot. There aren’t a lot of BMW convertibles out here, especially not with that sexy black and red interior.

After parking in the open space next to her, I pull off my helmet and toss it onto her passenger side seat. That way, no matter how it goes in there, she won’t be rid of me when she walks out the door.

I’m prepared for hostile, for her walls. She’s a pro at trying to push me away, but I’m not going to be pushed back anymore. Doesn’t mean I won’t play the game with her. I love it when she’s feisty, and it makes the chase that much more infuriating and the reward sweeter.

She’s sitting at the bar, her back to me, when I walk in. The seat to her left is empty, and I walk right up and slide in. The movement catches her eye, and her head reflexively turns toward me.

I don’t register. It was just a quick glance, but then comes the double take.

“Fuck,” she hisses under her breath and turns back to the drink in front of her.

“Another Sex on the Beach?” I ask, just to tweak her.

She adjusts her position so that she can look at me a little easier. “Raspberry tea, if you must know. How did you even know I was here?”

I raise my eyebrow at her but don’t answer her question. “You’re at a bar, drinking tea?”

“I don’t have to explain.”

“No, you don’t.”

“Besides, it’s a pub and grill. Do you have to sit next to me?”

Fuck. She makes me want to lean forward and take her lips just to shut her bitch up. Horny Everly is so much easier to deal with.

I lean in closer, loving the way she tenses. “Do I make you nervous?”

“No.” There’s a force behind her words, but pink spreads across her cheeks, giving her away.

I place my hand just above her knee, making her jump. “Do I turn you on?” I ask, having more fun than I should be.

Her eyes are slits, but she doesn’t faze me. The deepening pink in her cheeks tells me I’m right.

“Go away,” she hisses as she swats at my hand.


“Leave me alone!”

I stare at her. “I don’t think you really want that.”

“Hey! The lady said to leave her alone,” a guy at the other end of the bar yells out.

I like that he’s looking out for a lady, but he’s barking up the wrong tree. “Hey, man, this is between her and me.”

The guy stands, the bar stool screeching against the tile floor. “Yeah? Well, now it’s gonna be between you and me.”

Everly holds out her hand for him to stop. “Thanks, but I can handle him. I don’t need your help.”

The guy rolls his eyes and turns his attention back to the beer in front of him.

I quirk a brow at her. “What are you doing here anyway?”

“Seriously? The Red Sox are playing. I need food. Am I not allowed here?”

“Of course you’re allowed here. You should have called me. I would’ve joined you.”

“Yeah, right. That sounds a little too much like a date, and I’m looking for dessert.”

My jaw ticks. She thinks she’s got the upper hand here, but I’ll show her. I lean forward, getting in close to her. So close I can feel her body heat, and I know by her sharp intake of breath she feels mine.

“There’s no dessert here better than me, baby.” I slide my hand up her leg, to the interior of her thigh, and press the seam of her jeans up against her clit for a few quick pulses before pulling away. It’s not something I would ever do normally, but she’s driving me insane. “But you already know that, don’t you, Everly?”

Her lips are parted, and her breath has sped up. “Niko, whatever it is that you think is going on here, it isn’t.”

My eyes drop to her full mouth. I almost groan out loud at the memories of that sexy as hell mouth of hers, and all that it did to me, especially the way it stretched around my dick.

“Yes, it is.”

“It’s not, and the sooner you realize it, the better off we will be.” She rifles through her purse and throws a couple of twenties down.

I tilt my head, watching her. I hear what she’s saying, but her body language is screaming that she’s lying. She fidgets in one spot before squaring her shoulders.

“Enjoy the rest of your night, Nikolas.” And with that, Everly hops off the stool and walks away, cool and calm, as if the idea of us being an us isn’t on her radar.

I don’t bother protesting her exit. She’s back to feigning disinterest in me for more than just sex, like she was that first night that I found out who she was, but I know better now. She can’t hide her body’s response to mine when we are together. I’ll let her run, for now. I know that there is more between us than she wants to admit, but I’m a patient man, and I’m willing to bide my time until I can make her see it too.

It doesn’t take long before I find I’ve broken her to some degree. An hour later a picture comes through my phone. Everly’s jeans are gone, her legs spread, a hand covering her mound.

Everly: You fucking suck.

I smile down at the message, then set my phone back down on the bar. Let’s see how she likes it when I don’t respond.




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