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Cocksure by K.I. Lynn, Olivia Kelley (13)



“WHERE’S EVERLY?” I ASK, sitting down at the table next to Cameron. It’s been two weeks since his little sister moved back. While I’d much rather be seeing Alyson, it’ll be good to see Everly again after nearly a decade away.

“She was looking at some houses. Just texted me she’s on her way.”

“Did she finally find the one?”

He shrugs. “Who knows? Every time she submits an offer, it’s already pending. Apparently, you no longer have the luxury of sleeping on it.”

“This market is brutal. I’m glad I got in when I did.”

I glance down at my phone. Alyson and I have been going back and forth all day, but she stopped replying a few hours ago after I sent my last. I’d be lying if I said that I don’t look forward to her text messages. They’re usually flirty and fun, like the one she just sent, but I did send her a picture of my cock, so I’d expect nothing less than the reply that comes through while I sit with Cam.

Alyson/Everly: I think you might be a bad boy. ;) Tempting me with such a beast. Keep it up, buddy and I might have to call animal control on you. :D

My lip twitches up. Finally, Alyson responds. I’ve always thought dick pics were stupid, but I’m at the point of desperation to see her again, so in the middle of jerking off, I texted her a pic.

That was two hours ago. I’m not above guilting her to help put me out of my misery after every conversation or text with her. I’m usually ruined for the rest of the day after our chats.

Niko: Animal Control, eh? Maybe I just need YOU to come control my animal . . . Dinner before dessert? You come work your magic on my one-eyed snake, and I’ll eat you for dessert. Sounds good to me.

Alyson/Everly: Smh You and your dessert. LOL, Sorry, but I’ve got dinner plans. Text you later?

What the fuck? She can’t see me, but she can have dinner out with someone else? I’m pissed the fuck off. I know I have no right, but this woman is killing me here. Is it another guy? I have this feeling of jealousy hitting me, and I hate this shit. I don’t get fucking jealous, but apparently, someone forgot to tell the rest of me this shit. I try not to ask, but I have to know. I’ve been asking her to meet me every time we talk or text, and she’s always got a reason to say no. She’s saying yes to someone, though, and that just pisses me off. Fuck it! I’m asking.

Niko: With who?

Alyson/Everly: Niko . . .

Niko: You do realize that you seem to have time to go to dinner with everyone, but me. I’m starting to think that there is something wrong with me.

Alyson/Everly: Niko . . .

Niko: Alyson . . .

Alyson/Everly: I have to go. TTYL

As always, the brush off. I’m to the point I don’t get this chick. She’s interested, very interested based on our conversations, but unavailable. I’m beginning to wonder if she’s married. I don’t do married women. Then again, I don’t think she’d be texting me back if that were the case.

“As a friendly reminder, don’t hit on my sister,” Cam says.

I put my phone back down on the table, and I roll my eyes. “How many times are you going to have to tell me?”

“Until it’s through that thick Greek/Irish skull of yours.”

I can’t stop the roll of my eyes. How much could she have changed for him to be so damn adamant about me behaving? He acts like I fuck anything with a pussy.

“She’s not my type, Cam.”

Cam purses his lips. “Maybe she wasn’t when she was fifteen, but now, yeah. Just behave.”

I scrunch my brow and let out a chuckle. “What, are you saying that she . . .” I trail off, my gaze locked on a familiar figure walking through the door. My jaw drops as I stare at the woman I haven’t been able to stop thinking about for weeks. The one I was just texting with. What are the odds? “Holy fuck.”

Is it possible that she’s gotten even more gorgeous in the weeks since I last saw her?

Cam slams his elbow into my ribs, pulling my attention from my Post-it note girl and to the pain in my side.

“What the hell, man?”

“Keep your fucking dick in your pants, and close your fucking mouth.”

“How . . .” I trail off in confusion to look back toward Alyson who is headed straight for me, but the confident look from that night we met is gone, replaced by a wary, apprehensive one. Something feels off, and I have a bad feeling all of a sudden.

She looks to Cam and walks straight up to him, wrapping her arms around him, her lips against his cheek.

What the fuck?

“You’re late,” Cam says.

I’m dumbstruck staring at her trying to compute what the fuck is going on, though I think I know. And God do I hope it’s not true.

“Sorry, traffic was bad,” she says as she sits down, “and there was an accident on I-95 south. I had to get off and make my way through the back roads. I haven’t lived here for so long that I got a little lost.”

“No worries. I was just giving you a hard time. We haven’t been waiting long, have we, Niko? You remember Niko, right, Ev?”

She nods and gives me a small smile like we haven’t seen each other in years.

“How could I forget? How are you, Nikolas? You look the same as you did the last time I saw you,” she says with that smile still plastered on her face.

Is she serious right now? The last time she saw me was a few weeks ago! I fucking talked to her on the phone yesterday. Shit, she sent me a text less than five minutes ago.

I look over at Cam and then back to her, and her face loses that pretty smile of hers. Yeah . . . she’s worried now that I’m about to let Cam in on her inside joke. It wasn’t funny, and I’m pissed.

Fuck. Me.

She already did that, though. More than once that night, in my mind every night since, and over the phone sitting in front of me.

She knew it was me. This fucking girl played me. No, not a girl. She’s no longer a girl. Everly-fucking-Hayes is a full-grown woman and a liar. One that I have fucked without knowing that she was Cameron’s fucking sister.

I can see it in her eyes. She knew who I was. From the moment she sat next to me, she knew, and I was fucking clueless.

She lied to me, fed me a line, and I didn’t even notice. Even now I can’t reconcile the memory of teenage Everly to the woman in front of me. Talk about ugly duckling syndrome. She passed average swan and went straight to a queen of the swans. There is nothing that reminds me of her when she was a kid. No, that’s not true. Her eyes. Her eyes are the same hazel color that has always been unique to her, but I still had no damn idea it was her.

“It’s that Greek and Irish DNA in his blood. Pure luck on his part. He might look like he hasn’t aged, but trust me, he still can’t hang with me at the gym.” They both laugh. Everly’s laughter is a lot lighter than her brother’s, though.

“Oh, I’m betting he can keep up with you, big brother. You’re all about bragging. You forget that I know how you are. I bet I can guarantee that Niko here doesn’t brag at all, do you, Niko?” She stares at me. No. She’s daring me.

This fucking chick!

Cameron is going to kill me. Rip out my intestines with his bare hand while he pummels my face with the other fist and stomps my nuts kind of torture death.

And I’m going to kill her.

I would never have fucked her had I known it was her. Fuck!

Cam kicks me under the table when I sit there staring at his sister, drawing my attention to him. I look at him, fuming until I see his face. I can’t stay here with them. I need to get up and away from this whole fucked up situation, but I can’t. Cam will have questions, and right now I’m not prepared to answer them. He gives me a look to remind me that this is his sister, and I know what he’s thinking. I look away, not saying anything because I don’t know if I can lie to Cam. He doesn’t know that his warnings have all come too late.

Maybe he should have fucking warned his little sister not to fuck his friends instead of worrying about me. That might have been helpful. He said she changed, but I didn’t expect sweet, shy, needy little Everly Hayes to have changed into a two-faced liar.

This is so messed up.

I shake my head and pick up the menu to pretend like I’m interested in eating. I’m not. I’ve lost any damn appetite the moment Alyson . . . No, not Alyson—Everly—walked through the door only to reveal herself as someone I had no business ever touching. And Jesus Christ, the ways I touched her. Shit! Cameron is going to flip his fucking shit. The things we did. My left leg starts to bounce, and I don’t hear the waiter when he comes to take our drink order.

“Niko?” Cam calls.

“I’m sorry, what?” I ask.

“You want another beer or are you good?”

“Actually, I’ll take one of those and a cognac. Thanks,” I say, and Cam eyes me suspiciously. I’ve got nothing for him right now. Nothing I know he’d want to hear.

“You good, man?” he asks, and I still can’t look him in the eye.

“Yeah, just hungry. You know what you’re getting?”

“Nah, I need another minute. We can grab an appetizer if you want, while we wait?”

“Yeah, sure. Whatever you want is good.”

Cam tells the waiter to bring us some Chinese wings and a California roll, then turns to Everly to see if she wants to add anything. She’s also looking down at her menu, avoiding eye contact with me. Good. I hope her ass is just as uncomfortable as I am right now because this situation is pretty fucked up.

“Ev? Sushi?”

“Yeah, that works. I’ll have the Arizona Maki, and can I have a glass of water?” she asks, finally looking up at the waiter. He nods and then is off to put in our order. I should just leave. Tell Cam I got a call or something. I’m not sure how long I can sit in front of her and her brother and not ask her what the fuck.

“How were the houses you looked at?” Cam asks Everly, pulling me out of my thoughts of strangling his sister.

“Great. I submitted an offer. It’s vacant. Recently renovated, so hoping to close in a week.”

“A week? That’s fast. No issue with financing?”

“Diving,” she says, which confuses me until Cam responds.

“Seriously?” Cam asks, his forehead scrunched up. “Your trust fund?”

“Cam, I love Mom and Dad, but they’ve been home for four days and are already driving me insane.”

“Over six thousand square feet and you can’t get away from them?” Cam asks with a laugh.

“You forget I haven’t lived with them for eight years. Plus, I’ve already got it set up to repay it once my house in California sells. Besides, no judging from you. I know you took money from yours to buy your place.”

I scrunch my brow. It’s not new information about Everly having a trust fund because Cam has one, too. What surprises me, but shouldn’t, is that she’s going to repay it.

Cameron is one of the most level-headed trust fund babies I’ve ever met. Apparently, so is his sister. They make small talk while we wait for the food, and I’m counting down the minutes to when I can get the fuck out of here or get Everly alone.

Thank fuck Cam heads to the bathroom, because I can’t take this shit anymore. I wait a minute until I know Cam is out of earshot, noticing all the fidgeting Everly is doing across the table from me. She’s looking everywhere but at me. Good. She should be uncomfortable. I’m pissed!

“What the fuck, Alyson?” I ask with a sneer.

Her eyes widen at me before she looks around the room. “Keep your voice down,” she finally says.

“Seriously? I think I’ve kept my voice pretty damn quiet for the past forty-five minutes,” I say to her, and she just sits there like a deer stuck in headlights. “Well?” I press her, waiting for something.

“What do you want me to say?” she replies, her voice low.

Oh, no, woman. I need more than that shit.

“I want you to tell me why you didn’t tell me who you were? Why did you lie to me and tell me that your fucking name was Alyson?” I ask. My blood is fucking boiling.

“At first, I thought you knew it was me. You were flirting, and even though I was surprised by your coming onto me, I liked it.”

“So you decided to lie to me?”

“You wouldn’t have gone home with me if you’d known that I was Everly Hayes.”

“You’re damn right I wouldn’t have!” I yell at her, causing the table next to us to stare and then whisper. Fuck! I need to pull it together before they throw us out and I’m explaining why to Cam. I shake my head in disbelief at the whole damn situation and just how fucked up it is. “Cameron is my best friend. You knew that. You knew that when you decided to lie to me that night. Do you understand the fucked-up position that you’ve put me in here, Everly? How fucked up this is?”

“I do, and I’m sorry. That night, I was in a bad place,” she says, and as I start to tell her off, she holds her hand up to let me know she’s not finished. “I had a lot of shit going on in my life recently. I know that this is no excuse for lying to you, but it’s what was going on in my head at the time, and I just want to explain. I didn’t plan to lie to you, it just happened, and once I did, well, I couldn’t take it back. Even now, as mad as you are at me, I wouldn’t change it. I know that sounds selfish or stupid. Maybe even both, but being with you that night was what I needed.”

I sit there with my mouth open. I’m completely dumbfounded at her response, and I honestly don’t even know how to respond to her right now.

“That doesn’t even make any goddamn sense!” I say to her, and it doesn’t.

“I know, but it’s all I have. You were there. Maybe if it were someone else instead of you, I might have gone home with them, but it was you. I know you would never have talked to me that way or brought me back to your place—”

“To fuck you? Because that’s what I did, Everly. We fucked like rabbits and then you up and left in the middle of the night! You have been talking to me by phone and text messages ever since. Didn’t you think that maybe you should clue me in on your lie then? Did you think that I would never find out that I fucked my best friend’s little sister? What the fuck?” I drop my head into my hands and let out a long breath.

“Look, we had one night of great sex. I’m sorry that I lied to you. Truly I am.”


“Yes, seriously. Why are you acting as if you’ve never had a one-night stand before, Nikolas,” she says it like she knows all my dirtiest secrets, which I’m sure she knows some. Fucking Cam and his big mouth. “Look, I get it. You don’t like it when someone takes advantage of you. I did that, and I was wrong. This situation is one hundred percent on me, and I own that. I can also empathize with you, but it’s too late to take it back now, and honestly, I wouldn’t if I could. I had fun.”

“Yeah? Well, at least you had fun. That’s the number one thing here, isn’t it, Everly?” I say, drawing out her name in the most sarcastic tone that I can. “Tell me, though, what was your plan?”

“Plan? I’m not sure what you mean, I had no plan.”

“Sure you did. What did you think would happen after we fucked the shit out of each other and you decided to string me along, pretending to be someone else? Your fucking plan!” I yell again, but I don’t care. She looks toward the restrooms where Cam went and then lets out a breath before speaking.

“Honestly, I left your place with the intention of never seeing or talking to you again. I figured I’d avoid you by not being around my brother when I thought you might be with him. I don’t know. I didn’t think about after, but I do know that when I left with you that night, it was only for that night, Niko.”

“That’s fucking bullshit. If that were true, the last two weeks wouldn’t have happened. You took my number. You reached out to me. Stop this shit. Fuck! The lies alone. Why didn’t you tell me?”

She shrugs. “I didn’t reach out to you.”

Okay, now I’m about to lose my shit here. Cam is going to come out to me flipping out on his kid sister, and I don’t give a flying fuck right now because what the fuck is wrong with her?

“You just said that with a straight fucking face. I’m concerned now because I don’t think that Cam is aware of your mental health status. You do remember that I was there for all of this, right? I mean, you are lying to my face right now, knowing that I know the damn truth, yet you keep lying.”

“There is nothing wrong with my mental health, Niko. I’m not lying. I didn’t reach out to you. Well, not at first anyway. Aly did.”

I look around at the people sitting at the tables surrounding us, enjoying their dinner as they make small talk and wonder where the cameras are. Cam hasn’t come back yet, and I’m praying that this is a fucking joke.

“I’m being punked, right? Am I being punked?” I ask her, praying that this is another one of Cameron’s lame attempts at being funny. I look back at her and look for a crack in her armor. She gives nothing away, though, and my leg again starts to bounce under the table.


“This is a joke, right? Cam is hiding in the back right now with the guys laughing his ass off, and they’ve just been waiting for me to crack before they come out with a camera so they can play this shit on a loop at the station, right?”

“No. Cameron is not in on this. He knows nothing, and I’d like to keep it that way. Look, I said I was sorry. I didn’t string you along. Maybe it seemed that way, but honestly, I just enjoyed our conversations, and I couldn’t ignore your text messages when they came in.” I sit there realizing that she’s serious and that this is not a joke. “I wouldn’t have used your number. I left it balled up on the table in the pub the night you sent the drinks.”

“Do you have split personalities or something? I’m sure Cam would have mentioned something as serious as that, but maybe he was embarrassed.”

“Well, kind of, she’s just a real person.”

“You are not making any damn sense. Jesus, right now I can see the resemblance between you and Cameron, and it has nothing to do with your looks. Speak English!”

“Alyson is my one of my closest friends. She was the girl you saw me with that night at the pub.”

“Okayyyy. Other than the fact that you stole her name, what does she have to do with this?” I ask, wondering where she was going with this. She’s confusing the fuck out of me.

“Well, I wasn’t lying when I said that I didn’t plan to see or talk to you again, however, you sending over your number with the drinks, well, Aly decided to give me a push,” she says, and it’s starting to make sense now. Well, just the texting and phone part. That doesn’t negate the fact that she lied about who she was and that we’ve fucked.

“She’s who I’ve been texting and talking with on the phone all this time?” I ask for clarification.

“Not the entire time, no. Just the first few the morning after you sent the drinks.”

“This shit is making my fucking head hurt. You could have just told me.”

“Truth destroys fantasy. I saw an opportunity, and I took it.”

“What?” I can’t believe this. Is this the same woman I’ve been talking to? “You knew who I was before you sat down next to me, didn’t you?”

She nods. “I did. Like I said before, I thought you knew who I was. And that maybe you decided to treat me differently now that I was no longer that thirteen-year-old ugly duckling that used to follow you and Cam around, crushing on you like a lovesick puppy. Seeing you again, after so many years and as an adult man? Well, once I realized that wasn’t the case, I knew that you wouldn’t have given me the time of day if you’d known that I was Cameron Hayes’s little sister. I decided to take a chance.”

“Yeah, how’d that work out for you, Everly?”

“What do you want me to say, Niko? I’ve apologized. I’m only trying to explain.”

“I think you’ve said enough, to be honest. You’re right about one thing, though—I would never have taken you home if you’d told me who you were. I would never have done that to Cam. He’s like my brother. You know this, and that is what I don’t understand about this whole thing. You’d risk fucking with your brother like this, forcing me into a corner to either lie to him or tell him the truth and hope that he doesn’t say fuck our friendship and believes me over his sister,” I say, and she has the nerve to look contrite.

“I thought you knew who I was—” she says softly, but I’m done.

“I didn’t,” I say between clenched teeth. At this point, she’s just saying the same shit over again, and she doesn’t make any sense to me. Doesn’t matter anymore. I just need to end this shit and get out of here. “Was it worth it, Everly?” I ask, throwing the contents of my drink back.

“What, using you for sex?” she asks, and I choke on my drink before spiraling into a coughing fit. She jumps up to do what, I don’t know, but I don’t give her the chance to touch me and wave her off. “I didn’t mean I used you for sex! I don’t know why I even said that. Forget I said that.”

I watch as she turns a few shades of pink.

“Don’t start lying again now. You meant what you just said, so own that shit! You did use me for sex. Pretty sure that was already established the night I took you home and we fucked.”

Jesus, I was fucking used. What’s worse is that I don’t like how it feels. I’m stunned, in complete shock that the woman in front of me is the same girl that used to follow Cam and me around when she was a kid. A nerdy, but very sweet kid. She just stares at me, completely mute.

“Two weeks of text messages. Phone calls . . . Fucking hell, I was just texting you before you walked in here.” I turn away from her, my jaw clenching. “I don’t understand this. Did I do something to you that I don’t remember doing, hurt your feelings when you were a kid or something? I’m seriously at a fucking loss here, Alyson. Oh . . . Not Alyson. Everly.”

“Let’s just forget that it happened,” she says. “We keep what happened between us to ourselves. No harm, no foul.”

“No harm, no foul?” I say incredulously. “Man, he said you’d changed, but I didn’t realize you’d changed into a selfish bitch. Who are you?” I ask, and she doesn’t respond to me at all. Just keeps looking at the food in front of her, picking at it.

“If that’s what you want to think of me, fine, I’ll accept that, but please, don’t tell Cam. I’m not trying to come between the two of you. I didn’t think about that when I decided to sleep with you. You didn’t know it was me, I get that, but you could get to know me now, as a friend?”

I chose to ignore the last thing she says, focusing instead on the one thing I don’t do with women. “No, I didn’t know who you were, but you knew you were lying to me. That’s all I need to fucking know about you. That you’re a fucking liar. Maybe Cam needs to know that his sweet little sister isn’t so sweet after all, eh?”

She flinches. Finally, a fucking reaction that makes fucking sense.

Cam walks back to the table just as I stand up and grab my jacket from the chair.

“Where are you going?”

“I got a call and need to take off, but you two stay. Enjoy the rest of your food. I hear the dessert here is fantastic. I’m sure anything is better than what we order at the pub,” I say, referring to the fact that I called her my dessert when we were leaving the pub the night I took her lying ass home with me. “Take advantage while you’re here.” I grab my wallet to throw Cam some cash for my barely eaten dinner, but he waves me off.

“It’s cool, man. I’ve got you. You sure you don’t want to stay?”

“Nah, I’m positive. Apparently, I need to start watching what I eat. Seems to come back later to bite you in the ass when you cheat by having dessert.” I can feel her eyes on me as I pull my coat on, and I know it’s not lost on her what I’m referencing. It’s been a running gag, but there’s nothing fun or sexy about it right now. Whatever. I just need to get out of here.

“I’ll talk to you later, Cam.” I turn and look at Everly, my eyes I’m sure are blazing right now with the fury I’m holding in toward her. “It was fantastic to see you again, Everly. You’ve grown up into quite the lady. No. Lady is too much. Quite the woman.” Cam is watching, confused by my statement. I’ve hardly said two words to her since she arrived other than when Cam left the table, but he doesn’t need to know about that.

“You sure you’re good?”

“Yeah. Enjoy your time with your sister. I know how much you’ve missed having her around the last few years. I’ll leave you to it.”

And with that, I’m fucking out. The faster I get away from her, the better it will be for Cam, because I don’t think I could bite my tongue much longer.



There are two very dangerous parts of my job—going into a burning building, and venting. I’m on the roof, prepping to vent the two-story building that’s home to four families. Every move is calculated. The section I’m on is slightly sloped, but takes a dive a few feet behind me. There are guys on the ground helping those who are in the building, and guys blasting water through a now broken window.

I’m trying to help those who are inside. Right now visibility is almost nothing; the smoke is black and thick. It and the gases cloud everything.

The smoke needs out.

“Get back!” Cam yells, the loud roar of the chainsaw engine drowning out everything else.

The chainsaw cuts through the layers of shingles, plywood, and rafters with variable ease. He steps back after the crude cut, and I swing the pike pole forward, grabbing onto the roofing and pulling until the hole is exposed.

Flames erupt from the new hole, oxygen feeding the fire. It’s so hot I can feel it through my gear. Cam tugs on me, pulling me back to the ladder. The roof gives a little with each step, causing me to move faster as the thick, black smoke surrounds me.

Once on, we book it down the shallow angle, which still takes time with all the gear, ready to move on to the next task. A loud crash causes me to look up, and I watch as the roof collapses.

“Shit, that was close,” Cam says when we get to the top of the truck. We look back and watch the flames shoot twenty or thirty feet up in the air, smoke billowing all around.

I nod, trying to catch my breath. “It went faster than I thought.”

“Anyone still inside?” Cam asks Jenkins, who is putting a blanket around a shocked and crying woman once we reach the ground.

“Peterson was the last one, and all occupants are accounted for.”


“Jake’s giving oxygen to a dog, and there was a cat who ran off.”

It’s always a good day when there are no casualties. There are some smoke inhalation and mild injuries, but that’s common. Any serious injuries were avoided, which indicates that there were probably good alarms installed, considering the sun isn’t even up yet.

“Good job, you two,” the chief says as he takes the chainsaw from Cam. “There’s another ladder coming, so get ready to help with the hose.”

We nod and turn back to the house. Even thirty feet away I can feel the warmth against my face. One hose isn’t enough to combat the plume of flames devouring the structure.

The truck arrives a few minutes later and we run around, helping to set up the hose segments and attach it to a fire hydrant, which is two blocks away. We’ve already tapped into the one closest to the house.

Eventually the fire goes out, white smoke is still escaping. The structure is a complete loss at this point. I won’t be surprised if more of the interior collapses while we’re here. The good thing is that it didn’t spread. We were able to keep it contained and away from the houses that seem only a few feet away.

“That was best case scenario right there,” Cam says as we watch the last resident head off. I nod in agreement.

Some occupants were sent to the hospital, and others were guided to emergency housing. They’ve lost everything they own, but they’re alive. It’ll be hard, but we’ve got a great team of support to help them rebuild.

“Fuck, I’m beat,” I say, noticing how the sky is beginning to lighten. It’s been a long day, and I’m ready for sleep.

Cam nods. “Chief is with the investigation team.”

I work on intricately folding up one of the hoses. “Deliberate.”

“Why do you say that?”

After every fire we speculate, using out years of experience, and wait to see if it lines up with the investigator’s report.

I cock my head back to the building. It’s evident at the front door, the door nobody could get through. “Alligator charring.” I say. While it’s no longer considered an indicator of an accelerant, there are other factors that coincide. The shiny alligator blisters on the door, and the fact that the fire moved quickly through the stairwell and into the apartments, meant that the fire burned faster than normal.

“Fuck,” he hisses. “I hadn’t taken a good look yet. Probably gasoline starter.”

“Probably.” It’s the easiest to get hold of. “Real lucky everyone got out.” With the way it spread, we had to pull everyone out through the windows.

“Now to find the bastard.”

“I hope they do. The last thing we need is a pyro junkie.”

We continue in silence, picking up the gear, getting the truck back in order, until everybody is ready to head back.

“I can’t wait to crash, but after I shower,” I say. The adrenaline has worn off, and I’m dead tired.

“Power nap,” Cam says.


“Dude, it’s officially Saturday.”


“You’re helping move Everly into her new place.”

I let out a groan. “Fuck.”

By the time I get home, it’ll be almost seven, giving me two or three hours max. Maybe I’ll shower and crash at the station and go from there. But I won’t be the only one as Bishop and Jenkins also agreed to help. The rest of the guys had the night off.

Everly hasn’t called or texted, and I sure as shit haven’t reached out to her. My luck to finally meet someone, pursue her, and it blows up spectacularly in my face.

What I’m not looking forward to is seeing her. Not after her lies. I’m still pissed about that fucked-up dinner two weeks ago.

The only thing that hasn’t changed is that she’s still the chick I jack off to daily. Today is going to be interesting.




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Defying Him by Zoe Blake

Snowed In: A Billionaire Winter Novella by Linnea May

Whiskey and Gunpowder: An Addison Holmes Novel (Book 7) by Liliana Hart

The Hookup (Moonlight and Motor Oil Series Book 1) by Kristen Ashley

Finding Derek (Finding Us, #1) by Noelle Marie

The Krinar Chronicles: Krinar's Desire (Kindle Worlds Novella) by Cara Bristol

The Billionaire and the Bad Girl by Bella Love-Wins

Axle's Brand (Death Chasers MC Series #3) by C.M. Owens

The Billionaire's Double Surrogate: A Billionaire Pregnancy Romance by CJ Howard

Triple Taught: A Billionaire MFMM Professors & Virgin Romance by Daphne Dawn, Vivien Vale

Corrupting Cinderella by Autumn Jones Lake

Tempt Me: A secret baby romance (Family Ties Series - Book 3) by Scarlet Ellis

Avenged Hearts (Mastered Hearts Book 3) by Angela Nicole

Boss Man: Boss #2 by Victoria Quinn

Inevitably Yours (Imagine Ink Book 4) by Verlene Landon

MINE: Fury Riders MC by Sophia Gray