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Mine to Protect by Sarah J. Brooks (22)

Chapter 2


I went back and sat down in the same chair as before. This time I laid back with exhaustion. The soft leather felt comfortable to me and I found it incredibly hard to stand up and walk out to the front of the club.

The alcohol had worn away a bit and the adrenaline of the moment with my hunky guy was also gone. I was left with a fog and slowed movements.

I pulled out my phone and read the clock, 1:40am. I had to get home. In only about six hours, I needed to be at school, dressed and ready for my first class of the semester.

The cab driver knew his place when the drunken club-goers came out into the street. He asked for my address and then we swiftly moved toward my apartment.

I kept looking at him, thinking that he could see the history of the night on my face. He must be able to see the embarrassment, no the excitement. I didn’t even know what I felt. But surely something was visible to the people who looked at me.

At my apartment, I looked at our doorman who greeted me with his standard welcome. He must know my secret as well. The small smile on his face seemed to know I was drunk, at the very least. He opened the door and made sure I got to the elevator alright.

The key took a little bit to get the hang of, but I eventually opened the door to my apartment and crawled into bed.

I didn’t have the energy to change my clothes and didn’t have the time for a shower. I had to get some sleep.

Tomorrow was the start of my last year of law school. It was going to be more intense than I could imagine and I didn’t want to be unprepared. Although nothing much would happen on the first day, I still wanted to look halfway normal when I met my internship supervisor.

Your internship supervisor could make or break your final year of law school and I couldn’t stand the thought of anyone breaking my academic streak. I had rushed through undergrad in three years and kept the same fast pace throughout grad school.

I was so close to graduating that I literally could taste it. Sometimes I even dreamed about the delicious cake my mother and father would buy to celebrate my big accomplishment.

My eyes closed and all I wanted was sweet sleep, but instead my mind flashed to his touch on my skin. His strong hands gripping my hips. I didn’t even know his name!

The gravity of my night weighed on me as I drifted into darkness. I had been overcome with desire and had sex with a perfect stranger. And man was he perfect. His rugged good looks, soft lips, hard body. I had just fucked my dream guy and didn’t know who the hell he was.

It felt like only moments had passed when my alarm sounded. I barely opened my eyes as I tried to orient myself to where I was at.

As I looked around my bedroom, I felt a soreness that reminded me of the night before. My mind started to race as all the memories flooded back. But there wasn’t time to sit and be remorseful about my night, I needed to shower and get to class.

I wasn’t even sure I felt remorseful. The truth was I probably would do the exact same thing if the same situation presented itself again.

The shower felt divine on my skin and I wanted to soak in the warm water for hours and hours. But my commitment to school was more powerful so I slipped out of the shower after only five minutes.

I put on my most professional business skirt and blouse before heading out to school.

My group of friends were all outside the main building just waiting for me. Although most of them had been out with us the night before, some had stayed home. It was obvious which one’s stayed home, they looked rested and excited to be there.

We had spent the last three years together in some form or another. Everyone was a little older than me, but no one seemed to mind my age too much.

There was a level of camaraderie that we all had after making it through the first year of law school. Now after spending a summer enjoying ourselves, we were ready to take on the final leg of our journey.

Although my friends were all much wilder than I was, when we were at school we all seemed to fit in very well. We worked hard and paid attention. Gone were the days of high school when you could mess around the whole class period and not have to worry about the consequences. Nowadays we got our work done before we messed around.

The excitement of our first day filled everyone full of chatter. I found Rose and couldn’t help but love the look of surprise on her face when she asked me about the hunky guy who had been trying to pick me up.

I didn’t divulge much about the night I had with him, I thought it best to keep that information to myself.

Suddenly, in the light of day, she didn’t think he was a jerk anymore.

“Did you get his name? What does he do for a living?” She asked as she probed me for more information.

But the truth was, I didn’t know anything about him. I didn’t even know his name. I felt a bit ridiculous even mentioning that fact in my own mind, so certainly wasn’t going to bring that up with Rose. She would laugh at me for sure if she heard what I had done with a man I didn’t even know.

I fucked a guy that I didn’t know in the back room of a dance club. Oh, my mother would be so proud. Ugh, I tried not to think about it.

I didn’t know his name and although he knew my first name, he didn’t know much else. I would just have to continue on with my life thinking about him and our one night together. Dreaming of his hands and wondering what might have been if I had let him bring me home as he had requested.

It would be a good way to remember someone. The orgasms, the pleasure; it was all well worth remembering no matter what else happened after he left the tiny back room.

Down deep I secretly hoped I would never find out who he was. There was no way his desires for me were real. He had to have been consumed by a drug or maybe he was just crazy.

I did seem to attract the crazy type of boyfriends; maybe it worked the same with one-night stands. Maybe I was just meant to be with crazy people for the rest of my life. But the hunk from the previous night didn’t seem all that crazy. In fact, he seemed very put together.

The way he carried himself, the way he spoke, the man seemed like an executive at a fancy downtown business or something.

Perhaps he was just traveling through town and didn’t even plan to stay around for long. I figured I would never know. He was gone and I was here, getting ready to be tortured by law professors for the next several months.



We sat and listened to the Dean tell us all about our next semester and how it would work. We diligently watched his presentation and pretended to take notes.

There had to be some sort of law against taking erroneous notes, but none of us wanted to be the student who wasn’t taking notes. We listened and scribbled down information that we all knew would not be useful to us.

Then he got to the assignments for our advisors. This was the part we were all excited about. Our internship advisor could help us get into good jobs or force us into something much less glamorous.

Each year a couple new advisors came onboard and a few from the past stuck around. I wasn’t sure who was doing it this year, but I was sure that I would make it work out with whomever I got assigned to.

It absolutely drove me crazy when people got their assigned supervisors and then tried to complain. That was a surefire way to look immature and unable to handle anything important.

“You will interview with your advisor to make sure you both feel like it is a good match,” the Dean said as he handed out our preliminary assignments.

I made my way down the hall toward room 302, Mr. King would be my advisor. Although I didn’t know him, I was sure the match would be fine. There was always something you could learn from a professional who was already in the field doing the job you wanted to do.

I wasn’t sure which kind of lawyer I wanted to be yet. There really was a wide variety within the field. But because of my past, I leaned toward being a defense attorney. The thought of being able to help an innocent person avoid jail was very appealing to me.

Markus went in before me to interview. He didn’t take more than five minutes.

“He’s super nice. I think it’s going to be a great semester,” Markus said to me as he came out of the room.

I stood up and readied myself to go in. I smoothed my long pencil skirt and checked to make sure my silk blouse was tucked in perfectly around my waist.

When I walked into the room, I saw him. The hunk.

The hunk from last night was Ryan King. He was an infamous lawyer who had successfully defended a celebrity football player. He was also assigned to be my advisor for my internship.

I froze at the door.

The utter shock of the situation overcame me.

“Come in Ms. Roy.”

I moved across his office to the two chairs sitting near his desk. My mind instantly flashed back to the two chairs that he and I had sat in at the club. His knees spreading my legs apart, his hands on my thighs and the feeling of electricity I felt when he touched me.

“Um, Hi,” I said with an awkward smile.

He didn’t smile back. Instead, he looked over my file in front of him for an unusually long period of time. He flipped from page to page, analyzing everything and then he glanced back up at me.

“You’re only twenty-one?” He asked.

“Um, yes, I took extra classes in undergrad and moved through quickly.”

His lack of acknowledgment about our night had me full of worry. Why wasn’t he saying anything? I know it was him. Did he not realize who I was?

My mind swirled with the situation. Should I try to ignore the fact that I knew who he was and he definitely knew who I was? It seemed ridiculous not to at least say something.

“Why do you want to be a lawyer?”


Was he seriously going to continue to interview me like nothing had happened between us last night? I searched his eyes for a glimpse of recognition, but his face was blank. He didn’t show a single moment of recognition when he looked at me.

“I’m Jennifer, from the club,” I said as I looked him in the eyes.

That was my mistake. Instantly I knew it. Instantly I felt that I should have avoided his eye contact. My body reacted with a surge of desire. It remembered all the things Ryan had done to me the night before, and my body wanted them all done again right at that moment.

He got up from his desk and walked around to the chair next to me.

My mind raced as I hoped he would not pull the chair up close to me like he had in the club.

“Why do you want to be a lawyer?” He asked again without acknowledging me at all.

I decided to humor him and just answer the question.

“My parents had their home foreclosed on when my Father had cancer. No lawyer would help them,” I paused and looked at him.

“So,” he said roughly.

“Well, I wanted to learn more about the law so I could help them. I went to the library and researched everything I could. I filed a motion to squash their foreclosure and all the amending paperwork. The bank canceled the foreclosure.”

His eyes softened for just a moment. I couldn’t tell if he cared all that much for my reason for becoming a lawyer, or if he was just pondering the outfit I had on. He looked distant, more so than he had looked when we were in the club together.

“How old were you?”


He shook his head in agreement and then reached over and grabbed my file from his desk.

“I think this will work out just fine,” He said as he wrote something in my file.

But I was not so sure about this. There was no way I could work with an internship supervisor who I had fucked in the dark of a club only a few hours earlier. I would just have to find another supervisor.

“I think I should find another supervisor,” I said as I started to stand up.

He was quickly over to me and pulled me close to him. His body full of excitement for me.

“No. You’ll stay working with me.”

“I can’t,” I said as my breath built up with desire.

“You are staying with me.”

His eyes were filled with that intensity from the night before. He remembered me, this was certainly very clear.

“This is really important to me. I can’t be distracted,” I offered, as my eyes met his.

“I distract you?”

“Fuck yeah,” I said without hesitation.

Then in one swift motion he picked me up and put me on his desk. My skirt was too long and too tight to offer him any sort of access, so he pushed my legs to one side as he pulled me toward him.

“You want me to fuck you right here?”

I wasn’t sure if he was asking me, or telling me. But I did want him. Every fiber of my body wanted to feel him against me again.

But I had to finish this year of law school. I had to actually learn something and as much as I’m sure he could teach me. It would be impossible for me to concentrate if I were always thinking about his hands on my body.

“No,” I said with a smile.

He ignored my answer and moved his lips to mine. His taste was familiar and I wanted to stay there in his arms for as long as he would have me. But I still did not think having him for a supervisor was a good idea. Now I just had to get the strength up to push him away.

The strength never came to me.

“So you don’t want me to fuck you right here on my desk?” He said as he moved the items from one side of his desk to the other with one swift motion.

“I can’t. We can’t work together. I need to find a new advisor.”

I tried to keep eye contact with him and I tried to sound firm in my belief that I needed a new internship supervisor. But even I wasn’t sure I believed my words.

“You’ll be mine. I’m going to supervise you. I am also going to fuck you again, very soon.”

I gulped down a large amount of saliva and tried to figure out my next move.

I pressed against his arms and slid down to the ground. Still pressed tightly up against the desk. His arms and body held me there with little chance that I could escape.

My body begged me to just give in. Just fuck him again right here, it said to me. But I couldn’t. I wanted him too bad for this to work out. I needed to go find a new supervisor.

Slowly I pushed him away. He stepped back and released me.

I bent down to gather my briefcase and he was hastily right behind me. His hands grabbed my hips and I could feel his hard cock pressed up against my ass. I wanted to turn around and kiss him again. I wanted to just let go and feel his body enter mine again, but I couldn’t. My mind had to stay focused on school.

“I need to go,” I said as my body sunk into his.

It felt so good to be wrapped up in his arms. I wanted to be naked in bed and feeling his strong arms wrapped around me. Desperately I wanted that moment to continue on for hours and hours.

He released all of me but one hand. He kept a hold of it for a moment.

“Supervision starts tomorrow at nine o’clock, sharp,” he said as his eyes met mine.

I wanted to refuse him. I needed to refuse him. It really didn’t matter if he was a good lawyer or not. He wanted to fuck me instead of teach me and I couldn’t accept that. My law degree and my future were too important to me to give in to the primal attraction I felt for this man.

“Are you supervising Markus also?” I asked.

“No, I just want you.”

I frowned. It was too much. It was all too much.

“Take Markus instead of me. He really wanted you.”

“I’m not taking him.”

The definitive nature of his voice was familiar to me already and I knew there was no arguing with him. He seemed like the type of guy who pretty consistently got what he wanted. In fact, he seemed like he got what he wanted all of the time.

“Fine. I’ll try it out. But we have to be professional. No more sex.”

I tried to be firm with my opinion. I really would like to learn from him, as a lawyer he was legendary. I needed him to just agree that we could move forward as professionals. No more sex, no more fucking in back rooms. I just needed an internship supervisor.

“I’ll see you tomorrow at nine o’clock,” he said without answering my statement.

He opened his office door and I left without looking back.




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