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Mine to Protect by Sarah J. Brooks (89)

Chapter 37


His hands moved up her thighs and pressed her dress out of the way. Noah positioned himself so he could see down the alleyway if he moved his head slightly out of the doorway. It was exciting. Everything about being there with Rose made his body ache with adrenaline.

For years, he had imagined what it would be like to have her in his arms. Noah had played it safe, he had let his best friend have the girl so many years before. He had let things move slowly and taken a back seat to what Rose wanted. But finally, everything was coming together, and it was more explosive than Noah could have ever imagined. But he still wasn’t so sure that having sex in an alley was really something he wanted to do. He would only go through with it if it were something that Rose wanted.

“Are you sure?” he questioned again before sliding her black thong panties down to the ground.

“Fuck me, Noah. I’m sure.”

Her words echoed in his ears, and his primal urges took over from there. He couldn’t wait to feel his body thrusting into hers. Noah slipped the top of her dress down and let his hands cup her breasts as his lips kissed the back of Rose’s neck. The sweet taste of her body and touch of her nipples were like a drug to Noah, and he couldn’t get enough. He genuinely couldn’t get enough of Rose and didn’t think he ever would be able to.

His friends had wondered why Noah was so fixated on Rose, and it had always been difficult to explain to them. The best Noah could say was that he felt like they weren’t meant to be together. He had been too young to understand that feeling when he let his friend Derek move in on Rose. But Noah was older and wiser, and he certainly knew that Rose was the one for him.

If she wanted to have hot steamy sex in the middle of an alley, then damn it, Noah was going to make her dreams come true. He would do just about anything to make Rose happy, and that included risking getting arrested for public indecency.

Rose felt his throbbing body from behind her and reached back to release him from the confines of his clothes. Never had she expected Noah to be willing to play this sort of game with her, but she was so glad he had said yes.

Sex was like a drug to her, but she had learned to manage her need and drive over the previous few months. Rose had been willing to give up her craziest side if that meant she would have more stability in her life, but perhaps she would be able to have everything she ever wanted? She hadn’t dared to hope that she could have a loving and stable relationship while also having a wild and amazing sex life. If she and Noah could pull that off, it would be the best of both worlds, and nothing Rose had ever been able to experience in the past.

She felt the cold air against her ass as Noah pulled her dress up even further and exposed her ass to him. Sensations old and new mixed together to bring Rose to a level of excitement she once thought impossible. She cared for this man—Noah wasn’t just some throwaway guy; she had true feelings for him. At the same time, she was dangerously close to losing control over her desires. The feeling that her control was slipping away from her wasn’t something Rose would have accepted from any other man, but as Noah leaned behind her and pressed his body into hers, Rose knew he wouldn’t do a thing to hurt her.

“I love you, Rose,” Noah whispered as he held onto her body.

The words scared her, but not nearly as badly as she had always expected they would. Maybe she wasn’t as scared because it was Noah, and she knew him so well. Or perhaps Rose was also starting to have some feeling for Noah that was nearing love? She wasn’t sure, but Rose did know that she couldn’t deal with those kinds of emotions at that moment because she was busy thinking about the orgasm she wanted to have.

She braced her hands on the cold stone of the building as their bodies worked together to bring each other ecstasy. Rose felt the tingling building up from her wobbly knees to her center and all the way to her fingertips as Noah delivered deep thrusts to her body.

The angle of his body and hers was so perfect that Rose felt herself dripping with desire for him. She couldn’t get enough. With each thrust, his body delivered a sensation to hers that was unparalleled to what she had experienced with her vibrating toys over the previous months.

More, more, more she thought. But she couldn’t find the energy or the words to actually speak.

Was this what she had been missing out on all of her life? Was this kind of ecstasy what couples had together? Rose hadn’t had this with Derek, not even close. Sure, she had been young back then, but she thought she loved Derek. Rose thought she had been in love. She had hurt like someone in love when he died. But as shy Noah and outrageous Rose came together there in that alley, Rose contemplated the possibility that she had never really known love at all.

Noah’s hands stayed wrapped around her body as he held onto Rose. She was shaking, and he was concerned about her; she could tell by his touch that Noah didn’t want to keep going if Rose was too tired. Noah would have stopped everything at that very moment if Rose had asked him. But Rose didn’t want him to stop. She wanted to feel the delicious explosion as her body and all her emotions finally gave in to Noah.

“Keep going,” she whispered.

Noah let his lips move gingerly up her neck as he kissed her. His thrusts slowed to allow him the moment of indulgence and allow Rose a moment to gather her energy. But it didn’t matter, she was still shaking. Her body was feeling more pleasure than it had been used to in the previous months. Rose couldn’t control herself, but she wanted more. She needed more and more until she could finally explode in total pleasure.

“Keep going,” she whispered again.

Rose needed Noah to know she was alright. It didn’t matter that she was shaking. Nothing else in the world mattered except what was going on there in that dark, deserted place at that very moment. Her body would just have to deal with the pleasure that was coming for her, there was no other option.

She thrust her hips back against Noah and grabbed onto his body to motion for him to get back to work. Rose was so turned on that she couldn’t imagine their moment ending without her feeling a gigantic explosion. Harder and harder, Noah went back to moving, and Rose felt her body moan out with pleasure.

“Shhh,” he whispered.

“Oh, harder … yes … yes …” Rose moaned.

“Shhh, someone will hear you,” Noah said as he looked down the alley to make sure no one was there.

“I don’t care. Let them hear me. I can’t help myself.”

Noah knew he had to finish things off before someone turned them in or something. His thrusts moved deeper as he let his fingers pinch her nipples between them. He felt stronger than he had in months, and with each progressive thrust, Noah expected to hear Rose screaming out with her orgasm.

Rose moaned even loader. She was enjoying their moment, and that made Noah enjoy it more. His body reacted with each of her moans. They were like candy to his ears.

Noah continued. If she was going to be loud, then he better finish their moment quickly. But he was so desperately afraid of getting caught that he couldn’t let himself relax enough. His eyes continually darted around the ends of the building in expectation that someone would be there just waiting to catch them.

Then it happened; Noah felt Rose’s body tightening around him as she started to orgasm. The feeling was so orgasmic that it forced him to close his eyes, and his body did the rest for him. Rose held him firmly inside her as the rolling orgasm rushed through her body. She leaned up against the dirty brick building and let out a loud scream as her body gushed with excitement. At the same time, Noah finally let out his own orgasmic moan as his body gave in to the unending pleasure of her tightness around him.

Noah flipped Rose around and pressed her against the wall as his lips gently touched her. The moment was surprisingly romantic, despite being in the midst of a filthy alleyway. His touch felt like home to her, and as they kissed, Noah gently slid her dress back into place. They were both breathing heavy and taking breaks between their kisses to take in deep breaths and try to calm themselves.

“My panties?” she asked as they both looked down to the ground.

Her nice black silk panties were in a puddle of disgusting mud that was below them. She didn’t care, though. Nothing else seemed to matter to her at that moment. Rose had the pleasure fog swimming around her and couldn’t find the energy to care about anything else.

“I’m sorry,” Noah said as he started to reach down for them.

“Leave them, and don’t be sorry, that was the most fun I’ve had in a very long time.”

She pulled Noah back toward her and let her hands slip down to the zipper of his pants as she helped him get put back together. Gently, she zipped up the metal enclosure and buckled his belt, letting her hands linger on his erect body as she took in his size and played with him a little more.

“Hey, who’s back there?” a man’s voice said from the other end of the alley.

There was a flash of light that seemed to be from a large flashlight like the kind police carried around. But neither Rose nor Noah was planning on sticking around long enough to see who it was.

“Crap,” Noah whispered as he let his head rest on Rose’s shoulder and tried to figure out how they could get out of there.

“We aren’t going down like that,” Rose said as she slipped off her heels, grabbed Noah’s hand, and they took off running in the opposite direction.

Neither of them paused to see who had been calling after them. It could have been just a passerby, a local employee, or it could have even been a police officer; they would never know.

They ran until Noah started to slow down and finally pulled Rose to a stop. She could have run all the way back to her apartment if she had to, her body was filled with adrenaline. But Noah wasn’t much of a runner, and about a half a mile away from the alley his breathing was so labored that Rose thought she might have to let him sit down and catch his breath.

“You alright?”

“Yeah, wow, you’re not even breathing heavy. Shit, I should probably work out more,” Noah huffed as he tried to catch his breath.

“We could go in one of these stores and rest.”

“Nah, let’s just get back to your place. Where’s the car at?”

“I think we parked the opposite direction,” Rose shrugged as she realized where they were at. “I’ll call an Uber.”

Noah nodded his head in agreement as he took in some deep breaths and finally started to feel in control of his breathing. Working out was definitely going to be on his list of things to start doing with his new life. Although the workouts he got while he was naked with Rose might be enough to get him back into shape.

“Man, look at my feet, they’re disgusting,” Rose said as she realized her feet were covered in mud and dirt.

“I’ll wash them off for you when we get back to your place.” Noah winked.

They walked a little farther down the block where it would be easier for the Uber driver to pick them up. The phone app that Rose used said it should only take five minutes, but a good fifteen minutes had gone by before the driver finally arrived.

“I’m so sorry I’m late,” the young man said. “The president’s convoy had the whole road blocked back there.”

“It’s okay,” Noah said calmly.

Just the mention of the president had him feeling anxious, though. He couldn’t wait for this little favor the president had asked him to be over with. Noah wasn’t going to keep taking on the president’s little assignments, though; he knew he just couldn’t handle that level of stress on a regular basis.

As they climbed into the small Toyota Prius, Rose did her best not to set her feet down on the mats of the car. She gently rolled them to the sides where there was less dirt and tried to hold them up the best she could. But she was so tired that her feet tended to fall back to the floor, and by the time they arrived at her apartment complex, the floor was covered in mud.

“Those really are dirty, but wow, I’m pretty damn impressed that you can run that fast barefoot. I couldn’t even keep up with you, and I had shoes on.”

“It’s been my coping mechanism for the last few months. I’m actually really getting into it. I was thinking about trying to train for a marathon.”

“I’ll be your cheerleader.” Noah laughed. “There’s no way I could ever run that far. Not even if I was being chased.”

“You’d be surprised at what you can do when you set your mind to it. I suspect you’d make a great marathoner.”

Noah gently grabbed Rose’s hand and wrapped her fingers in his as he pulled the back of her hand to meet his lips. As he gently kissed her hand, Noah let the thought of running with Rose cross his mind. It was funny—when he was with Rose, Noah thought just about anything was possible. It was a good feeling to have someone around that encouraged him like that, and he hoped he could do the same for Rose when she needed it.

“Let’s get you upstairs so I can wash those feet off,” Noah said as he helped Rose out of the car.

“Thank you,” Rose said to the driver as she slid out and tried not to get mud everywhere.

The Uber driver answered a call just as Rose and Noah stepped out.

“I’ll be right there, I’m just dropping off this foot fetish couple near the capitol building,” the young driver said.

Both Noah and Rose busted into laughter as they walked into her apartment building. It was pretty funny to see yourself through the eyes of an outsider.