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Oh Tequila Series by C.A. Harms (39)









Chapter Four





“You want to tell me what that was all about?”

I accepted the Solo cup Marcus was offering me and took a sip. “What, what was about?” He didn’t buy my innocent act for even a second. All I got was an arched eyebrow and an unimpressed tilt of his lips. In a way it resembled a frown. “Okay fine, I was just playing.”

“That man is not one you play with.” He even used air quotes when he said the word play which made me laugh. Marcus was fun to have around. He actually made me forget for a short time what I would be forced to go home to later.

“Why does everyone say he’s scary, or intimidating? He seems harmless.”

“Harmless my ass.” His eyes widened and again I wanted to laugh. The man was so dramatic. “I’ve seen Elijah take out two of his brothers like it was the easiest thing in the world. I’ve watched him pulverize other players on the field and—”

“Wait, the field?”

“He plays football.” He waves his hand. “Keep up. He is not a gentle one. He would take a sweet little innocent like you and rip you to bits.”

“Maybe I’d be the one that would be doing the ripping.”

“Oh Buttercup.” He pulled me in close by placing his arm over my shoulder. “Maybe I shouldn’t be allowing you to drink, you’re already delusional.”




I’d been to parties, maybe not a lot of them, but I’d been to enough to know how they work. A large crowd of young adults got together, drank heavily, then made out even heavier. There was something this one had the others didn’t, though, they had a group of fraternity guys who got their thrills by tormenting each other.

In one room was a game involving balloons filled with pudding. The object of the game was to throw them at opponents on the opposite side of the room and see how many you could break. They called it shit bomb wars, and with the brown splatters, I’d agree the name was fitting.

In another room was a group of girls who willingly took off their bras and allowed themselves to get ditched with water. Yes, you heard me right. I backed away from that room quickly, only to bump into someone behind me. I didn’t have to turn around to know it was someone much taller and much stronger than me. I recognized the chuckle and my body went frigid in his arms.

“I’ve seen you dozens of times, I’ve offered a few flirty offers. I’m still waiting for you to break me, little one.”

“Little one?

He found humor in my attitude, which only made my attempt at being tough falter. I had absolutely no idea why it was so hard to hold onto my control around Elijah. I barely knew the guy, but something about him made me feel safe, almost. He was a gentle giant.

“You ever gonna tell me your name?”

When he asked me that question I closed my eyes and tried not to allow my body to sag back against his when his breath fanned out over my neck. He still hadn’t touched me, other than his chest pressing firmly to my back.

“Catherine,” I practically whispered my name before quickly clearing my throat. “But most people call me Cat.”

“Okay Cat.” I felt his hand rest against my hip. “Why don’t you allow me to get you a drink?”

I turned around and created a small amount of space between us. “I’ve always been told to never accept drinks from strangers at parties.”

“Good girl.” He seemed genuinely pleased with my response. “But you and I are no longer strangers, you’re Cat and I’m Eli. Now let’s go have ourselves a drink or two.”

I didn’t resist when Red led me toward the kitchen, but allowed him to take my hand in his as we weaved through that crowd of bodies. I ignored the curious stares we got as we passed. I wasn’t sure if it was me being with him that gained the attention or if it was him alone. Most of the staring seemed to come from the female figures.

“What are you drinking?”

Before I could answer Marcus stepped up to my opposite side and leaned over the countertop before us. “She is drinking Gombo.”

“What the fuck is Gombo?”

“Spiced rum, orange juice, and top it with Mountain Dew.” As Marcus disclosed the ingredients he was mixing them. Both Eli and I watched and when it was all blended Marcus held it out to me, smiled, and placed a kiss on my cheek. “You two play nice.”

The man practically skipped off happily, winking over his shoulder as he went.

“That guy is a rare breed.” Eli shook his head as he watched Marcus.

“He’s refreshing.”

I didn’t notice the silence until someone screamed out and I jumped in surprise. When I looked back toward Eli I realized he was watching me. “What?”

“Nothing.” I could tell it was most definitely something but I didn’t push him.

“Shots,” someone shouted and I looked behind the counter to see the same guy from earlier watching Eli like a hawk. “Line ‘‘em up for our friend Red here.” As he was saying this he was doing just that. Five tiny little Solo cups were placed out in a line, being filled to the point of overflowing, one after another.

“I’ll volunteer for body shots,” a blonde girl with obviously fake tits shouted. I began to back away, suddenly worried about what might take place and I didn’t want to watch. Only I didn’t get far. Eli hooked me around the waist and pulled me close. “If body shots are the deal then I get to pick who they are off of, and I pick my Cat.”

Hearing him call me his Cat shouldn’t have excited me but it did.

I was so wrapped up in the scorned look on Blondie’s face that I barely registered being lifted to the countertop. “Wait, what are you doing?”

Eli leaned in close, his mouth only inches from my own. “I’m putting you in place for these shots I’m about to take off your body. Unless you’d rather I use Dolly over there.” He didn’t look toward the girl he just referred to.

I should have said, “Feel free to use her,” and hopped down off the counter, only I didn’t. I remembered the earlier confidence I held and reclaimed it. “What is it I get out of this?”

“You’ll see.” There was a gleam in his eyes and a smirk on his face. I had a feeling I was in trouble.

Confidence don’t fail me now.

The shots were lined up on the far side of my body as Elijah eased me back. Once I was lying down he grinned sinfully and teasingly slipped his finger beneath the hem of my shirt. The moment the pad of his finger touched my stomach, chills covered my arms and legs. Ever so slowly he lifted my shirt higher, exposing my lower abdomen.

The sound of something clinking against the counter next to me made me jump in surprise. A bowl of limes cut in slices now sat near my head.

Looking back to Elijah, I caught the tail end of his banded hair behind his head, with only a few shorter strands hanging freely. Never had I ever felt the excitement I felt in that moment.

“Are you ready, Cat?” Again, he did that grin that conveyed so much sin; I should have honestly run away as fast as my feet would carry me. But instead I nodded and allowed my body to relax.

He reached over me, removed a lime from the bowl and lifted it to hover over my abs, allowing the water that they’d been rinsed in to drip onto my skin. With his opposite hand he sprinkled just enough salt to stick to the moisture. It felt like every movement he made was in slow motion. My body was humming with such excitement that my legs felt shaky.

Skimming the lime over my lips, he licked his own and I swear I felt a reaction to his movement, deep within me. I had never in my life been as turned on as I was that moment.

With the lime in place, the salt sprinkled on me and a shot in hand, Eli set forth his destruction.