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Between Want & Fear (Backstage Series Book 3) by Dani René (3)

“When are you leaving?” I turn to regard Callum. Even though he’s older than me by a few years, I feel as if we’re equals.

“After the show, I told you I’m not leaving before that. Also, she’s asked for time. Which I’ll give her. I asked Demitri to be ready, I’ll confirm the time. I’ve already packed,” I chuckle. “All I need to do is make sure the apartment will be taken care of while I’m away,” I shrug. If I could’ve left today, I would’ve. Four pairs of eyes are burning into me and they’re all excited for what I’m about to do. “What if she doesn’t want me there?” I suddenly question.

They all stare at me as if I’ve grown another limb. Cal, his wife Tayla, Liam, and his fiancée Emma. A set of brothers, and a set of sisters. As much as I want to believe Ki feels the same, she’s pushed more times than I’ve pulled and I’m not sure if this is a good idea. Doubt is a motherfucker.

“Look, Ryan, you know I love you like a brother.” Tayla pushes up from the chair and rubs her belly in slow circles. She’s five months pregnant and they’re about to go find out the sex. Her serious expression has me smirking because I know I’m in for it. She’s a feisty woman, both sisters are, but I know that’s why my best friend loves her. “She may not know it yet, but she loves you. And there’s nothing more romantic than a man willing to travel across the world to see you.”

Callum clears his throat and I can’t help chuckling. “Is that so, Petal?” She blushes at his nickname and he pulls her into his arms.

“Oh God, can you two keep your hands off each other for ten fucking seconds.” Liam growls in frustration and Emma, who’s perched on his lap giggles.

“Shut it, take your fiancée out or something and stop raining on my parade.” Callum’s retort comes quickly.

“Okay kids, enough. Cal, take your woman to get her scan, we want to know if we’re buying pink or blue.” I chuckle at his indignant face.

“Come on, Petal. See you later guys.” As soon as they’re out of the room Liam stares at me and I know he’s about to give me shit. He wants me to go after Ki, and as much as I’m doubting myself and coming up with excuses not to, I have a feeling I’m about to get the talking to of my life, so I nod before he can say anything more.

“I’ll go.” I murmur, “I swear, as soon as I step off the stage I’ll head straight for the airport.” Lifting my gaze, I meet both Emma and Liam’s stares. Both nod and smirk.

“Go get her, Ryan. I know she loves you,” Emm’s sweet voice makes me smile as she rises and pads over to me. I nod, leaning in to give her a cuddle. Her soft scent of peaches is clear and I know that’s only one reason why Liam calls her Peach. Any other, I’d rather not know.

Once she leaves us, I regard my brother from another mother and he smirks. “You know you’re going to come back here and there’s going to be a shiny diamond on her ring finger?” He quips confidently. I have no answer to that. All I can do is shrug and hope he’s right.


* * *


“I’m Ryan Callahan,” I rasp and her cheeks darken with a soft rosy hue. It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.

“I’m Kierra, I’m Callum’s assistant. He’s just finishing up a meeting, but you’re welcome to wait.” Her voice with her Australian accent, it’s like a melody I’m not sure I’d ever tire of. Her button nose, with those full rosy lips and wide eyes make for a beautiful woman. With those beautiful golden-brown waves that hang to the middle of her back she looks angelic. Her skin is lightly tanned. Almost golden giving her an ethereal glow. Deep soulful eyes, the color of a stormy sky peek at me under thick lashes.

“I’d wait anywhere you are,” my cocky response earns me a smile, her cheeks have the most incredible set of dimples I’ve ever seen. This woman is perfect. Her face is innocent, yet serious, her eyes betray agony, but offer kindness, and her mouth is tempting, it looks good enough to devour.

“Can I get you a coffee? The guys will be out to see you soon,” she responds, her cute button nose scrunches when she smiles. Jesus, I need to focus.

“Yes, coffee would be good.” She doesn’t wait for me to say anything more before turning on her heel and stalking toward an open doorway. Before I can follow a door behind me swings open and I’m met with the blue eyes of Callum Hayes. Playboy and rock star.

“Ryan?” He questions and all I can do is nod. I’m awestruck. I’ve seen him in concert so many times. I’ve seen him on the front page of tabloids, newspapers, and every time I have, he’s been nothing but gracious. Even now, as I stand here a newbie to this world, he offers me his hand and a grin.

“Yes, it’s good to meet you,” I manage to get out before he releases my hand to say goodbye to the man dressed in a suit and tie. Once the man has left, Callum turns to me and nods.

“Let’s get you in there,” he grins that boyish smile I know most girls drool over and I follow him into the studio. The room is small but comfortable with equipment lying around. He settles himself on the sofa and gestures toward a keyboard and guitar which is set up, ready to be played. “I know you’re well versed in both, let me hear what you can do.”

“Thank you, yes,” nerves kick in as I settle myself in front of the keyboard which is what I’m auditioning for, the role of keyboardist for the band. With the sweetest voice in my head that I can’t shake of the girl I just met, I’ve got a melody in mind. Getting my fingers ready, I inhale a deep breath. It’s state of the art, and I can’t wait to feel the keys beneath my touch. It’s like a woman, you have to caress it, stroke it, and make it sing for you. Much like I’d love to do to Kierra.

As soon as my fingers rest on the keys, my eyes flutter closed and I get lost inside my head. The melody echoes around us and all I feel are the notes. Everything is in tune, and I hit every note, I feel every part of the song.

Everything is lost, there’s only me and song. Slow, haunting, and melodic, I play “Nothing Else Matters” by Metallica like I was born to. As I reach the final notes, my eyes open and I find both Callum and Kierra, along with Liam, the older Hayes brother gawking at me.

Before I can say anything, Liam steps forward and smirks at me and asks the question that I’ve been working toward all my life, “when can you start?”