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Daddy's Baby: A BDSM Secret Baby Romance by B. B. Hamel (63)



I can’t get the girl out of my head.

I don’t know why. I’ve never been so hung up on someone before. I’ve been with plenty of women, some of them rich, all of them beautiful, but none of them holds a candle to Sadie.

I just keep seeing her coy little smile at dinner, the way she laughs, the way our conversation flowed with such ease. I can’t stop imagining what I’d do to her body.

Sending her the lingerie wasn’t hard. Her family’s address is easy enough to get, and I figured that if I sent it to her but didn’t include a return address, she might just get it.

But I have no clue if she did or not, because she didn’t call. I don’t know what I expected, sending her lingerie. I knew it would rile her up at the very least. I half thought she might call me angry and demand an explanation.

But I got something worse. I got silence.

I didn’t expect silence. Anger I can deal with. Excitement and desire, obviously I want those. But just nothing, well, that drives me even crazier. Makes me want her even more.

A couple days after the date and sending her the lingerie, I went to get a drink with my closest friend, Chuck Peck. He’s a friend from high school, one of the smartest guys I know. He turned his high school education into a job on Wall Street trading stocks.

Chuck sips his whisky and cocks his head at me. “So what are you going to do?” he asks. I just finished telling him the story of Sadie Tillman.

I shrug. “Not sure what I can do.”

“Not like you to just give up.”

“Never said I’d given up.” I grin at him. “Just need a new angle.”

“The lingerie thing was a bold move.”

“You know me. Can’t do anything halfway.”

“Maybe you scared the girl,” he muses.

I frown a little bit and sip my own whisky. It’s smoky and malty, a really gorgeous blend. “Maybe,” I admit. “I don’t think so, though.”

“The Tillmans are no joke,” Chuck says. “What if they found the box and she never got it?”

“I suspect I’d be meeting with their lawyers then,” I say, grinning.

Chuck sighs. “It’s not funny, man,” he says. “The Tillmans are like… buying out Congress rich. You know what I mean?”

“Not to mention connected as all hell,” I say, nodding. “I get it.”

“Why mess with them?”

“I’m not,” I say.

“You are. There are plenty of women in this city, and almost all of them won’t get you in fucking trouble with the Tillman family.”

“I’ve had all of those women,” I say, grinning. “There’s just something about this one. I don’t know, man. I can’t explain it.”

He looks at me then sighs, shaking his head. “You’re going to keep going after her, aren’t you? Nothing I can say?”

“You’ve known me long enough to know I’m not going to back off,” I say.

He shrugs. “Okay then. What’s your next move?”

“Another package,” I say. “But I need to think of what to put inside of it.”

“Can’t help you there,” he says, shaking his head. “I’ll listen and advise, but I’m not crossing that line.”

“You afraid of the Tillmans?”

He stares at me for a second then nods his head. “You’re damn right I am.”

We go back to drinking and change the subject, but I can’t really blame him. Chuck is a smart guy, and he’s been around long enough to know that you don’t mess with people like the Tillmans.

I’ve learned that same lesson, but apparently it didn’t stick. Because the next day, despite warnings from Chuck, I find myself putting together another package.

This one is smaller, much smaller. It’s a box about eight inches long, two inches wide, and inside is a gorgeous little black vibrator.

I can’t help but feel excited as hell as I put together this package. I write a little more on the card this time, heart racing.

You have the outfit and now you have the toy. Call me to discuss what to do with it. Gavin.

I grin to myself as I put it all together. If her family intercepts this thing, I’ll be totally fucked. They’ll come after me hard, and I can’t really blame them.

But she won’t be able to ignore this if she does get it somehow. The lingerie was pushing it, but this vibrator is stepping over the line and then running way past it. It’s going to piss her off, or maybe it’s going to excite her, but it’s going to get a reaction.

I mail it off and then I wait. I sent the package by courier, so I know that she’ll get it by the morning at the latest, I can barely sleep that night, thinking about how she’ll react when she wakes up to this little surprise on her doorstep, or however rich girls like her get their mail.

I get up early, workout to keep my mind occupied, and then I get my coffee and head into the office. I try to distract myself with work, but I can’t stop thinking about that package and about Sadie. She’s so fucking gorgeous and smart and funny, and she probably doesn’t even realize how much she has to offer. I bet her family keeps her locked up tight, ready to be traded off to some other rich family in exchange for some business ties or some shit.

A few hours trickle past. I keep looking at the clock and feeling more and more anxious. No one comes or goes, and soon I’m forced to have lunch. I eat at my desk, unable or unwilling to leave my office. I don’t know why. I keep looking at my phone, willing it to ring, but it doesn’t.

The day slowly slips past. I know she got it, or at least the couriers say it was delivered to her address. Maybe the family intercepted it and I’m fucked, or maybe she’s just so insulted that she won’t respond to me. I can’t imagine that’s the case, though, but the lunch hour comes and goes and I hear nothing.

All day passes. I’m practically sweating this goddamn thing, and I almost start to regret sending it.

But no, no, I don’t regret shit. I want this girl, and I need to find a way to get her. Maybe this package didn’t work, but something else will. I’m not giving up so easily.

I head home around seven that night, disappointed but accepting my situation. If she got the package and didn’t call, that means she’s probably beyond my reach. But if she didn’t get it, that meant the family knows what I’ve sent her, and I’m in deep shit.

I don’t care about the family. I’m more worried that I can’t even get a rise out of her. Which actually does interest me even more. If she’s so cool and calm and collected that a vibrator and some lingerie in the mail doesn’t provoke a reaction, she must be a really interesting girl, even more than I realized.

I have a glass of whisky and I read the news, and around eight o’clock, when I’ve finally began to think about a new plan for Sadie, my phone starts to ring.

My stomach lurches with excitement. It’s a number I don’t recognize. I let it ring one more time before answering.

“Hello,” I say.

There’s a pause. “Gavin?”

It’s Sadie’s voice. My grin threatens to tear my face apart. “Sadie,” I say. “I was wondering when I’d hear from you.”

She pauses again. “I got your, uh, presents.”

“Good,” I say. “I hope you liked them.”

“They were, uh, inappropriate.” Despite her words, she doesn’t sound angry.

“Inappropriate can be good sometimes.”

She pauses again. I can tell that she’s thinking seriously about what she’s going to say next. “You can’t keep sending me things,” she says.

“I can stop,” I say. “But I’m not sure you really want me to.”

“You’re going to get me in trouble.”

I smirk to myself, leaning back in my chair. “Maybe I want to get you in trouble. Maybe you need a little trouble in your life.”

“You don’t know that,” she says softly.

“Did you like my presents?” I ask. “Did you try them on?”

Anther pause, and my grin gets bigger. That means she did.

“Please, don’t send anything else. I’m afraid my family will catch it.” She changed the subject. She definitely tried that lingerie on, maybe even used the vibrator. My cock is hard as hell as I imagine her wearing nothing but the bra and panties, the panties shoved to one side to show off her perfect little pussy, the vibrator rolling along her skin, her moans filling the room.

“Agree to meet with me and I won’t send another thing,” I say, needing that image to become a reality. I want to make her wear that outfit and to get herself off with that vibrator while she sucks my cock. I want to get her begging for more before I’m done with her.

“Okay,” she says, barely a whisper.

“I’ll make the arrangements. I’ll text you when it’s ready.”

I can practically see her, dripping wet, biting her lip. “This is a bad idea,” she says. “I shouldn’t see you. I shouldn’t even be talking to you.”

“And yet you are talking to me and you’re going to see me. Even after I sent you two very inappropriate gifts. What does that say about you, Sadie?”

“I don’t know,” she admits.

“I know. It says that you’re a dirty fucking girl, and you want to see exactly how dirty you can get with me.”

I hear a slight intake of air and I know I’ve pushed her. I smirk to myself.

“You like playing with me, don’t you?”

“Very much,” I say. “I’ll see you soon.”

I hang up the phone before she can say another word. I want to leave her with the image of me playing with her.

I can think of plenty of games that she’ll love. I can see tying her up in my room, binding her hands and feet to my bed, spreading her wide and licking her until she screams with pleasure. I’m so fucking hard and I want her so badly, but I have to be patient.

I stand up, get myself another whisky, and set about getting this next date ready.