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Dangerous to Know & Love by Jane Harvey-Berrick (14)

Chapter 14


Zef stood with his arms crossed as Daniel shoved clothes into his messenger bag.

When he was facing him, he said, “So you’re going with her—the singer.”

Daniel nodded. Although his expression was neutral, his jaw clenched.

Zef scrubbed his fingers over his face, an expression of frustration that his younger brother had seemingly inherited. Then he shoved his hands into his pockets.

“Whatever. It’s probably just as well you get out of town for a while.”

That was the plan, but Zef’s words worried Daniel.

“What’s going on? Those cops were really gunning for you. I’ve been looking over my shoulder ever since—they weren’t messing around.”

Zef shook his head slowly.

“Things have gotten … complicated.”

Daniel frowned in irritation and confusion.

“I don’t get it. We don’t need the money. Since … since Mom and Dad … the insurance paid off the mortgage and there’s the trust for my tuition fees. I’ve got my summer job in the auto shop—I could work weekends, too. If you got a job…”

“Who’s going to give me a job, man? I mean, seriously? With my record? I couldn’t even get paid to stock shelves at Wal-Mart.”

“Go back to school—finish your degree.”

“You don’t understand—you’re just a kid.”

Daniel bristled.

“Is that what you think?”

Zef shrugged then shook his head.

“Nah, man. Not really. I’m just saying that it’s more complicated than you think.”

“Then tell me—I’m sure I can keep up.”

Zef pulled a face.

“Look, whatever. Go enjoy Thanksgiving with your girl. Maybe we’ll talk when you get back. Come on, get out of here! Enjoy yourself. Don’t be a pussy.”

Daniel gave a small smile, then his face became serious again.

“But we’ll talk when I get back?”

“Yeah, maybe. Now go on—get gone.”

Zef pulled his brother into a hug and whispered, “I’m sorry, kid.”

He knew Daniel couldn’t hear him.

Daniel drove up to the dorms as a crowd of noisy college girls spilled out, shouting and jostling, lugging heavy cases and piling into cars. It was cheerful bedlam. Cheerful for all the ones who were going off to spend time with their families. Daniel felt anything but cheerful—he was as nervous as all hell at the prospect of staying in the Maclaines’ house. He’d asked Lisanne if her dad had a gun, ignoring the accompanying eye roll, and even Googled the location of the nearest motel just in case things didn’t go entirely to plan.

He kicked the bike’s stand and leaned down to pull Lisanne’s Thanksgiving gift out of the saddlebags. One of the two gifts he’d gotten her. He wasn’t sure she’d like it, but she definitely needed it.

He’d tried to gift wrap it—he’d even bought some expensive paper and ribbon. But then the paper wouldn’t fit and the ribbon kept unraveling. In the end he’d used so much Scotch tape that the damn thing looked as attractive as road kill. Which was why he’d stuffed it inside a plastic bag.

He managed to push his way through the crowds of hormonal girls, wondering if getting his ass felt up had been an accident, when he bumped into … what the hell was her name? He racked his brains while her eyes widened as she realized whose chest she was currently eyeballing.

“Oh, Daniel!”

“Hi,” he said, amiably.

He started to go around her when she grabbed his arm.

“You made a mistake not calling me back,” she said, with a challenging look.

He couldn’t help smiling. Girl had balls.

“Happy Thanksgiving,” he said, winking at her. “Terri.”

She pouted and tossed her long red hair over her shoulder.

He took the stairs two at a time until he was standing outside Lisanne’s room. He knocked loudly.

Lisanne yanked the door open, her ears ringing from Kirsty’s high-pitched squealing, and grinned up at him, her cheeks pink and her eyes bright. Daniel couldn’t help bending down and kissing her sweet lips. The moment skin touched skin, the spark of electricity flared and he couldn’t deny it, but deepened the kiss, aching to feel her body pressed against his own.

Several girls milling around in the hallway whistled and called out comments that nice female college students ought not to know, even if they were anatomically correct. Perhaps it was lucky that Daniel didn’t hear them, not that he’d have cared. But Lisanne did—her face was scarlet as she tugged him inside and shut the door.

“What?” he asked, bemused.

“Nothing,” she lied, then continued as she saw her answer annoyed him. “Just some sophomores eyeing up my boyfriend.”

Daniel laughed. He liked her being possessive.

Kirsty raised her eyebrows and sighed theatrically.

“Hello! I am in the same room as you guys! I do exist. There is life beyond the Lisanne—Daniel bubble.”

“Sorry, Kirsty,” mumbled Lisanne.

“Yeah. What she said.” Daniel’s tone wasn’t entirely serious, and he smiled. “Hey, Kirsty. Didn’t see you over there.”

Kirsty groaned. “Oh God, now I’m invisible. It’s finally happened. The sooner you two get over the honeymoon phase the better for us mere mortals.”

“Oh, right!” snorted Lisanne. “And you weren’t shrieking because Vin sent you a cute text saying, ‘Oh, Kirsty! You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. Your eyes are like two sapphires on a really big blue ring, and turtledoves sing every time you enter a room...’”

Kirsty threw a cushion at her.

“Shut up already! He didn’t say that—not exactly.”

Daniel felt like backing out of the door. The estrogen levels in the room were off the chart and high enough to melt the balls off a brass monkey. Probably. It was no place for a human male.

“Um, yeah, I’ll wait for you outside,” he said.

“What? No, I’m ready.”

Lisanne threw herself at Kirsty and hugged her tightly.

“Text me every day, promise?”

“Of course. And tell me how it goes at your place. Oh and remember what I said—you totally have to have sex in your childhood bedroom,” replied Kirsty, muttering into Lisanne’s neck.

She gasped. “Kirsty!”

“I’m just saying—it’ll be awesome. Trust me.”

Kirsty winked at Daniel, who’d been having some inappropriate thoughts of his own when he’d seen his girlfriend kissing another woman, but he hadn’t heard the conversation. He shook his head to clear it and suddenly decided it would be wise to hold Lisanne’s present in front of him.

Lisanne gave him a strange look, probably because his eyes looked like they were about to dribble down his chest. She picked up a small bag.

“Is this okay?”


“Will it fit in Sirona?”

“Who’s Sirona?” asked Kirsty, curiosity coloring her tone.

Lisanne giggled. “His bike.”

“He named her?”

“I know!” laughed Lisanne.

“Hey!” said Daniel. “I’m standing right here!”

“Now you know how it feels,” muttered Kirsty.

Lisanne grabbed hold of Daniel’s hand and tugged him out of the room.

“Bye, Kirsty! Happy Thanksgiving!”

“Yeah,” said Daniel. “What she said.”

“What’s up with you?” Lisanne said to Daniel. “You’re acting weird—all sort of wigged out.”

Daniel looked around him nervously, pulled her into an empty corner next to the janitor’s closet, then thrust the present at her.

“For you,” he mumbled. “It’s nothing much, and it’s not new or anything, so if you don’t like it that’s fine, but I thought you could use it and … yeah … yeah.”

Lisanne’s face slowly changed from confusion to comprehension to pleasure.

“You … you got me a present?”

Daniel nodded. “Yeah, but it’s pretty crappy. It’s not new but I thought … I dunno … you don’t have to…”

Shit! Why was giving a girl a present so hard? Because you’ve never done it before, moron.

“Daniel, I love it.”

He stared at her, utterly bewildered. “But … you haven’t even opened it.”

Lisanne reached up and kissed his cheek. “I love it because it’s from you.”

The tips of Daniel’s ears reddened, and suddenly the ugly carpeting seemed incredibly fascinating.

“It probably won’t fit,” he muttered, almost to himself.

Lisanne pulled the package out of the bag. She held back a smile as she saw his futile attempts at gift wrapping. Jeez, it looked he’d wrapped it blindfolded—and using his toes.

She tried to tear off the paper, but there was so much Scotch tape, she couldn’t make any headway.

“Um, could you help me?” she said, biting back an urge to laugh.

“Fuck,” muttered Daniel.

When he couldn’t tear it with his hands, he used his teeth to rip it open, then handed it back to Lisanne.

Finally, finally Lisanne got her gift opened.

Inside was a black leather biker’s jacket, size small. It was worn soft with use, the leather faded and scuffed, the sleeves curved at the elbows by years of wearing.

While Lisanne held out her arms, Daniel slipped it over her shoulders, then pulled up the zipper.

It fit perfectly.

Damn if she didn’t look sexy in leather.

“I thought it would keep you warm, when you’re on the bike. You don’t have to wear it,” he said, “but it’s safer than your jacket, so I thought…”

Lisanne pressed her lips against his to silence his nervous babbling.

“You can stop talking now,” she said, looking into his eyes. “I love it.”

Daniel smiled a little unsurely. “Yeah? Because I know it’s secondhand and girls don’t like that stuff so…” his words tailed off as Lisanne smiled happily at him. “You like it?”

“I love it. I told you.”

“Good, because it looks damn sexy on you. Makes me want to do things to you.”

“What sort of things?” she said, with a challenging stare.

His arms swept down suddenly and he scooped her up with his hands under her ass, so Lisanne’s legs automatically wrapped around his waist. Then he pressed her up against the wall and kissed her hard.

Through the sheen of lust that suddenly enveloped her, she could feel his hips grinding into her thighs.

“I’m going to have you against a wall, baby doll, and all you’ll be wearing is that leather jacket.”

Lisanne gasped as he muttered the words against her throat.

She fastened her hands around his neck and did some grinding of her own, drawing out a moan from deep within his chest.

Slowly he let her slide down, his eyes dark and wild.

Suddenly, he grabbed her wrist and pulled her into the janitor’s closet and shut the door, leaving them in a darkness illuminated only by cracks of light.

When Lisanne felt Daniel tugging at the button on her jeans, she grabbed his hands and stopped him.

He sighed heavily, and she held him as their breathing slowly returned to normal. After a moment, she cautiously opened the door and stepped outside.

A couple of girls walking past giggled into their hands, and Lisanne knew that the few shreds left of her reputation had just disintegrated, when Daniel followed her out.

“Sorry,” he said, not even the slightest bit abashed. “You look so hot.”

Lisanne didn’t know whether she was more turned on or annoyed that he’d tried to fuck her in a damn closet that smelled of bleach.

“We should get going,” she said, raising her eyebrows at him.

“You always get me going, baby,” he replied with a grin.



Wondering how much room for maneuvering the closet really had, Lisanne tugged his sleeve and he followed her down the stairs, laughing quietly. There was absolutely no doubt in her mind, that if she hadn’t stopped him, they’d be a hot and sweaty mess by now.

That boy!

Still smiling to himself, Daniel stuffed Lisanne’s backpack into the saddlebags.

“Is there anything breakable in here, baby?” he asked, rather belatedly.

“Um, no!” she laughed. “Now you ask me?”

He shrugged. “You distracted me.”

“You’re blaming me?”

He grinned. “Yeah, you’re totally badass.”

Lisanne felt a faint heat in her cheeks. From music major-nerd to badass in half a semester—she liked it.

He handed her a helmet and swung a long leg over the bike, then held out his hand for her.

The roar of the engine was loud, and Lisanne could see heads turning in their direction. A few girls knew that she and the notorious Daniel Colton were dating—but after this, it would be general knowledge. She was pleased, but it made her nervous, too. She wasn’t sure why.

She fastened her hands around his waist. It was quickly becoming one of the favorite Daniel places on her list. Although it was quite a long list.

He drove slowly until they reached the interstate, then he really let rip, showing what Sirona could do, and that she was no stately lady, despite her forty-plus years. Lisanne clung on and squeezed his waist extra hard to remind him that he really didn’t want to get stopped for speeding again. He must have understood, because he slowed slightly. She could only hope it was below 70mph.

After two hours, riding on Sirona began to lose some of its appeal for Lisanne. Apart from anything else, the vibrations were making her ass numb. She wriggled about uncomfortably and wished for Vin’s luxurious, air conditioned SUV. She felt guilty because she knew that Daniel couldn’t afford anything like that, and he’d bought her the seriously cool leather jacket to make her more comfortable. She just wished he’d bought her a cushion to sit on, too.

After another 30 minutes she’d had enough. She wanted to stand up. She wanted to walk. She wanted to rub her ass and put her thighs together. She saw a truck stop coming up and tapped Daniel on the shoulder and pointed.

He swung the bike over and headed to the off-ramp. When he finally cut the engine, Lisanne felt like cheering.

She dragged off the helmet, and scrambled from the bike, rubbing her backside gingerly.

Daniel looked like he was trying not to smile.

“You okay, baby doll?”

“No, I can’t feel my ass!” she said, grumpily.

“Do you want me to feel it?”

Before she had a chance to answer, he leaned down and massaged her backside, his strong fingers working the soft flesh.

Lisanne groaned with pleasure. He’d definitely missed his calling. He’d be the most amazing massage therapist. Personal massage therapist. Her personal massage therapist. And she’d be his only client.


“Don’t stop,” she moaned.

He smiled down at her. “Baby, if I don’t stop now, I’m going to want to fuck you in the middle of a truck stop. See what you do to me?”

He glanced down at the front of his jeans and Lisanne was surprised to see a noticeable bulge.

“Oh,” she said, softly. “Sorry.”

“‘S’okay. But I can’t wait to get to your place.”

Lisanne blinked. “You know we can’t fool around at my parents!” she said, an edge of panic in her voice.

A small crease appeared between his eyebrows. “Why not?”

“Because … because…”

Daniel smiled. “I’m not going to do it in front of your parents, Lis. I don’t want to give your dad another reason to throw down. We’ll wait for them to go out or something.”

“Oh,” said Lisanne, faintly.

“Unless you don’t want to?” he said, his voice suddenly uncertain.

“I do!”

I do? She asked herself. In my parents’ house?

“Good,” he said, happy and easily appeased.

Lisanne was still wondering what she’d just agreed to as they walked into the small café. Her mom hadn’t said they couldn’t, but she had implied that ‘good behavior’ was the price of the invitation. She was pretty sure her mom meant no fooling around—which meant no sex.

The waitress strolled over with a jug of coffee, pouring it immediately into the two cups waiting on the table. Lisanne stared at it thoughtfully as Daniel ordered everything that could be fried.

“What?” he said, eyeing her as they leaned back to drink their coffee.


“Yeah,” he said, smiling. “Starving.”

“Didn’t you eat last night?”

He looked down at his coffee. “Nah, didn’t get around to it.”

She tapped the back of his hand. “Well, you’d better get in training because Mom will feed you till you pop.”

“Sounds good. I haven’t had home cooking since … not for a while.”

She stroked his hand. “I know.”

“Um, Lis, not to sound like a pussy or anything but…”

He was uncharacteristically anxious.

“Daniel, what is it?”

“Just … just don’t leave me alone with your family, okay? It’s hard…”

“I think we should tell them—about you. It’ll make it easier.”

“Fuck no! Your dad already hates me. I don’t need to give him another reason.”

Lisanne stared at him in confusion.

“Dad won’t hate you because you’re deaf. I mean, he’s not happy that we’re … you know … but not because of that.”

“Lis,” Daniel said, patiently. “He won’t want his only daughter dating some guy who’s not all…”

“Don’t say it!” she interrupted, her voice harsh. “Just don’t. I want to be with you. That’s what matters—that’s all Dad needs to know. Anyway,” she said, more quietly, “he just wants me to be happy.”

Daniel shook his head bitterly.

“Yeah, but not with someone like me.”

Lisanne didn’t know what to say. Only time would persuade Daniel. She hoped her dad wasn’t too hard on him. Her mom had promised that her father would behave himself, but Lisanne had her doubts. It was only when her mom reminded her that this was the first time he’d had to deal with his daughter being grown up enough to have a boyfriend, that she could see it from his point of view. Sort of.

Daniel was still frowning when his food arrived, but he cheered up immediately at the sight of the enormous plate.

“Grits!” he said, happily. “God, I love this stuff.”

He gave the meal his full attention, and Lisanne sat watching him.

His hair had been slightly flattened by the helmet, but spiked up the moment he put his hands through it, which he did often.

He’d changed the ring in his eyebrow to a small, black barbell, although whether that was to make it more comfortable under the helmet, or because it was less obtrusive for her parents, she didn’t know.

They finished their meal and then Daniel stood outside for a smoke, while Lisanne paid the check.

They’d had a short but heated argument—she’d persuaded him that as it was her family they were visiting for Thanksgiving, she should pay for any food on the journey up. Daniel agreed only after insisting that he pay for gas.

Lisanne felt like a fool—gas would cost way more than food. Daniel was so much smarter than she was when it came to anything to do with money. Perhaps because he’d had to manage by himself. She couldn’t imagine Zef did much to help. The thought made her frown. She didn’t want to know exactly what Zef did, and Daniel said it was better that way—she believed him.

When she followed him outside, he was sucking the last hit of nicotine out of his cigarette before grinding the butt with his heel. He saw her and smiled, blowing the last lungful of smoke down his nose like a lazy dragon.

She wondered when would be the right moment to try and persuade him to give up smoking.

“Ready for the next slice of road, baby doll, or do you want me to rub your ass some more?”

Lisanne held in a groan. The truck stop hadn’t sold cushions—she’d checked.

Daniel pulled her into a hug and kissed her hair, letting his hands drift down over the curve of her ass. He rubbed slowly and Lisanne felt her body shiver with longing.

He pushed her away gently to see her face.

“Can I come to your room tonight?” he said, holding her hips tightly. “I’ll be quiet.”

“Um … I don’t know.”

“Don’t you want me, baby?”

“Yes, but…”

He leaned down and kissed her. She could taste coffee and smoke and she still wanted him.

“Tonight,” he said, daring her to disagree.

Lisanne didn’t answer. She was pretty certain her parents wouldn’t make it that easy. In fact, now she thought about it, her mom hadn’t said where Daniel would be sleeping.

Things were sure going to be different this Thanksgiving.

Reluctantly, she climbed back onto Sirona, and Daniel steered them out toward the Interstate.

After another hour of riding and wondering if she’d ever be able to feel her ass again, she would have quite happily dumped his beloved Harley into Peachtree Lake, never to see her … it … again.

She was glad mind-reading wasn’t among Daniel’s many talents.

They’d pre-agreed signals so she could direct him to her parents’ house. Two taps on the left arm meant turn left; two on the right, the opposite; and a squeeze of his waist, slow down; three taps meant stop.

Soon they were traveling down familiar suburban streets, the occasional golf cart crossing their path. It felt strange to be home—even stranger to be arriving on the back of a motorcycle with her boyfriend.

She tapped his shoulder, and Daniel pulled up outside a large, modern house, painted pale blue. The yard at the front was tidy with a large peach tree shading the lawn on one side—it reminded Daniel of how his home had been before his parents died.

They’d just managed to dismount and pull off their helmets when Lisanne’s mother came charging down the driveway.

“You’re here! I was so worried!” and she pulled Lisanne into the tightest hug, kissing her eldest child repeatedly.

Daniel stood awkwardly, suddenly not knowing what to do with his hands, but wishing he’d had time for a soothing cigarette. He knew that wouldn’t be a good start to the visit, and he was still holding their helmets.

Damn it. He badly wanted a cigarette.

Then Lisanne’s mother released her, and surprised the shit out of Daniel by giving him a quick hug, too.

“Welcome to our home, Daniel.”

“Thank you for inviting me, Mrs. Maclaine,” he said, shyly.

“Oh, please, call me Monica.”

“Okay,” he smiled, nervously. “Um, Lis, could you hold these while I get the luggage, baby?”

He handed her the helmets then pulled out Lisanne’s small backpack, his own messenger bag, and another plastic bag. Lisanne didn’t know what was in that one.

She put the helmets away, then led him toward the front door.

Mrs. Maclaine smiled approvingly when she saw that Daniel was still carrying Lisanne’s bag, as well as his own.

Then Ernie came out, and Daniel froze mid-step.

He glanced severely at Daniel before kissing his daughter.

“Good to have you home, honey,” he said.

“Thanks, Dad. Um, you remember Daniel?” she replied, somewhat gingerly.

“Daniel,” said her father, shortly.

“Mr. Maclaine,” Daniel answered, equally shortly.

After a brief pause, her father held out his hand. Daniel put the bags on the floor, and the two men shook hands.

Lisanne’s mother let out a sigh of relief.

Stage one complete. No blood was drawn.

“Where’s Harry?” said Lisanne, looking around for her little brother.

“Oh, he’s over at Jerry’s house. You’ll meet my youngest later, Daniel. You’ll be sharing his room. I hope you don’t mind, but Lisanne’s grandparents are in our guest rooms. You’ll be okay on a cot?”

“Sure,” said Daniel, glancing at Lisanne, guessing she’d known about the sleeping arrangements but not told him. “Yeah, a cot’s fine, thank you, Monica,” he answered, politely.

He decided not to tell her that if he could sleep on a thin mattress in a police cell, he could sleep anywhere.

That kind of shit didn’t go down well with parents, he figured.

“Lisanne, if you could show Daniel where he’ll be sleeping, I’ll make you both a drink. Iced tea okay for you, Daniel?”

“Um…” he hesitated, throwing an appalled glance at his girlfriend.

“I think Daniel might prefer coffee,” said Mr. Maclaine.

“Uh, yeah, great,” said Daniel, blinking in surprise.

“Coffee for the men folk, honey. You ladies can stick to tea.”

Even Lisanne looked surprised, then she enveloped her father in a hug.

“Thank you, Daddy.”

“Sure, baby,” he said, sounding pleased.

Daniel shut out the fact that Lisanne’s dad called her ‘baby’, as well. That shit was too weird.

Lisanne led Daniel up the stairs and opened a door on the left.

“Um, this is Harry’s room,” she said.

“You knew about this, didn’t you?” he said, accusingly.

Lisanne shook her head.

“Not exactly. Mom didn’t say. But I was thinking about it on the way up and I figured it would be either this … or they’d put the cot in the living room.”

He sighed.

“Guess I’m lucky it’s not in the backyard.” He looked at Lisanne. “I want to know where your room is.”

She laughed nervously, and showed him into a room across the hallway.

It wasn’t the frilly, girly room Daniel had half expected. The only word to describe it was peaceful. It wasn’t large, but it felt comfortable. There was a closet by the far wall, a chest of drawers, a bookshelf filled with musical scores and ratty paperbacks, and a full-size bed, covered with a pale yellow quilt.

“Nice,” he said approvingly, and laid her backpack on the only chair in the room, which was standing next to a simple desk. He stood looking out of the window into the backyard. It was neat and tidy with a freshly mown lawn, and trimmed flower beds. He could see a basketball hoop fixed to the garage wall that formed the edge of the large patio.

Daniel turned to see Lisanne watching him.

“Your folks have got a nice place.”

“Thank you,” she said, unable to read his expression.

She walked toward him and he looped his arms around her waist, then leaned down to kiss her.

It felt strange kissing him here, in her bedroom, and she pulled away.

“What’s the matter, b … Lis?”

She shrugged, and he looked at her warily.

“You … you’re not regretting inviting me, are you?”

Lisanne shook her head immediately, and tightened her arms around him.

“No! Of course not. I just … I feel like I don’t know how to behave in my own home. It’s hard to explain.”

Daniel nodded.

“I get it. I felt like that the first time I came back from boarding school. It took a while to feel like home again—I’d changed and I noticed small things that had changed around the house. It was the same but different. It felt weird.”

“Yes, exactly!”

She was relieved. He understood.

“Hey,” he said, a wicked gleam in his eye, “have you had a guy in your room before?”

“I haven’t had a guy anywhere before I met you, which you know very well!”

He laughed. “So that’s a no?”

“Yes, that’s a no.”

He smiled his sexy smile, and Lisanne felt her knees tremble. He leaned down and kissed her, his tongue seeking permission.

She opened her mouth and he claimed her.

She knew that’s what he was doing, here in her family home, in her bedroom.

But then all thought fell away and she allowed her body to react the way it craved. She grabbed the front of his t-shirt and lifted it up, so she could run her hands over his hard stomach.

He groaned and deepened the kiss further, but then Lisanne heard her mother calling and she pulled away again.

Her face was flushed and Daniel was breathing heavily.

“Mom’s calling,” she said, huskily.

“Can we ignore her?” he whispered, licking her neck.

Lisanne shivered, and pushed him away for a third time.

“No. She’d send a search party.”

“Tonight,” he said.

It wasn’t a question.

When they reached the kitchen, a tall skinny kid was sitting at the table drinking a soda.

“Hey, loser,” said Lisanne, with a smile.

“Hey, nerd,” said the kid, without turning around to look.

Daniel hadn’t heard the response, but Lisanne’s greeting made him smile.

Their mother, on the other hand, was less impressed.

“Honestly, you two! What sort of impression will you give Daniel?”

“The right one,” said Lisanne.

“Who?” said the kid.

Lisanne rolled her eyes and poked him in the back.

“This is my brother, Harry.”

“Hey, man,” said Daniel, holding out his hand to shake. “‘Sup?”

Harry stared openly at Daniel’s pierced eyebrow and tattoos.

“Jeez, Lis. I thought you only liked nerds.”

Daniel smiled and raised his eyebrow at Lisanne. She was about ready to thump her little brother.

Looking all types of gangly and awkward, Harry shook hands with Daniel.

“Is that your Harley out front?”


“No way!”

And Harry insisted on talking motorcycles for the next 15 minutes.

Lisanne sighed. She wished her dad were as easy to please.

Mr. Maclaine re-entered the kitchen and Daniel stood up abruptly, making Lisanne jump. Her father seemed surprised, too.

He nodded at Daniel, who looked about ready to make a run for it—or swing a punch—Lisanne wasn’t sure which, but his tension was making her nervous. Her mother looked at them both sympathetically.

“Um, I brought this for you, sir, ma’am, uh, Monica,” said Daniel, thrusting the plastic bag at Mrs. Maclaine.

“Why, that was thoughtful of you. But please sit down, Daniel: you’re our guest. We want you to relax. Don’t we, Ernie?” she said, throwing a meaningful look at her husband.

Lisanne’s dad grunted in reply.

With an exasperated sigh, Monica opened the bag and took out a rather squashed box of chocolate covered pralines.

“Crap,” said Daniel. “It’s melted. Shit. Sorry.”

His ears went red when he realized he’d just sworn twice—in front of Lisanne’s parents.

Monica’s face was a little tight, but Lisanne thought it was because she was trying not to laugh.

“Um, yeah, they were my mom’s favorites, so I thought…” his words died away.

“I’m sure they’ll be fine,” Monica said, with a heartfelt smile. “And I think this is for you, Ernie,” she continued, passing her husband a bottle of Jack Daniels.

“You’re not old enough to buy liquor,” he barked.

Daniel’s face closed down. “My brother is,” he said quietly, neither admitting nor denying that he’d bought the whiskey.

“Ernie!” Monica hissed.

“Hmm, very thoughtful,” Lisanne’s dad bit out.

Lisanne wanted to drop her head in her hands. She thought Daniel had had the best idea, when he looked like he wanted to make a run for it.

She held his hand under the table and squeezed his fingers.

“Should we go for a walk?” she said.

What she really meant was: should we get the hell out of here so you can have a cigarette before you blow like Krakatoa?

Daniel nodded, gratefully.

“Yeah, thanks, baby doll.”

Lisanne’s father didn’t look very happy at hearing his daughter’s nickname, but after a stern glance from his wife, wisely decided to say nothing about it.

“We’re going out for a while, Mom.”

“Of course, honey. I’m sure Daniel would like to see the lake. Why don’t you take my car? Dinner’s at six.”

“Thanks, Mom,” said Lisanne, kissing her mother on the cheek.

Daniel almost sprinted to the front door as Lisanne collected her mom’s car keys. He’d already lit a cigarette by the time she closed the door behind them.

He blew tension out of his body along with a lungful of smoke. Lisanne stroked his back, as if calming a wild animal.

He shook his head.


Lisanne gave a small laugh. “It could have gone worse.”

“You think?”

“Yes, they could have walked in on us having sex.”

Daniel burst out laughing, relieved that Lisanne wasn’t pissed at him for swearing, or the way he’d behaved.

“Yeah, that wouldn’t have gone down well.”

Lisanne wound her arms around his waist and leaned her head against his chest. She looked up as he blew another puff of smoke away from her.

“Thank you for coming,” she said.

He smiled as he stubbed out his cigarette.

“‘S’okay, baby doll. Come on, let’s go see this lake.”

Monica’s car was a red Honda hatchback and Lisanne couldn’t help luxuriating in the wide, comfortable, cushioned seat. So different from Sirona’s questionable charms.

She pulled her seatbelt on and waited, while Daniel worked out how to shift the seat back and make room for his long legs.

“Oh God!” she said, as she turned on the engine.

“What, baby?” he said, frowning at her, as she pulled onto the road.

“I can’t believe Mom is listening to this radio station! The music is so…”

Lisanne choked on the words when she saw Daniel’s face.

“Oh, I’m so sorry! Daniel…”

He nodded at her apology and stared out of the window. Lisanne reached over to turn off the radio, but he placed his hand over hers and pushed it back.

“Lis, I don’t expect you to live without music just because I’m around.”

“I don’t, I…”

“I’ve seen you do it, baby doll. I’ve seen you turn off your iPod and stop talking about bands while I’m around. I know music is important to you. Shit, I totally get that. Don’t stop listening to music because of me. Fuck, if anything, you have to listen to it for both of us.”

Suddenly Lisanne’s eyes were too full of tears for her to carry on driving in safety. She pulled over to the curb and covered her face with her hands, sobbing.

Daniel unclipped his seatbelt, moving across to pull her into his arms.

“Don’t cry for me, baby doll. Please don’t cry.”

He spoke the words into her hair as her tears soaked into his t-shirt.

For several minutes, Lisanne cried out all the stress and tension of the day, and the pain she felt from Daniel’s words.

He was right, of course. She had avoided listening to music or talking about music when he was around, because she hadn’t wanted to hurt him, to remind him of what he’d lost. She felt bad enough that he picked her up from all her rehearsals, and had come to all her gigs.

When she was finally hiccuping the last of her tears, Daniel hitched up his t-shirt and wiped her eyes.

“Better, baby?”

She nodded.


He kissed her hair again. “Don’t be. Not for me. Not for caring about me.”

Finally, she was composed enough to drive again, but they didn’t do much walking when they reached the lake—they simply found a shady tree to lie under. Lisanne rested her head on Daniel’s chest, and he drew lazy circles on her shoulder with his fingers.

It was a moment of much needed peace.

Eventually, Lisanne struggled into a sitting position and Daniel opened his eyes, smiling up at her.

“There’s a place near here, a sort of outside mini-mall, where we can get a coffee if you like?”

“Yeah, I could definitely go a coffee. This is your home town. Let’s see the sights.”

Lisanne laughed. “Well, we’re sitting by the lake—that’s about it. Unless you want to see the golf course?”

“Wow, life in the fast lane,” Daniel deadpanned.

Lisanne smiled shyly. “Small town girl, that’s me.”

He sat up and kissed her on the tip of her nose. “Wouldn’t have you any other way, baby doll.”

At the mall, they strolled hand in hand to the nearest coffee shop and sat down outside, enjoying the warm afternoon sun.

Lisanne was hoping that some of the girls she’d known from high school would just happen to walk past. Daniel looked so hot sitting with his Ray Bans covering his eyes, and his t-shirt tight across his muscular shoulders and back. Just once she’d have liked to have been envied by the girls who never gave her the time of day—just for a change. Completely shallow—and she didn’t care.

But when the waitress started flirting with Daniel as if Lisanne didn’t exist, she changed her mind. It must have been so obvious he was out of her league, that the waitress didn’t even try to be subtle.

“What can I get for you folks?” she said, as her eyes roved up and down Daniel’s undeniably hot body.


“Um, I’ll have a caramel Frappuccino, please.”

“And what can I tempt you with?” said the waitress, sucking her pencil suggestively.

Daniel raised his eyebrows as he replied. “Black coffee, please.”

“Oh, I so agree,” giggled the waitress. “I can’t stand all those fake drinks—I prefer my coffee straight up.”

Daniel reached over and took Lisanne’s hand in his.

“Yeah? My baby doll likes her drinks sweet—just like her.”

Lisanne blushed bright red, grateful and delighted by his public display, but the waitress turned away with an annoyed huff.

“Wow, I can’t believe she was hitting on you right in front of me! I mean, come on!”

Daniel gave her his sexy smirk.

“Told you I was irresistible, baby doll,” he said, immodestly. “But I only want you.”

Lisanne’s body began to overheat, so she was relieved when the waitress returned with her iced coffee.

“You folks let me know if I can help you with anything else,” she said, sullenly.

Daniel winked at her, which sent the waitress away with a smile on her face.

“You’re so bad!” hissed Lisanne.

Daniel shrugged. “Didn’t want to ruin her day.”