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Dangerous to Know & Love by Jane Harvey-Berrick (8)

Chapter 8


Daniel pulled up outside the Mexican restaurant, staring through the window at the bright room and people beyond the plate glass. But he didn’t cut the engine. From the soles of his boots to the roots of his hair, his whole body was urging him to get the hell out of there. His heart was thundering so hard, it was nearly pounding out of his chest.

He’d spent the last three years avoiding exactly this sort of situation. It was different with Roy and the guys. They’d all been around as he’d started to lose his hearing. They knew his limitations and how to adjust their behavior around him. But here, none of them knew. Which was just how he’d set it up—except he’d never intended to spend much time mixing with other students from school. It was tiring enough just going to lectures and lip reading that shit for nearly an hour at a time. He hadn’t even told Lisanne that he was so fucked by the end of a school day that he mostly just went home and slept.

Now she was asking him to break all his carefully constructed rules. He was out of his depth—and he was fucking terrified.

He felt her small hand rub his arm, soothing him, as if she understood how he felt. Slowly, he pulled off his helmet so he could speak to her.

“I don’t think this is such a good idea, Lis.”

She scrambled off the bike and pulled his face around, so he had to look at her.

“Five minutes,” she said. “And if you want to go, just say, ‘elephant shoes’.”

He snorted in amusement. “‘Elephant shoes’, huh?”

She nodded and gave him a small smile.

He pulled out a smoke and lit it hurriedly, inhaling deeply, trying to calm himself the fuck down. Then he tossed it to the sidewalk and took a deep breath.

“Fuck it,” he said. “Let’s do it.”

The restaurant wasn’t crowded, and perhaps only half the tables were being used.

The hostess walked over briskly, a hungry expression on her face that Lisanne had come to recognize all too well when women looked at Daniel. At her boyfriend.

“Table for two?” asked the woman, checking him out as she spoke.

“No, that’s okay, thanks,” answered Lisanne. “We’ll be joining our friends.”

Her head turned as she heard Kirsty’s laugh right across the room. She was with a group of five people sitting around a circular table.

Lisanne took Daniel’s hand, looking up at him and smiling. His face looked rather tense, his jaw clenched tightly, but he tried to smile at her.

“Okay?” she said, softly. “Five minutes—that’s all.”

He nodded stiffly, then followed her across the restaurant.

“Hi!” said Lisanne brightly, inwardly cringing at the way her nerves made her sound like a game show contestant.

Kirsty’s jaw dropped in surprise, but she recovered quickly.

“Yay! You came! Everyone—this is my roommate Lisanne. And this is her … this is Daniel.”

Lisanne was relieved to see that Shawna wasn’t there. As Kirsty had said, it was all Vin’s friends.

“Hey, good to see you again, Lisanne,” smiled Vin. “Daniel,” he said, standing up and holding out his hand.

Lisanne discreetly nudged Daniel in the ribs, and the two men shook hands, quickly doing the guy head nod thing and sizing each other up.

Vin introduced the others, who were all from his fraternity.

It was slightly awkward for a moment, then the conversation resumed more naturally.

Kirsty scooted over so Lisanne and Daniel could sit down in the booth.

Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on her fluctuating point of view at any given moment, Lisanne was sitting next to Daniel. It meant she could hold his hand and feel the warmth of his body next to hers, but it made it difficult for him to lip read her.

His body was stiff and he looked like he might bolt at any second. Lisanne laid her hand on his forearm, then slid her fingers down to hold his hand. He smiled down at their intertwined fingers.

When the waitress arrived to take their order, Daniel asked for a beer, as did several of the other guys. Lisanne ordered a Shirley Temple, with a smirk at Daniel.

He leaned down and whispered, “We both know you’re not really such a good girl.”

Lisanne took a sharp intake of breath, then turned her head so he could see her face. “Maybe it’s because you’re such a bad influence.”

He laughed huskily and leaned down to kiss her hair. Lisanne felt her body overheat, then became aware that Kirsty’s eyes were trained on her.

She moved away slightly but grabbed his hand under the table again. He held her fingers tightly.

“So, man,” said Vin, “I’ve seen you in Introduction to Business: what’s your major?”

Luckily, Daniel looked over in time to see the second part of Vin’s question.

With an uncomfortable jolt, Lisanne realized how truly hard this was going to be for him. She felt guilty for putting him under pressure.

“Economics. You?”

“Really? You look more like…” Vin choked back whatever he was going to say. “I’m doing a degree in Business Administration with Buddy and Rich. Eric is the black sheep of the fraternity—he’s a Psych major.”

“Yeah,” said Eric. “It comes in handy with you guys.”

Lisanne knew that Daniel had missed Eric’s retort when she saw the fleeting expression of confusion, as everyone laughed at the joke.

She squeezed his hand and, without making a sound, mouthed the words ‘elephant shoes’ to him. She cocked her head on one side, waiting for him to answer her silent question. He smiled back gratefully but gave a small shake of his head.

When the waitress came back with the drinks, Daniel drank his beer quickly. But he wasn’t alone in that—all the guys were in a drinking mood.

The waitress paused with her notebook, ready to take their food order.

Lisanne nudged Daniel’s knee and he turned to look at her.

“Do you want to eat here?”

He paused for a moment, then gave another small nod.

Lisanne was pleased, and then immediately questioned his response. Did that mean he was enjoying himself, or was he just doing it for her? She wasn’t sure, so she watched him closely. He’d gotten into a discussion with Eric about attribution theory from Psych 101—something that he seemed to know a lot about. Lisanne was surprised—she realized she had a lot to learn about Daniel Colton. And beyond her own feelings, it was clear that Eric was impressed and respected Daniel’s point of view.

“Yeah, but we explain behaviors by assigning attributes to them,” Daniel argued. “You can’t underestimate the external factors.”

“Only if we pay more attention to the situation rather than to the individual,” said Eric.

“Well, fuck yes!” said Daniel. “If someone cuts me off on the road, I’m not going to say, ‘Gee, they must be having a rough day.’ I’ll say, ‘What a fucking jerk!’.”

Eric laughed. “I’m with you on that, man.”

Rich interrupted their discussion, and Lisanne had to nudge Daniel under the table again to redirect his attention. It made her a little tense, trying to keep track of what Daniel was saying and who he was talking to, as well as concentrating on Kirsty’s description of one of her toughest professors. She began to appreciate how stressful and tiring social settings must be for him.

“I’ve gotta ask, man,” said Rich, impatiently. “Is it true what they say about you?”

Daniel tensed immediately. “What the fuck are you talking about?”

All conversation ceased and everyone stared at Daniel’s angry face.

Rich raised his hands immediately. “Whoa! Take it easy, dude. I just meant about your, um, your piercings. Did ya really get other stuff pierced?”

Daniel’s angry expression disappeared and he raised an eyebrow. “Other stuff?”

“Is it, you know, good when you’re … you know? Ah hell, don’t make me say it, man!” whined Rich, making everyone laugh.

Daniel smiled down at Lisanne. “Should I tell him, baby?”

Lisanne instantly blushed beet red and the guys sniggered. Daniel leaned back, making it clear that he had no further answer to give.

Eric grinned. “We don’t cover body art in psych till next year, Rich. Looks like you’re going to have to live in ignorance.”

Daniel winked at Lisanne. She was still embarrassed and was definitely going to have words with Daniel about that. But she loved how relaxed and playful he was, even though 30 seconds earlier he’d looked as if he was going to pummel Rich.

They finished their meals, chatting easily. Lisanne was starting to recognize when Daniel had missed the gist of the conversation, and she automatically began to compensate.

When it came to split the check, Lisanne realized the evening was nearly over. She was desperate to ask Daniel if he was coming back to her room—assuming Kirsty was going back to the frat house with Vin.

But then all her hopes, expectations, dreams and daydreams were dashed. Kirsty yawned.

“Oh my God, I’m never going to make it to my 8:30 in the morning. Lis, you’ll have to promise to wake me up in the morning. Just keep prodding me until I move, okay?”

“Oh, I thought…?”

Kirsty shook her head quickly and whispered, “I got my period.”

Lisanne gave a weak smile, sighing with disappointment. Daniel caught her eye and pulled her into a hug, placing a gentle kiss on her hair.

It was cooler outside, and there was a breath of Fall in the air.

Lisanne shivered, and Daniel put his arm around her protectively.

“You’ll need a thicker jacket than that to ride on Sirona, baby,” he whispered. “It can get cold at night, especially in the winter.”

She smiled up at him, delighted that he seemed to be suggesting that riding on his motorcycle was going to become a regular occurrence.

Buddy was staring with envious eyes at Daniel’s bike.

“That yours, man?” he said, the envy obvious by his tone—and by the way he was almost drooling.


“Nice ride! What year?”

“Sixty nine.”

“No shit! Where’d you get her from?”

Were all motorcycles female as far as men were concerned? Lisanne was amused.

“It was pretty much scrap when I found the frame,” Daniel explained. “I did the rest of the work over two summers. I had a job in an auto repair shop.”

Lisanne could see that Daniel had climbed several notches in the guys’ estimation, and there was a newfound respect in their eyes.

She felt relieved. The evening had gone so much better than even her wildest expectations.

Kirsty grabbed her hand and dragged her away from Daniel, while they guys talked bikes.

“I’m so glad you came, Lis! That was fun. Daniel’s really nice and he’s totally into you.”

Lisanne smiled.

“Vin and the guys were great.”

“Except,” said Kirsty, with a serious look on her face, “when Rich looked like he was going to get punched by Daniel.”

“It was a misunderstanding.”

“Just … just be careful.” She held up her hands as Lisanne started to argue. “I like Daniel, I really do. Just … look I’ll see you back home, okay?”

Lisanne turned without hearing another word from her friend, irritated that Kirsty had spoiled the end of a great evening.

Daniel frowned when he saw her. “Okay?”

Lisanne nodded. “Can we go now?”

“Sure, baby.”

He said goodbye to the guys, kick-started the mean machine, and helped Lisanne climb on behind him.

* * *

Daniel was getting used to the feeling of Lisanne’s warm body behind him, as they sped along the road on his bike. Every movement of the motorcycle brought her closer to him, or made her grip his waist more firmly.

He’d never taken a girl on the back of his bike before, only his brother or a couple of guys from the band. But the first time Lisanne had come with him, he’d been desperate to get off campus before he talked to her. Now … now it just felt good.

He’d been nervous as all fuck when she’d suggested going out for a group meal, but having her by his side, understanding, helping, interpreting, watching his back—she’d made it easier.

He hadn’t thought he’d be able to do something like that, let alone enjoy it. Yeah, the guy Rich had been a bit of a dick, but nothing Daniel couldn’t handle. He felt a looseness in his chest, a lessening of the tightness that he’d felt the first day he started college.

It had been amazing having her sitting next to him, feeling her next to him, holding her hand. Walking out of her room when she’d practically begged him to fuck her had been one of the hardest things he’d ever done. He wasn’t even sure he could explain it to himself, but somehow he wanted it to be right with her. She wasn’t someone he’d use just to get his dick wet and walk away—he didn’t want to fuck up with her. But his experience of dating was pretty limited: once, briefly, in his first year of high school, and then again for a few months when he was at school in Cave Spring.

Sex he could do—dating he wasn’t so sure about. But he’d try. For Lisanne, he would try.

He pulled up at the dorm rooms and cut the engine. It didn’t make any difference to him, but he knew Lisanne wouldn’t be able to hear, and he wanted to say goodnight to her properly.

He took off his helmet and waited for her to give him the spare.

She was frowning and he didn’t know why. He wanted to see her smile.

“What’s the matter, Lis?”

She shook her head. “Nothing.”

His temper flared instantly.

“Don’t do that! Fuck! I miss enough of what’s going on around me, without you saying ‘nothing’ when I can see by your face that you’re upset.”

Lisanne looked down. He wasn’t having that shit. He lifted her chin with his fingers, gently raising her head so she was looking at him again.

“Talk to me, Lis!”

She sighed. “It was something Kirsty said. She told me to ‘be careful’. With you. It made me mad, that’s all.”

Fucking interfering bitch. Be careful? What the fuck did that even mean? Maybe it was because he’d been about to punch that guy Rich.

Daniel’s latent temper snarled, wanting to lash out at someone. But he knew that Kirsty was right—Lisanne should be careful around him. The thought left a sour taste in his mouth that he was desperate to get rid of.

Without warning, Daniel pulled Lisanne toward him, letting his lips crash down on hers. He kissed her with an edge of desperation that he’d never experienced before. After a second of stunned surprise, she was kissing him back. Her tongue, hot and wet, was pressing into his mouth and it felt fucking amazing. His dick leapt to life, hopeful of getting in on the action. He wrapped his arms behind her and pulled her in tightly. He felt dizzy when her hands slid up his back and around his neck, locking them together.

They only stopped when a car horn made Lisanne jump.

“Get a room!” yelled Rich, as Vin parked at the curb to let Kirsty out.

Daniel saw the car and sighed. It was probably just as well they’d been interrupted because things had been about to get damn hot and heavy for outside a public building—at ten o’clock on a weekday night. Not that he cared, but he knew Lisanne would.

“Will I see you tomorrow?” said Lisanne, her face anxious.

“I’ll find you in the cafeteria at lunchtime, baby,” said Daniel, smiling at the thought. “Okay?”

She nodded contentedly. “Okay.”

He kissed her quickly, kick-started Sirona, then rode away, glancing behind him once, seeing her standing alone in a pool of light, watching him.

It wasn’t a long ride, but Daniel went slowly, not particularly eager to go home just to get into another scene with his brother.

As usual, there were bikes and cars parked up and down the road. Daniel could feel the front porch vibrating from a bass beat. It was a good thing there was an empty lot on one side, and an old deaf guy on the other. It wasn’t an irony that amused Daniel, but he knew it was a lucky break, nevertheless.

He recognized a few of the people that were hanging around—a couple were from the Blue Note. Empty cans and bottles littered the whole ground floor. He barely noticed it anymore. As long as no one bothered him, he didn’t much care. Except that now he had Lisanne to consider—he knew he couldn’t bring her back there with so many fucking potheads and speed-freaks around. The thought irritated him more than he thought it should.

Mostly, Daniel didn’t have much to do with Zef’s friends or clients or whoever the hell they were, but tonight he needed a drink.

He slumped down on the dirty couch and picked up the bottle nearest to him: his good friend and namesake—Jack Daniels.

He wiped the top of the bottle with his hand and took a long drink. It had some bite but the burn helped him to think. His head was completely spun with everything that had happened over the last 48 hours. He’d done some sexy dirty stuff with Lisanne; fought with her; gotten arrested; beaten up by Zef. Now, it seemed, he had a girlfriend and was socializing with frat boys who thought he had a cool bike.

It was hard to keep up with the emotional cartwheels.

Zef had been right about one thing—dating Lisanne was not going to be without cost. It had been so fucking painful seeing her sing that night—seeing her sing but not to be able to hear a goddamn note of it. He’d stayed until the end of the first song, but it slayed him to be there. How much harder would it be as time went by? If they were dating—and somehow they seemed to have fallen into it—then it was only fair that he support her with her music. That’s what boyfriends did, wasn’t it? Supportive shit?

He took another drink and noticed that a cute brunette in her mid twenties was staring at him. When she realized that he’d seen her, she smiled and slowly licked her lips. Part of him would have liked nothing more than to lose himself in a stranger, but another part rebelled, not wanting to have anything to do with her.

He smiled back but gave her a small headshake. She cocked her head to one side. Are you sure?

Daniel shook his head again, and stood up, taking the whiskey with him.

Alone in his room, he lay on his bed with the curtains open, staring at the stars. Shortly before 2 am, and after he’d finished the bottle of whiskey, he passed out.

* * *

The next day Lisanne felt so light, so weightless, she could have floated away entirely. Only her classes, and Kirsty’s careful avoidance of mentioning anything Daniel related, kept her anchored to planet Earth.

He’d told her he liked her, he’d kissed her, he’d implied that there’d be more rides on Sirona, and he’d promised that they’d meet at lunchtime. A tiny part of her whispered that of course he hadn’t really meant any of it, and of course he wasn’t really interested in her: but that was just her usual lack of self-confidence spilling out. It was second nature for Lisanne to doubt anything positive that someone said about her. She was so used to being invisible at school and a vague disappointment to her parents, that being noticed was new. Being wanted, being kissed, being touched like that—it was all so unexpected. She felt giddy with happiness.

But midway through the morning, her fragile bubble of joy was punctured by a text message from Daniel.

* D: have to meet my tutor. Be late for lunch. Later *

So that was it.

Of course.

He just wanted to find a way to let her down gently. Lisanne appreciated the text, she really did. At least he hadn’t planned to let her sit there looking like a complete idiot. Just a partial idiot for having thought his words, his kisses—that any of those things meant something.

Lisanne entered the cafeteria feeling as if she had ton weights tied to her shoes. Her heart sank still further when she saw Kirsty sitting on Vin’s lap, giggling into his hair, and Shawna flirting with one of Vin’s football buddies.

She slid into a chair and pulled an apple out of her bag. It was about all she could face eating even though fifty minutes ago she’d been starving.

“Hey, roomie!” said Kirsty, her eyes sparkling with happiness. “Didja have a good morning?”

“It was okay,” she mumbled.

Shawna sniggered. “Anyone would look that miserable if they had to listen to Beethoven and crap all day.”

Kirsty frowned and started to say something, but Vin recaptured her attention by kissing her neck and tickling her.

Lisanne took a bite of her apple and chewed sullenly. How could an apple that had looked all juicy and appealing this morning, now taste like sawdust?

She nearly jumped out of her chair when a warm hand stroked her cheek.

“Hey, baby.”

Lisanne yelped. “Daniel!”

There was an echo as Shawna purred his name, but he wasn’t looking at her so he had no clue she’d spoken. To everyone else it looked like he’d completely blown her off.

Daniel chuckled softly at Lisanne’s response and raised a challenging eyebrow at her.

“You expecting some other guy?”

“N-no! But you said you weren’t coming?”

“I said I’d be late—I didn’t say I wasn’t coming.”

“Oh!” she replied, her brain refusing to construct any answer that required additional syllables.

He smirked at her then glanced at her apple. “Is that all you’re eating?”

“Um, yes?”

“Huh,” he said, pushing his lunch tray onto the table. “Good thing I got two slices of pizza. I know what you’re like with my chips. And I got some salad, as well—girls like that rabbit food shit, right?”

Vin glanced over and laughed.

“You got that right, man!”

Lisanne was stunned by his thoughtfulness, then ashamed of her assumptions about him yet again. This boy! He surprised her constantly.

“Thank you,” she said, quietly.

His expression softened. “You’re welcome.”

He pulled out a chair and leaned in to kiss her hair.

Lisanne felt her face glow. He smelled so good, and his skin looked soft and smooth now that he’d shaved.

The world fell away, and for a moment it was just the two of them.

Then Shawna muttered, “Oh, please!” and the moment was broken.

They chatted about their Business assignment and Vin asked a couple of questions about Daniel’s motorcycle as he described it to his friends. But too soon lunch was over.

“Do you want to do something later, baby?” said Daniel, as he slung his messenger bag over his shoulder.

“Um, well,” said Lisanne, hesitating. “I, um, I have band practice tonight.”

A look of something like pain washed across Daniel’s face, then it was gone.

“You want me to give you a ride home after?” he offered.

Lisanne was desperate to say ‘yes’, but it was just too selfish, forcing him to come to the club when she knew how hard it was for him.

“No, it’s okay, thanks. Roy said he’d take me back.”

Daniel nodded but he didn’t smile. “Text me when you get back so I know you’re home safe.”

* * *

The rehearsal went well. They were all still on a high from the previous Saturday, and full of ideas for songs to extend their set from 45 minutes to an hour.

Roy’s cell phone interrupted them.

“Uh-huh. Yeah. Yeah. Got it. How much? Okay. Yup. You got a deal.” He ended the call and grinned at them. “We got that booking for the Down Under in three weeks. Graeme heard we were rockin’ this place and he wants some of the action. Pay’s ninety bucks each.”

He launched himself at Lisanne and scooped her into a bone crushing hug. “And it’s all thanks to baby girl!”

Lisanne gasped and tried to wriggle free. Roy whirled her around and deposited her on her feet, breathless and dizzy.

“This deserves a celebration!” he said. “Let’s crack open the beer!”

Lisanne felt her smile slip. She liked the guys, but they were all older and she knew they drank a lot.

Roy seemed to have forgotten his promise of taking her home. When he offered her a beer she took a small sip and surreptitiously looked at her watch. It was nearly 11 pm already, and she had an early tutorial to get to in the morning.

She wondered whether it was too late to call Kirsty, then remembered that her roommate had planned on seeing Vin.

Lisanne decided to call a cab.

“Um, I’m going to take off now,” she said, still hoping that Roy might remember his promise.

But they waved and carried on drinking, seemingly quite content to let her make her own way home. Irritated, Lisanne stood outside and called the cab firm that she used before, but all she got was the busy tone. She tried again a minute later, biting her lip and looking around nervously, but it was the same result.

Then she noticed a man watching her from across the street, and decided it was smarter to wait inside the club. She banged on the door and yelled, but nobody came.

She’d just scrolled down to find Roy’s number when the man called out, “Hey, sugar. You want some company? I’ve got twenty bucks.”

He crossed the street toward her.

“Pick up, Roy! Pick up!” she muttered desperately.

There was no answer.

She started walking down the street and was terrified when the man followed her. She ran, her heart pounding, fear making her fast.

Someone, there must be someone! But there was no one around, no one she could ask for help.

Stay in well lit areas!

She knew that was important, but every other building was in darkness and the area was rundown and seedy, and all she could hear was the sound of her own echoing footsteps.

With her lungs aching, she came to a halt outside a TV repair shop, where a dim light illuminated the bars on the windows. Her hands shook as she sent a text to Daniel, hoping he’d have his cell phone with him this late.

* L: can you come get me? Am outside TV shop West River St. LA xx *

She breathed a sigh of relief when his reply was immediate.

* D: wtf?! On way. Keep your phone out. 911 if you need *

She slumped down in the filthy doorway, her knees no longer able to support her. Fear pumped through her body, making her shake uncontrollably. She saw the man walking up the street toward her, clearly still searching for her. Squeezing herself into the darkest corner, Lisanne held her breath. The seconds ticked by as the man walked slowly on the other side of the street, peering through the gloom.

Lisanne thanked God for the broken streetlights and clutched her phone more tightly to her body.

Her nerves were stretched unbearably by the time she heard the guttural roar of Daniel’s Harley a few minutes later.

He pulled off his helmet quickly.

“Are you okay?” he said urgently, checking her up and down as if he was looking for obvious injuries.

Lisanne nodded but felt hot tears spill down her face from fear, from relief. Daniel pulled her toward him tightly and she sobbed into his chest, feeling the cool leather of his jacket against her face.

Strong arms wrapped around her and he rocked her gently, murmuring wordlessly into her hair. After a minute he gently pushed her away and ran his thumbs over her cheeks, brushing away the tears.

“What happened? Why are you here?”

Lisanne explained briefly, and when she got to the part where Roy started drinking, Daniel swore loudly.

“Motherfucker! I’ll kill the bastard!”

He was all for going back to the club and showing Roy just how pissed he really was.

“Please, Daniel. I just want to go home.”

Immediately, he looked contrite. “Yeah, sure. Okay.”

He handed her the spare helmet and kick-started the bike. Lisanne felt much happier when they left the club area behind and were heading back toward the campus. She snuggled into Daniel’s broad back and felt his hand brush over hers as she pushed her fingers into his jacket pockets.

Once they were at the dorms, Daniel insisted on walking her to her room, which meant sneaking in through the fire exit. Lisanne desperately hoped no one would see them—she’d had enough drama for one night.

She’d just pushed the key in her lock, when the door sprang open, with an anxious looking Kirsty bearing down on her.

“There you are! I’ve been so worried!”

Then she saw Lisanne’s red eyes and tear marked face with Daniel standing behind her, and immediately pole-vaulted to the wrong conclusion.

“What have you done to her?” she hissed, pulling Lisanne behind her and pointing at Daniel accusingly.

“Nothing!” he snarled, fury etched into every plane of his beautiful face.

“Kirsty,” whispered Lisanne, “he saved me.”

“What?” snapped Kirsty, whirling around. “Right—I want to know everything. You sit over there,” she ordered Daniel, “and you,” she said to Lisanne, “tell me everything.”

“Fuck that!” growled Daniel. “I don’t take orders from you.”

“Daniel, please,” gasped Lisanne. “I can’t take any more tonight.”

“Can’t you see you’re upsetting her!” shouted Kirsty.

“You’re not helping!” said Lisanne, fresh tears stinging her eyes.

Daniel and Kirsty eyed each other angrily. Eventually, he walked further into the room and sat stiffly on Lisanne’s desk chair.

She told the story again quickly, almost smiling when Kirsty’s reaction to Roy’s irresponsible behavior was the same as Daniel’s, although with slightly less profane cursing.

Kirsty shook out her long hair and stood up.

“I apologize, Daniel,” she said, formally. “I jumped to conclusions.”

“Yeah,” he said bitterly, staring her down. He turned to Lisanne, his expression still angry. “I’m going to take off now, baby doll. Will you be okay?”

“Yes, I’m fine,” she said, with a weak smile. “I mean nothing happened. I just panicked. I’m sorry.”

He looked at her seriously. “I don’t want you wandering around those streets at night,” he said. “Next time wait inside the club. Fuck Roy, I’ll come get you. Okay?”

“Okay,” she said. “Thank you.”

He kissed her on the cheek, shot another angry look at Kirsty, and slipped out of the door.

“That boy can’t accept an apology,” said Kirsty, as soon as Daniel had gone.

That boy shouldn’t have needed one,” Lisanne shot back.

Kirsty looked at her in surprise.

“Lis! You turn up here, over an hour late, bawling your eyes out with Daniel looking like he wanted to kill someone—what was I supposed to think?”

Lisanne closed her eyes tiredly.

“You just assumed that he was in the wrong. He saved me, Kirsty. If you just knew how amazing he is…”

She stopped abruptly.

“Whatever,” said Kirsty. “I’m just glad you’re safe. Don’t do it again!

Then she gave her a huge hug.

“Now go get ready for bed. You look as exhausted as I feel.”

“Yes, Mom!”

Ten minutes later, Lisanne was pulling the duvet around her when her cell phone buzzed with a text.

* D: sleep well, beautiful. See you at lunch tomorrow. *




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Believing in Tomorrow: A Christian Romance (The Callaghans & McFaddens Book 4) by Kimberly Rae Jordan

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