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GaspingForAir by McKinney (16)


Chapter Sixteen





“Take your clothes off and lay down on the center of the pool table,” I told him. When he cocked a brow in my direction, I laughed and said, “Yeah, I don’t have a pimped-out play room like Lincoln does, but that pool table will give us all the support we need for what I have in mind.” Smacking his hard ass, I urged, “Go on. Clothes off. Pool table. Ready to give me what you promised earlier.”

“Yes, sir,” he mocked with a twinkle in his eyes, but there was also a flush to his cheeks. He was just as excited as I was, wanted this as much as I did. It was never a problem with sex between the two of us, it was always the honesty bullshit.

He’d lied to me earlier. I mean, maybe he had been in an accident, a really bad one, like he’d said, but there was something else. There was something much darker buried inside of him and instead of telling me, he’d opted to lie. Part of me wanted to be angry with him, to demand that he stop lying and give me what I wanted. The other part, the reasonable part, told me to ‘shut the fuck up’. He’d told me he could not offer more but I’d fucking refused to believe it. I didn’t have any right demanding he offer more just because I wanted it. He had to want to give it to me.

I kept telling myself he needed more time, that he would come around once he saw how much he meant to me. I hoped it was the truth because he’d already snuggled his way into my heart and I didn’t want the day to come when he tried to burrow his way back out of it. Knowing all of this, I forced my head back into the ‘game’. I would win him over. I would prove to him we belonged together. If physical was all he was willing to offer me right now, then fucking physical was what I would give him. I would fuck him so good that no other man would ever stand a chance of taking him away from me.

Content that he was following instructions, I left the room to retrieve the bundle of goodies I’d gotten ready earlier. After we’d gotten home, he’d taken Cowboy for a walk while I took care of getting Binx settled and all their gear tucked away in my apartment. When I said tucked away, I meant strewn everywhere. There was not a spot in my apartment that hadn’t been touched by my new adventure into pethood. I’d thought it might aggravate me, but it didn’t. Well, if it started to, I looked at the happiness on Dakota’s face and the aggravation vanished in an instant.

After that, I’d taken him to swim practice, fed him, cared for Cowboy and Binx again, and now we were ready to have some fun. Pushing my worried feelings aside, I gathered my gear and headed back into my entertainment room. When I stepped inside, the vision of Dakota naked and on my pool table, caused both my heart and my cock to go wild. He was lying on his stomach and propped up on his elbows, studying the fucking machine I’d already sat at one end. I adjusted myself in my jeans and then just decided to go ahead and strip down. The only thing that would be between us tonight would be the mysterious ex-lover that still lingered in Dakota’s head.

When he heard my clothes rustling, he looked over his shoulder to see what I was doing and let us just say that all interest in the fuck machine was lost. His full attention was on me and when he licked his lips, my cock twitched in gratitude. That was just it, all his inhibitions and secrets disappeared and his eyes took on a darker shade as they burned with arousal.

“You’re gorgeous,” he told me. Not only did his eyes turn a darker green, but also his voice got huskier.

“No, I’m a stud. You’re gorgeous,” I told him as I finished tossing the last bit of my clothing aside.

“Uh…I think I should be offended by that remark,” he responded. He didn’t look too offended. He’d moved from lying on his stomach to sitting Indian style, stroking his cock while he eye-fucked me. I couldn’t blame him, if I had a cock that pretty, I would be playing with it all the time, too.

“You shouldn’t be. I meant it is a compliment. I’m okay to look at, the muscles help a lot, I think. You? You’re model material.” I walked over, grabbed his ankles and pulled him to the edge of the table. Without any urging from me, his legs spread wide to accommodate me stepping between them. “Every damned thing about you is fucking perfect but this nice, tight, and incredibly limber package is just that—a package all wrapped up in pretty paper and bows but it’s hiding the biggest treasure of all.” I stepped even closer and nuzzled that spot between his neck and shoulder. He fucking loved me to suck that spot but instead of giving him what he wanted, I teased him with my tongue. “I kinda like what’s on the inside of the package.”

His breathing was getting heavier and his hand was working faster, blazing a trail up and down his leaking cock. Well, I could not have any of that, could I? This was a night of edging, not quick satisfaction. I wrapped a hand around his wrist and forced him to stop. When his emerald eyes dared me to stop him, I tugged his hand behind his waist and held it there. Of course, he just went to work with his other hand, forcing me to trap that one behind his waist as well.

“No, you kinda like being on the inside of this package,” he teased, meaning to be playful but still refusing to accept the seriousness of my words. At least that was exactly how I saw it.

He wrapped his legs around my waist and whined, “Come on, purr-boy. If I can’t touch it, you’ll have to touch it for me.”

The tip of his cock, swollen and damp, bumped against my lower stomach, begging for attention. His hands struggled for release but it was more for fun than a real attempt at escape. He looked so beautiful in his torture. His heart might not need me, but his body fucking did, that was for sure. I couldn’t settle for that forever but I could tonight. That was what I was going to tell myself.

“Nu-uh, neither of us touch it until I’ve got you ready.” Making myself a liar, I released his hands and reached in to give his cock a tight squeeze before saying, “Get in the middle of the table, on your back. Stretch your arms over your head, each one reaching for a different pocket on the table.”

I started to move away to get my ropes when his words stopped me in my tracks. “Don’t you want to at least give me a quickie? Take the edge off? It will mean we can play longer. Come on,” he begged playfully, batting his eyelashes at me just the way that damned kitten had done to win me over.

“What did you agree to do tonight, Guppy? Do you remember?”

“Sure, fuck machine and edging. I’ve got it. I want it. I’m not backing down, I just want to feel your hand on my cock…until I come. That’s not begging for too much, is it? I know your hand likes to be on my cock. Act like I’m one of those pretty packages or bows you were talking about earlier.”

“Oh, I’m going to do that, trust me. I’m going to tie it up real nice and tight.” I nuzzled his neck. “Now, do you even know what edging is, Guppy?”

“Nope.” He answered with a popping sound.

“Why would you agree to something if you didn’t know what it was?” That seriously did worry me. Since he kept me confused about most everything else, I would like to keep the sex portion of our relationship firmly in the ‘I-understand’ column. If he had agreed to try something that he didn’t have a clue what it was, then I was confused…and worried.

He looked me square in the eye, like he was trying to reach into my soul and answered, “Because I trust you not to do anything to hurt me…well, at least hurt me in a bad way, not the good way. I trust that if I tell you to stop, you will. I trust that you will only want to do things that you believe I’ll enjoy or get off on.” His lips found mine with a soft kiss. “I don’t give my trust lightly, Trystan. To be honest, I have never given it to anyone before. Please don’t disappoint me.”

My heart thumped in my chest. He swore nothing but sex, but whether he realized it or not, he was giving me the most valuable thing he had to offer and I sure the fuck would treasure and protect it. “I’ll never hurt you,” I swore.

“Now, now, purr-boy,” he reprimanded. “You know I kind of enjoy being hurt, so be careful with your words. I need you to take me all the way to the edge, you just can’t shove me over.”

“All the way to the edge. Got it. Love it.” I was in love with this boy. Holy fuck, it really was love. I wanted to tell him but knew my words might scare him away.

“So what is edging? You’ve succeeded in getting me nervous if that’s what you were after.”

I was sure a sinister smile curved my lips when he asked his question. “Edging is where I get to take you to the edge of orgasm over and over and over again…but never let you fall off that edge, just like you wanted, right?”

“Uh, no? That’s not exactly what I meant. Why in the fucking hell would anybody want to do that? I’ve always understood the goal to be for each of us to reach orgasm. Sure, it’s really fun getting there, but getting there is the main thing. What the fuck, Trystan? How could I have been wrong all these years?”

He was teasing me. The arrogant little bastard was teasing me. He thought he could handle this without much grief. I intended to see that he suffered beautifully before he finally met his goal. Of course, he was probably right—he was the most adventuresome person I’d ever met when it came to all things sex.

“Middle of the table. Hands over your head. Mouth shut, smartass,” I told him and then stepped away to give him room to maneuver into the position I’d requested.

I was one hundred percent certain there was an exaggerated shake of his pert ass when he crawled to my center stage. I was so going to make him beg before this night was over. I stood there, arms crossed over my chest and dick sticking straight out, hard as a fucking rock and begging to play while he lay on his back and stretched his arms over his head and to the side, just as I’d requested.

“Very good, Guppy.”

“Are you sure this is going to hold my weight?” He asked with another wiggle of his ass. “Don’t you want to put a sheet down or something?”

“Yes to the first question and no to the second. Why would I need a sheet? Who says I’m going to let you come at all tonight?”

“Uh, I do. Remember, that’s the whole purpose of fucking. Don’t you dare go all stingy on me now. You aren’t that cruel, are you?”

That mouth was still full of sass. It needed stuffed with something else. I walked over to my box of goodies and pulled out the ropes. Carefully I attached one end to his left wrist, wrapping it tight enough to ensure it wouldn’t come off when he tugged and pulled, but not too tight to hurt him or leave a mark he would have to explain to his coach. When each wrist was secured, I took the other end and wound it through the pocket holes of each corner of the pool table and pulled them tight enough that he was stretched taunt.

“Comfy?” I asked pleasantly.

“Horny,” he answered just as pleasantly.

When I walked to the other end of the pool table, he spread his legs open and pointed his ankles at each of the pockets on that end. That wasn’t exactly what I had in mind. Instead of taking his ankle, I wrapped the end of the rope around his lower thigh, right above his knee, and wrapped it tightly and then secured with a knot. The black nylon looked erotically gorgeous against his pale flesh. When that leg was finished, I did the same with the other and then took the end of both ropes and pulled them back toward the pockets where the ropes imprisoned his wrists. The movement succeeded in bringing his lean thighs flat against the sides of his chest and after I had tied each end into the pockets, he was spread and exposed very nicely. As he hissed and cursed at the vulnerable position I had locked him in, I casually walked to the end of the table so I could inspect my handiwork. To say he was fucking perfect, would be the understatement of the year. His hairless balls and pink pucker were in plain view, begging to be devoured. “Well, babe, horny is a good look on you. You look about as pretty as possible right now,” I told him, knowing just how irritated the pretty comment would make him.

“My display isn’t supposed to make you want to whisper pretty compliments in my ear, it’s supposed to make you want to fuck me into submission. Cut the pretty shit, Trystan. Fuck me, already,” he growled.

“All in due time, pretty boy,” I tormented as I climbed up on the table between his spread legs. There was more rope dangling in my hand.

“Thank the fuck,” he muttered, thinking I was getting up there just to give him what he wanted. Poor little Guppy, he was going to be in for a long night if he thought his torture tonight was just a little rope play and then a good rough fuck.

Once on the table, I looped and knotted the rope around each of his ankles, spending a fair amount of time kissing the sensitive anklebone, the center of his foot, his spread thighs, and let myself get close enough to smell the desire radiating from his body before pulling away and jumping off the table. The tip of my nose barely tickled his balls and he started whimpering with need immediately. Then he started cursing when I slipped away without giving him even one swipe of my tongue. That was good, I needed him primed and ready to beg.

“Fuck, Trystan. Please,” he whined.

“Nope. Not yet. Be a good boy and work on improving your patience skills. That’s what edging is all about. Having patience, waiting to get what you want because you know the wait will only make it better. You’re going to come harder than you’ve ever come before. Before this night is over, you’re going to curse my name, praise my name, and finally worship my name.” I leaned over and kissed his pouting lips. “Then you’re going to start all over again but you’re not going to come, not until I allow it.”

“Uh…yeah, I’m not sure that’s something you’re going to be able to stop. I think if you breathed heavy on my balls right now, I would explode.” He looked up at me with a wicked smile. “Why don’t you get back down there and work on improving your breathing skills?”

“Nah, I’d rather work on my torture skills,” I told him as I took the ends of the ropes I’d tied around his ankles and pulled them back, making the lower half of his legs reach for the sky. He grunted and growled as I tied the ends of the ropes into a dangling hook over the table. When I finished, he looked magnificent. His knees were still flat against either side of his chest, keeping his legs forced open but with the latest addition of ropes, his calves and feet were pointing upward toward the ceiling, lifting his ass up off the table slightly. It looked rather uncomfortable and humiliating. He would love it. I sure the fuck loved looking at him this way.

I reached down and pulled out the two small pillows I brought in earlier. Slipping one under his head, I said, “Here you go, Guppy. Your comfort is my priority.” The pillow wasn’t exactly for his comfort—he could care less if his head was cradled or not. The pillow was there so he could better see everything that was happening to him down below.

“Your priority, my ass. I’d bet Cowboy’s balls that you have another sick reason to put that pillow under my head.”

His green eyes had already switched from jade to emerald and now they tracked me as I moved to the side of the pool table, other pillow in my hand…sinister grin on my face. “Tsk, tsk,” I admonished. “I can’t believe you would think such a thing about me.” I leaned over and slid the other pillow under his ass, pushing those beautiful globes even further into the air. “See? Your comfort. My priority.”

“Hardy-har-har. We both know why that pillow is there.” He wiggled his hips, as much as the restraints would allow, and moaned his approval. His cock, long and hard, rested against his flat stomach, dripping small beads of proof to how much he was enjoying our game so far.

“Yeah, I guess we do. It makes that ass look really nice and oh-so-fuckable.” I rubbed my hands together in glee. “Let me go grab my new and most favorite toy. I can’t wait to see that baby piston in and out of your ass.”

He laughed but there was a nervous hitch to it. Of course, he would be nervous, right? I mean this was a machine that had been built to fuck him into oblivion. A machine, not a man. It would make me fucking nervous.

“You look like a kid in a fucking candy store, Trystan. Your excitement is a bit intimidating,” he said.

Those beautiful eyes still followed me around the table and then widened when I lifted the rather heavy machine and moved it closer to him and positioned it between his spread legs. I whistled pleasantly as I checked all the settings to ensure not only his safety, but also making damned sure of his pleasure.

“I think it may be this baby right here that has you feeling intimidated,” I told him as I patted the machine like it was a treasured member of the family. With all kidding aside, I looked him in the eyes and asked, “Are you sure about this, Dakota? You can back out any time you want to. You know I wouldn’t get mad.” Since I couldn’t stand the idea of him doing something he didn’t really want to do but was only trying to please me, I needed to hear his reassurances. Yes, I saw the lust in his eyes but I needed to hear the words, too.

With the pillow beneath his head, it was easy for him to look at me at the end of the table, his gaze shooting straight through his spread thighs and spearing me with an intensity that gave me all the proof I needed that he was one hundred percent on board. If that was not enough, he said, “The only thing intimidating about that machine, Trystan, is the fear I mentioned earlier—that you’ll get too lazy to fuck me yourself. This will probably be nice but there is nothing that can compare to how your cock feels inside of me, splitting me open and demanding my submission. That’s my fear, I don’t want to lose that.”

I barked out a laugh. “You think I’d ever get too lazy to fuck you? You’re crazy, babe. If I turn lazy and end up weighing four hundred pounds, I’ll still make you climb on board and ride my dick. Sure, you may have to do most of the work but I’ll always want that ass.”

He leaned his head back on the pillow and laughed. “Ah, there’s my flowery-word lover! You’re always such a romantic, Trystan Matherly.” He winked at me. “That would be okay with me. Let’s be honest, you’ve been doing most of the work up until now so if the time comes that I need to start pulling my weight, I’ll step up. How’s that?”

I scratched my chin. “You know, you’re right. I have been doing most of the work. Thrusting is a lot more strenuous on a body than all that whimpering and moaning you do.” I grabbed the lube and started working a generous amount on the dildo attached to the pole on the machine. It was rather large but not as big as my dick. It’s not like I’m insecure or anything, but I’m not feeding him anything bigger than what I’ve got to offer. Okay, that may be a touch of insecurity or, at the least, tied to a man’s obsession with his own dick size.

“Fuck you, Trystan. I don’t whimper and moan. You make me sound like a bitch in heat.”

Disproving everything he’d just said, he moaned when my finger found its way to his puckered hole, smoothing lube on the outside and inside. I wouldn’t get a whimper with just my finger but I was satisfied with the moan.

I cocked a brow in his direction as soon as the sweet sound tumbled from his mouth and he growled at me. He looked so fucking sexy. So erotic. So perfect. His body was gorgeous, as close to perfect as anything on this earth could achieve, but his eyes did it for me. They were the windows to his soul and his soul was beautiful. His eyes said so many things his mouth would not.

“Okay, okay, maybe I moan and whimper. It’s your fault, you know,” he told me.

“Yes, I know. I like being the one responsible for that.” My eyes narrowed possessively. “I’d damned well better be the only one responsible for that.”

He looked me dead in the eye and said, “You’re the only one—now or in my past. Just you.”

My heart did something weird in my chest—maybe a cartwheel…maybe stopped. “You’re not a virgin,” I told him.

“No, not a virgin. I’ve been with…others,” he said, pausing way too long for my liking before adding the ‘others’ part of that sentence. “Before, it was always for the other person and their pleasure. I came because it they demanded it and disappointing the person wasn’t something I was interested in doing. With you, it’s about my pleasure, too.” His eyes took on a haunted look. “If I whimpered or moaned before, it was for the wrong reasons.”

That time, my heart did stop. I wanted everything we were doing to stop. I wanted to remove his restraints and just hold him. I wanted to do something to let him know I was here and I was not going anywhere. Whatever he needed from me, I would gladly give it.

“Don’t do it, Trystan,” he warned quietly. “I shared something I shouldn’t have. If you look at me differently, treat me differently, it will be the last time. I don’t need pity or cuddling. I need you to fuck me.” He paused. “I need you to look at me just like you were before I opened my fucking mouth.”

My mind heard his words and demanded my body step up, no, man up, and stop worrying about how I felt about his confession. This wasn’t about me, this was for him. After what I hoped was only a few seconds, my eyes lifted back to his. “You ready for this, Guppy? It’s going to be one wild ride.”

The worry lifted from his eyes. “I’ve told you before, you can’t give me more than I can take.” This time he winked at me. “But I appreciate your effort. Now, let’s see what that bad boy machine can do to this bad boy body. How does that sound?”

“It sounds like you’re still way too sassy for your own good.” I moved the machine into place and carefully slid the fat tip of the dildo inside his hole. With only a couple of inches inside of him, I locked the machine into place and stepped away. Two inches wasn’t much but it was the fattest portion of the toy and it lodged right inside the tight ring of muscles, stretching him in the worst and best of ways. As I moved around to the head of the table, from the corner of my eye I saw him moving, trying to either dislodge the toy or move it further inside of him. Yep, that was a tight squeeze.

I bent down to pick up two more items and when I rose back up, he was frowning at me. Waves of frustration were already rolling off him. When he opened his mouth, I pretty much knew what was coming.

“What the fuck, Trystan. Give me more than that or take it out,” he demanded. “That’s uncomfortable.”

“I know, it’s also beautiful. You should see yourself, Guppy. Maybe we’ll video it next time. You’re all spread open, tied down helplessly, and writhing in frustration because that pretty ass of yours is greedy for more.” I held up my surprise toy and watched his eyes widen even more. “If I can’t get rid of the sass one way, then I’ll do it another way. You okay with this, babe?”

His hands fisted and un-fisted as he studied the ball gag with the small but fat dildo fitted where the ball usually sat. “I thought you liked my sass?” he finally said.

“I love everything about that mouth, babe. Don’t worry, we don’t have to use it. I just thought it was something different to try.” I started to put it away but he told me to stop.

He studied it a few more seconds and finally said, “What if something happens and I need you to stop? I can’t very well safe word out with a tiny cock lodged to the back of my throat.”

I held up the small buzzer I’d hidden in my other hand. “This will be in your hand at all times. If you need me to stop, push the button, and everything stops immediately. None of that matters though, Dakota. Don’t do something you don’t want to do. You’re already fulfilling every dirty fantasy in my head, this little baby here is a big fat nothing in the whole scheme of things.”

“No, I’m good. I just needed to study through it—needed a way out if I want it.” The twinkle was back in his eyes. “Go ahead, shut me up.”

“It’s not about that, babe. I could listen to you talk for hours and hours and I do love that sass.” I was pretty sure I might have looked embarrassed when I added, “I just thought it would be really sexy to know your mouth and ass were working a cock at the same time. I’m just nasty that way.”

He opened his mouth and blinked at me through heavy lids. It was a fuck-me look if I’ve ever seen one.

“You’re sure?” I asked.

“I don’t like polite-Trystan in the bedroom. I like alpha-Trystan in the bedroom. Don’t ask me, just do it. If I don’t want it, you’ll be the first to know.”

This would definitely work, I liked being alpha-Trystan in the bedroom. Taking his head, I shoved the toy in his mouth and tightened then locked the straps at the back of his head. After tucking the buzzer firmly into his palm, I climbed onto the pool table and straddled his heaving chest.

His eyes dared me to push him as far as I could.

My eyes told him I would.

Leaning over, I put my lips on his neck and sucked hard enough to leave a bruise in the morning. A sweet sound from him was all the fuel I needed to get started. I looked him in the eye and said, “Push the buzzer when you can’t take any more, Guppy.” I nibbled his earlobe. “And trust me on this, you’re going to push the buzzer. Don’t you dare come, either. You will be in so much trouble if you come without my permission. When you can’t hold out anymore, let me know and then I’ll let you come. Understand? Blink three times for yes.”

Three blinks.

I turned around on him, kind of reverse cowboy style, and hit the button that started the machine. For a minute in time, I felt frozen in place as I watched the sex toy slide inside of him and then reappear. His hips bucked and one of his delightful noises tickled my ear, making want to hear more of them—higher pitched and much hungrier. Being the greedy bastard I was, I positioned myself where I could watch the toy fuck him while I sucked, licked, kissed, and tormented his cock. With the first touch of my lips to his engorged member, I took him all the way to my throat, swallowed more, and then held there until I felt tears flood my eyes. When I couldn’t handle another second, I raised back up and then spent the next several minutes focused on the swollen head. With just the tip of him in my mouth, I swiped my tongue all around, into the slit, and then pulled hard with a suck. While doing this, my eyes stayed glued to where the toy fucked him soundly, changing up speed, sometimes swiveling, sometimes tilting upward…but always fucking. My hands busied themselves playing with his balls. It didn’t take long before I felt his body start to tense up, his balls harden and draw up against his body, so I pulled off immediately and switched the speed of the fuck machine to a simple slow and deep rhythm. For several more seconds I simply enjoyed watching the machine fuck him, loving how the toy stretched him deep and then withdrew. His cock would twitch and bounce, begging for my attention. His entire body would rock slightly with the machine’s movement and all the while, he could do nothing but take it, his only release being the sounds he made that echoed throughout the room.

Satisfied the urge to come had leveled off to just simply painful, I went back to the task at hand, only this time all my attention was on his balls. I tasted them, marveling at how perfectly they fit inside my mouth. The texture of his hot skin was tantalizing. His smell sent sparks straight to my cock. His taste overwhelmed my senses. My own cock was leaving a trail of come on his flat abs but I had my body completely under control. I wanted this too badly to blow my load early in the game.

When I felt his body once again begin to peak, I lifted away and simply kissed the parts of his spread legs that were available to me. Soft butterfly kisses meant to tickle the hairless but muscled flesh and then not-so-soft bites meant to leave marks—my claim of ownership. I blazed trails with my tongue, blew on his heated flesh, bit him harshly and then returned to butterfly kisses. His movements, at least the limited movements his restraints allowed, were wild with lust. His body slickened with sweat and the entire room smelled of sex.

After the sweet kisses, I returned my attention to his cock and sped up the machine again, making the thrusts more powerful and deep. His moan was so loud, so out of control, that I had to turn my head and check on him. There was no pain, just wild arousal darkening his eyes. Without making a sound, he begged me to allow him to come. When I nodded toward his hand that held the buzzer, he arched in fury and shook his head wildly. His stubbornness might very well be the death of him tonight, I thought as I returned my focus to his cock.

His torture…his pleasure…went on like this for over an hour, much longer than I’d given him credit for. His movements were weak and his eyes were heavy but his cock was still rock-hard and begging for release. I’d done everything to him, sucked every inch of his body, and then started over again. His nipples were swollen and extra sensitive. Bite marks covered him in places that were going to be very difficult to explain at swim practice. My own body begged for release. I would never admit it, but in all honesty, I was going to have to admit he would be able to last longer than me. Hell, I would have already come ten times but my Guppy took edging to a whole new level of exquisite torture.

Resigned to be defeated, even if I would be the only one ever to know, I switched the machine off. Naturally, the toy was buried deep inside of him when it stopped. With a final kiss to his weeping cock, I turned back around and lay next to him, just admiring his quivering, sweat-covered body. When my fingers would sweep over his stomach, spasms raced across his entire body. His heavy-lidded eyes questioned what I was doing as I continued to stroke him with gentle touches. He might not understand it, but I was worshipping his body.

He was mine.

A smiled curved my mouth when I noticed that even in his exhausted state, his body was still tugging and pulling against the restraints as he tried to make the toy inside of him move…to touch a special spot. “Are you being a bad boy right now, Guppy? When I stop the machine, it means I want all movements stopping,” I admonished.

He answered with a look that could only be the visual way of flipping me a bird.

I rose up on my elbows, reached around to undo the strap around his head, and then tossed the gag away from his swollen lips. A string of curse words welcomed the release.

“Holy mother fucking son of a bitch, Trystan! Are you trying to fucking kill me? I won’t be able to fucking move tomorrow. Mother fuck!”

My eyes narrowed. “Do you still have your buzzer, Guppy?”

“Yes,” he snapped. “But I’m not going to use it, you knew I wouldn’t, you mother fucking bastard! I need to fucking come. Now!”

He was very cute frustrated. “Ask me nicely,” I told him and was very thankful for the restraints around his wrists and ankles. I think he would have tried to kill me.

“Let. Me. Come. You motherfucker. Sir.” He offered me a weak grin. “Better?”

“Much better, babe. Much better,” I whispered as I moved in to capture his lips before more evilness could escape.

He raised his head and tried to tackle my mouth, his hunger making him even wilder than usual. Gripping a handful of the back of his hair, I forced his head back down against the pillow and refused to allow him to control this kiss. This belonged to me. Slowly, sensually, I kissed him while one hand held the handful of hair and the other hand wrapped around his neck—not tightly, just possessively. Holding him immobile, I kissed him, slow and lazy. I traced the outline of his lips with my tongue. Kissed again. My tongue slid inside his mouth and started a seductive dance with his. Again he tried to be wild and hungry, but after a few seconds, he backed off and let me take the lead. It was a kiss like we’d never shared before. My intentions were to kiss him into submission.

After at least ten or fifteen minutes of nothing but just hot kissing and even hotter whimpering and purring sounds coming from him, I heard the buzzer go off. He pushed it twice and then dropped it to the table. I lifted my mouth and looked him in the eyes. He was the most beautiful thing in my world.

“Please, Trystan. I can’t take anymore. Please let me come,” he begged softly, finally giving me what I craved so badly.

“All you had to do was ask. Nicely, of course,” I said, kissing him again.

I got up on my knees and looked down at him one more time. It was a vision I would never forget. His entire body was flushed with desire and covered in sweat. His blond hair tangled around his face where it had grown damp and then he’d thrashed wildly against the pillow. His eyes were weak but burning with need. Every inch of him quivered, he was out of control. His cock, standing straight up and away from his lean stomach, was swollen and discolored. The machine was quiet but the dildo stayed lodged deep inside of him.

I reached behind him and fluffed the pillow, making it raise his head higher. “This is what’s going to happen next, Guppy,” I told him and his eyes blazed. “You keep your head propped up and your pretty mouth wide open. When I finally allow you to come, you’d better not waste one fucking drop of it or I’m going to spank your bubble ass so hard that you won’t be sitting down for a week. Do you understand me?”

His brow furrowed as he contemplated what I’d said—then his eyes narrowed when he realized what I meant to do. Finally, he said in a voice that was gravely, “Fuck, Trystan. Are you kidding me? How do you dream this shit up?”

If for one second, I thought he was going to be upset, that vanished when he opened his mouth wide. It was the only invitation I needed. I moved back to his lower body and swallowed his burning cock in one gulp. This wasn’t me toying with him, this was me giving him what he needed so fucking badly. My mouth worked his cock like the professional I was. My slurping sounds mixed with his curse words. Within minutes, I heard him gasp and felt his body jerk.

“I’m going to come, Trystan. Oh, fuck. Please don’t…”

He never got the opportunity to finish whatever he was going to say. My hand wrapped his length and after another three strong tugs, I got what we had both waited for all night. His scream probably woke the neighbors but I didn’t fucking care. At least while he was screaming, his mouth was open. I think he might have forgotten his objective for a few seconds. I didn’t. When I felt him about to come, I positioned his cock upward and watched as jets of white spunk shot out of him, coating his chin and lips. He kept coming and at some point, he must have remembered because he obediently tried to catch every drop.

I licked my lips, wanting my fair share. His eyes practically glazed over and it looked like he barely had the strength to keep them open. The body that had been writhing and bucking only seconds ago lay silent and satiated against the table. My cock pleaded for release but I was pretty certain I missed my window of opportunity. He was spent, totally exhausted to the point that I would probably be carrying his limp ass to bed. I placed a kiss against his belly button and then slid down the table to start untying his restraints. As each knot gave way, I massaged the blood flow back into the reddened spot. He barely acknowledged I was alive. He was floating, probably not sub space but definitely a soft cloud in heaven. With his ankles and thighs finally free and lying limply against the table, I carefully eased the machine away from his body, pulling the toy free as slowly and gently as possible. He moaned weakly when the last of the toy slid free but then settled back against his pillow like a vampire during the day. He was always so damned cute when he slept—I could normally watch him for hours. Right now? I found him just as cute as always but I had to find a way to steal away a few minutes and get some release for myself.

I jumped off the table and stumbled when my legs gave way beneath my weight. I was almost as bad as he was, I thought with a soft chuckle. My plan backfired. We were both tortured but only one of us got to taste the sweetness of release. Fuck but I needed to be smarter than this next time.

“You okay, old man? You seem to be…struggling.”

His eyes were still closed and he looked about as angelic as a new litter of kittens. Ahhhh, even when he was sweet, his words were sassy. So much for me getting that sass out of him—victory went to Dakota.

“Don’t you start on me, Guppy. I just gave you the best orgasm of your fucking life. Show a little respect,” I teased. Show me a little something else, my cock begged. Poor guy, he wasn’t used to the new and improved me—the one that put someone else’s needs ahead of mine. It was going to be a huge adjustment for him.

“Yes, you did,” he acknowledged with one of his sexiest smiles. “Edging…not something I could do often but I would definitely like to do it again. And again. And maybe again. That was fucking intense.”

“That was beautiful to watch,” I told him.

He turned his head toward me and his eyes finally opened. The weariness that had been there only seconds ago already started turning to fire. When his tongue snaked out to swipe his come-stained lips, I growled aloud.

“Stop that shit, Dakota. You can’t play with me like that and expect me not to do something about it.” I glanced down to draw his attention to my obscenely swollen cock. “My discomfort level has already hit a record high tonight.”

“Why not? You played with me,” he pointed out. “And I fucking loved it,” he added. When I started to work at the ropes around his wrists, he stopped me dead with his next words. “Let’s just leave those tied up nice and tight for now. How about you climb back on this table and feed me that big cock of yours? You set the pace, give me what you want me to have…make me take it.” His eyes dropped seductively. “I should reward you for all your hard work tonight.”

In my mind, I was springing onto the table like a Lion attacking its weakened prey. In reality, I said, “No reward necessary, babe. It was all my pleasure, trust me on that one.”

His eyes locked with mine. “Get on this fucking table and give me your cock, Mr. Matherly. If you make me ask again, there’s going to be a drooling dog sleeping between us for the next two weeks. Am I making myself perfectly clear?”

Well, hell, if I was anything, it was accommodating. Who was I to deny my lover’s demands? With an energy I didn’t think I still possessed, I was on the table and straddling him before another second tick-tocked away. My knees were on either side of his face and my cock was in my hand, hovering right over that beautiful mouth that I loved so damned much. “Your positive you’re up to this?” I asked one last time. He had to be fucking exhausted.

His gaze slid down to look at my cock. “Oh, I think we’re both up to this.” Then he opened his mouth and gave me the most delicious fuck-my-mouth look I’d ever had the pleasure of seeing in my life.

My hand guided my cock lower and using the tip, I swiped up any of his come he’d missed earlier and then fed it into his mouth. The fact that he’d told me to leave him tied had been beyond sexy. He wanted me in control…loved when I pushed his body to the limits.

So I pushed.




A little over an hour later, we were in bed and Dakota was already fast asleep. We’d enjoyed a seductive bath that included some light petting and stroking only meant to soothe aches and pains and relax already weary bodies. Dakota had been tired but the sparkle and enthusiasm that was always around during sex lingered well past our time on the pool table.

I love you had been right on the tip of my tongue, begging to escape after we’d both found our release, but I’d bitten my bottom lip to keep it inside of me. My heart wanted to sing and shout it from the rooftop but my head warned me to shut the fuck up. There were still so many secrets…so much I didn’t or couldn’t understand. I’d always been the player, the one using people and then politely showing them the door. Being played wasn’t fun. I hated the insecurity snaking its way around my heart. I’d never experienced it before so I didn’t know what the hell to do to fight against it.

I wasn’t normally one to seek out help, but tomorrow morning, as soon as I dropped Dakota by the aquarium, I was calling Alex. No, he wasn’t the Dr. Phil of relationships, far from it due to his own lack of experience, but he was a sensitive guy and my best friend. He might not be able to help but I didn’t think he would hurt either. Something had to stop this raging emotion threatening to consume me.

Dakota mumbled something in his sleep, sounding distressed and afraid, and I quickly reached over and stroked his back, trying to soothe him without waking him. This was something that happened every night we’d shared together. He had nightmares and I tried to comfort him with soft strokes. It had shocked the fuck out of me the first night—the sound of terror in his moans and then the way his body calmed with my touch. After a few minutes, he snuggled against the pillow and was quiet again. I never mentioned the nightmares to him and he never mentioned them to me.

Just another secret, maybe another lie.

I was in love with a man who wouldn’t even admit his real name to me. Yes, we’d both been there when the EMT had questioned him about the information on his driver’s license. He had to know I’d heard the man and he still acted as if it had never happened. I could question him about it, but I knew without a doubt that he would shut me down…no, shut me out before I would even be able to get the entire question out of my mouth. Wait, he’d told me not to even ask him about his name. Yeah, I wasn’t important enough to even ask the question.

My heart wanted to soar but the doubts were keeping it grounded. That was what I needed help with—learning to soar…even if I had to do it with only the parts he was willing to share with me. I could do this, I urged myself. I needed him that much. I loved him that much.

After a few minutes of chanting that cheer in my head, my body started to calm down and exhaustion tried to sneak in and take me away. Before taking that final step, I realized how happy I was at the scenario surrounding me. Dakota’s warmth snuggled close to me and his little girly snores made him about as cute and cuddly as possible. Cowboy settled right in front of the fireplace on the huge dog bed we’d gotten him at the pet store, his old dog bowl next to him with one of his giant paws hugging it protectively. His snores weren’t so girly but surprisingly enough, they weren’t that annoying either. As happy as I felt, I should probably also feel just as guilty and ashamed. Snuggled on a pillow, right smack-ass between Dakota and me was Binx, purring like a satisfied bitch and watching me with lazy eyes. I was telling myself it was okay because she wasn’t really cockblocking me tonight, neither of us had the energy to do anything other than spoon.

Tomorrow night would be different.