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Happy Trail (Lucas Brothers Book 3) by Jordan Marie (45)


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“Why, Ms. Lucas, what are you doing here?”

I look up at Ms. Selfmore as I walk through the front door. I had hoped I would get out of here before having to deal with her. Next year, River will be going to a new school, one where Maggie can help watch over him and let me know how he’s doing. Definitely not where this battle axe is over him. The more I see of her, the more I dislike her. She’s had it in for my family ever since Maggie applied for this job. Obviously she didn’t get it, but for some reason, the fact that she even tried has made Ms. Selfmore impossible to deal with. I can’t believe the board was stupid enough to pass on Maggie and give the position to her. I know Maggie is younger than they like, but she’s more than qualified. She also relates to people and kids more than this woman ever could.

“My son is getting ribbons for most improved student today and for moving forward into another grade next year, Ms. Selfmore. Where else would I be?”

“But your son isn’t taking part in the awards ceremony!” she says, her face crinkling up. She really should moisturize. However, my anger is about to rival anything my mother could put out.

“Why the hell isn’t River taking part? Listen, I know you, and I have had our issues in the past, but if you do anything

“Ms. Lucas

“It’s Parish!” I growl. “It’s not that hard. My name is Parish, the same as my child and his father. Now as I was saying, River has worked hard to earn this recognition, and if you don’t allow him to take part in the award

“You don’t understand, Ms. Lu—Parish. River’s not taking part because he was picked up early.”

“You’re obviously mistaken. I just got here to see River, and his father is home recovering from an accident. No one else has permission to pick up my child except my mother and sister—both of whom I just left.”

“No. River’s grandfather picked him up about thirty minutes ago.”

Her words make my heart freeze in my chest and absolute terror runs through me.

“What did you say?” I ask, the words heavy on my tongue because it feels like I have no breath. I’m scared to death. This can’t be real. It can’t be.

“Mayor Parish picked River up

“How could you let that man take my child!?!?” I scream, the words feeling as if they were ripped from my very soul.

“He’s the child’s grandfather,” she says nervously, her face etched with worry.

She should worry. She should fucking be scared for her life, because right now, I want to wrap my hands around her throat and squeeze.

“He’s not on the pick-up list!”

“But Ms. Pa… Parish, he’s the child’s grandfather and the town Mayor. Surely

“Surely you’re insane, you fucking bitch! You knew! I’ve told you he’s to have no access to River! I’ll have your job for this! And if my child is hurt in any way, you better run and you better hide, because let me tell you, if something happens to River because of your incompetence, there won’t be a rock big enough for you to crawl under!”

I’m screaming so loud now, we have a crowd gathered around us. Ms. Selfmore has gone white. She should be terrified because I’m not giving her empty threats. My hands are shaking. I need to call the police, but on instinct, I call Luka.

“Lo’? You okay, sweetheart? I thought you were going to River’s school and

“Luka!” I cry, and the tears hit me then. I’m ready to crumble, and now that I have Luka’s voice in my ear, I can’t hold it together anymore.

“What’s wrong, Lo’? Talk to me.”

“River. He’s not here. He’s gone!”

“Gone? Honey, calm down. It’s hard to understand you over the tears. Where is River?”

“Your father, Luka. Your father signed him out. They let him take our son.”

“I’ll be right there, Lo’. I’m calling Daniel and Black is with me now. We’ll be there in just a bit. Hold on, honey. It will be okay.”

“I’ll hold on,” I tell him, but all I can see is my son with his beautiful blue eyes. I’m scared to death he’s hurt, and I can’t get to him. Does he even know what’s going on?

“I’ll be right there, Lo’,” Luka says.

Somewhere in the back of my mind, I worry, because Luka should be in bed, but the terror for my son overtakes that.

“Please let my son be okay,” I whimper looking up towards the heavens. “Please let him be okay.”