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My First Love: A Single Mom Bad Boy Love Story by Weston Parker, Ali Parker (31)

Chapter 31



For such a small ceremony, I was extremely nervous. Then again, I usually didn’t like too much attention on myself. I was content to just stay in the shadows, but since the entire event was about what I’d done, I had no choice but to go forward and stand with my superiors.

I looked out to the table where Autumn and her father were sitting, and I thought about how happy she’d been when she saw his car pull up outside. She hadn’t left his side since. Penelope was mesmerized by Paul, and if I didn’t know better, she liked him more than me. He’d always had a way with kids like our mother, but this was ridiculous. She couldn’t stop looking up and smiling at him, and I wondered if he noticed.

“It is my great honor to present these medals to a fine soldier, Gunnery Sergeant Emmett Burke, for his outstanding bravery in the line of duty.” The words brought my attention back to the proceedings. I’d listened to the first twenty minutes of Sergeant Phelps’s speech, but it had gone on a little long.

Everyone stood as he presented my medals to me by pinning them on the front of my coat, right over my heart. Everyone clapped as Sergeant Phelps gave me my final salute.

Penelope’s excitement was audible above everyone else’s, and she ran from my brother’s side and joined me up front where she threw her arms around my waist.

Autumn looked around, and I could tell by her expression that she was a little embarrassed that Penelope had come forward, but I smiled to assure her it was okay. I felt overwhelming pride that I could show her off, even though she wasn’t my daughter.

After the ceremony, there were refreshments, and while Penelope walked off with Paul to get a plate of cookies and some punch, Autumn and I stood with her father and laughed at the pair.

“She’s going to run him crazy, I’m afraid,” Autumn said. “I think she’s got a bit of a crush.”

Mr. Cooke laughed. “She’s growing up too fast. I was thinking, Autumn; perhaps I could take her for the night. I’ve never really spent any time with her. I wanted to show her some of your mother’s things and tell her a little about us.”

Autumn pressed her hand to her chest. “Oh, Daddy, that would be wonderful.” She gave her father a hug, and it was the first time I’d heard her refer to the old man as Daddy. Usually, she called him dad or father. “I’ve always wanted her to spend more time with you, and I sure wish Mom was around to see her growing up.”

Mr. Cooke smiled. “I’m really enjoying myself lately. It kind of makes an old man want to retire.”

The talk of retiring had Autumn feeling her father’s forehead. “Who are you and what have you done with my father?”

The two shared a laugh, and then he turned to me. “Speaking of changes, I couldn’t help but notice how well your brother is doing. I mean, he’s not at all the little thug I thought he’d be after blowing up my mailbox.”

My mouth fell open. “He did what?”

“Father.” Autumn looked around, and I could tell that this was a subject she didn’t want brought up to me, especially at my pinning ceremony.

“It’s quite all right, Autumn,” he said. “I just notice the young man is doing much better. I’d like to talk to him if Penelope could turn him loose.” He gave a warm smile that seemed to put Autumn at ease.

A minute later, Pen and Paul came walking up with a plate of cookies and two glasses of punch. “This stuff is a bit sweet.” He winced after taking a sip of the red juice. “I hope your kid can handle a sugar buzz. I’m not sure I can.”

“Just the man I wanted to talk to,” Mr. Cooke said. “I was wondering if you’ve had any luck finding yourself decent employment?”

“No, sir. I had an interview last week, but they haven’t called me back. I doubt they will. They made it clear I didn’t have adequate training. There are a lot more roadblocks than I imagined. Without having college credit, it’s even tougher.”

“Would you go to college if you were able?” Mr. Cooke met my brother’s eyes.

Paul straightened his back and met his gaze as well. “Yes, sir. I’ve thought a lot about it, but I’m going to have to sell the family house to afford it. So with the legal issues, I’m not sure how long that will take.”

“I see.” Mr. Cooke rested his hand on his chin as if he were lost in deep thought. “You know, we had a position open up at LOC. It’s nothing glamorous, but if you want the opportunity, it comes with certain benefits, including help with tuition.” He turned to Autumn, who quickly nodded, even though a moment before, she looked like she’d never heard of such a thing.

“That’s right. We do have those opportunities available.”

“It’s a generous offer, but I’m afraid I don’t have adequate transportation.” Paul looked at me, and I didn’t know how I was going to help him. I still didn’t have a car myself. I hadn’t found the time to go and buy one. My brother didn’t even have money for a note.

“I think we can arrange something,” Mr. Cooke said. “The company has a few vehicles at its disposal. Until you get on your feet, of course.” Autumn’s father had certainly turned over a new leaf.

“That would be amazing. I don’t know what to say.” Paul looked at me like he didn’t know if all of this was real. I gave him a pat on the back to assure him it was. He downed the sweet punch as if he needed a stiff drink.

Mr. Cooke laughed. “Say you’ll accept.”

Paul was grinning ear to ear. “I accept. When can I start?”

“How about first thing Monday morning? I’ll get Lila to put you in the system and get your paperwork.” The old man grinned too and held out his hand for Paul, and the two shook on the agreement.

“Excuse me,” Paul said. “I suddenly need another one of these.”

That had Mr. Cooke laughing, and as Paul walked away, Autumn turned to her father. “Dad, what position is open? I don’t remember anyone leaving.”

“Well, I’m sure that you can find something. Your mother had a soft spot for that one, and I guess I’m finally understanding why. He’s a fine young man. He just needs a chance. And if my Penelope likes him, then he’s okay with me.”

“Then I guess I’ll have to be creative,” Autumn said. “I’m sure I can find something for him to do.”

Her father seemed content with that. Pen called him over to the refreshments where she’d wandered off minutes before and off he went.

“So, the college program?” I asked. “Is that something your father just invented as well?”

“Actually no. We do have that kind of program in place at LOC, and your brother will be a perfect candidate. I’ll make sure I set it all up if he’s really interested and make sure we get him set up on a good path.”

“I appreciate it. And the car, that’s going to help him out. I need to get down to the nearest lot and find something for myself.” I had to start thinking about what kind of vehicle I wanted.

“I think new car shopping is exciting. I want to help.” She put her arm around me, and I pulled her close.

“You’re going to let Pen see us like this?” I asked.

“I don’t think she’ll mind. Besides, I think she knows how I feel about you.” Autumn leaned in closer and planted a soft kiss on my lips.

Her father cleared his throat, and when she pulled away, he gave us both a smile. Pen, who was holding his hand, giggled.

“Mama! Grandad said I could go to his house.” Penelope was just as excited as I was that she would be spending time with him, but for an entirely different reason. It wasn’t that I didn’t love her and love spending time with her, but I thought that me and Autumn really needed the alone time together.

Autumn smiled at her daughter. “That’s wonderful, Pen. I know you’re going to have a good time.”

“I offered to make her mom’s special blueberry pancakes if I can find the recipe,” Mr. Cooke said.

“We’re having them for dinner!”

“Those were always my favorite. Thanks, Dad.”

Mr. Cooke waved the comment away like it was no big deal. “We’re about to go. I offered to take Paul back to his place, too. I’d like to check out the property and see if it’s a sound investment. If so, I might buy it for rent space, and that would help him find something closer to the college.”

“You’re just full of surprises today,” Autumn said. She reached out and gave her father a hug and then knelt down to give Pen one, too. “You be on your best behavior. I have a few of your things still in the car from when you went to Paisley’s the other day. I’ll make sure we get that for you.”

“This is a special day, indeed.” Her father held out his hand. “Thank you for your service to our country, and thank you for coming back home to make my daughter so happy.”

“Thanks for coming today.” Knowing how hard he was trying really made me respect him even more.

After I thanked everyone for the ceremony and made a few rounds to talk to some of the other guests, I met Autumn out front. She’d walked Pen to the car and made sure she had her things for the sleepover at her grandfather’s.

“I can’t believe that we’ve got the entire night alone together.” She took my hand, and we headed to the door.

“Don’t forget about the evening. It’s only three o’clock. How about we stop on the way home and get some dinner?” I pulled her close, and then we walked to the car holding hands.

I opened her door, and she slid into the seat, and when I walked around, she was already angled toward my seat and kissed me when I sat beside her. “We’ve got such a long ride home.” Her hand rubbed my thigh, and my cock responded by getting hard as diamonds.

“You’re going to make it even longer if you keep rubbing me like that.” As I started the car, she eased back in her seat and put on her seatbelt.

“Sorry.” She licked her lips. “I’ll behave then.” Her sultry tone and smoldering eyes did nothing to help my situation.

“I never said I wanted you to behave. Let’s not go putting foul words in my mouth.” I reached over and touched her face, and she leaned closer to kiss me. I turned my eyes to where I was going as I left the parking lot.

“Then we should make the most of the ride.” She reached over and rubbed my thigh, and then her hand slipped up and cupped my bulging cock.

“Maybe we should head right home and skip dinner?”

“That’s the best idea you’ve had all day.” She met my eyes and unhooked my top button on my jeans. Then as she slowly worked down my zipper, she unhooked her seatbelt.