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My First Love: A Single Mom Bad Boy Love Story by Weston Parker, Ali Parker (94)

Chapter 25




Waking up alone hadn’t been my plan, and I’d known the day before that I wanted to end up with Allison in my bed. I wasn’t sure how I was going to pull it off, but I’d hoped to work it out somehow. But then, Doug had shown up, and things had gone to shit really fast.

Now my aching cock had no one else to give it release, and since I was pissed off at myself for being such a dick to Allison, I wasn’t going to do myself any favors. Self-deprivation was a bit extreme, but I deserved it.

I got out of bed and decided to head over to Missy’s house, hoping to find at least a slice of pie left that my brother hadn’t eaten, and see if she’d gotten him back to the facility.

I was shocked to see him still there when he answered the door. “What are you doing here?” I looked around to see the twins on the floor with a game of Candy Land.

“I’m currently stuck in the Molasses Swamp.” He patted my back and then walked over to lay on the floor beside Tiffany.

“Hi, Uncle David!” The twins spoke in unison.

Blaine smiled. “Yeah, it was late, and so Missy called the center to see if I could spend the night. She’ll bring me back tomorrow. It’s good to have some time with the girls, you know?”

I knew how much fun the kids were, and it only reminded me of Sierra. “Yeah, I know. They’re pretty amazing, huh?”

We exchanged a smile, and I headed over to the kitchen to find an entire pie that was untouched. I wasn’t sure if I should cut it or not.

“I see you found your pie.” Missy came into the room, still wearing her bathrobe with her hair bunched up in a towel. “I thought I heard someone. How are you?”

“Did you say this entire pie is mine?”

She nodded. “Yes. The whole thing.”

“Then I’m doing better than I was a minute ago.” I grabbed a fork and turned to see Missy holding out a can of whipped cream. “You’re the absolute best sister a guy could have.”

“I know. You’d both do well to remember that. That’s Mrs. Beall’s recipe. Mom’s was too complicated.”

I avoided a response by shaking the can and applying it to the top of my pie.

“So, how’d dinner go?” she asked. “Did you have turkey or ham? Did you tell Allison you’re crazy for her?”

“No, but I did show her I’m a total hotheaded, crazy man.”

“What does that mean? Did you two have a fight?” She gave me a narrowed glare and let out a sigh like I’d just screwed up everything. “What did you do?”

“I might have suggested that I thought that Sierra might be my child.”

“What? And you think this, why? Because you had a good time at Career Day? Jesus, David.” She took the towel off her head and let her damp hair fall to her shoulders.

“The timeline makes sense, and I’m not just saying it to hurt anyone. I can’t help but feel it in my bones. Every time the kid looks at me, it’s like my own eyes are looking back at me.”

Missy’s expression turned thoughtful. “I didn’t want to suggest anything the other day, but I kind of saw the resemblance, too. She reminds me a lot of Blaine when he was younger, but the eye color. You’re the only person I know who has that dark shade of blue eyes.”

“I know. That was my clue. But I should have been more tactful and used a freaking softer touch when I brought it up. I practically snapped Allison’s head off, and I was a bit too accusing.”

“You think she knew?” Missy put her hands on her hips, and I could tell she wasn’t going to be happy with Allison if that were the case.

“No, I don’t think that at all. Doug Simon is a real jackass, and no one would put up with his bullshit unless they thought they had to.”

“So, what did she say?”

“She told me to leave.” I pushed the pie away and scrubbed my face with my palms. “I hate that she’s mad at me.”

“If her past is any indication, she’s over it already. You should call her.”

“Not yet. I don’t know what to say, but I’m not giving up until I get proof. She wouldn’t tell me how long it was before she found out she was pregnant.”

“If my memory serves me right, it was still June that year. I’d gone over to borrow Mrs. Beall’s tea server set for a party I was throwing. The thing was gorgeous, and I’ve tried to find one like it, but it’s impossible. But anyway, that was for my friend, Sarah’s, bridal shower, and her wedding was August first. The shower was in June. Late June.”

“Are you sure?”

“I’m positive,” she said. “I didn’t want to give the setback. It got so many compliments at the party, and it looked so nice on my table.”

“I’m glad you’ve got a photographic memory when it comes to tea sets,” I said. “So, that would mean Sierra could be mine, right? I’m not just grasping at straws or speaking out of line?”

“No, it’s entirely possible if you slept with her.”

“Yes, I totally did. Remember, I took her to prom?”

Blaine walked into the kitchen to join us as the girls gathered their game up and took it to their room.

“You totally did what?” he asked.

“Slept with Allison on prom night,” Missy said, rolling her eyes. “And now, he thinks that Allison’s little girl is his daughter.”

“Holy shit, does she look like you?”

“Yes, and you too.” Missy crossed her arms and rested against the counter.

He held up his hands. “I never touched Allison. She was way out of my league.”

“And I’d have broken your neck,” I said.

Blaine and Missy belted out laughter that echoed off the kitchen walls.

“You’re still so into that girl,” Blaine said. “I’m surprised you didn’t marry her already.” Blaine gave me a pathetic look, and I gave it right back.

“What?” he asked. “You do love her, don’t you?”

“Yeah, of course, I do. I never really stopped over the years. I just pushed the idea of us to the back of my mind, thinking it would never happen. But now, she’s in my life, she’s still fucking amazing, and you should meet the kid. She’s perfect in every way, and everything I’d ever want my kid to be.”

“Sounds like you’re in love with her, too.”

“I am. It’s going to gut me if I’m wrong.”

“Have you asked Allison about it?” Blaine asked.


“Oh yeah,” Missy said. “He screwed up pretty badly on that one. All but accused her of hiding it from him.”

“Wow. That’s harsh, but did she know?”

“No way.” I pulled the pie close again, raked my fork into the cream, and licked it. Then I took another bite.

“You going to eat that whole pie?” Blaine asked, eyeing it.

“Yes. Missy said it was mine.”

He turned to our sister. “Why does he get all the pie?”

“Yours is on the table in the tin. I was going to let you take it to Elk Grove later, but since you’re going to whine about it.” Missy took the pie out of the carrier and slid it in front of him.

I opened the drawer and passed him a fork.

Blaine smiled. “This is the life. God, I’ve missed you, sister.”

“Likewise, but once that’s gone, there is no more. The other pie is for the girls, and Kevin’s is the coconut one.”

“Coconut?” I glanced over at Blaine and grinned. We both loved coconut, especially Missy’s coconut pies.

“Don’t eat his pie,” she said. “Guys, I’m warning you. I’ve got to get ready and get this hair dried before I freeze to death.” She turned and walked away, and I listened to make sure she was up the stairs.

I smiled at Blaine, who shook his head. “No way. I’m just back in her good graces. I’m not going to eat Kevin’s fucking pie.”

I thought of how the guy had cheated on my sister and walked over to the table, spotting a pretty coconut pie. The delicious aroma hit my nose as I lifted off the lid. “It sure does look good.”

“Does it?”

“Yeah, you know Missy was telling me a story about Kevin the other day. About something he did a long time ago.”

“You mean the affairs? She told me. I still can’t believe it.”

“Yeah, I know. Me neither. You know, our sister’s been good to him. Look at this house. Look at this fucking pie. I bet you had a feast yesterday, too.”

“Yeah, we did. You know, Miss. She goes all out.”

“I know she does.” I brought the pie over to the table between mine and Blaine’s. We exchanged a look and then stared down at the pie.

“You first,” Blaine said, giving me a nudge. “He was talking about saving his fucking pie for later, just last night after dinner.”

I smiled and stuck my fork through the perfect meringue topping and into the creamy coconut filling. “Oops.”

“How does it taste?”

“You know what they say, revenge is sweet. If this is all I can do to pay him back for screwing around on my sister, it’s worth it. But I’ll have my eye on the fucker from now on.”

Blaine joined me in eating the pie, and we were nice enough to leave Kevin one slice, the same way our father left him breathing.

“So, are you going to tell Allison how you feel about her?”

“I think eventually I will. I mean, I know I want to, but I need to find the right time to approach her. She looked like she wanted to punch me the last time I saw her. I can’t blame her. It was a real dick move, what I did. I was just so pissed off at her ex. He showed up talking shit about me being around Sierra. He talked bad shit about Allison, too, and how I couldn’t buy everything in life. I fucking hate the guy.”

“He was an asshole in school,” Blaine said. “I remember him. He always talked down to the underclassmen.”

“Yeah, he’s a real douchebag. He tried to hit me. I blocked it, though. I wanted to lay waste to him, but I held back. Maybe if I had, then I wouldn’t have been so angry and snapped at Allison.”

“Well, take it from me, don’t wait forever to mend things. She’s a good girl. She’s always been head over heels for you. I remember that time she wanted to buy you something for Christmas, and she made me try and figure out what you’d want. Me and Missy both were asking you a hundred and one questions, and all you kept saying was a radio for your car. Well, we both knew Dad was getting you that, so we told her you wanted a pocket knife.”

“I still have that thing, too.”

“Of course, you do. Because you love her. Go to her, man. Make this shit right, and get your girls. What are you waiting for?”

I knew he was right. I put the slice of coconut back in the tin and then pulled him in for a hug. It was funny that even my little brother, who didn’t care about much of anything just days ago, only wanted me happy now. And I hoped his days of darkness were over.

I headed out, knowing I had to figure it out soon.