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My First Love: A Single Mom Bad Boy Love Story by Weston Parker, Ali Parker (98)

Chapter 29




I sat in my office looking over the calendar and knowing that I’d made all of the arrangements and talked to my lawyer. Now that everything was prepared, the only thing I had to wait on were the test results, which were due today. I’d wanted to pay a healthy sum for overnight results, but the lawyer said it would look bad if anything ever went to court, and rather than make waves, I should be patient. That was easier said than done.

Sierra was still in the dark, but over the past two weeks, I’d managed to make things right for leaving on Thanksgiving, and lucky for me, she still blamed Doug the most.

Allison and I had convinced Sierra we were checking her tonsils, and all three of us swabbed our mouths in front of the lawyer and sent the samples to be tested. Neither of us had told Doug what was going on just yet. With any luck, the results would be in by the time I made it home for dinner, and I’d get the answer I wanted.

I told myself again and again if for some reason Sierra wasn’t mine, I’d be okay and still try to be the best father I could be, but I wanted it so badly that I knew it was going to be emotional, regardless.

The phone rang as I stepped into the elevator. “Are you on your way?” Allison’s voice was full of enthusiasm. “The results are here! They were just delivered.”

“I’m in the elevator. I’ll be home as soon as I can. Don’t peek!”

“I’m not going to peek. I want you to be the first to look.”

“Did you say anything to Sierra?” I asked.

“No, I think we should talk to her together. She knows you’re coming over. I’ll be so glad when we can all live together.”

“I know, baby.”

We’d both agreed that things needed to move a bit slower than we wanted until we found out for sure the results. We only wanted to have one talk with Sierra, and we’d either tell her I was going to be a stepdaddy or her real daddy. And then, we’d all move in together either way. I only hoped that Doug wouldn’t throw a tantrum, but I was ready for him. I’d promised Allison I wouldn’t engage in any fights with him, and I’d let the lawyers handle everything for Sierra’s sake.

“It won’t be long now, I promise,” I said.

“Just be careful, okay?”

“I will.” I had the urge to test that Cobra’s speed on the way home, but now that I had a family, I knew I better take my time and make it home in one piece, or Allison would kill me.

Half an hour later, I showed up at her house, and Sierra came to the door. Allison had a talk with her about opening the door up, so now it took an act of Congress to get her to let anyone in.

“Are you sure you’re my David?” Her little voice was even softer through the door.

“Baby, it’s me. Open up the door.”

“Do the secret knock again. Just one more time.” She let loose a giggle, and I knew she was just fucking with me.

I did the knock, and she opened the door with a big smile on her face. “I knew it was you all along!”

She hugged me tightly, and then Allison ran out from the bathroom.

“I’m sorry,” she said. “Give me a minute.”

She ducked into the bedroom and came back with the letter, which Sierra grabbed from her hands.

“A man came earlier, and he didn’t know the secret knock,” Sierra said. “But Mama said it was okay to answer the door. He brought a letter to Mama. And she said it’s really important.”

“It is, thank you.” I took the letter from her, and as if it were full of magic, I suddenly felt my blood start to rush. It was funny how such a thin envelope could be so important. It held the answer to a question which had burned inside of me for weeks.

I looked up at Allison, and she crossed the room and took my hand. “Let’s sit.”

She brought me to the couch, and I thought it was a good idea. I had a feeling I might hit the floor.

I let out a deep breath, and my heart pounded so hard it was drumming in my ears. My hands shook as I went to open the letter, and Allison reached over to place her hand on mine.

“No matter what,” she said.

I gave a nod and wasted no more time ripping open the envelope. I pulled out the ivory paper and unfolded it. My heart raced as I scanned the page, and then I pulled Sierra over into my lap and held her tightly. The lump in my throat made it impossible to speak, so I passed the letter to Allison, who fell against us in tears.

“Mama, what’s the matter?” Sierra’s eyes sparkled, and I knew I had to let Allison explain it.

“It’s good news, baby. The best news.” I held on tightly to my two girls as Allison fought back the tears. “You know me and David have known each other for a long time, right?”

Sierra nodded her head and turned to face me. She took my face into her small hands and scrubbed my beard, then she wiped the tears from my cheeks.

“Don’t cry.” She laid her head on my chest, and I collected myself. I hadn’t cried so hard in years, not even when my father died, but this was the best day of my life.

“He’s happy,” Allison said. “You know, I knew him before I knew your daddy. And I know this is going to be hard for you to understand, but as it turns out, David is the man who gave me you, and not your father.”

She narrowed her eyes at me. “What’s that mean?”

“It means, I’m your real father,” I said.

“No foolin’?” Her eyes widened, and she smiled. “So, I have two daddies?”

She started to shake and dove into her mother’s lap.

“Not quite,” Allison said. “It’s just that, David is your father instead. But that doesn’t mean you can’t still care about your dad, but it’s just that he’s not your dad. David is. He always was. We just didn’t know it.”

She was having a hard time, and I knew it was because it was confusing for Sierra.

“So, I don’t have to go to Daddy’s house any more? Not this weekend?”

I could tell she didn’t want to go, and she’d been crying about having to for days. I wanted to tell her she didn’t have to go back to that loser’s house ever again, but I knew I had to keep my cool and let Allison handle the situation.

“Baby, we’re going to have to tell your dad that you’re not his,” she said. “And he will be a bit sad. It’s okay if you’re sad, too. And you can still be friends, and if you still love him, it’s okay.”

I knew what she was telling her was for a reason, but Sierra shrugged. “I don’t want to go there anymore. Can we still have ice cream tonight?”

Allison and I laughed. We’d promised her ice cream and had hoped that the news wouldn’t ruin our evening.

I leaned over and kissed her hair. “Yes, you can have all the ice cream you can eat tonight.”

“Let’s not overdo it, Daddy,” Allison said with a laugh.

“Are you going to be my Daddy now?”

“Is that what you want to call me?” I searched her eyes, and to her credit, she gave it a lot of thought.

“I don’t want to hurt my other daddy’s feelings, but I want to call you Daddy, too.”

“Then that’s what you call me, okay. Because I am your daddy, and I love you so much, Sierra. How would you like for you and your mama to come live with me?”

“In a new house?”

“With your very own bedroom still, and you can paint it any way you want. The house is big, and best of all, it’s right across from your grandparents’ house.” I turned to look at Allison, whose mouth popped open.

“What? Your father’s house?” She placed her hand on her heart.

“Our house. Think about it, Allie. It’s perfect. We’d be able to have your parents close, and Sierra can have my old room if she wants. We know the neighborhood is nice and discreet, and my place isn’t very kid friendly. What do you say?”

“Yes. I think it’s perfect. How long have you been keeping that to yourself?”

“Since I ordered the test. I knew no matter what, that’s where we need to be.”

“But I thought it’s for sale. What about Missy and Blaine?”

“They’re both in agreement, and I’ve already tried to buy their shares, but they both insisted on signing them over. They said I could consider it a Father’s Day gift.”

“You have the best family.”

“No, we have the best family.” I turned back to Sierra. “So, what do you think? Do you want a new room and a big house across from your grandparents?”

“Yes!” she cheered. Then she leaned in close to my ear. “Can I have a playroom, too?”

I chuckled, and Allison tousled our daughter’s hair. “I like this kid,” I said. “She knows how to make a bargain. Yes, you can have any room you want for a playroom.”

“Not the master suite,” Allison said. “I want that one, and I want to redecorate. It’s not that I don’t love the house. It’s gorgeous, but for a family of such wealth, your father never updated a thing.”

“That’s because he wanted to leave it how my mother left it. But it’s yours now. You choose everything, okay? Make it your project.”

“Can I go pack now?” Sierra jumped down from my lap and headed to her room.

Now that I was alone with Allison, I took the chance to talk to her about one last, pressing issue. “I don’t want to wait to tell Doug, okay? I think we need to do it sooner, rather than later. She’s not going to that man’s house again. She’s cried all week about it, and I’m going to have my lawyer ready to fight this.”

“I’ll call him tonight,” Allison said. “I know he’s going to come here.”

“We’ll be gone. We’ll pack up and go to the house. There’s no reason we can’t, and Sierra will like seeing her new home. You heard her. She’s packing her bags as we speak.”

She let out a sigh. “Okay, let’s do this.”

“Call first. I’ll go help Sierra pack.” I headed down the hall to her room where I heard her talking to someone.

I peeked around the corner and found her sitting on the bed with Mystery. “So now, we have to get all packed up because my new Daddy said I’m getting a new house. But don’t worry. I made sure there’s room for you.” She stuffed a few toys into her bag, and I had a feeling if I looked, there’d be nothing but toys and stuffed animals in her overnight bag.

I knocked on the doorframe, and her little face turned up to meet mine. “I’m almost packed.”

“I hope you have some clothes in there.” I walked over to sit on the bed and peeked inside the bag. “How about you just pack a change of clothes, and we’ll come back for your toys later?”

“I can’t leave Mystery.” Her little brows furrowed.

“Of course not. Mystery is family.”

“Can Mystery have her own room, too?”

I laughed, thinking she drove a hard bargain. “I think Mystery would rather be close to you. Besides, maybe someday you’ll have a little brother or sister, and they’ll need the room.”

She shrugged. “You’re probably right.” She took the bear and climbed up next to me. “Can I tell you something, Daddy?” The words melted my heart.

“Of course. You can always tell me anything.”

“I’m glad you’re my new daddy. I’ve wished it for so long.”

I pulled her into my lap and hugged her tight. “Me too, baby. Me too.”