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My First Love: A Single Mom Bad Boy Love Story by Weston Parker, Ali Parker (9)

Chapter 9



“That’s it. One more.” Tara’s soothing voice was like a warm butter bath. I might have been into it if not for the pain I was feeling and how frustrated I felt about being this out of shape. I was still strong in many ways, but with the muscles in my chest and back being affected by my injury, it was making the smallest task seem ten times as hard. Which made me only more determined to push myself and be stronger.

I grunted and did the last stretch. “I’ve got to get through this and get the hell out of here.”

“I don’t want you to overdo it now. You’ve got to heal, and if you push yourself too much, those muscles won’t heal.”

“I’m not doing anything I couldn’t do before, Tara.” I got up off the floor and was surprised she let me stand up on my own.

She rose up from her squatting position. “You weren’t hurt before. Your mobility is already improving, but you’ve been through a terrible trauma. Give yourself a little more time to heal, and you’ll be back to normal soon enough.” She smiled at me like some kind of sadist and then placed her hand on my arm to give it a soothing rub. “Listen to me. I know what’s best for you. You’re still a big, strong man, Emmett. You’re just a big, strong man with an injury, one that is only going to get worse if you push yourself too hard.” She stared into my eyes, and I didn’t know if she was trying to convince me or come on to me, but I had a feeling it was a little of both.

“I’ve got too many things to do to stay here in this fucking hospital. I need to get out, and if pushing myself is the only way, then I’m on it. I haven’t gotten anything in life by taking the easy way, and I’m not starting now.” I needed to get out of the damned place, not only for my sanity, but because I needed to square things with my brother, who had not been back to see me.

“You’re already recovering quickly. Don’t push and make yourself have a setback. You’ve still got two weeks with me.” She took my hand and then locked her arm in mine like we were dating. Then, she walked me out of the rehab room and back down the hallway toward my room. The fact that I had two more weeks of rehab was eating at me.

Ahead in the hall, I saw Dr. Benningly. “I can make it back alone.”

She shook her head. “I’m supposed to take you back and tuck you into bed. Hospital policy.” She said tuck like she meant something else, her brows wagging in a flirty manner.

“Fine, could you do me a favor then?”

“Yes, anything for you.” She cozied up and fluttered her lashes, but I lowered myself to the bench near the nurses’ station.

“Could you get me something to drink from the machine? I want a soda so bad.”

“Of course. Anything in particular?”

“Surprise me.” I gave her my best flirty smile, and as she walked off to the soda machine that was around the corner, I got to my feet and hurried down the hall where I saw my doctor.

I found him coming out of a room. “Dr. Benningly!”

The man turned his head and gave me a warm smile. “It’s good to see you up and around.”

“I was just wondering if there’s any way I can work to cut the time on my therapy. You said I could be out of here in a week, so maybe I could end my therapy by then as well. I don’t want to be tied into coming back here when I’m done. I’m not planning on sticking around too long.”

I knew I wanted to stick around long enough to see Autumn again, but I doubted that she had a life where I’d fit in too much, not with her having a daughter. Then there was my plan to take Paul out of Raleigh with me, and that was probably something I shouldn’t delay too long if he agreed.

Dr. Benningly shook his head. “I’m afraid that’s not possible. I said I’d try to get you out, but I didn’t promise, and I’m afraid in your case, the military is very stubborn on the rehabilitation part of your recovery. Even if I get you out a little early, I can’t disrupt the length of your rehab. It’s out of my hands.

“And there’s nothing you can do?”

Before he could respond, he looked over my shoulder at something behind me.

“There you are.” I turned to find Tara coming toward us with a soda in her hand and a frown on her face. “Hello, Dr. Benningly.”

“Hello, Tara. I must be going, but you take it easy, Emmett. The best you can do is get better so I can get you an early release, but for the therapy, I’m afraid you’re stuck with this beautiful woman a little while longer.”

Defeated, I let out a sigh and headed back toward my room. Tara picked up her pace and fell into step beside me, holding my arm. “You know, you’re going to hurt my feelings if you keep trying to get out of your rehab.”

“It’s nothing personal, Tara. I just need to be done with this and move on to the next phase of my life, whatever that is.”

“Let me guess what he told you, soldier. He said that since the government was footing the bill, I have your ass for the duration, right?”

“Yes, almost verbatim.”

“I could have told you that.” She pushed open my door and led me inside.

“So why didn’t you?” I made my way to my bed and pulled back the covers. Somewhere in the time I’d been gone, my bed had been stripped again and remade.

Tara placed the soda on the bedside table. “I didn’t think you’d go to the doctor with it. But in the future, you make sure you ask me first. It will save me from unnecessary battles with the local vending machines. I had to hit it twice before it spit out that soda you wanted, which was apparently just a ruse to get to Dr. Benningly.”

“Sorry. If it makes you feel better, I’ll drink it.” Cola wasn’t my favorite, but it was a safe choice.

“You can buy me a drink sometime. How about that?” She gave me a daring look, and I knew better than to respond in any way. I didn’t need her thinking that I wanted to spend any extra time with her, and I made a mental note to grab something from the vending machine for her as soon as possible.

“Do you always flirt this hard with your patients?” I figured it was time I called her out on this and set her straight. I had only ever loved one woman, and there wasn’t much left of my heart to give to another.

“Only when they look like you. You’re very handsome, or hasn’t anyone ever told you?”

“Maybe a time or two.” I’d never gotten any complaints.

“Or three, huh?” Her grin was all teeth.


She laughed. “You’re good-looking, and you have a sense of humor. I really think you should give me a shot, Emmet.”

“Do you?” I looked out the window, and the sun was low in the sky. I couldn’t believe that another day had gone by already. Birds were flying in and out of the tree outside my window, and I wished one of them could let me out of my cage, which is what my room was starting to feel like.

Tara leaned on the bed. “It might be fun.”

I wondered if I should let her seduce me. Then, at least, I’d have something to do for the rest of the day, and hell, it might even earn me some perks while I was cooped up in the depressing hospital room.

Then I imagined Autumn standing in my doorway and knew better. “I’m sure it would be fun, but only until you realized that I’m in love with someone else.”

The soft knock on my door caused Tara to pull away from my bed. Luckily, she wasn’t in any compromising positions when Autumn walked in.

“Oh, excuse me.” Autumn stopped dead in her tracks. She looked like a million bucks with her hair pinned up and a few loose strands falling around her face. She had on a skirt with a blue blouse that made her eyes look like they were five seconds from shooting laser beams, they were so bright. She was really the picture of perfection, even with the paper sack she held in her hand.

“It’s okay, Autumn. Come on in. This is Tara Joel. She’s my physical therapist. Tara, this is Autumn.” I didn’t feel the need to explain who Autumn was, and by the way Tara turned her glance back at me after seeing my oldest friend, I wondered if she thought there was much more going on between us than there was. I was okay with that. At least she might cool her tits and focus on my therapy.

“I’ll be with you tomorrow, Emmett. I’ll leave you to your visitor.” Tara slapped on a fake grin, and I could tell that her spirits were dampened by Autumn’s presence.

“How’s he doing?” Autumn asked. “With his therapy?”

“He’s doing quite well, just a bit stubborn.”

“Ah, then he’s getting back to his old self, I see. Thanks for taking care of him. He’s really special to me.”

Tara gave a tight smile. “My pleasure.” Then she hurried out of the room.

“What have you got in that bag?” I noticed a few grease stains on the white paper sack and wondered if she’d brought me my favorite.

“It’s a Stuffy Burger with bacon, cheese, and grilled onions. I even brought you some fries.”

“Are you kidding me? Damn, I’ve missed you.” We shared a laugh, and she walked over and placed the bag on my table, which she then pulled across the bed.

“I see you already have something to drink, but I might go down to the vending machine and get me something. These are always best with a soda.”

“You’re eating too? Damn, Autumn, this just keeps getting better and better.” I hadn’t even expected her to show up, and the fact that she’d come to eat and brought my favorite meal, the one I’d missed for years in the service, was the sweetest gesture.

“I figured you could use a little company.”

The sun seemed to shine a little brighter through the window, but I knew it was only because of her. “You have no idea.” Autumn had always had a way of being there when I needed her.