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Oath Keepers MC: The Collection by Sapphire Knight (12)

Chapter 12

I head back over to the ratty motel to talk with my brothers. We’re supposed to be leaving today, but I need them to either wait 'til later or else leave tomorrow so London can follow us in her car. I’m not about to have her drive back to Texas alone if we’re going to be making the same trip.

I already wish we were driving together. If we were, I’d drive the entire way so she can just sleep or relax. If anything, I’ll stay and drive at the same time she does if my brothers don’t want to stay the extra time.

I walk right into Ares’ room because he always leaves his door unlocked. Who’s going to be dumb enough to enter in a room belonging to a monster like Ares anyhow? He’d either blow out your brains or strangle you to death. The guys think I’m grouchy when I’m woken up; Ares clearly has me beat.

I make my way through the door to find Ares’ naked ass in front of me—as is a naked bitch in the bed. He has her on all fours and is going to town.

He glances my way as I come closer. Once he realizes it’s me, he gives me a chin lift.

“Hey, brother, give me a minute.”

I return the chin lift and make myself comfortable. Sitting on one of the chairs at the small table, I face toward them to watch the festivities. We’re not shy one bit, and I know Ares likes to be watched.

I often wonder if maybe he’s bi-sexual. I wouldn’t mind. I mean everyone has their own fetishes and preferences. Fuck, I think it’s pretty damn hot watching a cock go in and out of a woman’s wet pussy, doesn’t matter if it’s my dick or someone else’s. That shit turns me the fuck on.

He has the chick’s hair wrapped around one hand like he’s holding reins. He pumps roughly into her from behind and smacks her ass occasionally.

Her ass cheeks have a nice pink hue where he’s hit them a few times. My mouth waters thinking about making London’s plump ass pink with a few spanks.

His fuck buddy’s face and tits are flushed to match her ass. Her tits bounce with each thrust, and she’s covered in hickeys all over her.

Fucking Ares, he likes it rough. The wilder, the better it seems, and in this case he looks like he was a fucking vacuum.

She moans loudly each time he sinks into her to the hilt. I imagine putting London in this position, and I start to get a chubby. I wonder how long this has been going on. I bet the brothers in the rooms on each side have heard quite a show.

“Fuckin’ come, bitch, now!” he roars, and she yells as he pulls harder on her brown hair.

Her eyes close, lost in ecstasy. She falls to the bed when he lets her go, and Ares stands up. I hear the bathroom door open and a naked redhead comes out. Her eyes light up when they land on me.

I don’t think so. She probably thinks this just turned into a group event.

Ares notices her and turns serious instantly. “Party’s over, get dressed, and get out.”

Both girls scatter to find their belongings, dressing as they find different pieces.

I smirk at him and gesture to the chicks. “You didn’t have to stop. I would’ve kept watching. Especially with two of them, it would’ve been entertaining.”

He blinks, like he’s processing what I’m saying. “Nah, they’re just some everyday pussy. If you’re going to get your chick pissed about something, then at least make sure it’s over something worth it,” he rationalizes, and I chuckle.

The girls wave goodbye and make a quick exit. I don’t blame them; Ares can look like a scary fucker when he wants to.

“I just found out my ol’ lady likes to kiss bitches. I doubt she’d get bent over me watching you fuck some chicks, bro,” I retort cockily.

He raises an eyebrow. “Oh, she’s your ol’ lady now? Or are you still being a pansy ass?”

I roll my eyes and flip him off at his comment. “I ain’t no fucking pansy ass. Hell yes, she’s my ol’ lady. I actually came to see if y’all would hold up until later to leave or wait until tomorrow. London and her friends are packing some shit up and hanging out. She’s going to come back home, finally. I think me and 2 Piece are going to bring her back at the end of the month to get the rest of her shit. Figure she can see her friends again and all.”

“Yeah, we can leave later, that’s no problem. We can drive halfway and stop tonight, too. It’ll be an easier ride if we make it in two days instead of a straight shot like the trip up here. Those fucking roads in Arkansas are a bitch. Plus, your baby momma needs to be able to rest and stretch out. It’s not good to have her in that car for so long with her carrying a babe.”

I nod, agreeing. My girl and her comfort is my top priority.

I glance around the room curiously. I haven’t heard any noises, and that bitch came out of the bathroom, so he must’ve gotten rid of Cameron.

“Hey, what did y’all end up doing with that fuckwit, Cameron?”

“Oh, Twist fucked with him for a little while. He got him to admit he was planning on ordering a hit on London or something. Brother kind of went a little crazy when he heard his cupcake was in potential danger. You know how Twist gets. He ended up grabbing a drill and poking holes all over the fuckface’s body. It was loud and messy.” He makes a sour face. “Surprisingly, he didn’t kill him. I called Tate to let him know we were done. I would’ve given him to you to slice up or whatever, but I knew you were with London. Wasn’t sure if she was staying or going, and I figured you’d want as much time with her as you could get.”

I nod and he continues, “Viktor, showed up. Put a bullet right between sandy-haired boy’s eyes. Said you don’t betray the future Boss of the Mafiya or some shit. I’d say that kid didn’t even see it coming. I think he believed his old buddy would up and forgive him. He was a shady bastard; you could read it all over him. Drugs will do that shit, though. You use too much and they’ll change a person. I’m glad he wasn’t London’s baby daddy. Poor bitch would’ve had a bad time with that fuckin’ yo-yo.”

“Good, that douche got what was coming to him. I still can’t believe that fuck hit me in the back with a goddamn pole. If I was a smaller man, my ass would have gone down, too. And don’t fucking talk about him and my baby momma together. I’m trying not to dig him up and kill his ass again. Motherfucking put a hit on my ol’ lady; I should have diced his ass up for even thinking about her,” I spit out angrily.

Ares knows how protective of London I was before when she was in Texas with me. I’m going to be even more so now that she has my kid and is definitely my woman. It’s official in the club’s eyes, too.

“Oh, Viktor took the body. I think he’s probably swimming with the fishes about now, with all these lakes around here.”

“Good, not my fucking problem anymore, then.”

Ares nods and pours himself three fingers worth of whiskey in a plastic cup. He sets the bottle down and takes a swig from his cup without offering to pour me any.

“No, I don’t want any or anything.” I chin lift toward the bottle and he smirks at me.

“Since when did you need an invitation? You growing a vagina again?”

“Fuck you, man. I would whip my dick out, but I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings,” I grumble, and Ares laughs.

We’ll most likely always have this ongoing ribbing toward each other. I didn’t have siblings growing up and the brothers in the club make sure to make up for that. I’m especially close to 2 Piece and Ares. I’ll do anything I can for them when they need it. I know they would do the same for me as well.

I get serious and share the plans I have with him. “I’m going to ask her to marry me after we get settled back in at home.”

“Good, she’ll make a damn good wife for you. I’m happy for you, brother.”

“Thanks, man. Well, I’m going to take off. I need to make sure my bitch is actually packing her shit up. I’ll text you about thirty minutes out from when we’re ready, yeah?”

I wouldn’t be surprised if London has been watching movies all day instead of taking care of stuff.

“Yep, sounds like a plan. Ride safe.”

I fist bump him and then head back to London’s place.

I’m glad Cameron’s been taken care of. I know he would’ve become a bigger problem getting hooked on all the drugs and then working for the Russian Mafia. I’m surprised Tate didn’t kill him, himself.

I wonder what they decided to do with their father. Well, if we hear of a new “Big Boss” we’ll know something happened for sure. I don’t envy their situation at all.

I had to watch my own father get locked up when I was fourteen. He was a piece of shit dad and person. I was better off having to leave him. I probably would’ve turned out to be a hardcore druggie and criminal, had I been forced to stay with him.

I do bad shit now, but it’s nowhere near the level he was at. I never understood what he found so great about doing meth and robbing his so called “friends.” He’d do anything in order to get high.

I remember plenty of times seeing him sniffing paint or gas, too. If it wasn’t for me being so smart in school and being able to help out the other kids with their work, I’d probably have been around even more bad shit being stuck at home.

I lucked out when the old man went to jail and I was forced to stay with my aunt. She wasn’t responsible or around much. At least she wasn’t doing drugs, selling drugs, or robbing people. Life could’ve been worse, but I made do with what I had. Who knew, it’d lead me to meeting the love of my life?

I got a job as soon as I was old enough to and saved up what little money I made. An old neighbor down the road, whose lawn I used to mow, ended up selling me his motorcycle. He was too old to ride anymore and knew I’d take good care of it.

Thank God for meeting 2 Piece when I was out riding my bike one day. I met him and was introduced to a world that fit exactly the type of lifestyle I wanted. If it wasn’t for them, I probably wouldn’t be nearly as happy as I am now.

It’s because of the Oath Keepers MC I went back to Texas in the first place and saw my love again, all grown up and gorgeous. I’ll always be grateful to my club and the love of my life.


“I can’t believe you’re leaving. It feels like you just got here.”

I hug Emily again; I’m going to miss her so much. God, I love her.

“I know. I feel like I did, too. My place is with Cain now. We need to get settled and prepare for this baby boy.”

I don’t know if that’s the right thing to do exactly, but it sounds rational. Avery reaches over and squeezes my arm lightly to get my attention.

“I’m definitely coming to visit you and 2 Piece. That man is way too good to not have again at least once. Plus, I want to see Texas so bad.”

Avery thinks she’s going to go on an adventure or something. Emily and I both start to giggle. Looks like 2 Piece has found himself an admirer. I’m sure he’ll be happy to see her again. God knows they hit it off at dinner. 

Emily grows serious again and her eyes well up with tears. She’s always been a crier. Over the years I’ve gotten used to it, so it doesn’t bother me much anymore.

“Where are you guys going to live, anyhow? You need to decide what you want to do with the baby’s stuff, too. I need to know what to shop for. Tate has been on me about wanting me to spend some money. I told him I’ve never had a lot of money so I don’t need to. You know that man, though; I swear he has a shopping addiction. I still keep getting new packages showing up on our doorstep.”

Ugh, that’s a good question. Where are we going to live? We can’t stay at the freaking compound once the baby comes. He can’t sleep at the compound without me either once we have little Junior Cain.

I can’t believe we haven’t discussed this, and I’m about to just pack up and leave. I mean, we briefly talked about it, but I need details. At least I always have my mom and brother there.

“I’m not sure what our plan is just yet. It’s so overwhelming figuring out all these changes,” I admit and get a little choked up myself.

Chin up, London, it will all work out.

I know Cain will help me with everything. He’s a great man, even if he doesn’t fully think so.

Emily sniffles and takes a drink of her giant-sized Route 44 soda. “Well, you’re more than welcome to stay at Granddaddy’s house if Elliot is tired of taking care of it. You always have a place there. I know you’re coming back at the end of the month for the rest of your stuff, but I’ll talk to Tate. He already bugged me a few months back about visiting Texas, so I’ll see if he wants to take a drive out there soon. We definitely need to throw you a baby shower, too. I’m going to call your momma and see when she’s able to do it.”

I smile at her gratefully.

She has such a big heart and is always thinking about others. I will truly miss being away from her again. I hope we can visit each other often.

Avery’s eyes grow wide and she seems excited all of a sudden. “Maybe I’ll just tag along with Emily and Tate when they come. That way I’ll get to come to your baby shower, too. You guys are going to have such a cute little biker baby.”

I’m so glad I met Avery; she’s a lot of fun. She’s always silly and excited about something. It’s refreshing to be around someone who is always positive about everything. I guess she’s an optimist, and I’m more of a realist. Emily’s just a worrier.

“Oh, I know. I wonder whose eyes he’ll get. You guys will be an adorable family. I’m so sending you a pair of Chucks when the baby gets big enough to wear them, too,” Emily pipes in.

“Thanks, y’all are sweet. I think Cain will make a good dad. I’m excited and nervous and just…everything. I can’t believe I’m popping out a kid before you, Emily. I kind of always thought you’d be the first with a kid and making a family. I wish Granddaddy was still here, Emily. He’d be so happy for you and proud of you going to school like we always dreamed of. I know he’d also approve of you and Tate. Momma will be so excited to hear from you. Just wait until after I tell her about the baby first, please. I haven’t called her yet. I plan to show up and surprise her in a couple of days. She’ll probably scream like a lunatic, too.”

The front door opens and we all turn toward it. Cain comes strutting in with his chest puffed out like a peacock and a smile on his face. “Ladies, 'sup?” he greets and walks toward me.

I smile happily, excited to see his handsome face.

Emily does her little wave thing first. “Hello!”

“Hey, daddy-to-be!”

At that, Cain stops and smirks at Avery. “A, you can call me daddy all you want. I’m gonna’ give 2 Piece some shit about you calling me daddy, too,” he chuckles.

She just smiles and rolls her eyes.

I reach out and grab his hand that’s closest to me. “Hey, honey bun, did you talk with the boys?”

He leans down and sweetly kisses my lips. He pulls away after a moment and I tug him back down to me for another kiss—I love his soft lips.

“Yeah, I talked to them. They’re going to wait a few hours and leave with us at the same time. You all packed up and ready?” He sits on the couch.

Oh good, I know he was worried about me driving alone.

“Yep, I’m ready. I just need to stop at the gas station on the way to the motel to get some snacks.”

I’m thinking I need chocolate milk, powdered sugar donuts, Gardetto’s snack mix, and maybe a Three Musketeers bar or two. That should last me for a few hours at least. I’ve already downloaded a road trip playlist on my phone that should help keep me pumped up with the upbeat music.

“Sounds good.” He nods and turns on the TV. He switches it to Gangland.

Damn, I like that show, and I’m going to miss it.

Emily scoots her chair back and stands up from the kitchen table. “All right, we’ll get out of your hair so you can finish. I meant it about the house, chica.”

I rise as well and hug Emily and then Avery. “Thank you so much. If it comes to that then I will definitely let you know.”

I hope and pray it won’t, but you never know. I already feel super bad that she has to pay for this apartment for another two months. Well, I guess Tate is probably the one paying for it.

Emily squeezes me tightly again. “Thank you for coming this long way to help save me. I love you, and I will miss you.” She tears up again.

“Aw, babe, anytime! I will come for you, just give me a call and I will cross the whole United States if I have to. I love you and I’ll miss your face.”

I turn to Avery and she gives me a big hug. “Be careful and shoot me a text so I know you arrive safely.”

I hug her back and agree, “Okay, girly. I will. Your ass better keep in touch.” Breaking the hug, she gives me a soft kiss on the lips, and I hear Cain clear his throat.


“Oh, I will. I’ll see you in a few weeks when you come back and then shortly after that for your baby shower. I’ll miss you.”

I give her another quick peck on the lips. Cain can get over it. I do enjoy a sweet kiss from a chick occasionally.

“Okay, good. I’ll miss you, too.” I hug them each again.

“Cain, I remember you taking care of her when we were kids, so I won’t even say it. Just please be good to her; she deserves it,” Emily says and hugs Cain.

“Aw, shorty, I will. Don’t worry about her or the baby. I love her way too much to be shitty.”

He turns and hugs Avery next. She gives him a wet sounding smack of a kiss on the cheek and giggles.

“Later, future daddy. Tell 2 Piece I’ll miss his piece.” She winks, and Cain makes a fake gagging sound.

“Gross. Keep out of trouble.”

Avery just cackles as they walk out of the apartment.

“Well, sugar tits, just you and me now, yeah? What do you want to do now, baby?” He wiggles his eyebrows at me, attempting to be smooth.

I roll my own and sigh. “Oh, lord. You’re a pain in my butt,” I reply, exasperated, and he chuckles.

“Baby, I could be if you want. We haven’t done that yet. In fact, that sounds like fun. You have any olive oil around here?”

My mouth drops open so wide, I’m surprised it doesn’t hit the ground. “Cain, what the hell? Olive oil? You kinky, kinky man! I’m not driving to Texas with a sore ass. You’re going to have to wait for that one, slugger.”

He smirks and puts his hand on top of my tummy. “All right, have you fed my baby recently?”

“No, and I’m freaking starving.”

“Of course you are. When are you going to learn to eat, woman?” he growls, and it turns me on. I love how Cain takes care of me.

“I do eat. It’s just better when you’re there,” I whisper sweetly and he huffs.

“Okay, baby, what do you want to eat then? Something close, London. Nothing crazy,” he quickly follows, and I laugh. I have a habit of wanting something on the other side of town and at odd times. The joys of pregnancy.   


We eat, and then pack up the car. Afterward, we stop by to meet up with the rest of the guys, and then all head home, together.

God, I missed Texas.





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