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Oath Keepers MC: The Collection by Sapphire Knight (39)

Chapter 11


2 Piece leaves, riding behind the ambulance and Cain steps next to me, “He’ll be okay, Ares; you did the right thing, bro.”

“I just hope Twist doesn’t flip out when he comes to and stab a nurse or some shit. Last thing he needs is to go back to jail. I don’t think the brother would come out again functioning. Scratch is on his way. We need to direct people around this shit in the road till he gets here and it all gets cleaned up.”

“You gonna call the Prez?”

“No, he’s got shit goin’ on. He told me to deal with everything for now, so I plan to take care of it. I’ll fill him in when I find out how Twist is doing.”

“He’s gonna fuckin’ scalp you, man.”

“Nah, Prez will be cool; he knows shit like this happens.”

“The fuck we gonna do about the Iron Fists?”

“Well, you call London and tell her not to leave Mona’s house until one of the boys escorts them home. If the Fists are watchin’, I want them to know we are, too. I’m so fuckin’ happy you got a crazy bitch and she steals your cage. Had she been in that silver hunk of shit she has, they’d never have gotten away either time.”

“All right. Yeah,  I’m thinkin’ I need to get her a pink one or some shit. I told her an SUV, but if I end up going that route, then that fucker will be jacked up with some beefy tires and shit.”

I chuckle and shake my head. Cain is gonna go broke spoiling the shit outta his ol’ lady and kid, but whatever makes him happy. “Then we visit ol’ Jake in the shed and find out a little more information about his cocksucking uncle that’s stirrin’ this bullshit up. We may be able to use the kid as leverage if he means sumthin’ to the uncle.”

“Good thinkin’.”

“I am the VP motherfucker. Not all of us think with our muscles.”

He chuckles, shaking his head. “Right, the retired Enforcer, not using his muscles to set someone straight. Sure bro.”

Grinning, I wave my hands to flag Scratch over. He slows the black van, stopping near us. Spin jumps out of the passenger side, as Scratch gets out, immediately going for the giant shop broom he has in the back.

“The fuck happened here, brothers?” Spin wrinkles his brow, and it makes his Mohawk shift forward slightly.

“Fucking Fists threw some shit at us,” I grumble and he scoffs.

Scratch starts sweeping the shrapnel on the road to the shoulder, thankfully no cars are coming through. This road isn’t busy much, part of the reason Prez first picked this place out here to build the compound.

“Help me get Twist’s bike in the back of the van.”

Spin climbs in the vehicle, turning it around so the ass end is damn near butted up to Twist’s bike. He climbs out and we all work together to load up the Harley. Thank fuck we’re on the larger side of men or that wouldn’t have happened so smoothly.

After that’s all taken care of, I climb on my bike, and gesture the guys to head back to the club. I need to think, to plan on what to do with these fuckin’ yo-yo’s. My pipes rumble loudly, vibrating my thighs as I glide down the highway back to the clubhouse.

Besides all this drama shit, I love my life in the MC. I love knowing that I can do basically whatever the fuck I want. Even now, having Avery and 2 Piece, I feel more complete than I ever have in the past. I have so many damn issues I deal with because of the way things were as a kid, but I’m gonna do everything in my power to not let it all creep up on me and fuck up this relationship I’m having with them.

I hadn’t seen Dom’s older brother, Brax, in a few years. I knew he was a cop, but I try to stay away from the law. Brax didn’t want to take any money, so I told him to send it to his mom. I had heard a few years back she wasn’t doin’ so well. Kidney disease was gettin’ so bad, she could barely leave the house. Poor old woman was stuck in a wheelchair on a crazy strict diet with a list of complications and meds.

I should visit. I know I’m not how they wanted me to turn out, and Dom’s dad partially blames me for Dom turnin’ towards livin’ the free life on his own bike. His dad wanted both of his sons to be cops, but Dom was troubled inside like me. I don’t know what on earth could have fucked with him, as he never shared, but he craved the freedom like I did.

Pulling through the gate, Brently signals that everything has been good, so we ride on through and park. Scratch parks the van next to the big shop and we all help unload the mangled metal. It’s gonna take a lot of bending and welding to get her pretty again.

“Who’s gonna fix his bike?” Cain glances at me curiously.

“I’d imagine he’d wanna do the shit himself, and if anyone else touches her, he’s liable to drive a knife in ‘em.”

Spin chuckles. ‘Fuck that shit, I’ll stick to tattoos.”

“Good idea,” I smirk and head to the little shed where our new friends are still tied up. I can hear the crunching behind me, letting me know I have an entourage in tow.

Once I’m face-to-face with Jake, I can’t help but feel my blood start to simmer as I think of his club causing Twist to get injured. The thick air, smelling strongly of urine and sweat nearly makes me gag but I choke that shit down.

“Ran into a little issue today. You know anything about your fuckin’ club following around our women? Are they just asking to die?”

He blinks, the wrinkles next to his eyes making him appear more worn down than the day before.  “Look, they aren’t really my club. My cousin,” he gestures to the barely alive guy next to him, “and I don’t want to be involved with them at all, but my uncle doesn’t give us a choice.”

“Naw, I don’t fuckin’ believe that shit,” Cain interrupts, spitefully glaring at Jake.

“I swear to God. He’s told us that he will kill us, and if you know my uncle, then you know he will find you and keep good on his promises.”

“The fuck he want with our women?” I try again.

“He said they would probably mean something to you and it would get your attention. He didn’t want me to hurt them, just to talk to them at first. Then when that bitch hit me with the car, he knew you all meant business. My uncle wanted me to take one of them, then he was hoping we could keep one until you met with him and worked out a deal.”

“Well, he done got my fuckin’ attention; so much so, I’m ready to find his ass now. I have a brother down, injured right now, that means I can take your cousin as payment, right? Especially now that I hear you was planning on keeping one of our women.”

“No way, man. That’s his son, he’d go crazy.” His eyes widen as that piece of information slips out and you can tell he just realized the importance of what he just admitted to me.

“Hmm.” I grunt, going to the bench and finding Jake’s cheap black throwaway phone. “Least this piece of shit will still take a photo,” I mumble as I scroll through the only two contacts listed. “And I’m guessin’ one of these numbers labeled one and two are to reach your uncle,” I finish, as I snap a photo of Jake’s barely alive cousin. “Let’s see which one belongs to him.” Smirking, I look at his pale face, taking in his expression that looks as if he just swallowed something rotten.

“Please, you don’t know what you will be unleashing if you let him see my cousin like that.”

“Yeah? Good. Maybe this motherfucker will get a fuckin’ clue that I’m beyond done with his ass.”

“You will be starting a war with one of the worst clubs in history. You know this, right? They rape women for sport, they beat their wives and children, fuck they even beat their dogs and you want to send him a photo threatening his own son? Are you crazy? Your club will never survive.”

“I ain’t fuckin’ crazy. ‘Cause if your uncle is the type of scum I think he is, well then his kid don’t mean a whole hell of a lot to him when it comes to business. He needs to see I’m serious and he needs to respect the fact that I will fuckin’ find his ass if I have to and chop that piece of shit into tiny pieces if need be.”

“He’s the first one; my ma’s the second. Please don’t send it to her,--her life’s already shit.”

I nod and watch him for a few beats to see if he lets on about anything else. Jake swallows harshly staying quiet. Well hopefully, he realizes I’m completely serious. I won’t live in a place where my club is being threatened to fuckin’ extinction and not do anything to try and save it.

Taking one last look at the grainy photo of the beat up piece of shit, I click send. Now we wait and see what happens.



Five hours later...

We finally make it back to the compound after a long day of cleaning and cooking. Mona was having a really rough morning, and Prez was just happy to finally get in a little nap, and then be  able to spend some quality time with her.

The poor man has been running ragged by the looks of it. He definitely appears thinner than I’m used to seeing. We made him take a shower while we did the laundry and whipped up a large batch of homemade chicken noodle soup. London and I made enough to put a few small tubs in the freezer. Something really easy for Mona to eat, and all Prez will have to do is microwave it. We made a few others, too—creamy broccoli and cheese and cheddar bacon potato, my favorite.  Mona may not be able to eat much, but at least when she’s feeling up to it, there are some yummy, healthy things prepared. We made sure to make a few quarts of plain chicken broth for when she’s having really tough days and can’t eat much.

I can’t imagine what they must be going though. I feel so bad for them, and every time I see Prez look at her, I swear his heart crumbles to witness her breaking that way. It’s a shame that it took her getting this sick for him to finally decide to not wait any longer and just let her go off on her own. They hold a very deep love for each other; I could tell in the way Mona talked about him when she was having small bursts of energy.

I take Lily outside for her to go to the bathroom; poor thing has been locked in her kennel for a long time, unless one of the guys let her out while I was gone. By the looks of it though, the room seems exactly the same as I left it.

I come back in, scouring the place for Ares and 2 Piece. After looking all around the clubhouse, I finally find Ares in his room.

“Hey Air.” He lifts up, and I kiss the spot between his chin and cheek chastely. Then I set Lily down to explore his room. She loves Ares and pretty much owns his room. For being such a bad ass, Ares has puppy toys scattered everywhere, and Lily has her own set of dog dishes and dog bed.

“Yo, angel, how was your time at Mona’s? Prez get to relax some?”

“Yeah, he got to take a nap and get a shower. We cleaned up Mona’s house, made some food, and then let them know we’d stop in again at the end of the week. She’s such a sweet lady and damn I bet she’s a firecracker when she’s well.”

“Yeah, she is. Mona is a lot like Sadie and also Mona’s daughter, Princess. Those three are full of fire.” I nod and smile.

“How was your day? Where’s 2 Piece and Twist?”

“My day pretty well fuckin’ sucked. Don’t tell Sadie anything yet because 2 Piece wanted to make sure Twist was okay before calling her. You remember when Cain called London ‘cause we were following the bikers that were following you and London?”

“Yeah, of course, I remember. London nearly caused me to puke again driving all crazy.”

“Well, those fuckers threw shit in the road, causing Twist to wreck. Brother had to go to the hospital, and 2 Piece followed to keep me posted on how he’s doing.”

“Oh my God, that’s terrible. And Sadie doesn’t know? She’s going to freak out! You guys better tell her soon.”

“We don’t wanna have her too stressed out, being pregnant and all.”

“That’s understandable, but you both really have no clue just how much Twist means to her, plus if it were you or 2 Piece, I would want to know.”

“I get it, but I’m doing what’s best for now.”

It takes everything in me to bite back my argument. I’m slowly becoming better with accepting what their decisions are when it comes to this stuff. It’s one of the hardest parts of being an ol’ lady, learning to keep quiet when they’re handling stuff that pertains to the club.

For a while all I did was argue with 2 Piece left and right. I always felt like they were bossing me around and being secretive. Now, I know it’s just the way club life is. It still takes some strong self-control though to not throw in my two cents on everything and demand they tell me everything. I know that’s not realistic, and I want to respect their rules to live this life with them.

Nodding, I step closer to him and he wraps his arms around me. “I’m happy you came in here, angel,” Ares mumbles quietly and it brings a bright smile to my face.

“Oh you’re happy, huh? Let’s see just how happy you are.” I skirt my hand down his firm chest, down over the ridges of his solid abs, loving how his stomach is hard and cut like a warrior’s would be. 

Eventually, I make it to his cock where I caress him up and down a few times over his solid length. His dick grows in anticipation, and he sucks in a quick breath through his teeth. I bend forward, biting his chest through his shirt where his nipple should be underneath.

“I want you so damn bad, Ares. Do you want me?” I murmur quietly, my hot breath warming his skin through his black shirt, advertising the band ‘Highly Suspect.’

His hands come around my waist, pulling me into him so that his hardness rests firmly against my stomach.” Avery you have no fucking clue how badly I want you.  It’s been a while since I ate that tasty pussy out, and that’s exactly what I’m craving right now.”

He easily flicks my button to my jean shorts, yanking them down my legs as I take my shirt off. Standing in just my black bra and small white thong with polka dots, he growls, clenching his jaw and starts to reach for my panties.

“I’m running out, no more snapping.” I pull back slightly pointing my finger, chastising him, as I know Ares will snap the strings easily like he usually does. I think it’s like a little fetish he has or something. If I’m wearing underwear, he wants them off, but he wants to break them in the process.

“I’ll buy you some more or you can just stop wearin’ the fuckin’ things.”

He winds his fingers in the thin band, yanking me into him and easily snaps the material. I quickly reach behind my back and unclasp my bra, just in case he decides to do the same up top. That material is much stronger, and I know it would hurt like hell.

He grins, watching me, eyes dancing with amusement, then crouches down some, kissing my neck and lightly nipping the tender underside flesh of my breasts. Opening his mouth wide he sucks my nipple and the surrounding area into his mouth, drawing deeply enough it causes a slight shock of pain to jolt straight into my core.

“Aghh, Ares!”

He pulls back, dark eyes hazed over with lust as he repeats it on my other breast, drawing deeply, causing me to moan out. He doesn’t try to keep me as quiet like 2 Piece does. Ares is almost the opposite, usually egging me on to be as loud as he can make me, while 2 Piece counteracts him, making me be quiet. The push and pull of them together drives me crazy inside whenever we’re intimate. It’s like they’re music notes working in sync. I hadn’t realized it until recently. I’ve always noticed how well they complimented each other, but thought maybe it was just my lack of experience in threesomes. Now I know it’s entirely more than that.

He releases my breast as he begins to make his way down, licking and nipping at my tummy, until he reaches my center. Ares lightly bites the top of my pussy, causing me to open my legs a little in response. Once they are opened the slightest bit, he shoves his face between my thighs, his beard scratching against my skin.

He sucks strongly on the delicate bud of my clit, making me nearly double over, grasping onto his shoulders tightly to keep upright, my fingers dig into his solid muscles. The pleasure is intense, so much so that my arms shoot up to his neck, where I wind my fingers into his dark locks, yanking on them.

He doesn’t stop though. It just excites him all the more. He wraps each one of my legs over his bulky shoulders keeping his face trained on my center.

Suddenly he stands up, gripping onto my ass cheeks with his huge paw like hands. I shriek out in surprise, bending so I don’t hit my head on the ceiling and he walks us to his bed. Once his feet touch the bed, his knees bend and my back hits the soft bed.

“Angel, fuck, I want you,” he gasps, breath fluttering over my throbbing core.

I gape at him, having never experienced a man able to do that to me before. He gives me that roguish grin before he dives back in at the juncture between my legs. Ares thrusts his tongue into my opening as far as he can, and it feels amazing. I’m so turned on I know my wetness must be coating his chin. He loves it like that though and has mentioned before he wouldn’t want it any other way.

“Jesus, that feels so awesome!”

“Not Jesus, even if you are an angel, babe,” he gruffly replies, his voice deliciously vibrating over each tender part below. “Fuckin’ sweetest pussy I’ve ever tasted, just like sweet cream.”

I moan loudly, fighting my voice back from calling out as he plunges a finger into me and pushes me even closer to the brink.

“So close, so close!” I croon repeatedly, my eye’s rolling back in delightful surrender.

He plunges in a second finger and circles my clit with his tongue. He reaches up with his free hand and gives a hard pull on my nipple, sending a massive zing straight to my hotspot. It collides with other intense feelings of pleasure, and I see black with little white stars dancing throughout my vision and I explode in one hell of a great orgasm. Holy shit!

Huffing as I try to catch my breath, I gasp, “Ho-ly fu-ck!”

Ares chuckles, his voice thick with lust at my sated outburst. He climbs over my drained body like a limber cat.

Right when he’s hovering over me, primed and ready to take more of me, we’re interrupted by a harsh pounding on his door.

“Yo!” he bellows irritated and whipping his head towards the source.

The door opens, flooding the room with the cinnamon scent that floats through the clubhouse from the scented vent inserts. Cain’s dark head pokes in. “Yeah man, you need to come…oh fuck…my bad!” His eyes grow wide when they land on me underneath Ares and he realizes it’s really me. Cain quickly turns so his back is to us. “Sorry ‘bout that. Ares, you need to come now, bro. That phone is blowin’ the fuck up, and I don’t know when you’ll get another chance to talk to that fuckin’ fist.”

“Shit. Okay, give me just a sec to get my pants on.” He brushes a damp kiss across my lips, just long enough to leave the taste of myself there and jumps up, his long cock bobbing with his movements as he pulls his worn jeans back on.

“Everything okay?” I know I shouldn’t ask him. It’s none of my business, but I can’t stop it from slipping out. Thankfully he doesn’t take it as being nosey, or if he does, he brushes it off.

“Yep.” He grins at me again as he pulls his shirt over his head and then slips into his cut.

“You’ll let me know about Twist? I don’t know exactly what’s going on, but you’ll be safe, right?” I chatter away as he puts his boots on.

“Angel,” he whispers. His gaze softens as he takes the few steps back over to me and kisses me sweetly.

“You’ll be safe?” I repeat.

Briefly resting his forehead to mine,  he nods. His dark eyes peer into mine as if staring deeply in my soul, his long eyelashes dance as he stares deeply into my soul, “You know you and 2 are mine, right Avery?”

Do I know that? I’m pretty confident deep in my heart; I know that we belong with each other.

“We’re yours, Ares,” I whisper against his mouth, and he nips my bottom lip before pulling away.

“Then yeah, I’ll be safe, and tell 2 Piece to update you on Twist.”

“Thank you.” I get out, right as he slips out of the room and closes the door behind him. He’s never been one for sweet talk, and I have to admit I’m really loving this kinder side of him.





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