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Oath Keepers MC: The Collection by Sapphire Knight (48)

Chapter 6

Maybe it’s not always about trying to fix something broken.

Maybe it’s about starting over and creating something better.






“Errrmmmm. Bastards. Fuck you. Bastards.” I grumble as I attempt to move my arms, recalling what happened in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. Before I get a chance to freak out about being restrained, 2 Piece breaks my thoughts.

“Twist? Brother, you good?” he asks anxiously, interrupting the image I had of fighting with the Mexican medic and laughing loudly inside the ambulance when they threatened me. I remember it going dark after that, so they must have shot me up with something heavy.

“Hmmm?” My eyes crack open—sore from the drugs and bright light—meeting his after a moment.

“You straight?”

“Hmmmpf. Yep, fuckin’ dicks shoved a goddamn needle into my fuckin’ arm.”

I can’t stand being totally out like that or someone tryin’ to hold me down; it makes me want to gut them. I had to be restrained after my car accident; I’ll never forget the way the cuffs felt as they dug into my wrists, the skin raw and bleeding. I was grieving, having to live with the fact that not even driving my car into a tree would bring my family back to me. Nobody gave a fuck about how I felt then, just as I’m sure they don’t now.

Chuckling, 2 Piece makes his way to my bedside, undoing the buckles on the nylon restraints they had holding my wrists into place. As soon as my hands are free, I rip the  fucking gauze off my head and arm. I’m sure I have cuts and road burn or whatever-the-fuck, but the gauze makes it hurt even more.

“Seriously? Fuckin’ restraints?” I mutter agitated. I didn’t hit anyone...that I can remember anyhow, no reason to be buckled in like a fuckin’ animal.

“From what I got, you scared the medics and they thought you was gonna hurt somebody when you woke up again.”

“Fuckin’ right. I told ‘em I ain’t need no damn hospital, to leave me on the road. What I need is to get back to Sadie; I know she’s gotta be beat. Bitch is always on her feet,” I grumble, my concerns going straight to Sadie’s welfare and hoping she ate like she’s supposed to and didn’t forget. I found out not long ago that she wasn’t eating in the evenings anymore, so I’ve been trying to get her a sandwich or fruit—something to keep her and the baby fed at nighttime.

“My little sister is fine. She’s pregnant, not incapable. Don’t let her hear you callin’ her a bitch neither, brother; you won’t have any nuts left when she’s done with ya. Her ass probably left me a huge bruise from the kick she gave me, findin’ out you’re in here.”

I grin and nod, “I know, crazy-ass chick.”

One of the many things I like about her. She’s not scared to give you her opinions and I saw how hard she can kick shit when she was pissed this morning. I hope the brother does get a big ass bruise, least he deserves for always arguing with me and getting on my case.

“You good to ride?” He nods at my stomach. “Doc said you have a broken rib and once you stop being a pussy you’ll be okay.”

“I’m no pussy, motherfucker. You’re just mad ‘cause I’m older and wiser than your pretty boy ass.”

“Whatever man; I catch shit from all y’all whether I’m older or younger. Don’t give a fuck. You’re just hatin’, ‘cause you look like you went through a damn meat grinder.”

“Fuck.” I wince, because honestly that’s how I feel, not that I would let any of them know it; but my face is on fire, my arms are singing, and my ribs protesting simply breathing.

“Yup, you’re gonna hurt. Now we bouncin’ from this joint or what?”

“Yeah, yeah, give me a sec.”

I have to ditch this fuckin’ dress they put me in. Maybe I should keep it on, just to give the stale fuckers a show while we drive down the highway. I’m sure some cougar would appreciate a bright, white ass on display while they drive home to their boring lives.

2 Piece hands me my clothes and I slip my pants on, gritting my teeth each time I have to bend or move in a different direction. Fucked up ribs are no joke. I can’t wait to catch the bastards responsible for this shit.

“I could use a little pick-me-up to give me some energy after coming off the tranq and to help ease up the pain a little. You got anythin’?”

“Naw, man. Cain took the blow that was in your saddlebag.”

Fuck! Cain’s exactly who would have more, too, and he isn’t fuckin’ here.

“Figured,” I grunt, slipping my feet into my chunky black motorcycle boots. Most of the guys don’t use anything regularly, but occasionally they’ll party a little harder than the average bottle of whiskey or tequila.

I draw in a deep breath, winding the clear IV tubing around my hand to get a good grip, and then rip the IV straight out of my arm. I swear that shit feels like being sliced open with a knife. It fuckin’ hurts unless I’m just being a giant pansy-ass all a sudden from the rib and road rash pain.

“Shit, man!” 2 Piece barks, and I shrug, playing it off like nothing, but my grunt of pain probably already gave my discomfort away.

I quickly wrap some of the new gauze from the table by my bed over the IV place to help stop the bleeding and ease a little of the uncomfortable pinch. 2 hands me my cut after I pull my T over my head. It’s all torn up and filthy full of blood from the wreck but my leather covers most of it.

The nurse enters my room, looking like she’s already on a mission to keep me here longer than necessary.

“Oh, sir! Please lie down! The doctor needs to come check you over, please!” she demands.

“I’m outta this fuckin’ rat hole. Only place you’re takin’ me, is to fuckin’ jail if you don’t clear outta my way,” I growl, sick of being here—over being tied down in this place. I can’t do doctors, shrinks, none of them. I get it that they have a job to do and I’m glad someone’s able to do it, but ain’t no good ever come to me from being trapped in one of these places.

The nurse easily scoots to the side as I tower over her, but I have to give her credit for trying. “Please, sir, allow her some time to come and go over your injuries.”

“Not fuckin’ happenin’, Red. Doc already paid me a visit.” I won’t give them another minute to lock me up in a mental house next. I heard 2 blubbering on about the doctor, so I know this bitch is lyin’.

The red-headed nurse’s cheeks tint with my nickname, and without a moment wasted, I’m out the door. If the security staff is going to stop me, they better hurry and be prepared for one hell of a fight.

2 Piece follows quickly, thanking all the nurses on our way to the parking area. “Come on, brother, we’re parked over in ‘B’. The prospect brought you a bike.”

“What are you talkin’ about?” I grunt, as pain shoots up my side and momentarily steals my breath.

“Your bike is trash man; I’m sorry.”

“Ah, fuck. Probably about time I start lookin’ for a new one anyhow.”


“Yep, gotta get a bitch seat.”

“You need to slow the fuck down with Sadie, brother.”

He can keep warning me off, but in the end, I’ll be the one who decides what happens with me and her. Right now after an accident like that, though, all I can think about is having her pressed up behind me on my bike. I need her closeness like she gave me the other day; it was pure heaven whether I tell myself different or not, that’s the truth.

I let loose a huff and keep quiet. I’m in no mood to argue at the moment, my head’s still a bit fuzzy.

We mount the bikes and he sends me another glare. “You know I oughta beat your ass. I will if you fuck with her and that kid.”

“I ain’t doin’ a motherfuckin’ thing but helpin’ her out when she needs it, brother.”

I get it he’s worrying an’ all, but shut the fuck up already. He seems to forget she’s a goddamn grown-ass woman, and if we fuck, it ain’t his business. I’ve had my issues with 2 plenty a times, but after I saved his ass in a warehouse awhile back, shit’s calmed down some. Doesn’t mean I won’t gladly pop him in the mouth if needed though.

2 Piece and I arrive at the clubhouse and there’s a shit ton of different bikes parked out front, instantly sending up more red flags. Something obviously happened while I was out of it, and I’m betting it has to do with the little fucks who caused me to wreck.

“The fuck’s goin’ on 2 Piece?”

“Car bomb in the fuckin’ compound. Cain went ape shit over the phone, real serious stuff here. I’m guessin’ the other charters are here to help us with retaliation. I was at the hospital with you when it all went down.”

“This shit better not blow back. So fuckin’ tired of women gettin’  hurt ‘cause of fucking twats and our Prez leaving us out of shit. When the fuck did our club become this?”

“I feel ya, brother, trust me. Last thing I want is anyone else affected by bullshit. Ares is in charge now; he’s handling stuff for Prez, so hopefully he can figure it all out.”

I sure as fuck hope Sunshine’s okay, but I’m sure if she wasn’t 2 Piece would have said something about it.

The club door cracks open slightly and Spin points a gun through the opening. Once he sees us and looks behind us, he releases the door enough so we can come inside. The bar is packed full of members. Most are from the surrounding charters, but a few really harsh, mean looking fuckers’ cuts advertise NOMADS. All the other cuts announce fellow Oath Keepers MC members. There are brothers here from Louisiana, Colorado, Arizona, and Texas. I’m guessing they all came straight from a rally happening in Austin.

Spin turns to me, “You good, brother?”

“Fuckin’ peaches an’ cream, Spinny,” I grin, and he chuckles, rolling his eyes. I don’t feel like talkin’ though. All I want is to find Sadie, and then figure out what all went down.

“Twist! My God! What on earth happened to your face? I didn’t see your forehead before, that’s terrible, maybe you should put the gauze back on it?” Sadie gapes, running up to me, and my stomach grips, turning sharply inside. I hate seeing her so upset over me like this.

“I’m okay, Sunshine; the gauze is garbage.”

She ignores me—in ‘fix it’ mode. “Ice! God, we need some ice!” she yells, and takes off quickly toward the kitchen. At least I got to see her and know she’s all right after all.

London comes up to us, concern in her eyes. “Twizzler! You okay, love?”

“Ah Cupcake, you know I’m good.” I pull her to me in a light hug.

She softly kisses my cheek, always so caring. “If you need anything, just ask.”

“Thanks’ darlin’, I will.”

She smiles briefly, and then makes her way back over to Cain’s lap.

I turn to 2; I’ve gotta’ give it to him, not being his usual dick self while I was laid up. “Thanks for sittin’ with me.”

“It’s nothin’, brother.”

Sadie enters the room scanning over the crowd like a mad woman and I swear she takes my breath away—with her flushed cheeks and swollen tits popping over the top of her thin tank top—knowing she’s looking for me.

Eventually, she ushers me back to our room, getting me to lie down and be still once she promises me a bottle of rum. After she’s all settled in and I’ve had a few drinks, I strum my guitar until I see her drift off, then I lie beside her wondering how in the fuck I’m going to talk my brothers into letting me keep her and if I should bring it up in a vote.


One week later...

“Where are we going?” Sunshine peers over at me curiously. She’s worn a smile ever since she’s woken up today, and I thought it’d be a perfect time to get her out of the clubhouse. She’s obviously feeling good and I want to take advantage of it.

“You’ll see.”

“You’re going to make me wait, huh?” She cocks her eyebrow and I grin.

“Yup, now just sit back an’ chill, babe.”

I can’t wait until she’s able to ride on my bike and not be stuck in this cage all the time, not like we’re gonna get much privacy today as it is with the prospect followin’ along. It’s pretty goddamn annoying.

We arrive at Lake Travis and since it’s early during the week, no one’s around and it’s the perfect way to hang out with Sadie. We both seem to like to do our own thing. Don’t get me wrong, I love my brothers, but I’ve been more of a loner ever since I left the military. Back when I was in, I was always around my buddies and what not; but after losing Marissa and my baby, I’ve never really felt the need to be around anyone else. Me an’ Sadie baby get on good ‘cause we’re both pretty quiet, but I’ve learned that you don’t always need a lot of words.

“Oh the lake?”

“Yes, ma’am; figured we could sit by the water and eat, it’ll be good to get you in some fresh air.”

“You’re taking me on a picnic, Twist?”

“I didn’t think about it like that, but I guess you’re right.”

“That’s so sweet! Thank you.”

“It’s nothin’, Sunshine.” I park her car and hurry around to help her out.

“So what all did you bring us to eat?”

“Food,” I reply simply and help her down to a flat spot.

I run back up to the car and get the old comforter and the bag of food I brought along for us. The prospect drives down a little way, so he’s close enough to see if anyone drives up to us, but also far enough away to give us privacy. Not bad, I’m actually a little impressed that he’s not over here tryin’ to be up my ass and all.

I spread out the blanket and then grab onto Sadie’s arms so she can easily sit without stressing her body out any. Poor baby girl’s got it rough. She downplays everything, never complaining, but I see the pain and discomfort on her face somedays, so anything I can do to help ease it up off her, I’m doing. 

“You hungry?”

“Yes, I’m always hungry.” She smiles so I dump everything out. I tried to think of her favorites. I brought a jar of peanut butter, saltine crackers, fresh strawberries, sweetened pineapple and lemon water. She eats some weird shit together, but I think it’s kinda cute. Whatever keeps her and the baby happy, it doesn’t matter to me.

We dig in and I can’t help but be drawn to her short blue and white paisley covered sundress. She’s so goddamn sexy that she just pulls me to her. I eventually give in, drop my food, and take her mouth in a heated kiss. Her lips taste like vanilla each time I get to sample them. It leaves me craving vanilla for days on end. Her tongue, like the fresh strawberries she was just eating and fuck me if I don’t want to completely over take her, drowning in each unique flavor.

My mouth trails down her throat, biting and nipping as I make my way to her breasts. Shoving the elastic top down, I free her tits, sucking and squeezing the perfect flesh with flourish until I remember the peanut butter.

“What are you doing?” She gasps when I pull away.

“Addin’ your favorite, baby.” Opening the jar, I dip my finger in, coming out with a decent scoop of creamy peanut butter. Her eyes grow wide and I grin, smothering it over each of her nipples. I finish licking the nutty treat clean then letting her suck the remainder off my finger.

“Oh, that’s sooooo good, Twist!”

“Yeah? You gonna let me eat some more?”

She nods and hands me a cracker. I can’t help but chuckle at her naiveté.

“Naw, baby; I want your pussy not a cracker.” Her cheeks heat and I swear to Christ it makes her even sexier.

“I wasn’t thinking,” she rambles out randomly, making me chuckle.

“Good, I don’t want you thinkin’, at least not ‘bout anything but what’s happenin’ right now.”

She leans back on her elbows, her pale, full breasts laid bare before me, just ready for the taking and when she spreads her legs I feel like I could kiss the ground, my dick gets so excited. I’ve been imaginin’ her taste since the first time I saw her bent over in her yoga shorts. I wanted to part her legs and stick my face between her thighs like no other.

I trail my thumbs over her taut nipples, brushing my fingers lightly over her swollen belly, until I get to her thighs and push her skirt up. She’s got on some blue lace panties that compliment her swollen mound underneath, begging for attention.

“You good, Sunshine?”

“Uh-huh.” She nods, her eyes sparkling with need.

I waste no time at getting her undies off, using my middle finger to find her center and finger fuck her a few times. Her scent hitting me, making my inner beast flail to life, wanting to stake its claim.

Her breaths increase as she gets worked up, so I alternate between sucking her clit and pussy lips into my mouth, making her call out. Her body buzzes with excitement, her legs kicking out as her hips gyrate toward my mouth more.

“Oh, Twist! That’s amazing!” she moans, and at the sound of her voice, my hips push into the ground, my cock aching for a smidge of relief from being so worked up over her tightness squeezing my fingers over and over, her greedy little cunt wanting as much pleasure as it can get.

Humming my approval, it drives her into a heated frenzy, chasing her first orgasm, riding it out on my finger and I almost blow my load in my pants when I feel her pulsing, her wetness coating my fingers from her satisfaction.

Placing my fingers in my mouth, I savor her sugary flavor, and then dive right back in. This time I run my tongue along her slit and plunge it into her core.

Her short nails find my scalp, gripping it harshly and pushing my face into her harder. I comply and thrust my tongue inside her wetness over and over, occasionally moving upwards to hit her clit.

“Please fuck me, please, please, please,” she begs and my hips thrust into the blanket again, wanting nothing more than to toss her over and fuck her hard from behind, but right now I’m getting my fill. I’m hungry and this bitch is feeding me her pussy; I’m eating it until it’s so tender she gets shocks afterwards.

“I-I can’t wait any longer…I’m going to come again…I want you.” She squeezes her eyes closed in concentration.

Ignoring her plea, I shove two fingers deep inside her and lightly bite down on her clit. Once I pull it a little with my teeth, her juices damn near pour out; if it was any stronger I’d have this cunt squirting.

“Fuckin’ right, babe, give me that juice,” I mumble, eagerly lapping up each drop.

Once she calms some, I wipe my face on my T-shirt, sitting back on my heels and shoot her a smile.

“I don’t even know what to say right now. I feel like I should bake you a cake or something,” she rambles, causing me to chuckle again as her eyes lazily close.


“Hmmm?” Her lids part, her gaze finding mine again.

“I like chocolate cake with real strawberries on it.”

“That sounds so delicious; I’m definitely baking us a cake.”

“Thanks, Sunshine.”

“Oh no, Twist, thank you!” she exclaims and I laugh again.

We spend the afternoon being lazy, which I don’t mind at all since my ribs need some down time. My face is still pretty bad off, but the swelling in my nose has gone down a lot. She’s been crowding me like crazy tryin’ to take care of me and make me chill. It’s weird; I haven’t had a chick do that shit since I was married.

Eventually we pack it in and head back to the club. She goes off to shower and I’m cornered again by 2 Piece.

“I told you to back the fuck up, brother,” he grumbles, getting close to my face, and of course, my sweet girl starts talking also, making my head jumble up.

Why can’t we keep her, Daddy?

“Shhh,” I mumble out loud and 2 Piece’s eyes flair, thinking I’m talking to him.

“You think this is a game? She’s already been fucked with enough, Twist.”

“I’m not hurtin’ her; she knows I got issues.”

I think you’re pwerfect, Daddy.

“Damn it! Quiet!” I growl my fingers rapping out a beat against my thighs, and 2 shakes his head.

“You need to stay away from her. I’m moving her out of your room; she shouldn’t be dealin’ with your shit too.”

“You won’t touch her!” I hiss, shoving him away. “You mind your fuckin’ biz’, 2, or we gonna have real shit goin’ down between us.”

“You fuck with her, Twist, and I swear to God, I’ll put a bullet in your skull.”

“Noted.” I glare and take off to find Sadie.

Stupid prick. I saved his ass awhile back and this is the thanks I get. They think I don’t know I got issues? I fuckin’ live with them every goddamn day.

I ain’t good for her. I get that loud and clear, but it’s becoming much more difficult to stay away from my Sunshine as the days pass and I witness her radiant smile each morning. I gaze into her warm eyes and I’m suddenly not aching so bad for that little sample of blow I usually need in the morning. She keeps me busy so I’m not constantly thinking ‘bout shit so much that I want to slit my own throat. The voice usually stops when I have Sadie around me enough, and I don’t wake up and instantly feel the acute need to wretch up everything in my stomach.

I find her tucked in bed, softly snoring on her side. I know 2 Piece is right, and I absolutely hate it, but I need to stay away from her. My heart, however, couldn’t give a fuck what anyone else thinks.





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