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Oath Keepers MC: The Collection by Sapphire Knight (25)

Chapter 12

Cain and I load up in Loretta and go back to the club, eager to get the hell out of there. I scan the room for Avery when we arrive, even though I know I need to talk to Prez first. I can’t believe everything that went down. My mind is still reeling.

Smiles’ chilling at the bar, drinking a cold beer. My mouth salivates as I watch the condensation drop along the side of the bottle. He’s been quiet lately. I wonder what that’s about.

Fuck, I really don’t want to be the one to fill Prez in about Capone. Smiles chin-lifts toward me and I return the gesture. The benefit of being a biker, we don’t need many words to convey our messages. Cain’s ass is a talker but most of us like to keep more of our shit inside.

Brently’s posted up on the coach, same place we left him.

“‘Sup, kid, where’s your pops?” I glance over his stomach as I ask. Poor guy, he got fucked up. I’d be pissed if that shit happened to me.

“Dad’s in his office.” He gestures toward the hall.

“Thanks.” I head that way and rap a few times on the half-open door.

Prez glances up from his paper on his desk. He looks me over, his eyes calculating. “2? Brother, you straight?” He relaxes back in his beat-up office chair and steeples his fingers in front of his chest.

“Yeah, Prez, mind if I take a seat?” I gesture to the couch resting against the wall. Might as well be at a goddamn shrink’s office, I know that’s about how this’ll play out. With me confessing everything to him and not feeling any better when I leave.

He nods and I sit on the edge of a cushion, propping my elbows on my knees, leaning forward. Best to get this out quickly then I can go hunt down Avery. I proceed to tell him everything that went down, all the way from when we first arrived at the Twisted Snakes’ compound. I get to the altercation with Capone, and his mouth visibly tightens yet he remains silent until I complete my recount of events.

Once I finish, I sit further into the cushions and lean my head back. I’m exhausted and stressed out. I hate being tense; it makes me get the itch to leave on a run.

“Fuck, I knew he was jealous of you, but even I had no idea he had that up his sleeve. Goddamn traitor, I can’t stand rats! If that’s the case, then y’all did the right thing,” He reassures.

“I’m sick of all this bullshit.” I rub my hands over my eyes and the scruff warming my jaw.

“Stop stressing, 2. It’s all figured out now; the Snakes are gone and you can chill with your girl for a while.”

“Ha, my girl? She isn’t my fucking girl. She’s nothing to me. She can’t and shouldn’t handle this shit,” I scowl.

I hear a hiccup and quickly turn toward the door. Avery’s standing there with tears trailing down her cheeks. Fuck, that came out wrong and she heard it. Prez glares at me and shakes his head. Avery shoots me a heartbroken expression and takes off quickly from the doorway. Fuck, she must have been watching for me to come back.

“Go fix that shit, son; that’s a good one and you just about fucked it all up.” He points angrily at me and I stand.

Fuck, how am I going to fix this? Maybe I should let her go.

I look at Prez and shake my head. “Nah, man, she deserves better than me. I’m too screwed up for her. I want her to have a decent life, not be worried about getting shot or about me going to jail and shit.” I shrug, my mind made up and glance toward the door again as if she’d still be there, only she’s gone.

“Listen to me, and you listen good, son. I know what you’re doing right now. I know, because I did that same shit to my wife and kids. Worst damn mistake of my entire life. You though, you have a chance to fix it before it’s too late.”

“I can’t mend that shit. Besides, what’s she going to do with someone like me- someone who’s broken?”

“You idiot, you’re just lazy and scared. Everyone’s broken in some way; you just have to see if your broken pieces fit together. Now get the fuck out of my office.”

Throwing up the deuces, I walk to my room. He doesn’t have to tell me twice. Shit, he’d probably end up shooting me to get his point across.

Opening my door, I’m met with the heartbreaking sounds of sobs coming from the woman I’ve grown to adore. When did I fall for her? It’s like it just happened when I wasn’t paying attention, and now I’ve gone and messed up. I’m rotten for her anyhow. I have to keep chanting that to myself, as I make my way inside.

Breezing over her puffy pink face that’s swollen from her tears, I swallow, attempting to ease the sudden dryness. I’ve never been one to deal with chicks, so I have no idea what to do or say here. Thankfully, my sister turned out to be quite the ballbuster so I didn’t have to experience any emotional breakdowns. If she did have them, then she hid them extremely well.

Avery’s ember irises scan me from head to toe as she stuffs clothes into her bag. Her tear-kissed eyelashes make me want to pull her to me and hold her until they disappear.

I clear my throat and slowly make my way into the center of the room. She sniffles and stares at me as if she’s waiting for me to speak. I don’t know what the fuck to say to her though.

After a few beats, I notice the disappointment cloud her eyes and she throws her belongings into her bag quicker. She bustles into the bathroom and the little clinks of her swiping her makeup off the counter into her bag echoes throughout the room. This seems final, like this is it and makes me feel even worse inside than I did back at the barn. How can losing her appear more tragic than torturing and killing people?

She comes storming out of the room and I sidestep in front of her. I don’t know what to say, but I have to say something. I’m afraid if I don’t, this sensation in my gut won’t disappear.

“It came out wrong,” I whisper and watch for her reaction.

She tilts her head, thoughtful for a second, “Which part?” She hiccups and looks at the ground.

Fuck, I’m such a bastard.

“All of it. I meant it as if, you deserve better, not someone like me.” I tilt her chin up gently with my pointer and middle fingers.

She finally meets my eyes and it breaks something inside me to witness her so distraught. I just killed someone for upsetting her, yet here I am making her cry for me. “I don’t want someone else; I want you.” Her lips quiver and I take in her puffy mouth. It’s swollen from her crying, when it should only be that way from my kisses.

Leaning in a touch closer, I breathe her in. My nose is inches from hers and I stare longingly at her mouth. I could have it, that mouth, those lips; she could be all mine if I choose. I breathe out and her lashes flutter closed.

Nudging her nose with mine, she bites down on her bottom lip. I grasp her hip and tug her body to mine, watching as she patiently waits for me to make my move. She’s giving herself to me right now, mine for the taking, exposed and vulnerable. I never thought the notion of a woman completely submitting herself over would be such a fucking turn on.

Grasping her cheek with my other hand, I tilt her face where I want it. “Look at me, Avery,” I command, and she opens her eyes lazily, taking in my expression.

She wants me to control her, needs me to dominate her. I use my thumb to release her lip and take it with my own mouth. Drawing it into my mouth, she releases a moan.

Pulling back, I gaze at her, serious. “Undress yourself for me. I want to see all of you.”

She complies, removing her shirt to reveal a plain black lacy bra. It doesn’t faze me however. I’m an ass man, and Avery’s all ass.

“Take off your pants.”

She unbuttons the clasp and pushes them off, kicking the material off to the side.

“Turn around and bend over. Hold onto your ankles,” I command, and she does as she’s told, keeping silent, following my directions precisely.

Her ass is fully on display in front of me, only covered by a miniscule thong. Using my index finger, I push the fabric out of the way so I can see her glistening sex. It saturates the meager fabric with her excitement. I clench my other hand, struggling not to lose control and just take her like a wild animal, rutting for my satisfaction only.

“Very good, now stand up and take your panties off before I rip them.” She does as she’s told, still facing away so her ass is in front of me. “Next time I’ll call for Ares, but right now, you are only mine. Understand?”

Shorty nods and I smack her ass sharply. She hisses out between her teeth, “Yes.”

“Get on your hands and knees, on the bed.”

I can’t believe how incredibly beautiful she is like this. She wants to be mine, well then; I’m going to fuck her as if she’s mine. Standing behind her, I push my fingers into her soft, wet center. She easily coats them and it’s so fucking sexy. She’s as turned on as I am, if not more.

I unbutton my pants and quickly shove them down, then pull her hips to me. Slamming inside her, it’s brutal. This isn’t fucking around, I’m taking her. Reaching for my hem I shuck my shirt and toss it on the floor.

“Ah,” she calls on impact, and I pump into her savagely again. She’ll still feel me, long after this is over with.

Avery utters a brief grunt with each thrust and I softly skim my fingers over her tummy until I reach her clit. Clasping the nub between my two fingers, I lightly pinch it, over and over.

“Oh- 2, oh!” she moans. It’s loud as her hips begin to move with my fingers. She grinds her ass into me, and my balls tighten up at the sensation.

Releasing her clit, I run my hand up over her perky tits, tweaking her nipples as I go. I don’t stop until my palms firmly wrapped around her throat. I pull her back into my chest until she has to hold onto the footboard with one hand and reach behind her to grasp my hip.

Flexing my fingers tightly around her neck, I pump inside her, thrusting deep. She attempts to moan again, but I choke it back with my fingers, squeezing and applying pressure each time.

“You shut that tempting, little fucking mouth, Avery. If I want you to speak, I will tell you to fucking talk. I’m taking you- you’re mine right now.”

She nods her head shortly, complying and I grip her hips harder as I thrust inside her wetness.

God, she feels so good; she pleases me to no end with each plunge I take.

Her chest constricts against my forearm, her scream attempting to break free as I cut of her oxygen again and again. My mouth finds her neck, sucking, claiming, marking the woman who’s become mine in a blink of an eye and she gives in to me even more. Her pussy walls clamp down like a vice around my engorged cock, breaking my hold and letting her moan loose.

The sexy rasp in her moan does me in. My cock throbs so desperately, begging for permission to release my cum inside her that I bite down, leaving my mark on the crevice where her shoulder meets her neck. As I nibble and play with the skin making it a deep red, I release my thick seed inside her sweet tightness. The orgasm is powerful, as I concentrate on how much she means to me. It goes on far longer than any I’ve experienced prior, solidifying my evolving feelings.

Lazily, afterwards, I skim my hand down the flesh of her throat, hooking her waist to pull her on the bed to lie beside me. She keeps her back to me as I play with her hair until I doze off into a restless nap. I’m so damn tired from being up all night; I can’t help but find comfort in the warmth from the woman who owns my heart.




I didn’t see things ending up like that. I thought after hearing him in the office, we were done with. I’m glad I waited before calling Niko this time. He would’ve freaked and probably killed 2 Piece.

I feel like an emotional, crazy woman with him all the time. I wish he’d be up front and tell me. Hell, spell it out what he wants and feels.

Right when we take a step forward it seems like we get thrown backward. We just had earth shattering sex; he said he was taking me as his. Was that literally, me being his now, or just in the moment?


I hate being this confused. I need to just buckle down and discuss it with him. We also need to talk about him being gone for so long. I was worried sick and he didn’t even call me. If we’re going to work and be a couple I need to set up some boundaries or guidelines or…something.

“2?” I whisper. I don’t know why I’m whispering, but for some reason it feels wrong to break the comfortable silence we are sharing.

Hmm, I don’t get an answer. “Umm, 2?” I repeat louder but again, get nothing.

What the hell.

Peeking over my shoulder, I find him wearing the most peaceful, sweetest expression and he’s fast asleep. His lips are parted slightly and with each exhale his bottom lip trembles. His face appears younger when he’s sleeping and not busy worrying or contemplating a million different things.

He has beautiful, long eyelashes that any woman would envy, but I’d never tell him that. He’d think it’s too unmanly, when in reality it complements his gorgeous eyes. His face is extra scruffy, but still as handsome as ever.

Reaching out, I run the tips of my fingers lightly through his beard and over his cheekbones. He has a proud nose and soft skin on his cheeks even though they’re a little weathered from riding. The contrast of our skin tone stands out as I take in his rich tan and my pale fingertips.

I don’t even know his name. How can I be this gone over someone whose real name I don’t know?  Staring at him in this moment, I’m certain I’m done for.

I’m crazy about him. He’s infuriating and confusing but also amazing and consuming. I feel like I’m being pulled in a thousand directions when it comes to him.

Is it the right choice to stick around? I overheard all those hurtful things he said in the office but then he tells me he didn’t mean it like it sounded. Yet men say we women are the confusing ones. He doesn’t know it yet, but I do plan to keep him. When we’re finally able to hash everything out, I hope he’s okay with that.

We both like our freedom and not being tied to anything, I guess we’re kind of like wanderers. That must mean we’re kindred spirits, right? I’m ready to relinquish that sense of freedom though and be ‘free’ with him, together. I just pray he’s ready to as well.

There’s a knock on the bedroom door and it stirs me out of my thoughts of my future with the man I care about. I glance over at the door, waiting to see if it was indeed this door. I chew on my lip, staring.

Yep, definitely a knock. I think as they rap on the door again. Damn it, I’m pretty comfy and don’t really feel like shifting from this position. I know if it’s Niko, though, he’ll start beating away on the wood and 2 Piece obviously needs his rest. He must be tuckered out since he dozed off—without even a word—right after we were intimate.

Crawling out of bed, I attempt to not jostle the mattress too much and disturb him. Snatching up his shirt off the floor, I throw it on and make my way to answer the door.

Only it’s not a big, burly, blond Russian waiting for me; it’s a tiny female version of 2 Piece. She’s gorgeous with blonde hair and sun-kissed cheeks. She props her hand on her hip and looks at me from the tips of my toes to the top of my head.

Since she’s doing some inspecting, I return the favor and notice this little chica has a big round belly. Hmm, 2 hasn’t said anything about dear old sister being prego, so this could be awkward.

“Hi,” I greet quietly and offer up a small smile.

She’s a little hesitant at first but then returns my smile, “Hi, is my brother in there?”

“Yes, ma’am; he’s asleep though. Is he expecting you?”

“No, he didn’t know I was coming. I just made a quick decision and headed down.” She fidgets with her shirt and blushes a little.

“You’re from Cali, right?”

She smiles bigger this time and nods. “He’s told you about me?” she asks, surprised.

“Yes, but not a lot, just he has a sister in Cali. I’m Avery, his, umm…friend,” I mutter, nervously and stick my hand out like a dork.

I can’t believe I’m meeting his family right now. Besides the brothers, she’s his only family, so this is kind of a big deal. At least it is to me. I hope one day he can meet my family too.

She giggles softly and shakes my hand. Great, she probably thinks I’m a goober.

“You find him, baby?” Twist asks as he walks down the hall toward us. She gets a shy look and nods at him.

Oh my, looks like Twist may have an admirer. 2 would probably slaughter Twist if he knew his sister was crushing.

He smirks down at her, and, for the first time, I notice Twist has a dimple just like Cain. He may have more but right now I can only see the one. “Cool, how about you come and take it easy, sugar pie. Don’t want you hurting after such a long drive.” He places his arm over her shoulder and she beams up at him.

“Okay, Avery, will you please tell my brother I’m here when he wakes? I tried calling him a couple of times during my trip down here, but he never answered.”

“Sure, I definitely will. It was nice to meet you, umm…”

“Oh yes, I’m Sadie,” she replies, clearly surprised that she forgot to say her name.

“I thought so, just wasn’t completely sure.”

She grins. “Yep, that’s me.”

Her and Twist leave, going toward the main room and I can’t help but think they’re cute like that. This’ going to be interesting. I’m keeping  my mouth shut over the looks I just witnessed too. I don’t want to get in the middle of something that could be brewing.

Heading back in to the room, I shut the door behind me. I may as well get dressed. I’m not tired and I’m sure Niko will be floating around here somewhere. I cover 2 up with the blue fleece throw from the end of the bed and head to the bathroom to take a shower.


When I open the bathroom door, 2 Piece is sitting up in bed with his hair wild. It’s short, but it still gets a bedhead tussled appearance. I love when he has that just woken up, sleepy look on his face. He’s adorable and is always a bit disoriented for a few minutes. It’s one of the very few times you get to witness him as vulnerable.

“Hey, free bird,” he rasps, my insides clench from that deep, gruff sound.

“Well, don’t you just look yummy. So, did you sleep well? You were so tired.”

He chuckles and the timbre of his laugh makes me sigh in bliss. What is it about a man’s voice that can turn us to mush?

“Yeah, I’m feeling better; pussy, sleep and then your fine ass. I’m perfect, Shorty. I need to take a shower though.”

“Okay, well we had a visitor probably forty or so minutes ago. Your sister is here. She asked me to tell you when you woke up.”

“Sadie? Oh shit, was she okay?”

“Yeah, she seemed fine. Twist was showing her around and talking to her while you were sleeping.”

“All right, then let me shower really quick and maybe we can all grab some grub or something?”

“Sure, sounds good.” I smile and he grins back at me as he enters the bathroom.

Well, at least he seems to be in a better mood now. I think I’m going to paint my toes pink while I wait for him to get done.

A few minutes later he comes out with a billow of steam surrounding his stark-naked ass. Reel yourself in, woman; do not jump him like you want to. He has to see his sister and we need to have a serious discussion over absolutely everything. No getting distracted again by sex.


He puts on his boxer briefs. Damn, is it possible for his ass to look even better in his underwear? He pivots slightly as he bends to grab his jeans.

Yep, definitely possible.

He pulls on a pair of clean jeans, a plain white T-shirt and his cut. He catches me staring and clicks his tongue at me. “Later, Shorty, control yourself,” he teases, shaking his head.

“Whatever, you know you want to call Ares to come play,” I retort saucily.

His eyes widen with anticipation. “Fucking right I do, but first I have to see why Sadie’s shown up out of the blue.”

I nod and put my nail polish back in my bag.

“You don’t have to keep stuffing your shit away in your suitcase either. Leave it wherever you want to, Shorty,” he says and I get the deer-in-the-headlights kind of stare going on. “It’s cool; we’ll take it slow, ‘kay?”

“Yeah, I wanted to discuss a few things with you.”

“I know, but we’ll have to get to it later,” he says stubbornly and I grit my teeth to not argue with him.

I understand he’s distracted by his sister, but he better not put me on the backburner now and use this as an excuse to not get this situated. I nod and make my way out the door with him. I will not let this go. Next time we’re alone, we’re talking.