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Oath Keepers MC: The Collection by Sapphire Knight (65)

Chapter 2

A month passes without seeing Snake. Not that he isn’t on my mind, ’cause he has been a lot. I’ve just been busy with work. My father runs his own mechanic and parts shop that I help with almost daily. He came down with pneumonia a few weeks ago so I’ve taken over all of his work so he can rest and get better. 

I do the payroll, inventory, order customers parts when requested, and occasionally, I even work on a bike if they need the extra help. I’m a certified mechanic, but I also hold an associate degree in business. I’m not super smart like my friend London, but my dad likes to say I’m a jack-of-all-trades because I’m kind of good at a bunch of different things. With my brother being gone and me being quite the tomboy, my dad and I have gotten really close since we share the same passion.

I love being able to work with my father; he’s a wonderful man and we have a great relationship. Around the shop he acts more like a buddy than my father. It’s nice that he doesn’t baby me or treat me differently than the guys that work there. They seem to respect me and I have a feeling that’s probably why.

Today I’m meeting London for lunch and I’m excited to have a little break, even if it’s only for an hour or two. I park my bike close to the curb in front of the small diner. I hate parking off a main road; I’m always scared someone will hit my bike or something.

I get through the front door and I’m enclosed in a big hug from London. She’s always been a touchy-feely person.

“Hey, chickadee!”

“Hi!” I squeak out through her tight hold.

We take our seats and she immediately starts in, “So have you talked to Snake?”

“You don’t waste time, huh?”

“Nah, it’s pointless.” She shrugs and I laugh at her bluntness.

“I’ve gotten an increase of calls from him about bike parts the club needs. I thought he was screwing with me but he said that since its winter, the brothers want to update their bikes now.”

“Yeah, that’s actually true. Did you see he got patched?”

“No, I was on a parts pickup out of town when he stopped by the store, so I haven’t actually seen him since the Christmas party.”

“Damn, that’s been forever already! He’s suggested that I bring you by the club, but I told him about your dad being sick and how you’re taking care of the business for him right now. He said he got it and hasn’t said anything else. I can’t believe he didn’t mention to you on the phone that he’s a full member now; he won’t shut up about it at the clubhouse.”

“That’s so cool! I wouldn’t stop talking about it either if it were me being patched!”

We grow quiet as Bobby approaches the table; it’s been a few weeks since he last stopped by. One of the shitty things about living in a small town right next to a city is you see everyone all the time, with an occasional passerby on their way into the city.


“Hey Lids, London.” He nods and we both look at him expectantly. “Lids, I was wondering if you’d given thought to things, since I’ve given you some space.”

“I tell you the same thing almost every week Bobby; this has to stop.”

“You don’t mean that. I know your type; always playing hard to get. I’ll chase you until you give in.”

“This isn’t a chase for fuck’s sake. I’ve tried being nice about it, but I really don’t know what else to say.”

“Just agree and everything will go back to the way it was. I know you miss me.”

“You’re in denial! I don’t even think of you!”

I’m interrupted by London using her mom voice, “Bobby Mason, you should know better than to keep bothering Lydia. She’s with Snake now, and he won’t find it amusing you’re sniffing around his chick. You know he’s the President of the Oath Keepers MC’s son, right?” She cocks her eyebrow and I’m speechless. She’s lying through her teeth right now, but if it makes Bobby finally move on, then I’ll play along.

His gaze shoots to me; hurt briefly flashing over his face. “You’re with him? Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Sorry, Bobby,” I shrug, not confirming nor denying his questions.

He huffs and stomps away in typical Bobby fashion. I don’t know why he’s angry at me; I’ve been telling him no for months!

“Why did you say that? Snake will be pissed if he thinks I’m spreading rumors that we’re together!” I whisper yell.

“Don’t worry chick, he’ll understand. I can’t believe you were with Bobby in the first place. That tool has panted over you for as long as I can remember.”

“I was bored and trying out the relationship thing.”

“Bullshit, you wanted the D.”

I fail miserably in an effort to hold back my giggle and draw attention from a few old people sitting nearby.

“We all like the D!” London says to the old lady and the wrinkly old bat’s eyes grow the size of saucers.


“Well they should mind their own damn business,” she smirks evilly.

“Sumthin’ to drink?” A server stops by in a rush.

“Yeah, sweet tea with lemon and I’ll take the club sandwich: no mayo, no mustard, no lettuce, no tomato and sub the Swiss for extra cheddar. Oh and I’ll have mashed potatoes and gravy as my side, extra gravy please.” She nods, used to me calling in the same order.

“Well shit, mine’s easy. I’ll have a Dr. Pepper and the southwest turkey melt with macaroni and cheese.”

“It’ll be right out.” The server takes off before we can utter out a thank you.

“I meant to ask you before but completely forgot; you do know Snake is Brently, right? He used to play against our football and baseball teams in high school. I can’t remember his last name though. He was a really big prep back then.”

“Yeah, I remembered who he was after a little while. I never knew him, but I remember them always announcing his name.”

“Do you know what happened to him? He always struck me as the type to go to college, marry a pretty blonde, and have the whole two kids, a dog, and a Mercedes-parked-in-the-garage type of life.”

“Fuck, I shouldn’t tell you about this stuff. I can’t tell you everything, just the parts that aren’t club business. Pretend like you just heard it around town, okay? Ugh, I never gossip. I’m making an exception for you since we’ve been friends for so long.”

“It’ll be our secret; scout’s honor.” I put my fingers to my forehead and she snorts.

“You were never a scout.”

“We’re pretending, remember?”

“Ha, okay. So, from what I know, Brently was going to college and on a good path, staying far away from the club. I know he loves his dad, but they were never really close. His dad wanted him to be in the club, but Brently was determined not to live that type of life. Anyway, he met and fell hard for a girl. She was a class-A troublemaker; in fact, she and her brothers were tied up in another MC, a really nasty bunch of assholes. Long story short, he fell for her, the other club didn’t approve, and he hid her for as long as he could. Her brother’s eventually found him and put him through hell. He showed back up at the club and was really messed up. Seraphina—that was her name—got killed after he stayed away from her and couldn’t keep her safe. It was this huge thing. I wish I could tell you more, but I really can’t. Maybe with time he’ll tell you about it.”

“Oh my god, that’s fucking horrible!”

“Yeah, and he just keeps getting darker over time—no more sweet, preppy kid. He’s a man now, and all that shit has hardened him.”

“Christ, I would become hardened too. I know I’m already a bitch most the time, but if that happened to me, I’d be pretty bitter inside. How long ago was all this?”

“That she was murdered?”


“It’s been a little over a year now. A lot has happened in the past year. It’s amazing we’ve all made it through okay. Just promise that, if you do really care for him, you won’t break his heart. I can’t imagine the type of man he would become if that were to happen.”

“London, honestly, I’ve always had a little crush on him, but now, he may just be the type of man I can have. Before, he wasn’t even in the same dating bracket as me.”

“Whatever, chick. You’re freaking smokin’ and you always have been. You’ve just got bigger tits now.”

I don’t get a chance to say anything snarky back to her, because the server appears—hands loaded with drinks and food.

We have a few more laughs and finish our delicious lunch. London makes me promise I’ll come out to the club tomorrow night, and then it’s back to work for me.


The next night...

I squeeze into some tight jeans with my thigh-high, black leather boots. They’re super sexy and I couldn’t give two shits if they kill my feet; I’m wearing them. Settling on a white, fitted long sleeve sweater, I shuck on my cropped black leather jacket and do a little spin. Even I think I look damn good in this outfit.

January’s been cold and wet so far, so I zip up my jacket, put on my black leather Coach gloves that my mom got me for Christmas and head for my bike. The ride over is going to be colder than a witch’s tit, but I have no other mode of transportation. I should have asked London to come pick me up.


I finally arrive at the clubhouse, chilled to the bone, and London is nowhere to be found. I could strangle her; I had just spoken to her a few hours ago to let her know when I would be here.

I hit the bar straight away, looking for a little liquid warmth. Hopefully they’ll serve me, even though London didn’t walk me in, and I’m not some stray club whore looking for her next conquest. I already know who I want to see; unfortunately, it’s a prospect behind the bar that I’ve never seen before. I nod him over and he approaches with his eyebrows raised.

“You lost, sweetie?”

“Humph...Just give me a Bud Light, I’m waiting on London.”

He turns without another word to get my drink.

My neck hairs prickle as warm breath flutters over my delicate skin when a deep raspy voice murmurs, “Those boots... Holy fuck, Peppermint!”

A large hand runs across my rib cage as Snake comes to stand behind me, his body instantly warming the chill from my back. I sit still, not turning to him and he leans in, my pussy contracting with each word as he talks near my ear.

“’Bout time you show up, and when you finally do, you look like sin. Those big beautiful tits... Fuck, baby, they’re calling my name.”

At that, I spin towards him, but he doesn’t let me get a word in, as his lips land on mine. The hand on my ribs runs upward, resting over my swollen breast, just aching for him to squeeze. His other hand lands on my cheek. He takes control of my face, so I can’t turn away from him. Not that I would.

Instead, I turn into him more, leaning my back against the bar and kiss him full force, both of his hands move briefly and then they cover my chest, squeezing and kneading as I attempt to stay conscious.

My hands go to his cut, clutching it as if my life depends on it, not letting him escape either. Our tongues tangle, for mere moments, but I can’t be sure how long it’s been. It feels like time has stopped, as the feelings of pent-up lust scorch through my body.

Snake wrenches away, his chest heaving from heavy breathing. He doesn’t utter a word, just snatches the bottle off the bar and lifts me from the stool. My legs clamp around his waist as if they have a mind of their own.

I pay no attention to where we’re headed—probably to his room or something—hopefully somewhere private. I run my fingers through his silky hair and suck on his earlobe. I’m so damn hot now, that I partially hope he slams me against a wall and thrusts into me to stop wasting time.

He fumbles with a door handle for a moment, finally getting it to twist. Once we’re through the door I’m airborne, being tossed onto his bed. I bounce, and like a flash he’s on me, ripping at the zipper on my jacket.

“Let-let me,” I mumble and he backs up a few inches so I can get my jacket unzipped and off.

He flings it to the floor, impatiently pushing my shirt and bra up. My breasts sing in ecstasy when his short whiskers roughly brush against them, and his lips draw my nipple into his mouth. He bites down and I let go.

“Oh fuck yes!”

Sweet zings shoot straight to my core and I grind against him. He runs one hand to my pants button, deftly unclasping it, and easily lowering the zipper. He definitely has experience; instead of it turning me off, it does the opposite. I want to jump for joy, being with a man who knows what the hell he’s doing.

A few beats later and he’s pushing my pants down my thighs only to have to stop because of my boots.

“Fuck!” he gasps, sitting up on his knees so he can unzip my boots next. “You look amazing, but fuck if these clothes weren’t made to cock block.”

I giggle, biting my lip and watch him. His pants are tented, and, fuck me, it looks like Snake could mean something else entirely if my guess is right.

He breathes deeply, finally getting my boots off and sends them sailing across the room. Once my pants are off, he crawls up the bed, keeping his face close to my thighs, occasionally brushing his tongue against my skin, making me moan.

He gets to the juncture between my thighs and bites gently.

“Want me to eat it, Peppermint?”

“No time for that now, just get inside me.”

Snake chuckles, pushing his jeans down his hips and kicking his boots off all in one motion. He’s naked except for his cut, and it’s the hottest thing I’ve ever seen. His cock reaches his belly button and my mouth waters in anticipation.

I can’t stop myself, and I reach down to take his length in my hands. I want to feel the thickness and hear him moan in pleasure.

I twist my hand and pump him a few times, eliciting a groan. He sucks on my breast and leaves dark red marks all over my chest.

“Okay, no more playing,” he grunts and leans over to fish a condom out of his nightstand drawer.

He leans back and I eagerly watch as he rolls the condom down his cock. He shoots me a playful grin, and then leans down to take my lips with his. He bites and sucks as he powerfully thrusts deep inside me.

The burn from the stretch brings tears to my eyes that I quickly blink away. It’s a good stretch, the kind that makes you think fuck he fits perfect.

I moan and clench around him, not meaning to, but I can’t stop myself. His cockis so on point, I feel like I want to come already and he just got inside.

“Please, Brently?” I beg, for what I have no idea. I don’t catch the slip and either he doesn’t or he ignores it.

“I got you, Lydia,” he mumbles and slams into me.

He repeats it, driving into me over and over, causing my body to move up the bed a little each time.

“Yes! Don’t stop! Fuck, please don’t stop!” I scream loud enough the bar can probably hear me.

“I’m not stopping, Peppermint,” he groans, his hand trailing around to my ass, his finger entering me the same time as he thrusts.

That’s all it takes. Fucking bliss ascends and I feel like I’m going to hit the ceiling as my orgasm swallows me up, filling my mind with lights and twisting my body until it surrenders to him.

I bite into his shoulder savagely to ride the wave as long as possible and his body tightens up. He drives into me relentlessly a few times; my head flying back as I brace myself for him, until finally he rewards me. Brently explodes inside me, filling me up, ending the perfection with my name in a sexy growl.

We lay still, his heavy, hot body molding me into the mattress, as we both pant to catch our breath. After a few beats, trailing my nails up his back, I break the silence.

“Sooo... Peppermint?”

He chuckles, planting a few kisses in the crook of my neck, sending fresh tingles and goosebumps over my flesh.

“Yeah, you know, like a candy cane? Your red hair reminded me of one since the club was all decked out for Christmas and shit. Thought it fit. Then later when I saw you suckin’ on one, I knew it was perfect.”

“Mmmm.” I don’t get many thoughts past that as he continues his assault of kissing and nibbling down my body until he’s licking just where I want him the most.





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