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Oath Keepers MC: The Collection by Sapphire Knight (60)


It’s never too late to live happily ever after.




Two months later...

The house actually sold. I’m still freaking out a little inside that my parents’ house, where I grew up, is gone and I won’t ever have to worry about it again. I’ll probably never go back to California, and as much as I believed it would bother me, now that it’s happened, I’m thrilled that it doesn’t. If anything, it’s a relief, and now Silas will get the money from the sale, which he completely deserves for always keeping the house up and for taking care of me. My poor brother deserves something.

I hope he’s happy about it. Knowing him, he’ll say he doesn’t want the money since it came from our parents’ place, but he better keep it. He, Ares, and Avery need their own house anyhow. I know they don’t plan on having kids for like ever, but someday one of them is going to knock her up as well, and they’ll need the space.

Never in a million years did I think my brother would admit to me that he’s in love with both a woman and a man. But after getting to know them both, I can understand why. Their love is unlike anything I’ve ever seen before.

Avery’s ol’ lady cut looks intimidating as all hell, belonging to the VP and the Sgt. At Arms both. I finally got to show off mine, advertising property of Twist—The Unholy One. If people only knew just how crazy our men were, they wouldn’t be able to handle it.

Like I should talk about strange love. The biker I fell in love with has a truckload of issues himself. They’re nothing we can’t handle, and we get through them together. He’ll get a little down occasionally, I notice, when he sees something specific. On days when the sky is an amazing shade of blue, he won’t even look at it.

Twist treats my sweet Cyle like he’s his own. You’d never know he wasn’t either. Cyle has my light blonde hair and Twist has dirty blond hair, so it’s like we all sort of match.

“Gimme the kid, babe.” Twist holds his hands out toward me and I pass Cyle over with his bottle. As fast as Twist approached, he and Cyle are gone into the kitchen, doing their own thing.

That man has been my saving grace when it comes to being a new mom. He doesn’t know everything, but he knows a lot about stuff that I have no clue about. I had no idea I’d meet someone who would parent with me as if we’re a team.

It’s never just me unless he has a run, and even then, Avery comes and stays with me. She brings her puppy which I absolutely love. London even stops over when the guys are gone to hang out. Her little boy Jameson is so freaking adorable and is quite funny. I love it when they’re all here.

When the guys aren’t out playing biker, we have dinners and barbecues at the club, but we also have plenty of time on our own. Avery, Silas, and Ares just had Cyle for the first time a week ago for an entire evening so Twist and I could have a real date night. We rode his bike into Austin and he took me out to a nice restaurant and then to see a movie. It was too chilly to ride around when we finished but it was amazing just to be up close to him that much. I had a wonderful time and Avery offered to watch Cyle once a month like that so Twist and I can have a day to just worry about being a couple in love.

Glancing at the clock, I notice it’s almost time, so I call for Twist. “Hey, babe, you have your doctor’s appointment soon. Did you want me to come to this one with you?”

He saunters into the bedroom with Cyle attached to his hip. “Nah, Sunshine, you don’t have to come to this one. I don’t know if I’ll be going as much anymore anyway.”

“I thought the doctor said you needed therapy at least once a week to keep your mind clear and not dream so strongly.”

I’ve learned that it’s not only his deceased wife and child that plagues him at night, but also remembering his first kill when he hunted the men down responsible for harming them. I can’t imagine what it must be like to be constantly tormented by their faces as well.

“She did, but it’s been almost two months now; that’s eight sessions. I haven’t heard my daughter’s voice in a month. I haven’t been dreaming as much, so the doc said after today we’d cut down to three sessions a month.”

“That’s awesome. I’m so proud of you for getting help, Twist. I hated seeing you hurting so badly.”

“Yeah, well I had no idea that Traumatic Brain Injury could mimic Bipolar disorder and cause me to hear voices. I’m a fuckin’ idiot, Sunshine. I should’ve paid attention to all them doctors years ago.”

“It’s okay. All that matters is that you’re doing everything you need to be doing now. Cyle and I will always be grateful to you for taking these steps to be with us. We love you.”

“I love you and the little squirt. All right, I guess I’mma take off. I’ll keep my cell on though, so if you need me, just call.”

“I will. Be safe.” I hug him and kiss him sweetly, and then he’s out the door, on the way for his counseling session.

I will admit, being an ol’ lady isn’t so bad. Yes, I have to deal with the club’s stuff being private. I hate that part of Twist’s life, but I know he loves the club, so we get through it. I never feel as if he’s keeping anything from me if he doesn’t absolutely have to. I’ve not only gained Twist into my life, but the club has become my family too.

I feel happier and more fulfilled now than I ever have. Twist keeps teasing me that one day he’s going to come home with a diamond, and while that sounds amazing, I’m perfectly content being his ol’ lady for now. I know that sometime down the road I’ll be his wife and give him children, and that’s an amazing thing to look forward to.

He eventually opened up to me about the death of his poor wife and little girl. I can only imagine the horrific feelings that had to come with that tragedy. Since then, he’s gotten into therapy. I went with him at first so we could get to the root of his problems and dreams; now he can speak to them without me.  He’s come so far, and now he doesn’t have the nightmares every night like he used to. 

I would never in a million years try to change Twist, I love him even being the broken man he is, but I do everything in my power to help him. He chose to get help on his own, just as he chooses every day to be a better man when he wakes up.

He stays away from drugs, as we’ve learned that with his Traumatic Brain Injury it actually amplifies his symptoms—hearing voices was a side effect. Once he gave up the drugs, he stopped hearing them. Each week of detox helped him hear the voices less and less, and he became happier. He’s also started to let go of anger, bit by bit.

My Twist is definitely no angel, but he’s a different man than when I first arrived. This is a man he is proud to be, one that I will love for the rest of my life.


2 Piece

I’ll admit, I’m pretty fuckin’ proud of my baby sis and my new nephew. I didn’t think I’d be too keen on having a little person around, but I’ve gotten used to it with London and Cain’s son, so Cyle is an even bigger joy for me.

I gave in and accepted Twist being with Sadie. I was apprehensive at first; she’s a good woman and deserves someone who will treat her well for the rest of her life. Twist has fully fit into that role; in fact, I don’t think I could’ve asked for anyone better for my sister at this point. The man is hooked, and he’s gained my respect. I had already given him some of it when he saved my life awhile back; but now, I love him like family.

My love for Ares and Avery grow more and more with time. Each day we learn different things about one another, and with this new baby, I’m learning that I can’t wait to see Avery’s belly full with mine or Ares’ baby. I love them both with my entire being and can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with them.