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Oath Keepers MC: The Collection by Sapphire Knight (30)

Chapter 2

Two days later…

Prez turns to me as everyone leaves after our weekly church meeting. “Just a sec, Ares.” He orders and takes a drink of his bottled water. I think he and Cain are the only two in the whole club that regularly drink bottled water, bunch of damn health junkies.

I nod, watching the brothers finish filing out of the chapel.

Eventually the door closes and Prez begins, “I need to talk to you ‘bout some issues I’m dealing with. No one ‘round here knows about ‘em, and I wanna keep it like that.”

“You know whatever you say will be kept between us, Prez.”

“Good,” he steeples his fingers, gazing at me with his blue eyes surrounded by a few weathered wrinkles. After several moments, he practically breathes out the words, low and troubled. “Mona has cancer.”

“The fuck?” I burst, taken off guard.

Not everyone knows about the Prez and his family life. Mona was his Old Lady before some shit popped off with Smile’s. I don’t know exactly what happened, but I know something did and she eventually left the Prez. Mona took his kids, with him willingly giving up everything. I’ve been around the Prez long enough that I know Mona, his son Brently, and his daughter Princess.

He’s stressed and winces as he runs his hands through his long blond hair. “I know, it fuckin’ surprised me too. Mona didn’t tell me much about it. I just know it’s getting bad. Brently is clueless and Princess won’t even fuckin’ talk to me.”

“Shit, Prez, if I can do anything,” I trail off, having no clue what help I could possibly offer him or any of them. I didn’t have a real family who would have cared about this shit, and I don’t have a wife, but I truthfully have no idea what he’s going through.

Prez nods, his forehead wrinkled slightly and eyes strained, full of worry. “Thanks, son. I ‘preciate it. I’m gonna have a vote. You been doin’ the VP’s job without the patch. I think it’s time you get that patch you deserve. Not only that, but I’m gonna be missin’ a lot, and I can trust you to take care of this club like I try to. I need to go and help take care of Mona as much as I can. I know she will fight me at every turn, stubborn ass woman, but I will never forgive myself if I don’t at least try. I gave up on her so easily before; I have to step in now.”

“Prez, I’m not no vice president,” I argue, shaking my head. “I’m honored you would think that of me, but I can’t do that job.”

“Son, listen to me. You already do that job. Hell, when you boys was in Tennessee, you did my fuckin’ job too. I know that if I’m not around or if something happens to me, you know what to do. You’re more devoted to this club than anyone I know, and the brothers look up to you. They don’t just give that kind of respect to anyone, Ares.”

“If you really believe that, then I’ll do it. I don’t know if I’ll do the patch justice, but I’ll damn sure do my fuckin’ best.”

“Good. I’m going to put up a vote for Cain to be moved into Enforcer also. Whatcha think about it?”

“I think he’s done the work and deserves the patch. He’ll be a good fit, and the brothers will pass it with no issues.”

“Good, then we’ll make it happen. Next week at church, we’ll put up the votes and see what the brothers have to say.”

I nod, taking a swallow from my now lukewarm beer.

“I’m also gonna tell the girls to get a big BBQ planned for next Wednesday, ‘cause I know everyone will want to celebrate. Yesterday’s turned out great, and we need more functions like that ‘round here. Those women can cook!” He finishes with a small grin, but I still can’t shake the feeling that I won’t be strong enough to wear that patch.

“Prez, what if the brothers don’t vote on it like you think?”

Sighing, he gestures toward the chair beside him. “Relax, Ares. Everyone knows you belong in this seat next to me. Besides that, if anything were to ever happen, you deserve this spot I sit in—not anyone else. You.

“All right then,” I grunt, staring at the seat placed between him and me. We haven’t had a VP in a very long time.

Prez stands, running his tattoo-covered  fingers down his plain shirt, straightening himself. I guess old habits don’t go away, even as a biker. He pats my shoulder as he passes me on his way to the door. The bar noise trickles inside the silent room as he escapes out into the loud room, overflowing with members.

I sit and stare a few moments more at the chair I’ll soon be expected to fill. It’s old and the leather is broken in and slightly faded in the wooden frame, but it’s the closest to the head of the table, and that’s all that really matters. Fuck, I never once expected for this to be happening. I’m honored he would choose me and that he feels that the brothers will accept me into the VP spot so easily. Being the Enforcer, I guess it would be an option for him to think of me for that spot, but there are many other patched members who would be happy with the spot also.

I hope this doesn’t cause any kind of beef with Smiles. That brother has been in the club longer than me and probably should be the one up for the vote instead. With his and Prez’s shit going on, I don’t think he will ever switch from his spot though. I hope the doctors and Prez are able to help Mona out. Cancer fuckin’ sucks. 

I eventually move from my seat, glancing around our church room that is even more significant to me now, as I head out toward the bar. I want to be the one to tell Cain the good news, but I have to keep this shit locked up tight till it actually happens. I’ve always been the one Prez confides in, but shit like this makes me want to share it with my boy, Cain.

Scratch notices me approaching. He hurries to get my personal glass ready, pulling a full bottle of whiskey from the shelf and sets it all on the bar top for me.

“Thanks, but I just want a Coke,” I say, shrugging as I scoot the bar stool over.

“A Coke? Ares?” Scratch peers at me like I’m delusional and he’s never heard me ask for a Coke before.

“Yep, ‘bout time I start keeping my head clear durin’ the day. I ain’t no fuckin’ alcoholic or anything. Give me a Coke, Scratch.”

“No problem.” He nods, putting the whiskey bottle back on the shelf, filling up my cup with Coke from the soda gun. He eyes me during the entire process, curious.

Little fucker is probably wondering if this is some sort of a test. I don’t miss being a prospect for anything. That shit blew—always wondering if everything you did was being watched and if somethin’ stupid would stop you from getting voted on. I should find out how the boys came across Scratch in the first place, especially if I’m going to be the VP. It’s my job to protect the club, but now it’ll be my job to be informed on everything also.

As soon as my glass of soda hits the bar top, I snatch up my cup. “Thanks, Prospect. Next time don’t move so fuckin’ slow.”

He nods and scurries away to the other end of the bar.

Good. I should intimidate him right now. I haven’t had the chance to break him in properly yet. Maybe I’ll have Cain do it, so I can make sure he’s familiar with all his shit as an Enforcer. We’ll make Scratch’s skinny ass into a man eventually.

Turning, I scan the bar and come across my brothers crowded around a few tables, laughing and bullshitting with each other. We always have a drink and relax after church if there aren’t any pressing matters to tend to. The club life is all about being free and happy.

Avery and 2 Piece are sitting comfortably at my usual booth, so I make my way over to them, sitting across from the love birds.

2 Piece puts his fist out and I pound it. “Yo, ‘sup, brother?” I nod briefly at Avery and then turn back to 2.

“Hey, man. Everything straight with Prez?”

Avery’s eyes grow wide. She’s so fucking nosey, but it makes her even more adorable. She’s always curious about anything she can find out that has to do with the club. She’s more curious than a kitten.

“Yeah, he’s straight.” I shrug and leave it at that.

It’s clearly none of his business what I talk to the Prez about. Once 2 Piece steps up at the table wanting more responsibilities, then he will be let in on more of what’s left out of church discussions. He likes his freedom and we respect that, giving him the space and independence he craves.

2 Piece nods and Avery shifts, scooting into the booth next to me, bringing her damn pup along with her. I love this little Doberman, Lily, but the ass has chewed up so much of my shit. Whenever 2 Piece and Avery take off on a ride, I take care of Lily for them. The last time, the fucking dog shit on my belt. I couldn’t get pissed though, because she’s just a pup. I damn sure let 2 Piece have it when I called his ass though. Brother brought me home a ton of beef jerky, trying to make up for it, so it ended up working out.

Avery sits up on her knees, places the puppy next to her, and lands a whisper soft kiss on my cheek.

My dick pulses with the tender touch. Avery and I both like kinkier shit, and I swear the bitch owns a piece of my heart even if she belongs to 2 Piece. I can’t help it though. Ever since that first night I stopped her in the hallway, she’s slowly weaseled her way in. Now she’s in the club all the time and always doin’ sweet shit like giving me kisses. It really fucks with my feelings for her. I keep holding myself back, but it seems to get harder and harder every single day.

I could seriously use a distraction around here, but Shay had to go. Too bad that bitch I met on the run we did to Tennessee, Lindsay, don’t live closer. Lindsay and her friend Sarah could fuck for hours, bunch of crazy chicks. I thought Sarah was gonna rip Cain’s clothes off when she saw him in the hotel room that day. Cain was all types of fucked up over shit goin’ down with London though, so I had kicked the girls out of the motel room. Poor dude was a huge mess until he got London back home and in his bed permanently.

“Did you hear me?” 2 Piece questions and I take a large gulp of my Coke, clearing the memories away from that crazy trip we all took together. 2 Piece first met Avery on that run, but I wasn’t that lucky.

“Nah,” I shake my head, finally giving him my attention. “What was that?”

“I asked if you were up to havin’ a little fun tonight? Avery has been all over my nuts ‘bout having you with us again. She fuckin’ aches for you, I know it.”

“Come on, Silas,” Avery whispers, interrupting him. “You know that you enjoy it too.”

“Yeah, free bird, I do enjoy it. I know it makes you feel good. I’m all for you being satisfied, Shorty. I wanna keep my girl as happy as possible.”

Her head darts back toward me with a wide, white smile and a twinkle in her eye. “So, do you want some, Ares?” She murmurs huskily.

Her voice melts over my insides and I swear to Christ I would take her in this booth in front of every single member in the club if she would let me. I know that won’t happen, but it’s fine. I’ll take her any way I can have her, at any time she’s willing. “Fuck!” I grumble, burning up inside for her already. “Avery, you know I always want that dirty little mouth, or round ass, whatever you feel like givin,’ angel.”

2 Piece chuckles, watching us with a smile. The fucker knows Avery is absolutely gorgeous and a great fuck. Hell, they are both fucking amazing, in and out of the bed. I wish he would let me have him too. I don’t know if we will ever be at that stage together. It takes everything in me to hold back from him and not take him like I really want to, especially when I catch him watching me with Avery. I could make him feel so good, he just doesn’t realize it.

“Fuck it, let’s go,” I grunt and stand.

2 Piece scoops the pup and Lily up and they follow my lead as I head to their room. The brothers all watch us go. They know what’s goin’ on, but they better not say a damn word about it to Avery. She’s a good girl, real sweet and don’t need no body making her feel judged. The brothers have all seen me fuck many chicks and know I don’t give a shit, but Avery don’t like any sort of attention about us having threesomes. I think she’s afraid the brothers won’t respect her anymore; she doesn’t realize the crazy bastards are just jealous and want to watch.

I shuffle over to the side of the door and out of the way. 2 enters the room first, placing Lily in her kennel with her favorite small fleece blanket. Avery trails in behind him, stepping into the room.

She gets one step through the doorway before I reach out, grabbing a large handful of hair. I wrench her head back and she yelps as the back of her body collides with the solid front of mine.

I’m positive she can feel me hard in my pants. I’m aching to feel her tightness wrapped around my cock. Fuck, I’ve been so hard since we were at the booth, it’s a fuckin’ miracle I didn’t poke anyone on the way through the bar.

Tilting her head to the side, I lick up the side of her smooth, delicate neck. Her body shudders in delight, and her nipples stiffen through her little pink spaghetti strap shirt. It’s so fucking sexy to see her hard peeks, begging for attention.

“Do you want some, angel?” I murmur next to the soft shell of her ear, repeating her question from earlier when she made me feel like I could burst in my pants.

“Fuck, yes!” she gasps out, her voice glazed over with lustful need. Wonton thoughts are most likely dancing in her head at this point, ready and willing to bend to my will.

2 Piece gazes at us, grinning, amused. His pants are tight as well, the outline of his cock telling me he enjoys what he sees.

He turns up his radio a little and starts stripping his clothes off. His black T-shirt flies across the room into a heap, per his usual. The faded blue jeans slide smoothly down his tattooed, muscular thighs until he’s left in only a pair of fitted white boxer briefs. His colorful tattooed sleeves and thighs stand out in contrast to the simple plain material. He’s absolutely fucking delectable. God, I wish I could taste him.

He grins as I peer at him, my mouth salivating at each curve and indention of muscle adorning his body, while biting and sucking on Avery’s neck. I release her hair, running my hands over her tummy until I reach her small breasts, tweaking her gorgeous peeks with each of my hands.

Her body trembles with need under my touch as 2 Piece slides the last bit of material completely off. His cock stands at attention, swollen and ready to join in on some fun. I bet he would love having my large hands wrapped firmly around his dick, pumping him until he begs me to let him finish. I wouldn’t let him finish though. I’d play with him until his bones locked tight and he shook with intense pleasure.

2 Piece approaches, easily flicking Avery’s pants button loose and pulling her fitted jeans down her lightly tanned legs. With one last little pinch on her nipples, I take a step back.

I attempt to concentrate on taking my own clothes off. The basic white T-shirt gets placed on the little chair off to the side. My pants come down, exposing my full cock, and I slip my black jeans off as I slide my feet free from my black leather boots. My pants land somewhere as I’m drawn in, watching the stunning couple together. I always try to be tidy, I know 2 is sort of a neat freak, but I can’t help myself as I witness the love and affection that radiates between them.

2 Piece softly caresses Avery’s stomach, his tattooed hands dwarfing her small stomach underneath them, while sweetly kissing over her breasts.

She clutches onto his shoulders as if she’s holding on for dear life, never wanting to let go of him. “I love you, Silas,” she lovingly croons, staring at him with adoration. I can’t help the painful shot of emptiness hitting my gut like a knife, twisting as deeply as possible. I’ve never had this feeling so strongly before.

It was always there while watching them, but never to this degree. This` time it feels as if my soul is being fed into a meat grinder over and over. Biting the inside of my cheek roughly enough to get a small rush of copper flavor to flood my taste buds, I wrench the feelings away. This is about her, about pleasing both of them. This has nothing to do with me. I need to control myself, put my needs on the back burner, and just accept that this is the only way I can have them. I have to cherish 2 Piece and Avery in these times. I never know when it may be the last time I witness them so vulnerable with me included.

I clear my throat, alerting them that I’m indeed ready to be a part of the action. 2 Piece knows I struggle when I’m not the one being fully in control. I had all control stripped from me when I was younger, so now it practically consumes me.

I always fight with myself inside and attempt to back off some with these two. Avery is still somewhat new to everything I like, and I don’t want to overpower 2 Piece sometime, making things awkward between us. I’m honored he trusts me enough to share these experiences together, but make no mistake, if he ever allows me to unleash, it would be a completely different experience for both of them

Avery backs up a few steps so I can feel her warmth against my body. The little minx reaches behind her back, grabbing onto my dick roughly and giving it a hefty squeeze. “Mmmph.”

I groan, clenching my teeth together. I grab a handful of her hair again and walk her forward enough to finally kick the door shut as I go. I’m sure if any of the brothers walked down the hallway, they fully enjoyed the sight.

We stop right before the bed and I release her silky hair, running my hands down her sun-kissed shoulders, she glances back at me as I grip the top of her shirt in both hands. I peer into her eyes, heatedly, my need smoldering for her as I rip the thin material in half, down her back. Her chest rises with each excited, turned-on breath, and 2 Piece grabs her chin, turning her back to face him.

Wrapping the small straps between my thick fingers, I easily snap each of the dainty strings over her shoulders that hold the shirt up. The thin pink material cascades to the floor, and 2 takes her mouth, owning it with a strong kiss. Not one to be left out, I bend down slightly, reaching for the material while licking up her spine. I hear her muffled moan and it lets me know she hasn’t completely forgotten me back here.

She breaks the kiss with 2 Piece, panting. “Oh, yes!”

Turning her face slightly toward her shoulder, I wrap the material over her eyes, creating a makeshift blindfold, securely tying the material in the back. Now 2 Piece and I get to take in her beautiful nakedness without her knowing what exactly we’re looking at or planning to touch. It’s almost like a game. I know her mind is racing trying to guess what will happen. At the same time, it’s almost hard to decide what to do first, all of the delectable possibilities on display right in front of us.

Now, it’s finally my turn to take her mouth. After watching the kiss between them, it feels as if I’ve been waiting forever to graze my lips against hers. My mouth meets hers fervently, and I can still taste 2 on her tongue. The flavors exploding through me gets me so wound up, it makes my dick feel like it’s going to burst. I experience not only kissing her, but I also get to imagine what it would be like thrusting my powerful tongue inside his warm, wet mouth. Would he let me control the kiss or would he fight me for it? Would he follow my lead, maybe grip onto my chest tightly, while I showed him he wasn’t only meant for a woman?

2 Piece’s hand brushes against mine, delicately stroking Avery’s collar bone, eliciting goose bumps on her skin and drawing me away from the passionate kiss. I get utterly lost in her every time I get to sample her sweet lips. Pulling back, I meet his gaze and he nods, gesturing toward the bed.

Bending to accommodate Avery’s short height, I scoop her up, bridal style, in my arms. I’m so large compared to her; she’s like a feather. I love how she feels as her hands grasp onto my shoulder and neck to hold on. She holds on leisurely, like she’s confident that I won’t let her fall. She’s right, though. I would never let harm come to her.

Avery giggles as I move with her and it calms my thoughts, that empty feeling rotting out the inside of my stomach melts away and is dusted with her warmth once again. To know I bring her any type of joy is worth the restrictive control I have to show, suppressing my true feelings for them. Each time I feel her, every time I see him vulnerable, I get a little deeper in with the both of them. I’m probably too much of a bastard to have a heart worth filling, but they make me want it full.

I quickly shoot 2 a grin, then toss her easily on the bed. Avery bounces slightly on her side, squealing in surprise. He chuckles at me, playing with her while prowling toward her, like she’s his last meal.

Experiencing his body in these angles like this have me gripping my dick savagely. Fuck, he’s amazing. The back muscles on him alone are enough to make me want to smack his ass a few good times.

“Turn her, brother, and get those panties off,” I order gruffly, swallowing down the need to tell him to lie beside her so I can have them both the way I really want them—eating her out like it’s my fucking dying wish, alongside of fucking him crazily.

2 Piece listens, pulling her pink thong down her thighs with his teeth. He tosses the underwear at me and I catch them, bringing the exquisite material to my nose before tossing them over with my pants. Avery smells so goddamn delicious. I need to taste that sweet cunt of hers.

“It’s been awhile, Ares. What do you want first?”

I lick my lips, staring at his mouth. If he only knew I wanted him on his knees, with my cock shoved halfway down his throat, he wouldn’t be asking.

“I wanna eat her cunt, you?”

Avery squirms, rubbing her legs together. “I’m completely okay with that idea,” she interrupts and I silently chuckle.

“Aww, shorty, you bein’ cute, huh?” 2 Piece cocks his eyebrow at her, then turns to me. “Maybe we should spank her?”

“Get four belts,” I tell him.

“I don’t have four belts, man.”

I strip my belt out of my pants and then go to his jeans, doing the same. Walking back to the bed, I notice her mouth parted, she has quick little bursts of air coming out.

I know she heard me jingle the belts when I was undoing our wallet chains next to them. Her mind has to be racing inside, wondering what we’re going to do with the belts. I wonder if she thinks I’m gonna hit her with them. I might pop her lightly with one sometime if we reach that level, but she’s not ready for that yet.

Shrugging, I hold up the belts that I was able to collect. “It’s all good. We’ll make these two work.”

“Umm, what exactly are you doing with the belts?” She stutters out, her voice edgy.

2’s head turns toward her swiftly as he chastises her. “Shorty, you know I want you quiet when we’re in here.”

Avery takes a deep breath, drawing in a little dose of courage. That’s just one of the many reasons why I want her so badly. She’s always so fucking brave, no matter what it is. She faces shit when she needs to and doesn’t back out. She’s a little fighter inside, just like I’ve always been.

Tossing 2 Piece a belt, I nod at his side so he’ll know where to attach it. We tie each of her ankles to the metal footboard. Avery made him get a fancy iron bed, and it’s ‘bout time we put it to its real use. I should have already had her fine ass tied to it. I’ll remedy that and initiate things sooner next time if needed.

“Hold her hands. I don’t want any interruptions,” I bark.

2 Piece moves to the top of the bed, sitting on the pillows and holds her wrists together above her head. His cock bobs, ready to play.

Her pussy lips glisten as they’re spread before me like it’s a fucking Thanksgiving dinner, and I finally get to have some dessert. I climb on the bed over one of her legs, until I’m resting between her thighs, right where I want to be.

“That’s some pretty pink you have here, angel,” I grumble against her swollen lips. I stick my tongue in her center and she flexes with need, squeezing it to get more.

“Ohhhh!” Avery cries out. 

2 Piece muffles her, using one hand to cover her mouth. He likes to shut her up, makes her get all turned on and even louder. I go to town and nibble on her clit a few times, applying more pressure on it with my tongue.

“Brother,” 2 Piece grunts heavily, turned on, after a few moments of watching me.

“Hmm?” I start to suck ruthlessly as her legs bend and dart to the sides, squirming.

“I want in her. I can’t wait. It’s too fuckin’ hot, seeing you making her feel so fuckin’ good.”

I sit back, resting on my knees, reaching over and dutifully untying each of her ankles. I rub each foot briefly, relieving the skin from the indentions caused by her pulling against the belts.

Once she’s free from my grip, 2 lies beside Avery and I help direct her body to climb on top of him. He opens the condom he had resting on the pillow next to him and quickly slides it on between them. 2 rubs the head of his dick against her wetness and then easily glides her onto his hard shaft.

I use the brief break to slide on my own Magnum I had gotten from my wallet when I had retrieved the belts.

Avery straddles him, his knees bent up and spread, making her completely exposed from behind. I see clearly his dick seated inside her core, her pussy creaming with wetness around it, his sac lying heavily and a peek of his own tight hole. My dick rejoices inside, hardening further at the amazing sights right in front of me.

I lie down between his spread knees, savoring the absolutely amazing sight before me. Starting with Avery, I lick up all of her juices, occasionally swiping the bottom of his shaft with my tongue. She starts to move slightly, so 2 Piece begins rocking her leisurely, since he’s distracted with her, I lick his sac, witnessing them tighten up for a moment, he probably thinks I grazed them on accident.

Rather than stop, I pull them into my mouth, drawing on each one deeply.

“Oh fu-ck,” he moans.

I can’t wait any longer. I lick up to Avery’s anus, using some of her own juices for lubrication. I’m fucking kinky, so this shit turns me on even more than if I was just to lick her plain or use lube. To know she’s surrounding me, even her wetness, is beyond erotic.

I sit back up on my knees, aligning my hefty cock up to her entrance, and begin working myself gradually and tenderly into her. The sensations are fucking insane. I can feel my dick rubbing against 2’s cock inside of her. I curl my toes, gritting my teeth. It feels so good it’s almost maddening.

2 Piece and I trade off, entering her and pulling out, always in an even rhythm. We’re in sync with each other in more ways than one…if only he would start to notice it.

“Goddamn, you feel fuckin’ phenomenal, angel.”

“Yes,” Avery moans and my dick throbs, as her sexy raspy voice magnetizes the sensations floating throughout my body.

I suck on two of my fingers, priming them for 2 Piece. He didn’t protest my little mouth exploration I did earlier, so I’m going to push him a little further.

I place the opposite hand on the bed, bracing myself just in case this doesn’t go over well. I reach between my legs with my other hand. He grunts as I brush his nuts, finding my way to his hole. The next drive I make deeply into Avery, I thrust my fingers into him at the same time.

“Fuuuck, fuck, fuck!” He gasps. I’m met with some resistance as I pump my fingers into him twice. His dick starts to throb crazily, losing control and erupting inside Avery.

I pull my hand free, using it to grip her hip, as he starts rubbing circles on her clit, biting her neck where she likes it, making her shoot off next. His eyes are closed, so I have no clue how to read what he’s feeling, and it makes me a little nervous inside.

“Ohhhhhh!” Avery screams, freezing up as she rides through her intense orgasm and I clamp my hand over her mouth, effectively muffling her. It’s amazing if nobody thinks we’re in here fuckin’ killin’ her.

She collapses in an exhausted heap on top of 2 as I continue to move inside her tight hole. I watch 2 Piece over her shoulder and finally after a few beats he meets my gaze. He knows what just happened, and he knows he fucking loved it.

2 Piece doesn’t say anything, just watches me, never breaking eye contact as I pump into Avery a few more times, eventually emptying myself into the condom, experiencing one of the most gratifying orgasms I’ve had in quite a long time. It just happened, but all I can think of is doing it again. I want to watch his eyes this time as I thrust my fingers in him, making him cry out. I know it won’t happen though. It’s too soon.

The spell is broken when Lily starts to whine in her cage. She’s not used to being locked up in her kennel when people are in here. Eventually with the right training, she won’t have to be locked up at all. Poor girl, it’s probably her dinnertime, and she’s tired of waiting.

Pressing a tender kiss to Avery’s shoulder, I rise carefully, climbing over their depleted bodies and heading into the small bathroom. I take care of the condom, flushing it and wash my hands with the girly smelling soap on the counter.

Avery and 2 Piece are lying comfortably in the middle of the bed snuggling when I finish with the restroom.

She sends me a tired, sated smile. “Ares, come lie down and relax with us.” Avery gestures with her hand for me to come closer.

Grinning slightly, I shake my head. “Nah, angel, not really my style. How about I take Lily outside and get her dinner? You can stay in bed and rest up.”

“That sounds wonderful, Ares. Thank you so much.”

I nod, glancing briefly at 2 Piece. He watches me the entire time, wearing a contemplative look. I know he must be questioning everything that just happened. I’ll find out soon if we’re going to have more fun or if he will pull away completely. It will fuckin’ hurt losing him, but I can only control myself so much when it comes to being with them both like this.

Pulling on my dark jeans, I tuck my shirt into the back of my pants so it hangs out like a shop towel. I slide my feet into my boots, grabbing Lily’s dog food. She has her own bowl in my room also, so I just need her and the food.

“You’re good?” I question Avery, peering over her worriedly. I don’t think I hurt her in any way, but I still want to make sure. I was hurt too much growing up. I would never want to hurt anyone I care about in any way, ever.

“Yes, we’re great, Ares.” She beams a bright smile, and I grin even bigger at her. She’s so fuckin’ beautiful.

“Cool, then we’re out. Later.” I grab Lily’s kennel, stuffing the dog food under the same arm and leave their room. The good-bye part is definitely always the weirdest.





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