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Pursuit: A Bad Boy Romance by Cristal Pierre (107)

Chapter 9.


Edwynn woke to the sound of a fire crackling and a soft mattress beneath her aching back. When her eyes adjusted to her surroundings Edwynn saw that she was no longer in the forest but back in her bed chamber, protected by the four walls of her kingdom. Forcing herself to sit up, she winced from the pain that she still felt, her eyes squinting through the dimly lit room trying to find the man who had saved her. Her mouth was dry and her throat sore. When she looked down at herself she found that she was clad in only her white shift and bodice, her dress removed. Edwynn gasped and drew her legs up in a protective manner around herself, unsure at what had happened. Then she saw him watching over her, bear chested, his mane of golden hair hung sweaty and sticky to alabaster skin.


She could not help but admire him. There was something about the man that Edwynn could not place her finger on. The man did not speak, only observed her reaction. “Where is my dress?” It was a feeble question, that she knew but words had failed her for she knew not what to say. Studying the young lord carefully, Edwynn saw his golden eyes glow with strong curiosity.


“There was not much left of your dress.” Was all he answered. He knelt down next her then and it was only then that Edwynn saw the small wooden cup within his hands. “For the pain.” Edwynn's mind raced as to why he was helping her. The last time they had met their goodbye's had been far from sweet. Not wanting to ignite the rage within him for a second time, Edwynn accepted the cup and drank deep from it. A sickly sweet liquid coated her throat and almost made her gag. The golden haired prince did not take his eyes off her. “Why are you helping me?” Edwynn finally questioned him, placing the wooden cup down beside the bed. “Our last encounter was not so sweet my lord. You could have left me there to rot.” A dark smirk graced the lips of the noble man then. He laughed a deep laugh before he answered the raven haired girl.


“ Indeed I could have my lady but I did not. It is true you are stubborn yet there is more to you than just being a woman of power. I thought you but a woman of arrogance when first I saw you, but the n I saw how you treated the people of your kingdom. To command the people of this town is a power that this kingdom lacks. The rule is weak.”


“My father is a sick man.” Edwynn answered almost defiantly. “He is frail and will not withstand another year. When my father dies, his rule will pass on to my mother. The queen.”


It was then that the princes bear chest caught her attention. Carved into his skin were three deep claw marks. Edwynn's heart jumped out of her chest and unknowingly, she raised her hand to touch his wounds. “Did the beast do this?” She whispered, not taking her eyes away from his wound. Edwynn could feel the eyes of the prince boring into her skull but she refused to look up. It was then that the bloody wound upon his body began to do something that Edwynn had not anticipated. At first she thought that she was seeing things, so impossible did it seem. The wound upon the young lords body began to heal in front of her very own eyes and everything seemed to make sense.


Edwynn recoiled from the wound but the prince grabbed at her hand and forced her to touch the wound as it healed beneath her fingers. “Feel it,” The prince said to her. “For it is real. It is no dream Edwynn. What you are seeing here is real.”


“It cannot be.” The raven haired girl whispered exasperatedly. “You, you cannot be.” Not releasing his grip from off of her hand, Lord Morris pressed himself closer into the shaking young woman. “But I am.” He purred into her ear. “I am prince of the skin changers Lady Edwynn.” As he spoke the words the words made sense. The dark haired black smith, the black wolf, the attack, it all made sense to her now. “But your kind was extinct.” Edwynn whispered. “The history of our land,”


“Is wrong.” The prince finished. “We have been living among you for centuries.” Suddenly Edwynn remembered a story that her brother had told her as a child. The story of two brothers, one born from darkness and the other born from light. They were the princes to Wearhalla, the rightful heirs. Before mortals took over the kingdom of skin changers, Wearhalla had been a place where all kinds could live free. After the death of the brothers' father and betrayal by the one with golden hair, both swore to kill the other for power. Edwynn's mind raced as he thought of the blacksmith. “He is your brother?” She whispered. “That' why you both almost killed the other.” Lord Morris laughed at her perception. “Your a clever woman Edwynn. All this time you have been lying in the arms of my brother and he is the evil one. His ability to change his skin forces him to forget his humanity. He transforms into a wolf. A true wolf. One that knows no mercy. He is a dangerous man.”


“I..I loved him.” Edwynn whispered to the skin changer who knelt in front of her. She dropped her head so that she did not have to look into the beings eyes, yet she felt his hand raise her chin. “Even though he tried to kill you?” He told her. “I have control over my ability my lady, one thing my brother does not. He is a savage and has killed many during his episodes. I am surprised he hasn't killed you yet.”


“He does not know what he does.” Edwynn defended the black smith weakly. “He is blinded by rage.”


“By jealously.” The prince corrected her. A sickness rose within the young woman then.


“Thank you.” Edwynn whispered weakly through hot tears that fell from her eyes. For the first time when Edwynn spoke to the prince, her words were sincere. “I may have misjudged you.” For a moment the golden haired skin changer said nothing. With his finger he brushed Edwynn's lip tenderly. Edwynn looked into his eyes and nuzzled her face into his hand.


It was then that he took her. Desperate and commanding, the golden haired prince consumed Edwynn's lips and forced her to submit to his touch. At first the raven haired girl was afraid but then something stirred inside of her where she felt the need for him. Like the animal that he was, he pushed Edwynn down onto the bed, her shift being torn from her body as she ran his big, strong hands over her bareness. When he cupped her breasts Edwynn groaned beneath him and pushed herself further into his touch. She found herself clawing at his breeches.


Forcing herself to sit back up, her lips still locked on his, Edwynn forced the prince to sit, she now taking control and ripped his belt from out of breeches and forced him to lie flat on his back. In an instant his hardness sprang free, big and thick, begging to be relieved. Without her consent, the strong arms of the prince forced Edwynn to impale herself on his hard cock and she obeyed without hesitation. The feel of him inside of her as she rode him to his climax felt good. With his strong hands wrapped firmly around her waste goading her to ride him faster, Edwynn's nails dug into his broad shoulders as she rode him beyond any speed that she had rode a man before. It was then that she felt his hot seed  explode inside of her without any warning. Edwynn screamed in ecstasy as she rode through her orgasm, body shaking from pleasure and excitement.


Panting hard and rolling off the man that she had so despised only a month before, Edwynn curled up into his arms. The golden haired prince stared up at the ceiling of her bed chamber while spoke. “I told you would be mine.” He teased as he looked down at his wife to be, but Edwynn did not hear, for she was already asleep.

