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Pursuit: A Bad Boy Romance by Cristal Pierre (88)

Rescued By The Alpha

Chapter 1

Lindsey Wells sat at the reception desk of the small veterinary clinic where she worked in downtown Phoenix. She had taken the job as a last resort. Her best friend and co-worker, Amy, had advised her against it when she applied three months ago.

you up,” Molly said to her one night over dinner, “Dr. Beyer is more than just a pervert. He’s a creepy pervert. You’ll see what I mean.”

Lindsey had rolled her eyes at her friend, “he can’t be that bad if my mother gave him my resume right? She wouldn’t let me work for a sick man.”

Molly raised her eyebrow at Lindsey; your mother gave Mrs. Beyer that resume, and you saw how well she turned out.”

It was true, Lindsey had been hired on because the late Mrs. Beyer had met an untimely death. According to the police report, as she had committed suicide. Not everyone believed that to be the truth, though. It didn’t matter, Lindsey had taken the job despite her friends warning and now she sat watching the clock and praying the doctor would leave early. She had already learned that her chances of being cornered were far more likely when the shop was closed.

As the exam room door opened and the doctor walked out with his last client of the day, Lindsey jumped to attention.

“Don’t worry Mrs. Potts, Dandelion will be okay,” said the veterinarian.

Lindsey smiled at the pair as they passed her desk, “how did it go Mrs. Potts?” she asked the elderly woman.

The woman was carrying a very large and angry looking cat. Dandelion was a little too well fed and as a result, he had a multitude of health problems.

“Oh he’s just a little bit too round, looks like I’m going to have to cut back on the cat treats, how are you doing honey? It’s a shame about your father,” said Mrs. Potts.

Lindsey smiled at the woman, “I’m doing fine. Still trying to get the old farmhouse fixed up.”

Mrs. Potts, bless her soul still thought that Lindsey was devastated by the death of her father. In truth, he had been a bastard of a man. Her parents divorced when she was young, and her father never wanted anything to do with her. When she got the phone call from his attorney four months ago that he had died and left her the house, she was shocked. The house was an old farmhouse outside of town. It was secluded and backed up next to the state forest.

The woman smiled as she signed the bill and said her goodbyes. Lindsey followed her to the door and locked it behind her, turning the ‘open’ sign to close. She let out an unconscious sigh of relief. The workday was done, and she had the whole weekend to look forward to in the country.

Lindsey felt the doctor behind her before she saw or heard him. She always knew when he was close by or watching her. It made her hair stand on end, and her gut would start to turn. Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, Lindsey told herself she needed this job then turned around. He was only a few feet away from her.

“Doctor! You scared me there for a second,” she said as she tried to step around him.

Cutting off her escape route, he smiled and replied, “so Lindsey, do you have any plans for this weekend?’

She glared at him, “yes. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’d like to close up.”

“What kind of plans?” He asked, ignoring her request.

She gave in, rolling her eyes she replied, “I have work to do on my house. So I plan on spending the weekend there.”

Dr. Beyer smiled and licked his lips before he asked, “alone?”

The question scared her as she stepped away from him and answered, “well no. My cousin is coming up for the weekend. He’s an ex-football player and offered to help with the heavy lifting.”

It was a lie; she had no cousin. As far as she knew, her father’s family didn’t give two damns about her, and her mother didn’t have any siblings.

Dr. Beyer looked at her again, “well, isn’t that a shame. I…I mean, we, could have had a very satisfying time.” He looked at her body again very slowly, resting his beady eyes on her chest.

Before Lindsey could give any type of horrified response, the office phone rang, and she all but ran to answer it.

“Dr. Beyer’s office, this is Lindsey. How can I help you today?” she asked in her friendliest voice.

“Hey it’s me,” said the familiar voice of Amy, “I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I know he’s been after you a lot lately.”

“Hi John, you’re at my house?” Said Lindsey into the received, the doctor was watching her the whole time.

“Is he being a creep again? What an asshole.” Replied Amy, she was use to the games.

“Sure John, I’ll meet you at Ginny’s in thirty minutes. I promise I won’t be late if I am,” she said as she looked Dr. Beyer in the eyes, “then come looking for me.”

Amy had already hung up the phone; Ginny’s was a pub less than a block from the office. Lindsey knew it would only take her about five minutes to finish closing up the office, but if she drug her feet, she could stay another twenty-five. The veterinarian wouldn’t try anything if he thought someone was going to come looking for her in just a few short minutes. He glared at her before taking off his white coat and laying it on the counter.

“Well, I can see your already all booked up for the night,” he said with jealousy, “no reason for me to stick around then.”

With that, the doctor stormed to the front door and let himself out. When he was gone, she locked the door behind him and breathed a sigh of relief. She quickly went back to the desk to finish her work, as she did, she called Amy back and left her a message. It had been a long and trying day. All she wanted to do was go home and have a glass of wine, or two. Lindsey finished her paperwork and grabbed her purse.

As she unlocked the door, she glanced out the door like she always did. It was a precaution built up after years of living on her own. Lindsey froze, she saw some movement lurking around the corner by the dumpsters. She watched for a long time before the eyes disappeared. It must have been a stray dog. Hopefully, he would still be around on Monday, and she could talk the doctor into taking on a charity case. Otherwise, she would end up doing what she had done time and time again, foot the bill herself.

In the few short months that she had owned her father’s property, she had acquired more stray mouths to feed than she had ever wanted. It had all started with a cat. The Captain had been hit by a car when someone brought him in. Emaciated and covered in fleas, Dr. Beyer wanted to euthanize him, but something in his eyes made Lindsey stand up to her boss. The Captain had made a full recovery, Lindsey had footed the bill, and now he was waiting for her in the window of the farmhouse for her to come home.

She stepped out the door and locked it behind her. As she walked to her car, she felt a familiar and unwelcome feeling. Someone was watching her. Lindsey picked up her pace; she could hear someone behind her, and they were closing the gap.