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Pursuit: A Bad Boy Romance by Cristal Pierre (135)

Chapter 7



Linda refused to look at me. I could tell she was finally coming to terms with the error of her ways. Great. This was exactly what I needed. I grinned, taking her hand into mine and pulling her out of the garage. “Thanks, Liv. Means a lot.” I waved at her and she nodded, immediately getting underneath the motorcycle she was working on.


“I didn’t know…” Linda trailed off, looking away. I squeezed her hand, the smirk on my face deepening. I knew I’d be able to convince her.


“I told you I wasn’t the big bad wolf.”


“I never said you were.”


“But you were thinking it. There’s no point lying to me. I could tell by the way you were looking at me. You thought I was a criminal.”


“I still do.”


“Do you?” I stopped her in the middle of the hallway, pushing her into the wall, our bodies pressing together. I could feel her chest shudder against mine. Her bright blue eyes were beautiful. “Do you really believe I’d kill a man?”


“I… I don’t know.” She bit her bottom lip.


“You should be careful doing that.”


“What?” She stopped, looking even more frightened.


“Biting your lip like that… you might just tempt me to kiss you.” I got closer, our lips mere inches apart. “Hell, you’ve been tempting me for a while now. You’re just lucky I’m a gentleman.”


Her lips moved as if she was about to say something before she suddenly pushed me away. “Don’t be ridiculous. I’d never kiss you.”


“I didn’t say you would.” I leaned against the wall, my hands in my pockets. “How do you like my jacket, by the way?”


It was only then that she realized she was still wearing my leather jacket. Her cheeks turned a soft shade of pink that made her look even cuter. I didn’t think it was possible. Throughout my body, I could feel my desire for her to grow. Blood kept rushing from my head, down to my groin. I repositioned myself, glad for the dimness of the hallway.


“Can you just bring me home? I get it. There’s more to this case than I originally thought. I’ll look into it again.”


“That’s not enough. I want to make sure you believe me.” I moved closer, placing my hand on her cheek. “I want you to be able to look into my eyes and know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that I’m not a murderer,” I whispered, pulling her closer. “Until you stop pushing me away.”


“Well, you might have to wait a long time for that.” She responded, maintaining her stubbornness.


“I have all the time in the world.”


“Not if the cops find out you kidnapped me.”


“Aren’t you on vacation?”




“Then people wouldn’t start looking for you for a while… and if I really am a murderer that gives me plenty of time to hide your body.” I smirked at her, seeing fear flash across her eyes. I grabbed her shoulders, pulling her close. “You really think I killed that guy, don’t you?”




I shrugged. “It doesn’t matter. You’ll come around eventually. If not one way, then another. Anyway… there’s something else I want you to see.” Her body was tense against mine, but as I placed my hand on the small of her back, she started to follow me.


“Where are we going?” She asked me. We were back in the main part of the warehouse. The poker game had dissipated and the atmosphere had relaxed a bit.


“You’ll see.” I guided her toward the back, opening a door with one of my keys. “I live here. No one else has access to this part of the warehouse.” I explained, ushering her inside. The lights turned on automatically, illuminating a studio style apartment.


“Wow… This is impressive…” She did a 360, taking everything in.


“I bet you didn’t expect this from a criminal, huh?” My apartment was modestly decorated, but it definitely held an aesthetic appeal. Everything was neatly in its place. There were throw pillows on my couch. Books were stacked meticulously on a series of bookshelves pushed against the wall.


“You’ve read Homer?”


“Believe it or not, I finished high school. I even went to Everest College but ended up dropping out in my second year. I was studying classical history.”


“What? Really? That was my minor…”


She walked up to the bookshelf and took down one of my more valuable tomes. “Supposedly, that one was written by Julius Caesar himself. I haven’t gotten around to having it authenticated yet.”


“What? You’re kidding. It has to be a fake. Do you know how much something like this would cost if it was real?”


I shrugged. “It doesn’t matter. I’m not after money.”


“So… what is it that you’re after?”


“Just like everyone else, all I want is to be happy.” I took the book from her hand, our fingertips brushing together. The world seemed to stop for a moment and it felt like I had been struck by lightning. My pulse raced and I suddenly looked away, shocked by the feeling. I placed the book back on the shelf. “C’mon. I didn’t bring you here to show you my collection of books.” I grabbed her hand, but this time, nothing spectacular happened.


We climbed another set of stairs to my bedroom. I watched her eye my large, king-sized bed. “You know… if you’d like, we could test it out.”


“In your dreams.”


“Some have called me a dreamer.” I pulled her toward a set of dark curtains. I tied them to the side, exposing a large window. The chilly air rolled into the room as I opened it, sticking my head outside. The night was perfect. Back inside the room, the wind played with Linda’s curly blonde hair. Her scent permeated my world and I had to take a deep breath. Why was I suddenly so affected by this woman? I shook my head slightly, hoping to clear the cobwebs.


“What are you doing?” She asked when I jumped out the window and onto the fire escape.


“C’mon. Stop asking so many questions and just trust me for once.” I held out my hand, wondering if she would take it. She bit her lip, which just drove me insane. It was getting harder and harder to control myself, but I had to let her make the first move.


She took her time, but eventually, she placed her hand in mine, using it as a support to jump out the window. She looked down and noticed that the surface we stood on was perforated. “We’re so high up…”


“Are you afraid of heights?”


“No one has a fear of heights. It’s a fear of falling.”


“Unless you suffer from acrophobia.” I pointed out.


“Are you always this much of a smartass?” She asked, pushing away from me but the second she did, she lost her balance, tottering dangerously close to the edge.


“Careful.” I grabbed her arm, pulling her to my body, pinning her there. My arms wrapped around her tight as if I would never let her go. The thought of her getting hurt sparked a feeling of concern deep inside my chest, almost like an instinct I couldn’t quite pinpoint.




“It’s okay. Just don’t push me away again. Even though you don’t want to admit it, you’re in my world now. You depend on me.”


She didn’t say anything. I sighed, squeezing her against me for a moment before easing my grip and taking her hand once more. “C’mon let’s get on the roof.” She remained silent even as we climbed the ladder. On the roof, I noticed her fingers were shaking. Carefully, I came up behind her, covering her eyes with my hands.


“What are you –”


“Shh, I won’t let anything happen to you. I promise.” I whispered in her ear. My lips were so close to her neck that I was tempted to kiss her, just to see how she would react, but I managed to restrain myself. I wasn’t going to do anything that she didn’t want me to do. I just wasn’t that kind of man.


Together, we moved toward the edge of the roof, where there was a small wall that kept people from falling off. “Okay.” I let go of her and stepped back. She gasped the second she saw the skyline. We were on the outskirts of the city so it was quiet. Occasionally, there was a car that passed by on the street, but for the most part, the warehouse was serene.


“This is beautiful…” She placed her hands on the wall and leaned forward, her body bent slightly. My eyes rested on her ass and again, I felt lightheaded as if all the blood from my head had rushed down to my cock. This woman was intoxicating. She was going to drive me crazy, I was sure of it.


“Not as beautiful as you…” I wrapped my arm around her, pulling her close.


“You’re just saying that.”


“I think I’ve already proven that I’m not a liar.” I sat down on the wall, my hands around my knee. “But if you want to keep believing that, go right ahead.”


“Why did you want to show me this?”


“To show you that I’m a human being. I have the feeling that you think that I’m just a biker who is supposed to act a certain way. But I’m not some stereotype, babe.” Her eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. I sighed. “I come up here when I’m having a tough day… or if I’m just lonely. I’ve had days where everything seems to be against me. I come out here to get some fresh air and clear my mind. To enjoy the view. I don’t go out and kill people.”


“Okay… so you’re telling me that you’re some sensitive guy?”


“Now, now. Let’s not take it that far. I wouldn’t want you to tarnish my reputation. There’s a reason why no one has access to my apartment. Wouldn’t want them to find out that I’m a bookworm.”


“Why not?” She questioned, getting closer. She was right in front of me, her hip touching my outstretched leg. I wanted to grab her right then and there. To kiss her lips and take her breath away.


“I’m the leader of the Blackbirds! You saw all those people downstairs. They depend on someone they can trust, but also someone they believe is strong. Books and strength don’t usually go together.”


She just looked at me, her eyes changing for a split second. Something seemed to click inside of her. “Who are you really?”




“Why are you are a biker if you dream of being a historian?”


“Life just had different plans for me, I suppose.” I shrugged. “When I dropped out of college, it was because I found myself in some trouble. I started to experiment with drugs and alcohol. Can’t say it was the best time of my life. But the Blackbirds took me in and helped me clean up my act.”


“You mean a motorcycle gang helped you get sober?


“Shocking, isn’t it?” I chuckled, running my fingers through my hair. “But like I said, we’re more than meets the eye.”


Our conversation died down and the wind whipped around us, playing with Linda’s hair, somehow making her even more beautiful. She pinned a strand behind her ear and looked at me, batting her eyelashes ever so slightly. My fingers clenched, mesmerized by her beauty. Not only was this woman gorgeous, but amazingly smart as well.


“Kyle…?” She whispered, her voice like a melody in my head.




“Did you kill Ross?”


“No.” She seemed to be staring into my eyes, looking for the real answer. Our faces moved closer, the darkness of the night making it difficult to see. Our lips were mere inches apart. She leaned in even further until our lips collided together and I felt fireworks exploding inside of my chest.


The kiss was a bit awkward at first. Neither one of us moved very much. My hands fell to her hips, pulling her between my legs. The feeling of her body next to mine was enough to get me going. I squeezed her flesh between my fingers, kissing her a little harder.


She parted her lips for me and my tongue slid inside of her mouth with ease, finding hers. They tangled together and I swear, I have never tasted something so sweet in my entire life. My hand crept under her shirt, finding the clasp of her bra. With a measured flick of my wrist, I snapped it off. She gasped, pulling away, breaking one of the best kisses I have ever experienced.


“Why did you do that?” She asked, holding her breasts to keep her bra from falling. I grinned at her and pushed her into the small structure that held the main breaker for the building. She gasped, looking at me with wide eyes.


“Don’t lie, Linda. I can tell that deep down, you want me. You’ve just been holding back, but you know I’m not as bad as everyone says I am. You’re starting to realize that and you’re afraid that you might actually like me. That’s why you kissed me.” I smirked at her, my eyes sparkling with mischief as our foreheads touched. “Just admit it. That way, it’ll be easier for both of us.”


To my surprise, she placed her hands on my shirt and pulled me close, kissing me once again, only this time, with a newfound passion. I sucked on her bottom lip, grabbing her ass and squeezing it hard before I hoisted her into my arms, draping her legs around my waist. Her ankles locked behind me as her fingers tangled in my hair. I was becoming addicted to her, slamming her into the wall and intensifying the kiss until we were both breathless. My heart was pounding and I could feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins. I had to have this woman. I had to have her now.


“Kyle…” She tried to mumble, but I just kissed her even harder, silencing her as I started down the fire escape, eager to get her in my bed. It was a little awkward maneuvering through the window, but I managed. “What are you…” I tossed her on the bed before she could even finish her question.


I was already taking off my shirt and unbuttoning my pants when she looked up at me, her eyes like glowing sapphires. She was as still as a statue. “What is it? Like what you see?” I grinned at her, running my fingers down my body. I wasn’t one to boast, but I had a decent body. Hours at the gym will do that to a guy. Her eyes lingered on my washboard abs and then naughtily followed my fingers to the waistband of my jeans where she could just about make out the V that pointed toward my crotch. I approached her, wondering what she was thinking about. Did she want me as much as I wanted her? “Maybe you want to help me.” 


I pushed her down onto the mattress and straddled her. Her chest shivered as she took a deep breath. I grinned, pulling off her shirt, exposing her bra. It was hanging on by the straps, but just barely. As our eyes locked, I leaned down and grabbed it with my teeth. With a flick of my head, I tossed it away, seeing it drape over my lamp, nearly knocking it over. “Now, what do we have here…” I asked as I started to fondle her breasts, kneading them with my fingers, taking my time to work her up. “These nipples are mighty hard for someone who’s not into me, wouldn’t you say?” I teased her, leaning down. I blew on her nipples ever so gently, watching as goosebumps decorated her skin. She was holding her breath, waiting for me to make a move.


Suddenly, my tongue darted out, wrapping around her left nipple. She moaned out almost instantly as I flicked it back and forth, getting it even harder. Inside of my pants, my cock was dying for freedom, but right now, all that mattered was making her feel good.


My other hand roamed down her naked belly, finding her pants. I struggled to unbutton them with one hand, but I managed, finding her soaked panties underneath. I grinned to myself before I moved to her right nipple, sucking on it, taking my time, knowing I was slowly driving her insane. Underneath, I could already feel her body withering with pleasure and the night had only just begun.


I rubbed her panties, pressing them against her already engorged clit. The sensation must have driven her wild because she was bucking her hips into the air, begging for more. “Kyle… please…”


“What is it, baby girl? Do you want me?” She answered by taking the reins. She was on top of me now, her amazing breasts hovering just above my face. Before I could wrap my lips around one of them, she yanked my pants down, freeing my cock. Her hand wrapped around it tightly, stroking up and down. I groaned in pleasure, pushing my hips into the air. Her hands were so soft and so small…


“Linda…” I growled, pulling her toward me until we were both sitting down. She was on my lap, my cock pressing against her thigh. I tore through her lace panties, pulling her pants down just enough to push myself inside of her. With one quick thrust, I was balls-deep, but man was it a tight fit. I struggled to keep my cool as her fingers dug into my arm, feeling my cock fill every inch of her.


We didn’t say a word as our bodies locked together like two puzzle pieces. I tilted my head down, licking, kissing, and sucking her tits as they bounced in my face. With my hands on her hips, I guided her up and down my throbbing cock, knowing I wouldn’t last very long. This woman was just too good to be true. Her pussy felt like it was milking me for every drop of cum I had. I had never felt anything like it.


Her moans were driving me insane and all I could do was pound her harder and harder. As I started to play with her clit, she started to scream, losing her mind in the heat of the moment. Her thighs quivered around me and I knew she was getting close.


I pushed her down onto the mattress, going for a missionary position so I could see her beautiful face as I continued to stretch her out, going as deep as I could with every thrust. My balls slapped against her ass, turning it a rosy pink. Her moans got louder and louder and I had no doubt that the rest of the gang could hear what was going on, but I didn’t care. All that mattered was how good this felt. I never wanted it to end.


Our lips gravitated together like magnets. She kissed me as if desperate for my love. I gave her just that, thrusting my tongue into her mouth and letting it dance around with hers. Her pussy seemed to get tighter and tighter and I could tell she was on the edge of climax. “Cum for me, baby…” I whispered in her ear, easing the pace, wondering how she would react.


She wrapped her legs around me, locking them tight. I knew she wouldn’t let go anytime soon. Her nails ran up and down my back, leaving angry red lines on my skin. She was turning me on more than anything else in the world, her hips gyrating against mine. “You want it, don’t you…?” I asked, kissing her neck, teasing her even further.


“So bad…” Her nails dug into my skin. “You feel so good…” She moaned, arching her back. Her toes curled. With my hands sneaking under her body, I grabbed her ass, squeezing it tight and hoisting her into the air ever so slightly for a bit more leverage. I tore into her, watching as her tits bounced. I was struggling to keep back my orgasm. It felt like my balls would explode at any second. She was just too sexy… I couldn’t help it.


Her thighs started to quiver as her pussy tightened. She screamed my name, her eyes rolling back into her head as she climaxed hard, getting her juices all over my cock. It was too much for me to handle. With one last thrust, I lost all control, pulling out just in time to explode all over her chest. Seconds later, I collapsed beside her, pulling her close. I nuzzled into her neck, kissing her ever so slightly. Damn, she was good.





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