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Pursuit: A Bad Boy Romance by Cristal Pierre (31)

Chapter 2


“Have I told you that you look beautiful tonight?” Adam whispers against Lexi’s ear. His warm breath sends a tingle down her spine. “I’m so tempted right now to push you against the wall and fu-”


“Adam!” says a voice a short distance away, and just like that, the moment is ruined and Lexi finds herself twisting her fingers in an attempt to distract herself from the heat building up in her groin. “Long time no see!”


“Mel!” Adam gives the tall, slender woman a kiss on both cheeks. “This is Lexi, my girlfriend. Lexi, meet Mel, a college friend.”


“Nice to meet you, Lexi,” says the brunette, her jade eyes smiling. “It’s great to know someone’s managed to get Adam here on the commitment train.”


Lexi can’t help but stare at Mel. She’s another level of gorgeous what with the combination of her dark hair and translucent green orbs; she also exudes class and sophistication all-around, from her attire and accessories to the way she moves. Her floral printed skirt ends a couple of inches below her knees, and she’s paired it up with a white bateau sleeveless top. The nude, satin heels are an elegant touch to top off the outfit, and Lexi suddenly feels she’s underdressed at the luncheon.


The babydoll cocktail dress definitely fits Lexi’s petite frame. Adam’s complemented her on her look, and she knows her boyfriend always tells the truth. It’s just that beautiful and class are two very different things. She may fit the former, but the latter? Does she have class?


She knows the answer to that, and she suddenly feels her heart plunge to her stomach. She looks around and eyes the women talking about haute couture and high tea; she hears the men talking about the newest mergers and acquisitions and the fluctuations of the stock market; she sees the children tasting the appetizers and pronouncing them in perfect French. Lexi knows she doesn’t fit, not in this luncheon and most especially not in this echelon of society.


“Hey babe, you alright?” She feels Adam place a hand on the small of her back, and that breaks her train of thought. “Mel asked if you wanted to get some food. I have to talk with a few people for a minute.”


“Sure,” Lexi then says, and Adam gives her a quick kiss on the lips before he saunters off to a group of businessmen in quiet conversation at one corner of the room.


When Adam first invited her to the luncheon, she didn’t know what to expect. Being here now, she knows it’s much different from the galas and conferences Adam’s brought her to for work and for pleasure. There’s no red carpet, no flashing lights of the paparazzi, and no set program to while the time away. The last one gets her the most. It scares her to speak to a stranger, a stranger who’s been raised in a different world that she’s been. What can she talk about?


“Hi, earth to Lexi,” Mel says with a laugh, waving a hand in front of Lexi’s face. “Are you alright? You’ve been zoning out. I’m sorry if my company bores you…”


“Oh, no! I’m so sorry,” Lexi quickly apologizes, feeling embarrassed all of a sudden. “I was just thinking of something…”


“I was just kidding.” Mel’s chuckling, so Lexi takes that as a good sign. “I just asked if you already had your top five shows to watch for Fashion Week. I’m so excited!”


Lexi breathes out a sigh. This, she can talk about. Fashion is part of her job, being that she’s an employee of The Sinclair Group of Companies. The corporation, which Adam founded, owns and manages a select group of luxury fashion brands.  And so she slips into easy conversation with Mel, who’s able to enumerate her top picks easily.


“Yes, we have to watch that together!” Mel then says, when Lexi mentions a brand best known for its high-end casual wear. “I’m sure Adam can score you tickets, but I’ll give you one, so we can sit together!”


It isn’t long before an hour passes, and Lexi’s sad at having her conversation with Mel cut short. Adam’s back at her side, and Mel has to leave to say ‘hi’ to a number of other friends. The two women exchange numbers and hug before Mel leaves.


“So are you two best friends now?” Adam teases, as he casually rests his arm on Lexi’s shoulders. “You two looked inseparable from where I was standing.”


“She’s so friendly and so beautiful and so sophisticated, Adam…” Lexi gushes.


“That’s Mel for you.” Adam then sends a small smirk her way. “I’m getting jealous of all the compliments you’re giving her…”


She just laughs at that before she lets Adam steer her away to their table. The rest of the luncheon is uneventful. When she isn’t standing by Adam’s side and listening to the men talk about economic forecasts and technical jargon, she’s trying to strike conversation with the other people in the room. She’s met a number already who have promised to invite her to other similar events.


Of course, there are a rare few who don’t want anything to do with her. She can sense their judgmental glances from the other end of the room. She knows what they’re thinking. Why is he with her? Lexi just tries to push that kind of negativity to the back of her head.


“Ready to go?” Adam whispers as he sidles up to her.


“More than ever.”