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Pursuit: A Bad Boy Romance by Cristal Pierre (38)

Chapter 10


“I’m always powerless against you,” Lexi says, as she puts her hands at the small of her back. She lets out a chuckle, her eyes looking playfully at Adam.


Adam shakes his head and matches her chuckle with a small grin on his face. He walks closer to her and comes to a kneel as Lexi looks straight at him. There’s amusement dancing in her eyes; she’s excited. With Adam, she’s always learning something new.


“Do you trust me?” Adam asks, a hint of mischief in his voice. He takes in Lexi’s naked body – the grin on her lips, the swell of her breasts, and even the smooth and tender expanse of her hairless pussy. She’s on her knees, but there’s nothing helpless or begging about her state.


“I said ‘yes’ to this, didn’t I?” is her answer, and that’s more than enough for Adam. “I’m all yours.” And his heart swells at those three words.


Slowly, Adam stands up and walks around her, and Lexi can feel the sounds of metal clinking against each other. Click. She hears the sound of a lock turning. He’s bound her hands, and now she feels the cool metal of the handcuffs around her wrists. From behind her, Adam ties a blindfold over her eyes. He tugs the band tighter and makes sure the eye mask won’t fall off.


Lexi’s breathing starts to become uneven. Now, she can’t see and move, and Adam can do whatever he pleases. She knows he’s been looking forward this – Lexi surrendering herself to him and giving up all sense of control even just for the night. He feels his throbbing erection underneath his boxers, and the anticipation of tonight excites him.


He places a hard kiss on her lips and soon after, she starts to respond. Lexi feels a little weird at not being able to cup his face or run her fingers through his dark hair. She wants to fill the expanse of his torso and wrap her arms around his neck and his waist. She even wants to give Adam’s butt cheek a little squeeze. But she can’t, not when she’s handcuffed.


“Oh!” she squeals, when she feels Adam’s lips suck her nipples. She doesn’t expect that. She doesn’t know what to expect since she can’t see. She can’t read his eyes and prepare herself for whatever Adam has in store. For tonight, she’s all his, and there’s no way she can complain. Not that she ever plans to anyway.


“You like that?” he says, as she feels him press a finger then two against the lips of her pussy.


She nods her head and breaths out a soft “Yes.”


Slowly, Adam guides Lexi’s back onto the cool tiled floor. She arches up a bit so her back doesn’t crush her arms, and the sight puts a grin on Adam’s face as her hips are thrust towards the ceiling. Slowly, he pushes two fingers inside her, push and pull and push and pull. She writhes before him as she bites her bottom lip at the pleasure. She can’t see anything, but she can feel everything. She feels his fingers move in and out inside her and his large hand cupping and squeezing her breasts.


“Yes, baby…” she moans, thrusting her hips with every push and pull of his fingers. “Baby, fuck me…now…”


Slowly, she feels Adam’s arm wrap around the small of her back, just right above her ass. With his arm supporting her, Lexi’s ass is completely off the floor and he has full access to her pussy. Lexi starts to open her mouth into an ‘oh’ when she feels Adam’s dick start to push in and out of her. His thrusts start slow and steady until he starts to pick a faster, more frantic space. Lexi bites her lip and tries to muffle her moans, but the attempt’s futile.


“Yes, baby, yes…” Adam breathes as he pushes his dick deeper inside. “Yes…” he growls when he feels her vaginal muscles tighten around his shaft. He can’t describe the pleasure. The contrasting feel of her tender and moist pussy, coupled with her clenched interior muscles, is out of this world.


“Fuck…” she whispers, and Adam can see beads of sweat pool on her forehead.


Lexi feels his dick twitch insider her, and soon enough, his cum floods her pussy. She feels his dick twitch a couple times more as his liquid continues to spurt out. He leaves a trail of kisses on her face and until the soft mounds of her breasts. Then, Adam carefully pulls out and helps her sit up. Another sound of metal clinking, and Lexi feels her wrists are free from the handcuffs. She takes the blindfold off herself and is greeted by Adam kissing the senses out of her already swollen lips.


“Let’s do that again?” he asks, and there’s a teasing glint in his eyes.


“Definitely.” Lexi lets out a soft chuckle, and Adam knows he’ll never tire of her feminine voice. “I barely did anything. I don’t mind doing that all the time.”


“You lazy you…” Adam says with a shake of his head before he takes her hand and leads her to the bathroom. “Ready for another?”


Lexi widens her eyes into saucers as they both step inside the shower. He turns the water on, and they feel the tension in their muscles melting as warm water travels down the expanse of their bodies.


“Adam…” Lexi then says, admiring the sight of his physique by running her arms up and down his chest and his stomach. Firm and toned. “I can’t ride with you to the office tomorrow morning.”


“Oh, do you have a meeting?” he asks, as he starts squeezing soap out of the bottle and laddering the contents on Lexi’s skin. “Do you need the chauffeur?”


“Nah, commuting is fine,” she says, as she does the same and soaps Adam’s body. She even gives his dick a playful tug. “I don’t know when’s the right time to tell you…so…” Adam stops his movements and lets his hands fall to his side. “I’ll just say it now…I received a job offer, and I’ll be signing the contract tomorrow.”


With the way Adam furrows his eyebrows together and with way he clenches his jaw, Lexi realizes that no amount of great sex can prepare Adam for the news. She was hoping to just receive a smile and a ‘congratulations’ from him. And then they continue dating while working in different companies. Oh, how wrong she is.


“And you’re only telling me this now?” he asks, his tone dangerous. He turns the water off and wraps a towel around his waist before he steps out of the shower and paces back and forth in the bedroom.


Lexi follows suit, drying herself up and quickly putting on a nightgown. “I didn’t want to tell you until I was sure. I didn’t know if I would get the job or not.”


“You didn’t even bother asking for my opinion?”


Lexi heaves a heavy sigh, disliking where the conversation’s going. “I was scared of how you’d react.”


“You thought I wasn’t going to let you take the job?” Adam asks, and when Lexi stays silent, he then says, “Well, you’re damn right. But Lex, we’re in a relationship. We’re supposed to make decisions together.”


“But you just said you wouldn’t let me take the job,” she fires back, her tone careful, and Adam’s taken aback.


It’s the first time Lexi has answered back; it’s the first time she’s stood her ground, and Adam doesn’t know how and what to react. It’s always been Lexi giving him the cold shoulder or silent treatment. Never once did she retaliate in an argument. Adam isn’t prepared for that.


“Babe…” Adam runs a tensed hand through his espresso black mop. “Is it your pay? Your hours?” There’s a quick pause. “Your benefits?”


Lexi shakes her head stubbornly. “It’s my independence. I told you I wanted to find myself, to be my own person. That’s why I wanted a break.” The more she talks, the more Lexi gains confidence. There’s no whimpering in her tone; she’s talking clearly and assertively. “But you didn’t let me. That’s why I started applying for other jobs. I just want to know that I can still succeed without your network and your influence. I love that you spoil me…I can’t ask for anything more…but I also want to bring back my belief in myself…I lost it during our relationship…”


“So you really want to break up?” Adam then asks, and he can feel his heart plunge to his stomach. “I can’t change your mind?”


Lexi shakes her head and walks closer to him. She stands on her tiptoes and gives him a hard kiss on his lips. He responds eagerly before he pulls away.


“No, I don’t want to break up,” Lexi says, cupping his face in her hands, and Adam starts to feel hope swell in his chest. “I just want a little space…so I can learn how to walk beside you instead of in your shadows.”