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Rise in Arms: Book 4 in the Blood Brothers MC Series by J.A. Collard (23)


I know he’s watching me. I look up now and then and catch Kane staring over at us, and his gaze flicks away as soon as it catches mine. His friend seems to be doing the same thing, the one with tattoos on the sides of his head.

“So how long have you and Trigger known each other?” Luisa asks. Luisa is Hawke’s wife, and Jasmine’s best friend. She has twin girls, who are now playing with Jack in the playground.

This clubhouse is not what I thought it would be. I mean, I always thought a clubhouse would be full of bikers who smuggled stuff and were involved in illegal activity. Maybe they do, but they hide it well.

“Um… not long, a couple of days,” I say, smiling at her. She seems really nice, and her girls are adorable.

“You mean you hadn’t meet Trigger till now?”

“Nope.” I look distractedly over at the boys in the garage before turning my attention back to Luisa. “I mean, Hazel’s always spoken about him, but I’ve never actually met him.”

“So it’s true, then….”

“What?” I say, frowning.

“That it was love at first sight,” Luisa responds, her eyes softening and a smile forming on her face.

I laugh at that. “I don’t know who you’ve been talking to, but Kane doesn’t love me, and I sure as hell don’t love him.”

She raises her eyebrows and looks at Jasmine over her shoulder, who has Rose cradled to her chest in a pouch. “I thought you said they looked like teenagers in love?”

I narrow my eyes at Jasmine. “You said that?”

Jasmine gives Luisa an annoyed stare. “Lu! I told you that in confidence.”

“Oh come on, Jazz! You said they were so cute, and it was as if they didn’t want to say good night to each other.”

Jasmine’s face turns pink from her obvious embarrassment at being caught out. “I’m sorry, Charity. It was really cute, though. Did you see the way he kept looking at you when I took you to your room? He obviously wanted to follow you there.”

I wave a hand in front of me, not believing a word. “He was probably thinking, thank God she’s out of my hair.”

Jasmine and Luisa both laugh out loud. “Yep, I think she’s going to fit straight in,” Luisa says, then walks up and embraces me. “Welcome to the club.”

“Huh-hm.” A throat clears behind us and I turn to see who it is—it’s Kane, looking so goddamn hot. It’s just not right, him being so damn gorgeous and all. He looks over at Jasmine and a warm smile touches his lips. I look over at Jasmine, who has the same smile on her face. They must be close.

“Um… Charity…. Can I have a minute?” he mumbles out.

I cross my arms in front of me. “What for, Trigger? I have nothing to say to you.”

I turn away from his stare and see Luisa’s shocked face. “Um…. We’ll just leave you guys alone…. Jasmine, didn’t you want to show me the orders that have come through, for that wedding next week?”

Jasmine looks at her in confusion, then it must hit that Luisa’s trying to give us time alone, because her eyes widen. “Oh, yeah, sure. Come on, Jake, Mommy’s got a surprise for you.”

“You really don’t have to leave us,” I say, hoping like hell that they’ll stay. I really don’t want to be left alone with Trigger right now. And Hazel? Where the hell is she? She said she was going to call our professor at college, to let him know that she’ll be doing some online study for a while.

Luisa moves closer to me, and whispers in my ear, “Honey, if there’s any advice I can give you, just give in. They get their way anyway. When a brother wants you—he gets you.”

I stare at her, stunned. Does she really think I’ll just give in to Trigger just because he wants me? I don’t think so.

“Thanks for the advice, Luisa, but it seems you haven’t met a girl like me yet.”

“We’ll see. We’ll see,” she repeats, winking at me before turning and calling out to the twins. Followed by Jasmine, Rose, and Jake, she walks off toward the clubhouse, her girls catching up on the way.

I hesitantly look back at Trigger, who has a smirk on his face. “What’s so funny?” I’m still pissed that only minutes ago he was in bed with some whore, whose mouth was actually on his… his… penis.

He sighs then does the sexiest thing I have ever seen—rubs at his stubbled jaw with his large hand then runs his thumb over his bottom lip. A lip that I know from experience feels so damn soft and good. Charity, keep it together, girl. Those lips were just on another woman.

“Look, I’m sorry you had to see that,” he starts out. “Honey just doesn’t know how to take no for an answer.”

I laugh then, unable to hold it in. “Honey? Her name is Honey? Oh, Trigger, surely you can do better than that.”

He frowns, his eyes narrowing at me. “What do you mean, ‘better than that’?”

I narrow my eyes back at him. “You really think I would want anything to do with you after you being in bed with another woman, and one who goes by the name of Honey, for God’s sake?” I laugh again, but there’s no humor in it. “Make sure you haven’t caught an STD or something,” I add sarcastically, but then wince when he grips my wrist and drags me behind a wall of the garage. “What the hell…?”

I stop talking when he shoves me up against the wall and pushes his face into mine. “For your information, all the girls here are tested each month. I wouldn’t let any woman who hasn’t been tested anywhere near me or my cock. You got me, Charity?”

I don’t answer, just nod my head. Trigger being this close and mentioning his cock has me wet, and tingling all over. Ugh. How does this happen?

“Now that I have your attention,” he continues in a low, husky voice. “You need to hear me out.” I shake my head to disagree, but Trigger cups my chin, forcing my attention to stay on him. “You will hear me out, if you like it or not. Now, Honey took it upon herself to jump in my bed, I didn’t even know she was in my room—”

“It didn’t look—”

“I’m not finished!” he barks out, his look a mix of frustration and determination. I puff out a breath and nod for him to continue. “We didn’t fuck!”

“Ha!” I say, then, “probably because we interrupted—sorry about that by the way.”

“Fuck!” he grunts, as he lets go of my chin and kicks the wall with his boot.

With an even more determined look on his face, he places both hands on the wall either side of my face, and moves in close so we’re only a hairsbreadth away from each other. “I don’t want her, I want you.”

I drag in a deep breath and hold back a moan. His scent, the heat coming from his body, it’s making it difficult to remember why I need to push him away. Then it all comes back. “Yeah, well you should have thought about that before you let her put her mouth on your… your penis.”

Kane smirks, and I swear I see something that resembles amusement dancing in his eyes. Bastard. “You jealous?”

I widen my eyes at that. How dare he? “Jealous,” I sputter. “I’m not jealous. I don’t care who you sleep with.”

I turn to look away from him, hoping he won’t see the tears that are suddenly burning and threatening to fall.

His hand cups my cheek and forces me to look back up at him. “She doesn’t mean anything to me, baby, you’re the one I want. She’s just a whore who thinks she can fuck whoever she wants, and maybe there was a time that I didn’t give a fuck, as long as I got off—”

I go to open my mouth at that comment, but he stops me, placing a finger on my lips. “Let me finish. Before I met you, I didn’t care who I slept with—and yes, Honey was my regular. I’ve never wanted, or needed more, Char.”

I look at him closer, trying to gauge how sincere his words are. “I’m not right for you, Trigger. I can’t be like those women in there,” I finally say, because that’s what it comes down to. I’m not like that, could never be. Wouldn’t want to be, either.

“That’s the thing, I don’t want those women,” Kane says in response, pointing over to the clubhouse. “You’re different, Charity, and I like that. You’re pure and sweet and beautiful.” I blush at him calling me beautiful and lower my eyes, unable to meet the sheer rawness of his gaze any longer, with the turmoil it’s creating inside. “I want you, Charity. So much that my heart hurts,” he finishes on a whisper.

Don’t fall for it, Charity. He’ll say anything to get you in his bed. They’re all the same.

I shake my head, doubt creeping in. “You don’t mean that. You’ll say anything to get me in your bed.”

Narrowing his eyes, he responds, “Are you saying I’m lying? Tell me you don’t want me right now, and I’ll walk away and let you be.”

How can I say that, though? God, I want him so much I ache, but I can never tell him that. And how can I trust what he says?

With as brave a tone as I can muster, my gaze boring into his, I say, “I don’t want you, Kane.”

His face straightens, and he moves back. “I don’t believe you.”

I pull my shoulders back and look him in the eye. “Well, I can’t force you to believe me, but I’ll say it again—I don’t want you.”

And with those words still hanging in the air around us, his mouth is on mine in a kiss that has me gasping for air. Teeth bite down on my bottom lip and I gasp, allowing his tongue to seek out mine. His arms wrap around my back and his hands slide down to my butt and under my dress. Before I can think he’s lifting me up off the ground. I wrap my legs around his waist, and he widens his thighs, keeping me upright against the wall. Without any more words, I kiss him back, lost in the feel of his mouth and hands on me

His lips leave mine moments later, and travel down my neck as his hands pull my dress above my waist. “Oh God,” I moan, my hands moving under his T-shirt and running over his bare back. God, he feels so good. His muscles flex with each movement, and my hands turn greedy as they run over his back and chest frantically, trying to cover every hot inch of him.

He pulls down the top of my dress then, exposing a lace-covered breast. His hot mouth covers my nipple, still covered by my bra, and heat pools at my core when I feel him nipping and sucking urgently. I squirm and rub against his erect penis, still encased in his jeans, feeling like I’m going to explode at any moment. He continues to suck on my nipple as one of his hands sinks into my panties. His fingers slide along my slit, and when they make contact with my swollen bud I cry out. “That’s my girl, don’t hold back,” he whispers hotly into my ear. “Tell me you like my hands on you, on your pussy.”

I run my hands through his hair as he kisses me again, and his tongue rotates with mine, his fingers following the same movement as they circle my clit. “You’re so wet for me, Char,” he murmurs against my lips. “You might be able to lie to me, but your body doesn’t lie. You want me just as much as I want you.”

“Oh God, it’s true. I want you,” I admit, not caring about anything or anyone, just how good his hands and mouth are making me feel.

He kisses the corner of my mouth, then moves his lips to nibble at my ear once again. “Say it again, tell me how much you want me.”

With his finger now circling my entrance, I moan and bite down on his bottom lip. “I want you, Trigger.”

All of a sudden my feet touch the ground, and his hand withdraws from my panties. Gasping for breath and confused, I ask, “Why did you stop?” Rain begins to fall, soaking my clothes through to my skin, but I’m not cold; my body’s on fire, and now frustrated.

He curses and runs his hand through his now wet hair. Then without any further warning, he fixes my dress so that it’s no longer up around my waist, grabs my hand, and walks us quickly back toward the clubhouse. I pull on his hand, though, forcing him to stop, and wait until he turns to look at me. Droplets of water run down his face, and his white tee is now pasted against his body, giving me a glimpse of his muscled chest and abs. I shake my head to refocus. “Where are we going?”

Clearly irritated, he growls, “Back to my room, so I can fuck you until you get it through your goddamn head how much I want you.”

Not needing any more words, I just nod my head and give him a small smile.

He smiles back at me and starts leading me to the clubhouse.