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Saving the Game by Karen Frances (3)


WHAT THE HELL was I thinking coming here first? Now she’s going to think this is a date. Is it? Fucked if I know. I just knew I wanted to see her after today’s events. Seeing the closeness of Fletch and Jess and the look of relief on her face when she finally saw him, I couldn’t wait until dinner to see Lee. Not sure why, and I’m not even going to delve into the reason. I might not like what I find out.

I stand in the middle of her living room and look around. Everything is neat and tidy. I never noticed this the last time I was here, but then again, I don’t think I noticed anything other than Lee and her bedroom. What a fucking amazing night we had here. She’s good, I have to give her that. The sex was incredible.

After all, I’ve come back for seconds and thirds . . .

I’m a prize wanker; I never even told her how good she looks when I arrived. I was too busy trying not to show any emotions as she fell into my arms. Fuck, when she pulled out of my hold, all I wanted to do was hold onto her tighter. It felt right having her that close to me.

Get a grip. I walk over to the sideboard, where there are lots of pictures. Mostly with Jess, and a few family ones of Lee with her parents. She looks like her mother. Beautiful. I pick up one of the pictures of her and Jess in their office. I’m not sure when it’s from, but they both look so happy.

“That was the day we opened.”

I turn, surprised at her voice. I gasp as I take in her appearance.

Wow. Just wow. That fucking dress is elegant yet screams sexy. It shows off all her curves with maximum effect. Her blonde hair pinned up is perfect, showing off her beautiful features. Her smile . . . her sparkling eyes. These thoughts are all a bit mushy for me. Shit, this isn’t good. My chest tightens. Heat pulses through my body all the way to my dick.

There’s something desperate about the need I’m feeling for this sexy woman before me. Something more than just being turned on. Everything Lee does seems effortless, from the way she looks, to the confident business woman she is.

Fuck, this isn’t good. Or maybe it is.

God, I want her. What is it about her that keeps bringing me back to her? These last few weeks I’ve been out with other women, but not a single one of them has held my interest. Even when I’ve been with them, fucking them, I’ve been thinking about and picturing Lee in my head.

Like last night, the whole time I was with the blonde, my thoughts were of Lee. I might not have realised it, or maybe I did, but she is all I’ve thought about since our first night together. This isn’t good. There’s a reason I keep women at arm’s length. A damn good one.

“Great picture of you both,” I say, carefully putting it back down. I give her my undivided attention because that’s no less than she deserves. “You look amazing.” I take a few steps closer to her and stop, unsure of what to do. I know what I want to do; take her in my arms and kiss her deeply. But I don’t, I just stand here, probably looking as uncomfortable as I feel.

“Thanks,” she finally says. “Do we have time for a drink?”

“I’d love to say yes, but I have a taxi waiting.” With its meter running, but whatever it costs is worth it.

“No, that’s fine.” She picks up her bag. “I’m ready.”

She walks with confidence, as she always does, and I follow behind her. My breathing is all over the place as I watch her hips sway before me. Right now, I’m fighting the urge to grab her by her hips, push her against the wall and kiss her as though my life depends on it. Yip, my thoughts are still fucking crazy.

I stop outside and wait until she locks the front door. As she turns to face me, I reach out and take her hand in mine. I catch the slight frown on her face, but it’s quickly replaced by a half smile.

That’ll do for me, but I’d rather it was a full smile.

Her hand is warm and soft in mine as we walk the short distance to the waiting taxi. I have to let go of it to open the taxi door. She climbs in, relaxed and composed, and here’s me, a ball of tension. I get in beside her, give the driver our destination, and sit back.

“How are you after today?” she asks.

“Okay. Were you watching?”

She turns her body toward me. “Yes. It looked awful. What did the fans hope to achieve? At the end of the day, it’s just a game of football. There’s no need for the violence that took place.”

I can’t help but smile knowing she was watching the game, but that’s not the only reason I’m smiling. No, it’s also the fact she has such a strong opinion on what happened today. “No, there wasn’t, and you’re right. There’s no room for violence. I’m sure both clubs will pay the price for it.”

“What do you mean?” She sounds genuinely concerned.

“I expect both teams will face penalties in some form, maybe hefty fines. I suppose we’ll find out on Monday. So, what have you been up to?” I change the subject because, tonight, I don’t want to discuss the politics that surround the Glasgow old firm. Tonight isn’t about football. Tonight is about changing people’s lives.

“Not a lot. Just busy at work trying to get organised for Jess having time off.”

“Fletch is looking forward to spending ‘quality time’ with her.”

“I’m jealous that they get to go and have some fun in the sun and I’m stuck here working. Covering yet again.” She turns her head away, probably hoping I don’t catch the look of disappointment in her eyes or hear the tone in her voice, but I do. She wishes it were her getting whisked away for a romantic weekend with someone who loves her as much as Fletch loves Jess.

Oh, fuck. I don’t do soppy shit. Never have and never will. An awkward silence fills the air between us and I don’t want that. Christ, Lee doesn’t deserve that. After the day I’ve had, tonight can’t be a disaster. I won’t ruin the night for us before it’s even begun.

Reaching my arm across the back seat, I pull her closer to me and kiss the top of her head. Lee looks amazing; the least I can do is make her feel amazing all night long. She tilts her head. There’s still a sadness in her eyes, but now her dazzling smile is back where it belongs.

As the taxi approaches the hotel, I hold Lee’s hand tightly. I have no idea why but, suddenly, I’m nervous. I’m sure it’s because of what went on today. Fletch doesn’t need today’s antics to take away from what he wants to achieve tonight; and that is awareness and much needed funds for the charity.

The taxi stops and I pay the driver. With a deep breath, I turn to Lee. “Are you ready?”

“Yes,” she says, without hesitation. I’m glad she is because I’m not sure I am.

I get out of the taxi and wait for Lee. Cameras flash. When she stretches out her long lean legs and stands, I take her hand in mine. She smiles and we stop to get a few pictures taken. She’s a natural as she stands leaning toward me, smiling and laughing at the right moments. I can’t take my eyes off her. It’s a privilege to have her by my side tonight. A privilege I know I don’t deserve.

These thoughts don’t belong in my head. The only thoughts that should be there are tonight’s end game. Lee in my bed, naked.

Oh, the fun I’m sure we will have.

I guide us inside and, when I glance at her, she’s smiling, and that makes me happy. People, players, speak to me as we enter the room. I say a few hellos and introduce Lee to a select few. Some I guide her quickly away from; she’s better off not knowing or speaking to them.

It’s strange. I have this urge to keep her all to myself. To keep her away from everyone here.

Even I know that sounds fucking crazy. Christ, I must be going mad.

I see Peter, the boss, and his wife, Fran, standing close to the bar. That’s where I head. I need a few drinks to settle me. Fuck, if I feel like this, how does Fletch feel? He has to stand up in front of everyone and give a speech. He must be a bag of nerves. I hope he and Jess get here soon.

“Logan. Lee.” Peter smiles. “Lee, you look great,” he says, giving her a kiss on the cheek. She smiles shyly and thanks him before she starts talking to Fran. I greet them before falling into easy conversation with Peter. He’s more than a boss; it might be because he’s closer in age to me than any of the bosses I’ve had over the years. I order drinks for us all. Fran and Lee step to the side, talking out of earshot.

What the hell do they have to say? Are they talking about me? This is ridiculous thinking on my part. What the fuck is wrong with me?

“So, how are you after today?” Peter asks as we wait for our drinks.

“I’m okay. It was a bit nerve-wracking. I’m just glad all players on both teams are all right.”

“Yes, me too.” We change the subject to next week’s game, not dwelling on the events of today. I’m sure all the national newspapers tomorrow morning will run with the story of today’s game. We talk about Fletcher not playing next week due to the fact that he’ll be missing out on training. It will be strange not having him at training, and even stranger knowing he won’t be on the pitch next week, scoring goals.

The bartender puts the drinks down in front of us and I thank him. I lift the glass of wine Lee ordered and freeze.

“Hi, Lee. You look incredible. Wow.” I turn in time to see Jason with his hands on my girl as he kisses her on both cheeks. Who the fuck invited him? Rage fills me as my body starts to tremble. Now I understand how Fletcher felt seeing the pictures of Jason and Jess in the paper, and that was completely innocent. He steps back without removing his hands from her. There’s nothing innocent about the look in his eyes at the moment; they’re filled with lust and desire as they roam her body.

Fucking bastard. I might kill him. I need to break up whatever the hell is going on.

“Lee, babe.” I step forward. She smiles nervously and moves out of his hold. I hand her the glass and slip my arm around her waist. Fran has already moved back to Peter. “Jason.”

“Logan. I never saw you there.” His eyes dart between me and Lee and I see the surprise in his eyes the minute he realises we’re together. Well, we are here together, after all. “I . . . I was just saying hi.”

“Yes, I saw that. Now, run along, Jason, before I do or say something I might regret.”

“I was just going back to the lads. I’ll catch you both later,” he says, walking back to some of his team mates.

“What the fuck was that?” Lee shouts, and pushes my hand off her, taking a step back.

“What? I’ve done nothing wrong.”

“Really? You don’t think that was fucking rude?”

I shake my head. She’s angry. She’s not the only one. “No, I don’t. I was just making sure he knew you’re here with me.”

“Staking a claim! Unbelievable. We’re not even together; you’ve made that clear. For weeks you’ve been out and about with slut after slut, and someone shows a little interest in me and you’re acting like a jealous prick.”

Well, there she’s managed to sum me up. She’s right; I am jealous. “You need to watch the likes of him.”

“Because he’s so much worse than you.” She walks away from me and my heart sinks. She’s got a point. I’m no better than Jason. If anything, I’m worse. I look up to see Fletcher and Jess have arrived. Jess frowns at me as she greets Lee. Something is said between the two, but I’m too far away to hear.

Christ. I’ve fucked up. I can’t seem to do anything right lately.