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Unsuspected (Undercover Book 2) by T.a. McKay (15)

Chapter Fourteen

I lie awake and stare at the ceiling as the sound of Corey and Niko having sex echoes through my quiet room. I should get up and go to the kitchen or living room, anywhere so I’m not the pervert lying here listening to them, but I can’t seem to get my body to move.

Closing my eyes, I listen to Corey gasping and imagine Niko’s massive body pounding into him. My breath stutters as I run my hand over my cock, imaging the powerful thrusts that Niko’s muscles would manage. I’ve been hard since I got into bed, but now I can feel the wetness of precum that I'm leaving on my boxer shorts. I don’t want to jack off while listening to them, the common sense part of my brain is telling me how fucked up that is, but it’s getting more difficult the longer they carry on.

Niko’s groans add to the mix, and I nearly give in to the urge to take my cock out of my boxers, but I manage to refrain by tucking my hands under the pillow I'm lying on. I repeat to myself that I won’t touch my cock, I can’t be that guy, but when Corey screams out Niko’s name the pressure from my hand nearly isn’t needed.

I bolt up from bed quickly, unable to lie here any longer and listen to them. I turn on the shower and strip off my underwear before stepping under the still freezing spray. The cold water is a shock to my skin, but it’s not enough to take the ache from my hard on. My balls have vanished, and I realise I'm not going to be able to sleep until I do something about my problem. Leaning one hand on the tiles, I grip my erection with the other and slide my hand up and down the length. Within three strokes the pressure builds in my spine and it’s too much to be able to hold back. I bite my outstretched arm as I come over the shower floor, determined to not cry out and tell the whole house that I'm in here jerking off.

I lean my head against the cold tiles as aftershocks threaten to send my body to the floor of the shower. My cheeks twinge with shame as I think about what I've done. It’s not the first time I've wanked since I got there, you can’t spend all that time in Corey’s company without having to take the edge off, but none of them had the intensity of this one. Finally, my wobbly knees manage to take my weight, and I spend a few minutes washing. I take my time, letting Niko and Corey finish before I return to bed. Hearing them again would only bring me back in here for a second time.

When I can no longer avoid it, I turn off the shower and grab a towel to dry myself. I don’t bother with underwear as I climb back into bed and let the coolness of the sheets chill my overheated skin. I try not to focus on the room on the other side of the wall but I do notice that it’s now quiet, and I let out a sigh of relief. I wish that would help my mind go silent so I can sleep but my imagination is running wild, and I can’t escape the images I have of Niko and Corey together. When they held each other earlier, I had to turn away because their beauty was more than I could handle. I can appreciate that they make a stunning couple, but it was more than that. They looked perfect, and I felt jealousy rising that I wasn’t in between them. I was just getting over that feeling when Niko lifted Corey effortlessly, and then I was stuck wondering if Niko could lift me that easily.

Meeting Niko this afternoon had shocked me. Corey had hinted that Niko could be intimidating, but he understated the pure raw energy that Niko gives off. He can fill a room by just standing in it, and you know instantly he isn’t a guy you want to piss off. You can see in his eyes that he's seen things that would make a lesser man crumble, and fuck me if that wasn’t one of the hottest things in the world. He has the body and attitude that is made to dominate, and when he turns his attention to me, I just want to drop to my knees and let him have his way with me. That in itself is a scary thought, especially when I've never had that feeling for anyone before. I've seen powerful men and I find them hot beyond belief, but I've never wanted them to dominate me. With Niko, I would be willing to give him my body to do whatever he wanted, and I’m convinced I would love every second of it.

Corey makes me react differently. He’s sweet and gentle, but he gets this look in his eye when he thinks you can’t see him, an edge of wickedness, and it tells me that he could make bigger men than him fall to their knees. Corey's looked at me like that a few times, but it’s never more obvious than when he looks at Niko. The passion and love when he sees Niko make me jealous for something I’ll never have. The thing I want to deny is I want that something with Corey. I want him to look at me with his big brown eyes while I sink into his body. Where with Niko it would be hard and dirty, Corey would need gentle touches and kisses.

Bloody hell. This way of thinking is doing me no favours. I should do what I said I was going to do and leave. I could get up now and walk out of here without the guys noticing, and I’d be long gone before they even woke up. It’s only a few miles to the village so it wouldn’t take me long to get to get my car, and they wouldn’t know how to find me once I ‘d disappeared. There’s only one problem with that, and I want to convince myself that it’s because I need to find Drake but that’s not the problem. No, the thing keeping me here is Corey and Niko. I must be a masochist, but I just can’t seem to walk away.

It’s the first time I've truly accepted that my attraction to Corey, and now Niko, has become a real tangible thing, and I honestly don’t know what to do with the information. It’s not like anything can happen between either man and me, and staying here is just going to drive me insane, but I honestly don’t think I can leave. So apparently my new plan is to stay here and lust over two men, watching them together as I suffer from constant blue balls and grow jealous, all the while hoping someone will say something about Drake.

Yeah, sounds like a great fucking plan.

* * *

Music hits my ears as soon as I leave the bedroom. I slept later than I usually do, probably my late night catching up with me, and now it’s nearly lunchtime. I feel bad having slept for so long, but there isn’t anything I can do about it now. I follow the sound, and it leads me to the kitchen where the scent of bread hits my nose. When I turn the corner, I freeze on the spot.

Corey is sitting on the breakfast bar with his legs open wide, and Niko is standing between them. Their bodies are pressed together, and they’re kissing slowly, their tongues tangling together. Niko’s hands are resting on the unit as he leans into Corey, whose hands are wrapped in Niko’s hair. The picture the two of them make is sheer perfection. Corey is the soft to Niko’s hard, light to his dark, and the combination is almost too much for my brain to handle.

I want to reach down and take hold of my hardening cock, but I can’t move in case they see me. If they see me, it will mean they’ll stop kissing, and I don’t want to stop watching them. I’ve been less turned on by hardcore porn than watching these two simply kissing. They make it look erotic, and I have a longing inside me to be in the middle of them. The groan slips out unhindered, and my worst nightmare is realised when the guys pull apart and look directly at me. My cheeks blush instantly and I will the ground below me to open up and swallow me.

“Good morning, Grant.” Corey sounds relaxed this morning, and he has a dreamy look on his face. I'm pretty sure I know what put that look there, it was the same thing that put me in the shower.

“Morning.” I try to keep my eyes away from Niko because he sees far too much, but that resolve only lasts a few moments before they seek him out without permission. When I look at him, he’s staring at me. My heart starts racing far too fast as his eyes slowly take in every inch of me. I can feel them like his hands are running over my muscles along with his stare, and by the time he has gone to my feet and back up to my face, I feel like I might pass out.

Corey comes over, grabs me by the hand and pulls me fully into the kitchen. I want to kiss him for saving me from Niko, but I just follow behind him instead. “I made bread for us. I thought we could all have lunch together.”

I want to tell him that's a horrible idea, but he looks so excited that I don't want to burst his bubble. “I'm up for anything because that bread smells fantastic.” His smile beams and I'm glad that I was the one that put it there.

“I can do lunch, Core, but then I need to leave for a few hours.”

Corey’s face drops a little when Niko talks, but he covers it quickly. “That's fine, just means more wine for Grant and me.” He sticks his tongue out at Niko before starting to prepare lunch.

I glance at Niko and see that the edge of his lips has lifted up into a smirk as he watches Corey. Every time I see these two men together I see another side to their relationship. It is intense and passionate, but also fun and sweet. Niko can hold Corey like he's delicate china, but then he fucks him like he wants to break him. It’s everything I've always wanted with someone and seeing them makes my chest ache with longing. I busy myself by grabbing plates and cutlery to add to the tray that Corey has sitting on the breakfast bar. Niko grabs the juice from the fridge and carries it to the table that's set up outside the back door. It wasn’t here yesterday, so I apparently missed a lot while I was sleeping.

Corey carries the tray outside, and I follow closely behind, waiting for the two men to sit down before I take the last available seat. The day is mild and comfortable, but sitting between these two has my temperature rising. All I can think about is them kissing, and how they probably looked last night. I want to slip under the table and hide when the image causes my dick to get hard yet again, especially since I'm wearing jogging bottoms. I regret my decision to be comfortable when jeans would have given me protection against the very obvious lump in my trousers.

I cross my legs and lean forward slightly, pretending that I need to get my glass. My eyes flicker to Niko, and I see that he's watching me. There’s a smirk on those full lips of his, and I just know he’s fully aware of my situation. I turn to Corey and ignore Niko’s obvious humour. “I didn’t know that you baked bread.”

His cheeks colour slightly. “I only do it for, Niko. It was the first thing I ever made for him, so it’s kind of our thing.” He hands me a plate with a slice of bread, and I take it before putting it on the table in front of me.

“How did you two meet?” I look directly at Niko as I ask the question. Corey’s already told me a little, but I want to see if Niko will give me any more information.

“We met at work.” Niko’s voice is rough and abrupt. I wait a second to see if he’ll elaborate but he doesn’t. I need to be careful with what I ask but I’ve opened up this line of questioning, and I want to keep going.

“Where did you work?”

“With a private company.”

I bite my lip as I peel the crust off the bread and roll it into little balls. Niko isn’t the guy to push, but I want to confirm to myself that he worked with Blue Diamond. I’m ninety-nine percent sure he was, I just need him to give me that extra one percent. “Well I doubt that it was a shop, I can’t see you working on a till.” I look at Niko and fake a laugh, but there’s no reaction. Instead, he turns the questioning right back at me.

“What do you do?”

After our relaxed chat last night I thought that maybe we could be friendly, but I can see that it takes more than that to get any trust from Niko. “Nothing just now. I’m just travelling and spending all my savings.”

“What did you do to get those savings?” Niko raises his eyebrows, and I swear he's looking at me like he knows something about me.

He doesn’t know anything. It’s not possible. I’ve been so fucking careful not to let them get any information on me, not even my last name. If they ever found that out, then I would be easy to find.

“Why don't you two just put them out on the table and measure them?”

Both Niko and I turn and stare at Corey with our mouths open in shock. It must be a funny sight because Corey giggles loudly while looking between us.

“It’s true. Since you met, you are constantly butting heads. The testosterone levels around here are off the charts.”

I bite into my slice of bread, so I don't have to answer him because I have no idea what to say. Niko stays quiet as well, which is probably a good thing because this is a conversation that I don't want to have.

Corey takes control of the conversation and spends the next few hours making us chat about everything and nothing. I enjoy it more than I thought I would and after the rocky start I relax, letting the conversation flow easily. Both of them are funny, and once Niko lets himself relax he smiles more often. His smile changes his entire face, softening the hard edges I already find so attractive. The problem I realise as the afternoon goes on is this side of Niko makes me want him even more.

* * *

Niko left a few hours ago to go … somewhere, and in that time Corey and I have finished two bottles of red wine. I’m not usually a big wine drinker, and beer is my drink of choice, and as I run my tongue along the front of my fuzzy teeth, I know why I try to avoid wine.

“Are you going to answer?”

I look up at Corey and screw up my face. I was so focused on my teeth that I didn’t even hear him speak. “Answer what?”

He giggles before rolling his eyes, or at least I think that's what he was going for. What actually happens is his eyebrows rise, and he looks to the side. We might have had a little too much wine, but neither of us seems ready to stop. “I asked you who you find sexy. What’s your ideal man?”

I ponder that for a second. A few weeks ago I would have described a man just like Niko but meeting Corey has challenged that perception and now I don’t know how to answer. Both men are so different, almost complete opposites, and I shouldn’t find them both attractive. “Honestly, I thought I knew, but I'm not too sure now.”

Corey leans against the back of the sofa and stares at me. He put his glass down a while ago, and he's been sitting close to me since he got more comfortable. His head is turned towards me, barely a few inches between us and his eyes are slightly unfocused thanks to the wine, but he looks stunning with his red cheeks and red-stained lips. I lean forward and place my glass next to his on the table before leaning back and mimicking his position. I know I shouldn’t sit so close, but as I feel his breath on my lips, I refuse to care.

“I always liked big guys. You know the ones with muscles for days that could easily pin you to a wall and fuck you, but that's changed recently. I still find that attractive but there’s something to be said for someone smaller than me.”

I feel the small gasp against my skin, and I know he understands what I mean. “So you always dated guys like Niko?”

I shake my head. “I liked those big guys, but I was never brave enough to approach them. I tended to go for guys who were my size.” I can’t explain how much I wanted one of those huge men in my bed, taking everything they wanted from me. I’ve only bottomed a few times, but it wasn’t enjoyable because my partners were timid and gentle. I want someone who will make me feel owned for days afterwards. I want to know what it’s like to be properly fucked.

“What are you thinking?”

Even with the alcohol going through my veins I know it’s a bad idea to tell him. I need to keep this to myself, but no matter how much I tell myself that I open my mouth and speak. “I want to know what it feels like to be fucked by a guy like Niko.”