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Unsuspected (Undercover Book 2) by T.a. McKay (30)

Chapter Twenty-Nine

I end my call and head back to the cabin where Corey and Niko are. I smile when I see them snuggled up on the sofa whispering to each other. I lean against the doorframe and just watch them for a couple of minutes. It’s hard to believe that it’s been nearly three weeks since we went into that warehouse to rescue Corey. His bruises are barely visible now, so it's easy to forget it ever happened. He doesn’t look like someone who suffered at the hands of a sadistic fuck, and I'm grateful for that. It would have been a tragedy if Corey had lost that sparkle in his eye.

I go over my call with Drake in my mind. He has been calling every few days to check in, and I have to admit that I like it. I found my friend again, but it feels new and special. I’ve been completely honest with him, and he's still here for me. He is the family I didn’t realise I had, even if he’s driving me a little crazy with it. He's acting like an overprotective mother, worried about how I'm dealing with my relationship with Niko and Corey. I can be nothing but honest with him. It’s difficult at times but completely worth it.

Corey laughs at something Niko has whispered in his ear, and the sound surrounds my heart. This relationship isn’t anything I ever expected to have in my life, and at times it feels like an uphill battle, but they are my everything. Yes, there are times where we struggle to deal with issues, but when we work them out, it makes us stronger. I think in anyone else’s relationship this would be called the honeymoon phase, the time when everything is lovely and sweet, but for us, it’s the time when we work out a way to fit together. All in all, we fit together really fucking well. There haven’t been many problems between us, and any issues that have arisen revolved mainly around intimacy issues. We needed to decide if we can be together in a pair or do we all have to be involved? Also, do we get to spend time as couples or is it always a threesome? We went back and forth over this for days until we decided the answer was simple and one we’re trying to work with. We go with what the moment dictates. There are no hard and fast rules about it, and so far it seems to be working.

I had a harder time than Corey and Niko. My place in this threesome has always felt like I'm intruding. I’m the one who is joining the already established relationship, but both men have made me feel nothing but part of this. I need to put all doubt aside and trust them to know what they want.

Almost like they can feel me watching them, Niko and Corey look up at me and smile.

“Oh, looks who’s finally decided to join us.”

I laugh at Corey as I push off the doorframe and approach them both on the sofa. They slide apart, and I sit in the space between them. “What can I say? I had nothing better to do.”

My comment earns me a glare from Niko, but since I can see him trying not to smile, I know he doesn’t take me seriously. Corey leans in and puts his head on my shoulder.

“How’s Drake?”

“He’s good, and he says hi. He's trying to talk Ryden into getting a puppy, and I don’t think it’s going very well.” Corey laughs, his breath tickling over my neck.

“Yeah, Drakes good but not that good.”

I’m still trying to get my head around Drake and Corey being so close. I didn’t think that a friendship built in that place would continue once they were free, but they have a special bond. “You never know, sometimes the scarier the man, the softer he is at heart.”

Corey lifts his head, and we both turn to look at Niko at the same time. Niko tries to be the big scary boss man, but as soon as Corey turns those puppy dog eyes on him, or I nibble on my bottom lip, all bets are off.

“Don’t look at me like that you two. I'm not getting you a damn puppy.” Niko gets up from the couch and heads towards the kitchen. Corey giggles next to me before getting up and following him.

“Oh come on, Niko. You know it would be great. A little friend for me while you go to work.”

“I got you a boyfriend, isn’t that enough?”

“Hey!” My voice comes out louder than I expected and both guys burst out laughing. It’s Niko that walks back over to me and wraps his arms around my waist.

“I'm kidding, beautiful.”

I feel a sudden lump in my throat, and I have no idea why it’s there. Its clear that Niko was only joking, but something about it made all my insecurities raise their heads. Get a fucking grip, Grant. I try to brush off my crazy reaction and smile at Niko. “It’s okay.” My voice doesn’t reflect the easiness of my words, the emotional roughness clearly heard.


I look up at Niko and going by his expression he can tell exactly how I'm feeling. He cups my face, looking deep into my eyes, his thumb brushing softly against my cheeks. “I was kidding. Do I need to go over how much we want you here? I will if you need me to because I hate seeing that look on your face.”

I go to speak, but when I feel Corey embracing me from behind, all I can do is close my eyes and enjoy the heat from both men. I didn’t realise I was so insecure, and it makes me wonder if I'm the reason I've been alone so long. Did I sabotage any possible friendship or relationship before it flourished? I always thought that it was the other person’s fault, but maybe it was actually me pushing them away.

“Talk to us?” Corey’s lips brush against my ear as he speaks.

“I'm sorry. I’m being stupid.”

“Nothing you feel is stupid. What did we say? If there is something that’s bothering you we speak about it. That’s the only way this is going to work between us all.” I appreciate what Corey says, but it doesn’t take away the sting of my emotions.

“I just feel … I don’t know. Like I'm imposing on your relationship.”


I finally open my eyes and look at Niko when he growls my name.

“Shut the fuck up.” It’s all he says before his lips land on mine. I can feel all his emotions through his kiss, and it makes emotion rise inside me, but for a very different reason this time. A few minutes ago I was struggling to believe that I should be a part of this relationship, now I can feel every single ounce of love that he's pouring into me through his kiss. My lips tingle under the punishment of his, and I regret doubting them. I may struggle with my place in this relationship, but Corey and Niko don’t.

Corey’s lips brush against my neck as he kisses my skin gently. I shiver at the contact, a part of my mind remembering this position from our first night together. Was that really only two months ago? I would think about how it doesn’t feel that long ago but Corey slips his hand down the front of my jogging bottoms and cups my cock and all thought vanishes from my head. I hadn’t been fully hard as we kissed, but now I’m fully erect and trying to hump against his hand. “How can we prove how much you mean to us?”

I gasp against Niko’s lips as Corey speaks and Niko’s returning groan has my cock throbbing.

“Grant, what do you want?”

I don’t know who asks the question because my pulse is firmly beating in my ears. There’s only one answer to that question. “Both of you.”

My answer ignites something between us, and before I have a chance to breathe, we’re moving. I don’t know if anyone is actually leading us, because we become nothing but a mass of hand and mouths, fighting each other for dominance as we kiss and bite at each other. Clothes are stripped from our bodies and hit the kitchen floor as we struggle to get naked. Niko presses his body against mine, and I step backwards until my arse hits the edge of the breakfast bar. I think he’ll stop there, but he keeps the pressure on my chest until I'm lying flat out on the surface. The marble is cold against my back, and I gasp, holding my head upright as I watch Niko kissing Corey. When Corey backs up Niko drop his head and without warning deep throats my cock. I cry out in ecstasy, and I force my eyes to stay open so I can watch what he’s doing to me. His head bobs as he sucks in his cheeks, and I'm sure he's trying to suck my brain through my dick.

Just as I'm about to grab him by the hair to stop him before I blow, he releases my dick with a pop. Niko holds out his hand and when Corey takes it, he uses it for balance as he climbs onto the worktop and kneels above my body. Once he’s in position, he looks down at me with a smirk. I'm not sure what’s about to happen but I have a feeling that I'm going to love it. Corey leans down, finally claiming my mouth and I grip the back of his hair in my hand, needing something to hold on to. Corey inhales my gasp when a wet, slippery hand grips my cock, spreading lube all over it.

The pleasure has my eyes closing, but as soon as they are, I decide to keep them that way, letting Corey and Niko lead me where they want me to go. I trust them completely and there is nothing they could do that wouldn’t give me pleasure. To prove me right I can feel Corey lower himself onto me, a hand that I think is Niko’s holding me steady as I slip inside. I scrunch my eyes closed, the pleasure almost too much to bear.

I drop my head back until it’s hanging over the edge of the worktop. I can feel the blood rushing to my head, adding to the already dizzy feeling from what Corey’s doing to me. I'm grateful that Corey isn’t moving yet because I need a minute to calm myself down.

“Oh, isn’t that a good idea.” Niko’s voice is husky, and it's also coming from above my head now. I open my eyes to look up at Niko. “Close them again, beautiful.”

I do as he asks and something soft covers my eyes making me flinch. Niko’s hand soothes me before he lifts my head slightly so he can tie something behind my head.

“Shit, you look so fucking sexy.” Niko’s fingers run along the side of my mouth. I open to him and his finger slips in and rubs over my tongue. I suck it just as Corey eases off my cock and drops himself back down. When I gasp Niko’s finger vanishes and I want to complain until I feel it on my lips again. I open instantly, craving the feeling of having him in my mouth again, but when it touches my tongue, I know it’s no longer his finger. I groan again, straining my neck to take his cock fully into my mouth.

Feeling my mouth full of one man while another uses me is something I will never get enough of. Being blindfolded has heightened every other one of my senses and it’s a heady experience. My mouth is full of Niko’s taste and my nose full of his manly smell, while Corey’s erotic touch makes my skin tingle.

Shit, this is going to be over really soon, and I want both men to come with me. I reach behind Niko and grip his arse before slipping my finger into his crack and rubbing his hole. Niko doesn’t bottom yet, but he isn’t against a little playing. I'm cautious since my finger is dry, but as Niko fucks my mouth my finger slips just inside him causing him to shout out in pleasure. I feel him swell in my mouth as his thrusts falter. My other hand searches against my stomach until I find Corey’s cock. I wrap my fingers around it and start stroking in time with Niko’s thrusts.

“Oh fuck. Shit.” It’s Corey that comes first, his cum coating my stomach as he tightens around me. He doesn’t stop thrusting as he orgasms, and on the second grind, I shoot, filling him completely. The force of my orgasm arches my back, which in turn opens my throat for Niko. I swallow around him and gag slightly when the first burst of cum hits the back of my throat. He pulls back enough that I'm not choking and covers my tongue, marking me as his.

* * *

Corey rubs my feet as I relax against Niko’s chest. The bathtub isn’t made for three people but being in here with both of them is worth the slight discomfort of squeezing in.

“Feeling better?” Niko runs his fingers gently over my arm as he speaks.

“Yeah. I'm sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry. Be honest with us.” Corey’s voice is gentle as he continues to massage my feet. “That was the one thing we all agreed on.”

“I know.”

Niko digs his fingers into my ribs, the silent nudge to continue clear.

“I just don’t want you ever to feel that you have to keep this going. I know I'm the extra so if you ever want to be by yourselves again, you need to let me know.”

Corey’s hands stop moving, and I can feel Niko’s posture tense behind me.

“I thought we had this sorted? Okay, let me try again. You are with us, Grant, because we love you. I love Niko with everything I have, and I feel the same way about you. Do I know how I managed to fall in love with you when my heart wasn’t available? No, but that doesn’t change the fact that I did. The sooner you accept that, the sooner we can move on and be happy.”

When Corey finishes speaking, Niko leans forwards and points at him from over my shoulder. “What he said.”

“I know, and I will try not to let my doubts creep in, but if I do, I’ll talk to you about it.”

Everything seems settled, and we sit in silence for a few minutes, Corey’s finger’s back to massaging the balls of my feet. The peace is shattered when Niko coughs and Corey still his hands and looks at him over my shoulder.

“This might be my time to talk then.”

Well that doesn’t sound ominous in the slightest. If he hadn’t just settled my nerves about his feelings, Niko would be making me very nervous around about now.

“Oh, I suggest you talk quickly.” Corey doesn’t sound happy, and I screw up my face up when he goes back to rubbing my foot but this time putting a lot more effort into digging into the muscles.

“Ease up a bit there, Core.”

“Shit, sorry.” He rubs a hand up the inside of my calf as he smiles sweetly at me. The smile leaves his face instantly when he looks at Niko again. I whisper out the side of my mouth. “I would hurry up and talk.”

I feel Niko’s chest vibrate against my back as he silently laughs. “Clay has asked me to help him with a case. If I say yes then I will be away for a while, maybe a few weeks.”

I can see colour building in Corey’s cheeks, and I jump in to try to save Niko from the wrath of a pissed off Corey. “We’ll be fine on our own. I think getting out of the house more is a good thing. And I need to get a job so I can pay my own way.”

Water splashes over the side of the tub as Corey gets out and grabs a towel as he storms into the bedroom. I sit up and look over my shoulder at Niko before I get out of the bath and follow Corey. I thought I was the only one having a hard time with things, but apparently, Corey is having an issue with something. I wrap the towel around my waist as I walk into the bedroom and see Corey sitting on the edge of our bed. Our bed. We had quickly ordered a Super-king-size bed when it became clear I wasn’t going anywhere.

I kneel in front of Corey as Niko exits the bathroom to sit next to him. “Spill it.”

He sighs, looking at my hands as I wrap them around his. “I don’t want things to change. I want us all to stay in the cabin and be happy.”

I know how he feels, but it’s not possible. As much as I want to keep them both in here with me, we can’t live like that. “If we stay in here then we aren’t living, Core. We need to go out and get jobs, make friends. We can’t hide away for the rest of our lives. I want to go out and enjoy things with you and Niko.”

“But people won’t understand us. They won’t accept us.” He sounds so sad that my heart aches.

“And I thought I was the worrier. People might not understand us, Core, and that’s okay. As long as we know who we are, that’s all I care about. I want to tell the world about my amazing boyfriends and bore them with all the stories I tell them. I might be worried that you and Niko will get bored of me, but I will never deny what we have. I love you both, and I won’t hide that.”

He blinks a few times, tears forming in his eyes but not falling. He turns to look at Niko who is still sitting quietly beside him. “Fine, go work your magic with Clay. But don’t think I'm not having sex with Grant while you’re gone.”

Niko growls before pouncing on Corey, earning a surprised squeal from him. I shake my head as I watch the pair of them rolling about on the bed, Niko tickling Corey and getting some punches in return. My heart is full of love for these two men, and I was honest with Corey, I don’t care who knows. We might not be what the world looks at as a normal relationship, but with both Corey and Niko by my side, I don’t care. Some people aren’t lucky enough to find one person they love, and I managed to find two. We work, and I refuse to dissect why we do. It’s that simple. We love each other, and it’s no one business but ours. They are the most important people in the world to me, and I can only see that feeling building as the years pass. Years. Wow, I've never wanted to spend that sort of timeframe with anyone, but now, anything less than a lifetime is too short. This is it for me. These men are my forever.




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