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Within Six Months (A Wild Roses Novel Book 1) by Cleo Scornavacca (23)


THE PROGRESS ON the house was coming along nicely, not as planned, but nicely. I wouldn't be done within my six-month timeframe, but it didn't matter anymore. Jade and I were together and getting closer.

Finding her without looking, feeling for her without trying, was the biggest surprise to me. The summer was flying by. Besides the renovations on the beach house, another project was now complete. Jade’s new location was ready for its Labor Day weekend grand opening. It was odd to me that she would open it at the end of the summer as opposed to the beginning, but Jade explained she had her regulars, so nothing was really changing except the newer, larger space. She revealed she was thinking about staying open year round for catering services for weddings and special parties but hadn’t finalized the plan yet. She said she wanted to get through Reece’s party on Saturday, open the new place next weekend, and take it from there.

The Thursday before the party Blaze called to make sure Daniel would be coming to the party, knowing he would be staying with me this weekend. Kim said she would pick up Daniel at my place as I had last minute errands to run, and I was to meet Jade at Reece’s place promptly at 8 pm. I picked Daniel up at the Center on Friday morning and we headed back to the beach. Once back at the house, Daniel was surprised at how much I accomplished in just a few short weeks of living here.

“Tommy, this place is really shaping up.”

“I’m glad you think so. Don't get me wrong, I love the place, but the work is harder than I thought it would be.”

“What did you expect? Mr. and Mrs. Stanton hadn't done anything to this place in years and now you, one man, is taking on all of this.” Daniel said, looking at the place from top to bottom. Then he addressed my love life.

“How is everything? With Jade, I mean.”

“It’s been good. She’s been busy with the shoppe and the renovations on her new place, but now that the work is done, hopefully we’ll have more time to spend together. I just gave her the choices on the cabinets I finally ordered for the kitchen. Repairs, I hadn't expected arose and the cabinets were the least of my worries.”

“Did she like your choices?”

“Surprisingly, yes, especially since what I chose is in stark contrast to her place and very different from what the beach house looked like when her parents owned it.”

“Have you told her yet that you bought the place?”

“No, not yet…Viv hasn't given me the go-ahead, so we're still pretending that I’m renting it, but I decided whether Viv likes it or not I’m going to tell her tonight after the party, and I’m going to talk to her about Mike and me.”

“Do you think that’s a good idea to tell her now? I’m not saying keep it from her, but…”     

“I have to talk to her about it. We’ve grown so close and…I love her. I need to be honest and I need to explain it before I tell her how my feelings have changed for her. This cloud over my head weighs me down every moment I’m with her.”

“What do you think her reaction will be?”

“I don't know and that’s what scares the hell out of me.” Losing Jade would be losing me. Life would not only be different, it wouldn’t be worth living.

Brushing away the ugly thoughts swarming in my head, I looked at the time, in unison with Daniel, and I decided to get ready for Reece’s party before I headed out to get my special surprise for Jade.

Daniel and I were no different when it came to deciding what to wear. We both chose white jeans, new white dress shirts, untucked. Daniel chose off-white burlap Sanuk loafers, and I went with white canvas Vans.

Jade and I had agreed to meet outside of Reece’s home and walk into the party together. Reece hired a valet service to park the cars, but I opted to park outside of his driveway and wait for Jade there. There wasn't any announcement of rain in the forecast, which prompted me to leave the top down on the Camaro. Standing outside of the car, it was hard to wind down from knowing that I’d have her here with me soon. The heat of the day invaded the normal coolness of the evening just enough to make the atmosphere sultry, teetering on the fringe of romantic.

My wrist should be sore at this point based on how many times I checked my watch. The last time proved either Jade was very late or not coming at all. It wasn't like her not to call, so I called her, but it went straight to voicemail. It was useless to continue to wait outside any longer, so I got back in the car and drove up the drive to Reece’s home.

The Montgomery compound sat along Long Beach Boulevard in the Harvey Cedars section of LBI. Dense pine trees hide the massive home from the main road. There was a mixture of sand and beach stones at the opening of the long driveway, its path curved up to the center hall, custom built contemporary.

At first glance, the house was sided in pure cedar—a costly addition, but I’m sure for Reece, nothing else would do. The structure boasted several entertaining areas on each floor; the very top is a rooftop deck that afforded you a 360-degree view from the ocean to the bay and back again. It had a large jacuzzi at its core. On the main living space, the outdoor area consisted of three large spaces forming one huge deck. All were covered with open cut-outs for more sensational ocean views. One area had an outdoor sauna room and swimming pool, the next held a restaurant-worthy kitchen with bar and seating area and a luxurious cream colored sectional with fire pit, and the last was a small, cozy seating place, which was secluded and seemed to  appear to be off one of the main floor bedrooms.

The patio at the ocean level was beautifully designed with Italian Travertine slabs that extended its center to individual paths that led to private seating areas among the Pitch Pines that surrounded the property. I was offered a glass of Champagne as I stepped onto the deck on the main floor. As I surveyed the warmly lit space which glowed of amber and translucent orange from the fire burning to the left of me, I was greeted by Daniel and Kim.

“Tommy, what happened? I thought you were heading over here earlier?” Daniel asked.

“Did you meet up with Jade instead? Where is she?” Kim inquired, as she studied the room more closely to find her friend.

“I’m not sure, I left her a voicemail and she never called me back. I think I’ve been stood up, so I’m going to finish this drink, take in these amazing views, and then head back to the house if she hasn’t shown by then.” I had plenty of work to do, but I had myself pretty worked up and disappointed with Jade. I thought she and I were in a good place. She was fine all week, no nightmares, nothing that would explain this. My anger and concern combined, gave me plenty of new found energy to work out my frustrations on the house when I got back.

“I’m sorry, Tommy. Maybe she got caught up with something at the shoppe? You did say she was off for much of this weekend and her staff was running things. Perhaps she wanted to make sure everything was set and there were no mishaps with the long weekend ahead?” Daniel tried to play devil’s advocate. Speaking of which, there came the devil himself with his offspring in tow.

“Tommy! Welcome to my home,” Reece said in a happy-go-lucky voice, as he entered my personal space, put his hand on my shoulder, and clinked his drinking glass exaggeratedly with mine.

“Thank you for having me, magnificent home you have here.” I raised my glass and waved it around the room. I wasn't about to let this asshole get to me.

“Thank you. I bought the place years ago, as I took advantage of the tattered housing market, and recently revived its splendor. My architect did an amazing job; well worth his weight in gold, which is basically what I had to pay him.” Reece’s new-found friendliness irritated me. I wasn’t buying it for a second. This was his way of letting me know that he was here to gloat, on his terms, in his home, in front of his people.

I didn’t take the bait, and a few seconds later… I didn't have to. Several people were leaning near the railing directly over the patio below, as they were pointing at something that turned out to be someone…my someone.

There walking up one of the paths towards the house was Jade. Adorned in an all black body-hugging dress with matching cardigan, leopard stilettos that made her already long legs even longer, and carrying a small leopard cocktail purse, Jade made her way through the guests to enter the house. Some looked appalled at Jade’s rebellion of the all-white dress attire request. Some people were amused and others, mainly the men, were awestruck to see such a stunning woman…my woman.

Several minutes passed before Jade’s silhouette arrived at the doorway leading out to the area we were standing in. Everyone turned and watched as Jade approached the group, kissing Blaze, Kim, and Daniel, and effectively ignoring Reece, Damien, and who I assumed was Courtney, because that blonde was tightly wrapped around Damien’s arm like a vice.

Once Jade reached me, she folded her arms around my neck and kissed my mouth softly and attentively.“Sorry I was late, but I couldn't find a thing to wear,” She said sarcastically, as she rolled her eyes and smiled a devilishly satisfying smile. My hands went to her hips, as my eyes drank her in from head to toe and back again.

“You wear it well, baby.”

“How could it be so difficult to find something white to wear, as I requested of all my guests to do?” Reece said with heightened annoyance.

Jade’s smile turned grim, as she pivoted to face Reece, cocked her head to regard his statement. As it annoyed her further, she fully pressed her backside against my front and  directed my hands around her waist. I obliged fully, silently and with no protest, but wondered where all of this drama was coming from.

“Who said I was wearing white? I said I couldn’t find anything to wear.” Jade’s defiance was clear.

“I told you the night of your girls little get together that it was a white party.”

“That’s true you did, and you purposely phoned me two days ago after not talking to me for the entire summer to inform me that she and Damien weren’t going to be here. Yet again another lie—I should’ve known. Your promise to stay out of my personal life was too good to be true.” Jade singled out Courtney with her pointed index finger.

Damien and Courtney remained silent. They were apparently stunned by Jade’s description of Reece’s recent phone call to her. If I had to hazard a guess, Jade found out about Reece’s surprise guests through Blaze and probably no earlier than today, which explained why she was late.

“Jade, originally Damien and Courtney were to come out here for only a few days and then leave for Napa, but plans change. What can I say?”

“You could have offered me the courtesy of a phone call to let me know they would still be here, and allow me the decision to decline your invitation, since you knew I didn't want to be in the same room with them, but yet again you felt it necessary to not play by the rules of simple etiquette, and I, in turn, am showing you that I will not play by your rules either, whether it be the clothes I choose to wear or the company I choose to keep. Do I make myself clear?”

Reece stood there, saying nothing, yet his face displayed a dismissive smirk.

“I said, do I make myself clear?” Jade roared at Reece’s false ignorance and blatant disregard for her feelings. Her voice echoed throughout the house and the grounds, as people turned to look at the spectacle this event had turned into.

Again, he said nothing and lifted his glass to quench his thirst.

Damien moved forward to… I guess to apologize for his father’s behavior, but Courtney tugged his jacket sleeve to pull him back into the fold before he said something that she would regret. Like the obedient puppy he seemed to be, he followed her command.

Jade laughed.

“It’s funny, Reece, you got what you wanted…turmoil.  And you, Damien, got what you were looking for. Interestingly, you both got what you deserve. Enjoy the rest of the evening.” Jade raised her glass, took a sip, and placed a delicious kiss on my mouth.

“Let’s get out of here.” She whispered.

Taking her glass and placing it with mine on the nearest tray, we turned to leave.

“Not so fast!” Reece bellowed. “You can't leave before my surprise announcement.”

Jade stalled, but I pulled her closer to the door to make our escape.

“Let’s go, baby. He’s got nothing to say that we need to hear.”

Jade, still fuming, nodded and turned to go again.

“Oh, I think she’ll definitely want to hear what I have to say, Mr. Conte. Especially since it involves you and your not so stellar past.” Reece was superior. He lifted a champagne glass from the server closest to him and stood almost statuesque, turning to his right and then to his left before returning to center, making sure he had everyone’s full attention.

Jade turned back to listen. Blaze, Kim, and Daniel stood their ground with ominous expressions blanketing their faces. Damien and Courtney moved forward. Damien appeared perplexed as if he wasn't hearing his father correctly.

“Now that I have everyone’s full attention, let me explain. My dear Jade was about to fall head over heels for a man she knew very little about. I must admit, at first I thought the announcement that you and Mr. Conte had become a couple was fake, but as time has passed I see I was wrong, and I never like being wrong, but I do so relish being the one who said I told you so.”

Jade snapped her hand away from mine, stalked forward to confront him.

“You son-of-a-bitch…you never mind your own damn business. So, what if Tommy and I are happy? I’m never getting back together with Damien. Do you get it yet?”

Cocking his arrogant head to one side and maliciously appeasing Jade, “Oh Jade, darling, I know you feel Damien has treated you with utter disrespect, and while it is true he ruined his chances with you by his very embarrassing indiscretions with…her, it is also a fact that your own Mr. Conte has appeared to have done the same thing to someone he loves.”

Bile began to rise in my throat. My anger fueled me, as I stormed toward him to stop his insanity. Only to be held back by his security guards. I knew what he was about to say. Somehow Reece found out about my affair with Raven, my brother’s ex-fiancée, and Rain’s sister. I fought back to stop him. I should be the one to tell Jade, and now I was about to regret not telling her sooner.

“Right now, you’re very angry with me and I’m pretty sure after what I’m about to tell you, you will be even more enraged, but not with me, with him.” Reece’s focus pinned in my direction as I struggled to break the hold the guards had on me.“Let him go, let him go. He knows he’s been discovered. There’s nothing he can do about it now.”

Once released, I went to Jade, wrapping my arms around her from behind. Knowing full well this may be the last time I’d ever get to hold her in my arms again. My strength building her strength as she egged Reece on.

“Go ahead, tell me, hell, I mean tell us all what you think you know.” Jade’s voice never shook once, but her body was trembling in my embrace.

Reece moved directly in front of us. His eyes black and vile as he looked at me. Yet, when he looked to Jade, his eyes softened with the knowledge of my personal guilt—his weapon against both of us…to destroy what we have.

“Tommy slept with his brother’s fiancée. Of course, he and his brother made amends to keep up appearances, but you see his brother and his ex-soon-to-be-sister-in-law worked as attorneys for her father’s very successful and high profile law firm in Manhattan, and that very same law firm had gone through a much larger controversy last year. The only reason why he and his brother talk is not to cause further scandal and damage the firm’s already tarnished reputation.”

“You piece of shit. You have no idea what you're talking about.” I’d held my tongue long enough.

“Really? Interesting, because some of the staff at your brother’s firm Kane and Medici were forthcoming with their information…very forthcoming.”

Jade’s body shook, her breathing was heavy and rapid as she turned with tears running down her face.

“We need to talk.” It was all she said as she walked to the doorway, pausing for a moment to gain her bearings while waiting for me to follow.

Jade took me through the rooms of Reece’s estate until we reached the door to an oceanfront patio where we were alone and wouldn't be seen or disturbed by the party guests.

Turning, she didn't wait. She didn't pull any punches.

“Did you sleep with her? Is Reece telling the truth?”


“Don’t baby me, Tommy. Did you cheat with your brother’s fiancée?”

“Yes and no, they weren't together any longer, but I still shouldn’t have gotten involved with Raven.”

Jade turned and laughed out loud. It was humorous; it was an appalling, anger driven, heart-wrenching laugh. It cut my insides…it was about to end our tomorrows.

Then she turned back calmly and spoke.

“You know the one thing I could do all day long was my life before you. It was…it was easy. I could do that life. Now, after this summer and the beach house and the surfing accident and Lucky, I can’t do that life anymore. After you, I can’t do it.” Jade paced, curling her fists. Lifting them to her head, then in the air, then out wide as if she didn’t know what to do or how to responded or where she belonged.

“Jade, I didn't mean for you to find out like this. I wanted to talk to you about it numerous times, yet it never felt like the right time presented itself. That’s why I had told you, earlier today, I had something to talk with you about after the party. I had no idea this would happen before I’d gotten the chance to set things straight.”

“Tommy, can you remember what I said when we first got together? I said, ‘just don't lie to me.’ I said the truth…always. And what did you do? You promised. You promised. I had to hear about this bullshit from Reece, of all fucking people.”

Jade paused. Not to get her bearings, not to yell or hear me out. Jade stopped to end it.

“I can't do this, Tommy. I can’t,” she said, looking to the ocean for an answer, for understanding, before continuing. “What’s most fucked up about this is that I can't go back to that life before either, I can’t, and do you know why I can’t?”

I shook my head.

Here’s where her anguish and her rage took over. “Because now Jimmy isn’t the only memory that will be there. You, damn it, you will be the other memory that broke my heart. Everywhere I look, you’ll be there. From the paint on the walls, the footprints on the floor, you and I made memories there.” She stopped, to fight against the tears that kept coming.

I wanted to touch her, to comfort her. To take away her pain, yet I was the cause of it.


“No, don’t. I knew it. I knew we should have just stayed friends.”

Now, this is where my anger took over.

“Friends? Friends? I wanted you from the beginning. I couldn't figure it out. I couldn’t get enough of you. Even when I thought all we would be was friends, I wanted to see you every minute of every day. Friends? I don’t want to be your fucking friend, Jade! I love you! I’m in love with you! I want to be the guy who burns your toast in the morning but makes you giggle and say it’s okay. I want to be the guy who surfs with you in the sunlight and rides those same waves with you into the darkness. I want to be the man who takes your nightmares away. I want to be the man who protects you from the storm. I want to be more than your friend…I want to be your boyfriend, your lover, your hero. Remember, I was there with you making those memories…they were ours. I can't be anything less…not anymore.”

Jade continued to stare off into nowhere. This was it, nothing more to do or say. I waited for a sign, anything from her that told me she would give me another chance, but it never came. She continued to look away, not acknowledging that I was there, disconnecting herself from me and the situation, once again self-protecting.

I moved in to kiss her forehead. Staying briefly, my eyes and lips ached, knowing that the hardest thing I would ever have to do was let her be. I didn't fight, instead, I let our hearts break in hopes that she would see we were better together than we would ever be apart, but then I let her know one more thing, the thing that everyone around her kept for her at arm’s length.

Whispering against her temple, “I’ll always love you, Jade. You weren’t about a timeline to be broken, you were a surprise that I would gladly give up everything for. Yet, I didn’t get it but now I do. I would have never won your heart.”

She pulled away stunned. “What are you talking about?” A nuance of disgust laced her question.

“You heard me. Your heart belongs to someone, something I can't compete against. And even if I could, I’d never win. Your heart belongs to a memory…to Jimmy. I’d lose hands down.”

With that, I walked away from her, from what I thought was my forever, my tomorrow…our tomorrows, to give her the time she needed. My anger hadn’t cooled as I walked through Montgomery’s house…passing the stares, the snickers, and the whispers. My rage could have taken me to Reece, to beat him within in an inch of his life, but what would that have proven? That he’d won…I’d never let him win.

No, the best thing to do was head back ho—head back to the beach house to grab a few things and hit the road…clear my head, let it all blow over, and if Jade still couldn’t trust me, then sell the place and move on permanently.

I pulled into the driveway and hurried up the stairs to get my belongings together.

Turning the corner, I walked head-on into Viv. “Viv, I’m sorry, I didn't know you were there.”

“No, of course, you didn’t, you were too busy running away. Blaze called to let me know what happened,” she stated, reprimanding me as if I were a child.

“Viv, listen…”

“No, you listen to me. Running is not going to solve any of this. Both you and that stubborn niece of mine need to talk and I don't mean outside of the house of a man that's a complete moron. I mean you and Jade, here, alone together!”

“Oh…Viv, I would if I thought she’d listen, but she's badly hurt by what I kept from her.”

“I see. Now would you like to tell me why no one, but Daniel, knew you moved here?”

“My brother was going through some shit and it changed him. Changed how he treated me and our family, our friends and especially his fiancée. They grew apart to the point of breaking up. He was angry, mean, spiteful, and as strong as Raven was, she couldn't take it. One thing led to another, and we made the mistake of sleeping together… it didn't last, and I knew it wouldn’t but that’s why I decided with everything going on in my life I needed to get away. To make a fresh start, and once I was settled in I would let them know. Right now, they think I’m surfing the globe. Which might not be a bad idea at the moment.”

“I don't know what to say. I wish you would just wait for Jade to cool off and perhaps you could work things out.”

“Thank you, Viv, but I believe getting away for Jade’s sake might be the best thing for her right now.” I unlocked the door and realized I couldn't leave without finding someone who could watch Lucky for a few days. I couldn't take her with me and with all of the darkness she dealt with before I adopted her, I didn’t want to uproot her from the only real home she knew.

I asked Viv if Lucky could stay in the house for a few days and if she could watch her until I get back.

“Go…I’ll take care of Lucky. Tommy, Jade and I both will. Don’t worry, she’ll be fine while you’re gone.”

I smiled, kissed her cheek, and ran upstairs to grab my clothes. The door on the old dresser was jammed. The more I pulled, the more crooked it became. Finally, after one good yank, the drawer flew out and fell to the floor, spilling its contents everywhere and not just my clothes. On the floor, next to my pile of shirts, was a white envelope with Jade’s name on the front. I never noticed an envelope in the drawer, and when I examined it further I realized it was taped to the back. The drawer falling to the ground must have dislodged it. I went back down the stairs after packing to give Viv instructions for Lucky and to let her know that I would have someone pick her up in a few days.

I kissed Lucky and held her to let her know I would be back for her once I found a place to stay. It was breaking my heart further to leave her there.

Viv walked me to my car, and I realized I hadn't given her the letter I found upstairs.

“Viv, could you give this to Jade?”

“Sure, what is…Oh dear God. Where did you get this?” She was stunned. Stunned may be the wrong word, frightened, like something haunted her.

“I was getting my clothes and the dresser drawer wouldn't open. I guess I pulled too hard, and when the drawer crashed to the floor, out came that letter. Viv, is something wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost.”

“I may have.”


“The handwriting on this letter is Jimmy’s. You're sure you found it upstairs?”

“Yes, just now? Why?”

Viv with a flurry of her hands, dismissed her thoughts. “Nothing, nothing…It’s probably an old letter he never gave to Jade. I’m sure she’ll treasure it.”

I nodded and then kissed her cheek gently before driving away.

Now on the road, I wasn't sure where I should go. I couldn't call my family and endure the questions. I couldn't call Mike because he’d only laugh in my face and tell me it served me right, and Daniel was at the party with Kim, so I certainly couldn't ruin his evening any more than I already did. I knew who I had to call, so I pulled over to hear her voice.


“Hey, baby, what do you say I fly out to Capri and we have a longer visit?”

“I’d love that Tommy, I really would, but I’m back in the states.”

“Where are you, Rain?”

“Dominick and the twins and I flew back the other day. You know how I love the end of summer on Long Beach Island, so we headed to the shore house straight from the airport. Anna and Joseph will be down tonight.” Rain’s explanation had me grinning from ear to ear.

“So, would you guys mind some company?”

“No, not at all, I can't wait to see you. When will you get here?”

“In about ten minutes.”

“Ten minutes? Where are you, Tommy, and what’s going on?” Elation and concern crossing in her question.

“Baby, it’s a long story.”

“Then hurry your ass up, so I can hear all about her.”

I laughed, a laugh I hadn't heard in me for a long time, the old me, the not so crushed me. Rain could always bring me out of the bullshit and into the light of day. The same way Jade did, but she made it perfectly clear, she wouldn't be sharing that light with me any longer. I brushed the bad thoughts away, forcing a smile, knowing soon, I’d be back where I needed to be—with the friends and family I should never have run away from. The only family I could count on at this point.