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Crown and Anchor Series: Book 1-4 by Kerri Ann (126)




We landed about an hour ago at the hotel, as Carli called it. Her overly excited sister that sat beside me, drooling with anticipation, asking a million questions, called it a hotel. I don’t believe either of them. It’s a resort. Abracadabra, or whatever it was she called it, is spectacular. It’s set on the edge of a lake, overlooking mountain passes. Gorgeous terrain, that if it were snow covered, I’d be on in seconds, and a building I’d kill for. It’s phenomenal.

This is the best scenario I could have dreamed up on the way here. Boarding the plane from LA, I thought for sure we’d be stuck in the concrete jungle of Osaka, just like where we left. But I’m surprised. Carli may not have done this with me in mind, or on purpose, but she’s given me a place to be comfortable. And when she said she was having the building cleared, she wasn’t kidding. Only the staff are seen, not one guest is in the halls as I check out the space, and no one seems to care that we’re the only people here. I wonder how often they do this? I mean, clear it out on a whim.

Heading out after a long cock attitude adjusting shower, I’m going to dinner. Everyone ‘suggested’ we have a ‘get to know’ each other before we settle in for sleep. Honestly, I’m not tired, I’m wired. Carli and I need to talk. She seemed ready to fall to tears in the airport when we talked. And her temper with her sisters was noticeable, even in another language. She’s off. Carli is always in control, and this is far from controlled.

Months have passed since I saw her, and she’s as beautiful as ever. I don’t think there’s anything that could change my mind about her. I’m fucking stuck on her.

It’s never happened before.

I doubt it could happen again.

The shit part about it, is that Wyatt and China see it. They see the dangerous position I’m in. I want to bend her over my knee and smack the attitude out of her, but at the same time, I want to make her come to me. To want me.

I know we have a fire between us. We’re like napalm and Greek fire. Anything in the area will be burnt to the ground. And anyone who dares to get in the way, watch out, because I’ll burn it all down to get to her.

Then there’s the other piece to the puzzle. The pregnancy. The last thing I want her thinking is that I only want her for the child. Fuck, I’ve been doing my best to find reasons to fly to Japan and find her before the news of it. My career doesn’t support warm weather. I couldn’t even find a supplier here that I ‘had to’ visit. Then, shocked into the thought of a child, I bet she thinks I’m only here out of duty. Circe and China had to hold me back from chartering another plane. As soon as it left China’s mouth, I ran out of that hospital room, flying down the stairs. I had to catch my breath.

So yeah, I’m excited.

I’m elated.

I’m afraid.

Damn, I’m a fucking wreck.

Walking into the dining room, the understated opulence of it floors me. The room is altogether different from Shutters, where I just left, and even my house in Colorado has nothing on this. Floor to ceiling open walls that face the lake, light wood tables and chairs, soft muted colors everywhere. It’s inviting. Even the room asks you to relax. I expect Buddhist monks to bring us berries and twigs for dinner.

Walking through the space, seeing my family and hers gathered on the porch, I saunter out. I’m the last to show it seems.

“Glad you could join us, twenty minutes late,” her sister, with the matching, beautiful long hair, clips off.

“Had to shake out the cobwebs.” I grab a chair beside Risen, and across from Carli. “And by cobwebs, I mean thoughts of you.”

She raises her eyebrow and grins. “I have spare toys if you need to feel fuller. Or, I’m sure a maid would help you relieve some stress.”

“No. I have a hand and great memories to keep me entertained.”

Slightly shocked by my comment, Carli clears her throat before looking away. She addresses the room. “I’d like to make sure we all know who each other are.” Thankfully, everyone quiets as she starts, so I don’t have to kill anyone. “At the end is Wyatt, or better known as Casper. Beside him…” Looking at Circe, she hops out of her chair and screeches. “Holy fuck! When did that happen?”

Pulling her hand off the table, Circe giggles. “What?”

“What? The fucking skating rink on your finger! Casper, you promised me you wouldn’t propose to her until you had me on FaceTime. What the shit!” She’s excited, but in a ‘I want to hug my friend, not kill her’ way. Somehow, I’m starting to see the difference. Stomping toward Circe, the two hug, jumping up and down like teenagers.

Speaking up over the squeals, Risen turns to my sister. “Jesus. If you do that, China, with your girls, I swear to fuck I’ll never propose.”

“Yes, you will. Harlow will have you afraid for your life if you hold out too long. You know it.” Turning to kiss him, I smack Risen on the back of the head.

“Don’t fucking think about it right now, buddy. I’ll lose it if you two start.”

“Got it. No sex on the chair,” he says, laughing. “I’ll be good during dinner. After that—”

“I don’t need to know, Ri. I don’t need to know. Baby sister, remember?”

Nodding, I push China’s seat over slightly. Risen laughs. “Keep your distance, woman.”

China pouts. “Thanks, killjoy. Remind me to cock block you, too.” 

From the other side of the table, Carli’s sister, who looks bored, speaks up as she taps away on her phone. “Can we get on with it? I’m hungry, bored, and ready to hide in my room until my lovely big sister lets me out of my gilded cage.”

“Aren’t you a gem.” Snapping sugary sweet, China turns to Miori. I see this going south soon. “Miori, right?”

As she nods with a sarcastic smile, Risen and I watch the interaction. Our ‘let’s get to know each other’ is about to be ‘who’s more fearless and insane?’ Normally, I’d say that we’d win, but the mafia family might give us a run for our money.

“China, back it down. We’re guests,” I tell her, hoping it’ll cool the situation. Staring across the table at Miori, it’s easy to see they’re both spoiling for a fight. China might give it to her. 

Not looking at me, not taking her gaze from Miori, she says, “James, she’s rude. I don’t like rude.” Rising out of the chair, China faces off with the sister. “Why don’t we have some fun?” 

“Yeah…no. One arrest should be your limit per year, Princess.” Risen pipes up, pulling her back to his lap. “Accept her rudeness. Be a good girl for once.”

Flopping into his lap, she laughs darkly. “Now both of you are killjoys.” 

Laughing at her, I don’t even answer. Turning my attention back to the two at the end still fawning over the ring, I take in the demeanor of the others that are here. Kano, the crazy, sweet twin sister, is watching Circe and Carli like they’re the only souls here. Engrossed in their conversation, she’s absorbing it all. Miori, of course, is still eyeballing China between posts on her social sites, but she seems to have cooled a bit. The twins’ bodyguards are silent and like statues in the corner, and the one is more interested in his fingernail contents than the girls, whereas the other is watching Kano’s every move. He’s hung the fuck up on her.

Kato, the older gentleman that joined us, isn’t what he seems. I don’t trust him. There’s something off about him. He’s shifty. The way he watches Carli, keeping track of her, but then looking sidelong at Miori, tells me something is amiss. I don’t get it yet, with this jetlagged brain, but I will. 

As the girls finally break apart, and Carli returns to her seat, things begin to settle down. Finishing her introductions, pushing the last bit of the formal shit out, dinner arrives.

To be honest, I think we were all pretty gung-ho to eat. We all shut up pretty fast and didn’t say another thing during the meal. I didn’t say another thing to Carli until dinner was over, but my mind never quit asking questions. I’ll get the answers soon, though.
