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Carnal: Pierced and Inked by Simone Sowood (114)

The Motions




I flick out of my phone’s email to read over the texts from Darcy.


It’s not too late to back out, you know


I never back out of a deal


OK but don’t say I didn’t warn you


I’ve already met your father. Remember


But you haven’t met the rest of my family


I’m sure they’re just as charming as you


In their dreams


Realizing how much I’m looking forward to seeing her again, I finish getting ready. I don’t remember the last time I’ve been so eager to see someone.

The wedding is at three at a golf club in New Jersey, so we arranged to meet at a coffee shop so we can arrive together.

Arriving early, I grip the grimy door handle and enter.

A quick scan of the coffee shop shows me I’ve arrived before Darcy. Not liking the hipster vibe, I decide to wait on the street.

I pull out my phone and busy myself by responding to the never-ending onslaught of emails, either as William or Bill or Liam Jones. I have to keep track of which name I use with which company in my head.

A cab pulls up, and Darcy emerges from the back and my heart skips. She’s wearing a dark pink dress that hugs her curves in all the right places. For a moment, all I can do is stand and stare at her beauty. She, in turn, stares at me. I wonder if she can tell my suit is custom made from a Savile Row tailor I have flown in from London twice a year.

Our eyes meet, and I feel the same shudder of attraction I’d felt at the restaurant. I don’t know what it is about Darcy, but she’s different. I’m used to being surrounded by beautiful women, but this isn’t something I’ve experienced before. And I don’t like that it makes me want to abandon my rules and tell her everything. Almost everything.

“Sorry, I’m late. I hope you haven’t been here long,” she says, her voice soft and heavenly. I check my watch, I’ve been standing here for twenty minutes but didn’t notice, I’ve been too focused on the emails.

“No worries. I had some work to catch up on anyway.”

“On the street? Why didn’t you wait inside?”

“Hello,” I say ignoring the comment and stepping toward her. I kiss her cheek and breathing in the scent of her perfume. Jasmine, I think. “It’s good to finally see you again. You look stunning.”

“And you too. It’s good to see you again. On what will hopefully but unlikely be less crazy circumstances.” A nervous smile spreads across her face, making me want to draw her into me and hold her. But I don’t, it’s too forward and unlike most of the women I see, I don’t want to scare her off.

“I can tell you really like your family,” I say.

“I like them just fine, when I don’t have to be in the same room as them.”

Her cab is waiting for us and I climb into the backseat beside her.

“Thanks for doing this,” she says as we drive off.

“Thanks in advance for coming to my event.” I raise my eyebrows and grab her hand, resisting the urge to bring it to my lips. I still haven’t decided what event to take her to.

Darcy looks at me, her lips a natural smile that I want to run my tongue along. Seated, her dress has slid up past her mid-thigh. She’s not wearing nylons and I struggle to keep from reaching out and touching her shapely legs. I keep my gaze on them though, imaging what it would feel like to have them wrapped around my head as I feast on her pussy.

As we arrive at the golf course, both Darcy and I pull cash out to pay the man.

“I’ve got it,” I say.

“No, this is my event. I’m paying.” She says it with such authority in her voice that I put my money away. I’m liking her more by the minute. Although she doesn’t know how much money I have yet. Would that have influenced her decision to pay?

I offer her my arm, and she loops hers through mine. The closeness creates a vibration through my body. We stroll into the venue, which is already busy with people.

It’s nice in here, very bright and white with lots of purple flowers. This was a good purchase, just one of my many investments, but I don’t let anything on to Darcy.

An usher leads us down the aisle to a spot near the front. As we walk, I’m conscious all eyes are on us. I smile, determined to convince everyone here that I’m Darcy’s boyfriend.

The people behind us speak in hushed whispers, and it’s no secret they are talking about Darcy. Once seated, I drape my arm around her and draw her close to me. She tenses but I squeeze her shoulder and she relaxes. I’d like to say the action was a show for our audience, but really I couldn’t go any longer without touching her.

A piano starts with a few bars of “Here Comes the Bride” and a hush comes over the room. Everyone stands and faces the back of the room. Reluctantly, I remove my arm from Darcy and clasp my hands in front of me.

My eyes glaze over during the ceremony. Weddings really aren’t my thing. Instead, I picture what I’m going to do to Darcy later tonight.

Everyone stands again and I follow suit. Relief washes over me when the bride and groom walk back down the aisle and leave the room. Everyone else is clapping and cheering. Darcy looks up at me and our eyes lock again, and I get lost in them. It’s like I could dive right into her blue irises and be home.

We follow the crowd into the adjacent room. Another bright room with big picture windows and round tables arranged around a central dance floor. Again, huge arrangements of purple flowers adorn the tables and are dotted around the room, reconfirming what a great decision I made to invest in this golf course.

“Before you ask, I’m not going anywhere near that receiving line,” she says.

“Fine with me, I’d rather stay here and talk to you.” I could listen to the sound of her sweet voice all day long.

A waiter walks by with a tray of Champagne flutes. I pluck two from it and pass one to Darcy.

“Cheers,” I say and clink her glass.

“Cheers,” she says, flashing a natural smile that electrifies me. I’d like to tell her we should clear out of here right now, but realize that wouldn’t be living up to my end of the bargain I struck with her.

“Liam, my daughter looks great on your arm,” Timothy says walking up to us. Darcy’s nose twitches, and I realize she’s fighting a snarl.

“She’s so beautiful she’d look good on anyone’s arm,” I say. He huffs and I stare at him to challenge me.

“I’d like you to meet my wife, Harper,” he says, gesturing to a woman much younger than him. I estimate her to be around the same age as Darcy, maybe a little older. But unlike Darcy, she looks stuffed full of Botox and hair extensions. It’s not a good look for someone so young.

“Uncle Timothy, how are you? And Darcy. Hi,” a bald man in his twenties says, shaking Timothy’s hand.

“Good to see you, Steve. This is Darcy’s new boyfriend. Though how he puts up with her is beyond me. I only work with her, and she’s a nightmare.”

I defensively put my arm around Darcy and force a smile.

Another person comes to our little group, a woman dressed head to toe in black and looks like she’s just come from a funeral.

“You look lovely, Darcy,” she says grasping Darcy’s hands.

“Thanks, Aunt Debbie,” Darcy begins.

“Well, she looks a lot lovelier on the arm of a man, don’t you think?” Timothy interrupts. “Though he’s clearly way out of her league.”

My breath speeds with my rocketing anger. How does she put up with this guy? He’s an ass, pure and simple. If this wasn’t a wedding, I’d lash out at him.