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Carnal: Pierced and Inked by Simone Sowood (49)


I haven’t seen Avery in days. It’s already Wednesday. She’s obviously scarred by my drilling comments. Except she posted the F*ck Buddies video after that conversation. Even though the video’s gone now.

Did she change her mind about wanting a fuck buddy? I haven’t. As long as she agrees to the no-relationship part.

Avery must feel like a sham, posting all these how to have sex videos online, when she doesn’t appear to be having any herself. No wonder she wants a fuck buddy. It’s not just for her body’s needs, she needs one for her job.

I’d be doing her a huge service.

On Monday, she didn’t answer her door, no matter how long I banged on it. Yesterday, she didn’t answer her door, no matter how much I tried to talk her out through her closed door and windows. It’s impressive that she’s kept all her windows shut so tight, since it’s been over eighty every day and I haven’t even worn a shirt all week.

Today, I have a different tactic.

I hear Avery’s front door shut, and jog to the front of her house. She probably thinks I’ve gone to pick up Piper from school, like I normally do. But not today, I asked her friend’s mom if she’d give her a drive home.

“Hey,” I say, rounding the corner of her house. She’s on her driveway, wearing a flimsy sundress that I want to tear off her right this second. She must’ve been making a break for her car. I stride over to her.

She looks at me like a deer in headlights, and a broad smile forms across my face.

“Knox,” she says as I near her.

“Thanks for taking Piper shopping.”

“No problem, anytime. She’s a great kid. You’ve done a good job, considering her mother is in Africa. I mean, what she’s doing is noble, but her priority really should be her daughter.”

Africa? What the fuck is Avery talking about? Focusing on my goal, I ignore the comment.

“She’s a good kid,” I say.

“Anyway, I’d better run,” she says, turning away.

On reflex, I reach out and grab her upper arm to stop her from leaving, before she can go hide again. The second my hand touches her soft skin, a rush of something shoots from my hand all the way down to me feet.

Judging from the way she looks to the sky and swallows, she felt it too.

“I’ve never seen a guy here.”

“Nope,” she says, and leaves her lips slightly parted.

“I was joking around the other day about you not having a man around. But I mean it, if you need any help with anything, I’m here.” I release her arm.

“Oh,” she says, and turns to face me. Our eyes meet, and the same rush blasts through me.

“You know, anything at all,” I say, raising my eyebrows.

Her nose twitches and her tensed shoulders drop.

“Hear me out. I’m single, you’re single. We both have itches that need scratching. We both know you find me… Well, you know, the whole window thing.”

Avery’s eyes widen and her cheeks turn red. She turns to flee again, and once again I grab her arm. Even though I’m touching her, we’re standing arms length apart.

“Let me go.”

“Just let me say what I want to say, then you can go hide from me in your house again.”

Avery lets out a long groan, her other hand flying to her mouth to stop it.

I smirk. “That’s a sound I want to hear more of. Because seriously, you’ve got the sexiest voice I’ve ever heard. That day,” she grimaces at my reminder, “when you screamed out the window…”

“Oh God, was it that loud?” she says, looking at the ground.

“That noise made me want to break down your door and help you out. I’m just saying this is a two-way thing. There’s no point in us having to do what you were doing at the window.”

“It wasn’t about you, you know?”

“Then why watch me out the window while you’re doing it? You were ten feet away. Obviously you wanted me to see.”

“I most definitely did not want you to see,” she says, raising her voice in protest.

“But I did, so here we are. No point in prolonging your suffering,” I say, smirking.

“My suffering? What about your suffering? Because it seems to me like you’re the one that wants me,” she says, looking at me with her brow furrowed.

“Let’s be clear, this is just about an itch. Nothing, and I mean nothing, more.”

“Good, because nothing more would ever happen.”

“Exactly. I don’t like you. You don’t like me. We just happen to have needs.”

“You don’t like me?”

“So what, you don’t like me.” Shit, what a stupid thing to say to a woman. “I like your body. And your voice. I really like your voice.”

“You said that already.”

“I meant I don’t want a relationship with you. Because I have Piper, and she’s my priority. But I absolutely want to scratch your itches.”

Avery laughs, the sound makes the blood race in my veins. I step closer to her, and run my hand over the bare skin of her shoulder.

“I’ve never really done the whole casual,” she pauses, “sex thing.”

“Don’t worry. You’ve probably never even had a man please you.”

“Of course I have.”

“Not really. Not the way I can make you feel.”

“Is that so?”

Her eyes wander over my shirtless torso. They get stuck on my six pack for a minute, before zeroing in on my crotch. My cock stiffens under the heat of her gaze, and she grins.

“See, we can help each other out. No strings attached.”

I run a calloused finger over her silky hair and down her cheek, stiffening my cock further.

“No strings?”

“We’d have to agree on that from the start. This is purely itch scratching. It’s not even the hint of a relationship.”

“I can agree to that.” Avery smiles and bites her bottom lip.

Unable to resist, I run my thumb over her full lips. The full lips I’ve been watching and visualizing on my cock all those nights with my iPad. She doesn’t stop me, instead her tongue darts out between them and connects with my thumb.

Jesus, why did she take so long to come out of her house? I’ve waited all fucking day, and now Piper’s about to get home.

I close the rest of the distance between us. The swell of her breasts graze against my exposed chest. My cock strains against my shorts.

“But above all else, Piper must never even suspect anything. Ever,” I say.


“I’m fucking serious. Not even a whiff. Don’t come knocking on my door at night because you want some. Don’t hint to her that you’ve had so much as a conversation with me. Nothing.”

“You’re right, of course she can never know. She’s a kid. She doesn’t need, or want, to think about her father’s love life.”

I shake my head, “Not love life, sex life.”

“Whatever, that’s even worse. What would she think if she found out I was sleeping with her father?”

“Good, we agree. Any terms you want to add?”

I lean over, our lips an inch apart.

“You really don’t like me?” she asks.

“Do you like me?”

Avery doesn’t say anything.

“Didn’t think so,” I say, and press my lips against hers.

Jesus. My cock surges. They’re every bit as amazing as I’ve imagined. Soft and full, my lips get lost in them the way they’ll get lost in her pussy lips.

The noise of a car rounding the corner hits my ears, and I spring back from Avery.

“Why’d you take so fucking long to come out of the house?” I bark.

“I don’t know.”

“Tomorrow morning, do us both a favor, and answer your goddamn door.”

“Dad! Avery!” Piper shouts, slamming the car door behind her.

My cock deflates at record speed, and I turn to wave to her. She’s running at full tilt towards us.

“Are you feeling better, Avery?”

“Yes, I’m just about to go grocery shopping,” Avery says, “I have to hurry if I want to make it to the bank.” Smooth, real smooth Avery.

“Come on, sweetheart, let’s go home. Avery’s in a hurry.”