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Breaking the Rules by Crystal Kaswell (16)

Chapter Sixteen


All through dinner, then a superhero movie at a theater on the Third Street Promenade, I watch Emma and Collin.

He's a good kid. Polite. Friendly. Respectful.

He holds her hand during the movie.

But that's it.

Alice and I get closer. She cuddles up to me like she wants to soak in all the comfort I can offer her.

But I don't know how to offer her comfort.

I wish I did.

I wish I was good at this.

But I'm not.

I absorb most of the movie—the plot isn't all that complicated—but it doesn't hit me the way it usually does.

It's not comic fatigue either.

I still love this stuff.

Still read graphic novels in my spare time.

Hell, watching Daredevil with Emma is the most fun I've had in ages.

Though… that's not exactly about the show.

It's watching it with her.

After the movie ends, Emma and Alice head to the bathroom.

They reappear with their makeup fresh and their smiles wide.

Alice's is real.

Emma's isn't.

She joins her date on one of the green iron benches on the promenade. This late, this far into fall, it's quiet. The street isn't teeming with tourists. The shops are all closed.

"Hey, Hunter." Emma's eyes bore into mine.

I stare back, trying to figure out what she's saying. "Yeah?"

"Collin invited me to a party at UCLA." She presses her red lips together. Digs her soft pink nails into her bare thighs. "I'm going to go for a few hours."

She's asking my permission.

Or looking for me to say no.

I try to figure it out, but I don't.

"Is that a good idea?" I check the time on my cell. "It's late."

"Thanks for the concern, Dad." She makes a show of rolling her eyes. "I'll be fine."

She watches Alice close the distance between us. Fights a frown.

I'm not closer to convincing Emma I'm not interested.

This is my chance.

And Collin… he's a teddy bear. If I can trust her with anyone, it's him.

Still—"If you're home by one."

"Oh my God." She tries to feign irritation, but it doesn't land. "I can't wait until I find my own place."

"I was the same way when I was your age." Alice slides her arm around my waist. "Do you kids have the address to your party?"

"Yeah." Emma nods. "I'll text it to you."

"Call if you need anything," I say.

"What could I need?" she asks.

"A ride," I say.

"Okay. Sure." She nods.

"Don't get in a car with someone who's been drinking," I say.

"And you're going to be sober?" she asks.

Fuck, that's it. "Guess so."

Alice frowns.

"All right. But don't wait up." She motions lets go to Collin.

"One a.m."

"You don't have any authority, Hunter." She waves goodbye. "But I'll think about it."

She nods another goodbye and follows Collin around the corner, back toward the restaurant.

Alice slides her arms around my waist. She looks up at me with a smile. "He seems like a good kid."

"Yeah." He seems safe. But you never know with guys. They're good at hiding what pieces of shit they are.

"What do you think?" Alice motions to the bar across the street. "One can't hurt."

I bite my tongue.

"A guy your size. Do you even feel a drink?"

Fuck, I used to hang out at that place. It's a wine bar. Trendy. Loud.


"I was thinking coffee," I say.

"Maybe at my place." She presses her palm to my chest. "Unless—"

"I can't stay late."

"I won't keep you."