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FLASH (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 15) by Samantha Leal (166)



Jessa grinned in response to the weird look that comment had apparently elicited from Michael.

“Does that face mean you don’t agree?”

“Yea, I guess I can’t really argue with your assessment. It’s just that you have quite a way with words.”

Jessa giggled.

“I’ve heard that before. So are you going to tell me why you are here? With us I mean.”

Jessa’s green eyes held his this time, the mirth in her face having gone. Up until now she had been the evasive one, but she knew in her heart that she needed to face her feelings as well as her fears. This seemed as good of a time as ever. She was being serious and she wanted to make sure that he knew it. If there was going to be anything between them she needed to know where she stood.

“I think you know why I am here.”

“I mean, what do you want from me?”

“I think you know that too. I want it all. You know, it’s not like I just want to get off, Jessa. I think I’ve shown you that I really care about you. I am a patient man though, I can wait.”

Jessa shivered with the memories of his touch when they had last met. He had been patient at first, just as he said. But his passion for her burned just below the surface, and soon enough he had lost all that patience and control. The gentle man she saw before her now had been replaced with a rutting animal. She felt a blush run up her neck and tried to cover it with her hand. She knew that he had only acted on what they had both been feeling. And she knew that deep down, coming from him, she had liked it.

“Why do you deny that you want me just as badly as I want you?”

“I am not denying anything. I’m just not giving in to it right now.”

“Well, I would humbly venture that you might be a lot happier if you did. I can see the way you look at me sometimes. You remember that night just as well as I do, don’t you? We have something.”

Michael was getting closer and he touched her lips lightly with an outstretched hand. The touch made her lips tingle and she whimpered with the shivers that accompanied the innocent touch.

“I miss your lips. Can I kiss you Jessa?”

“Now you are asking?”


“Okay, but just a kiss.”

Michael encircled Jessa with his arms, and while she was expecting him to try to suck her face off, she was moved instead by his unexpectedly gentle touch. It was so soft. She was the one who added the heat as her tongue slid in between his puckered lips. Her moan was swallowed up by his hungry mouth that quickly began to take over the kiss. They fell on their sides and then Mike’s body pressed hers hard into the grass as he rolled on top. When she pushed against him, he pulled back suddenly.

“Sorry. I kind of lose it when I get around you. I don’t want to push you away again.”

Jessa’s mouth throbbed with want and memory. Her insides were quivering and her nether region tingled, but she tried not to give in. Jessa’s heart was already involved, though she was trying to tell herself that she was in control of it. The longer she denied the craving though, the more it threatened to consume her completely. It was turning into a vicious cycle that more often than not left her on edge and battling a feeling of desperate yearning.

Guiding him off of her, and with as much poise as she could muster, she said, “I think I am going to go to bed. We have a long day tomorrow. We need our rest. Goodnight Michael.”

It was harder than she cared to admit, to walk away from him that night, and she spent hours in bed actually wishing she hadn’t. It was all she could do to not just get up and go into the next room to be with him. It was tempting, but Jessa did not trust herself to keep her head once she gave in. She couldn’t afford to lose herself right now.




Michael was having his own difficulties getting to sleep. His room seemed too big after having shared rooms with the others for so many nights. They were too far away. Most of all, of course, she was too far away. He couldn’t hear her breathing, or sense her just across the room, as he had grown accustomed to doing before he drifted off each night.  He strained to hear a noise from the other room. Maybe she would come to him after all. There were no footsteps however. Instead, he imagined he heard a soft moaning from through the wall. Maybe he was just imagining it though.

It was a nice thought though, to think of her playing with herself only a couple of feet away. It was not helping him fall asleep though. He was almost sure now that he heard her. At least he knew that he had gotten to her. She would come around. Still he wanted to be the one giving her pleasure tonight, and making her moan. By the sound of things, she was just as frustrated as he was. He smiled at that. He was a patient man. But boy was it gonna be great when they finally got it on again, he thought as he finally drifted off. Luckily he was utterly exhausted from the long days on the road.