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FLASH (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 15) by Samantha Leal (235)



The embers burned low on the fire, and when Melissa woke, Saber was already up, stoking it and adding more wood.

She approached him from behind, wrapped her arms around him and kissed his neck. She had never felt more like a woman around him. She had never felt sexier.

“A kiss,” she whispered as he turned to her and her lips met his. He ran his hand through her hair and slipped his tongue against hers.

It was all so perfect. She wished it never had to end.

But she knew she couldn’t stay there.

When they broke apart, his eyes looked sad, as if he knew it was all over, too.

“I need to go,” she said. “Can you take me back to the cave?”

Saber looked out at the fire and ignored her for a moment. She could tell he didn’t want her to leave.

Her heart ached as she was torn between her decision and the man in front of her… Could she leave him now they had met? Their connection was so pure and fierce. Could she walk away from him?

Tears stung her eyes and she wiped them away. Saber shook his head and held onto her chin. He looked at her deep in the eyes and said, “No.”

Melissa smiled and nodded.

“Come with me?” she said as a stroke of genius flooded through her. “You don’t have to stay here… Come back with me?”

She knew it was a crazy concept, but she also knew it was the only answer. She didn’t want to leave him; there was no life for him there. But she didn’t think he would let her go. If she managed to get him back to the cave and they found a way to reopen the vortex, maybe they could be back in 2015 and live happily ever after.

Saber was looking at her as if he didn’t understand anything she was saying. It was the first time he had looked confused since he found her. Melissa took his hand and smiled.

“Trust me,” she said.

He smiled back and nodded.




The journey back to the Neanderthals’ cave was short and frightening. Saber threw her up over his shoulder and ran with her back down the incline, past the rocks and cliff face and over a small rise. The opening was there and Saber sniffed the air. He nodded and moved forward, happy that the coast was clear.

Inside the cave, the carcass of the tiger was lying limply on the floor and the Neanderthals had already removed its tusks. Melissa shivered as she opened her mind to suggestion and hoped the rocks would call to her again.

Saber watched her as she held onto his hand and looked around. Her heart was pounding and she was about to panic when suddenly a light shone on the corner of the room and two points from two rocks, one above and one below, were almost touching.

“That’s it,” she smiled as she led him over to them.

Saber held her hand and with their other hands, they both took hold of the rock points. Just as before, Melissa felt a surge of power run through her and Saber roared like a lion as the pain hit them and the earth began to move.

The world went black, but she could still feel his hand.

And then… nothing.




A big arm cradled her, and as she opened her eyes, they met his.

“Melissa,” he said with a smile as he brushed the hair out of her face and kissed her gently on the lips.

She sat up and looked around in panic.

Were they back? Had she brought him back to the present?

They were in the cave and it looked similar to when she had been there with Quattro, but there was still something different.

She looked down and they were both still wearing the fur pelts and their skin was dirty.

“Dr. Quattro?” she called out, but her voice echoed around the cave. She knew there was no one there.

“If this were 2015, this cave would be crawling with archaeologists after yesterday,” she said. “Something’s changed.”

She could see the shaft they needed to climb in order to get back to the surface, and Saber led the way. He put her on his back and climbed it with his bare hands and feet with such incredible strength Melissa couldn’t believe he was actually capable of doing it.

He had lived a long time in a savage land with only himself to rely on, but now he had found her and he wanted to protect her. When he reached the top of the small cave opening, he heaved himself up and out with Melissa still clinging to him. As they rolled back onto the grass in the French field, Melissa looked around and was surprised that there was still no one there.

“Looks like we’ll have to walk,” she said.

Saber put her over his shoulder again and headed east.

They reached a road after about two hours and the first car that pulled over held an old couple who looked intrigued and confused by what they were seeing. Saber’s eyes were like saucers as he watched the car as if it were a predator. Melissa assured him it was all fine, and as they made their way back to Bordeaux, she asked the couple in basic French what the date was.

“April 10th, 1973,” the woman said as she turned to smile at her.

Melissa’s heart pounded and she didn’t know where to look. Saber wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close.

She wasn’t even born until 1990… She couldn’t help but laugh.

She thought back to her life in 2015 and of all she was lacking. She may have had a great career, but she could still do that in 1973. Her family were long gone and she didn’t have a boyfriend or husband to speak of. The explorer in her wanted to stay where she was, to never tell anyone what had happened to her and to integrate Saber into society without anyone being any wiser.

She looked at him, and when he looked back at her with his beautiful and innocent eyes, she knew they could make it work. They could stay in France and build a life. Now that they had each other, anything was possible.

Neither of them were from that time and that made it all the more real. It made it so much more exciting for them to be experiencing the journey together.

“Let’s do this,” she smiled and she squeezed Saber’s hand.

The archaeologist had her very own caveman, and they were about to embark on the wildest ride either of them would ever have thought possible.

“Time doesn’t exist when you’ve got love,” she whispered to him. And even though he was still learning, she was pretty sure he understood.