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FLASH (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 15) by Samantha Leal (59)





“What makes you think that we are going to find her at the bar again?” Frederick asked. He scowled to the leader at the front of the line, and Richard smiled.

“I don’t know that we will find her there, but I do think that perhaps we will find a clue as to her whereabouts now. And anyway, since it was the last place we saw her, it wouldn’t hurt to try. Would it?”

Frederick couldn’t argue with that, and followed Richard until they made it to the bar where they had seen the dragon-born carrier. If they were able to take her back to the laboratory, it was possible that they would finally have the key. Her blood could teach them all they needed to know about opening and sealing the dimensions of the time portals and the rips in the fabric between the worlds.

Based on a lot of the research that they had been doing, the blood of the carriers was extremely special. With it came great possibilities. There was a reason that this particular type of people from the world above had been so revered. They were the builders and creators; the oracles and the artists. Without them, not only would there be no culture, but there would be very little pleasure in the lives of the people of Kaldernon. Their gifts had been utilized, time and again, to maintain balance and order within the world they lived in.

But now the Loni were in the Earth world, and that was going to have to be enough. They were not special, not the way they had been considered special before in Kaldernon. They were not fantastic creatures who were meant to carve out peace and unity, spreading peace and art worldwide. They were the overlooked and under sung citizens of the world that they thought they belonged to but were truly too good for.

To harness any of their power, particularly the power of the last Loni on Earth with the ability to carry a child for the dragon-borns, was a great opportunity. With her in their possession, they would be able to learn more and perfect the greatest weapon in their arsenal. Something that could feel a rip in the dimensional fabric and keep it sealed. Something that could tear apart a paranormal being atom by atom. If her blood was able to help them as much as they thought it could, they would stop at nothing to capture her and keep her in their laboratory.

“How long ago has it been since we were here last?” Rodney asked.

“It’s been about seventeen hours. Which means the scent would still be fresh. Maybe we can get one of the bloodhounds on the trail.”

“I can go fetch one if you want,” Rodney replied.

“That would be fantastic. You do that. In the meantime, we’re going to stay here and hope that we can catch a glimpse of the carrier.”

The group looked around at each other and nodded. Each had been told to keep their eyes on a certain area of a carrier’s body so that they could recognize her even under the most elaborate disguise. If the dragon-born were able to get to her first, that meant that all of their work would have gone to waste. And that was something that none of them wanted to see happen. They couldn’t afford that type of setback. Not when they were so close to achieving their goals.

Suddenly, Richard’s cell phone began to ring. He paused and answered it.

“Hello?” he asked. He listened intently as the voice on the other end spoke quickly. His eyebrows furrowed with concern and then relief.

“She was just at the police station,” Richard said, snapping his phone closed and stuffing it into his pocket. “She was filing a report against us for attacking her. Good thing Josie was there today. She’s so loyal to our mission. She used to attend the meetings when she was just a little girl, sitting on her father’s lap. I always tried to make sure there were coloring books there for her. What a precious and pure soul she is.”

Everybody nodded and murmured their appreciation for Josie. It was good to have friends in high places, and the guardian’s council certainly did have that. They needed to if they were truly going to shape the face of the world around them and protect it from invasive species.

“Should we go and intercept her now?” Richard asked the rest of the group. Everybody nodded and followed him toward the police station. Richard was pleased by the great stroke of luck that they had been having. It had been a long time since they’d had hope of finding the carrier, and now everything seemed to be falling into place. It was such a great stroke of luck that they had been able to discover just where the carrier was right when they needed her the most. If she provided the dragon-born clan with any more heirs, the eradication of their extremely dangerous species would be a waste. If they were reproducing and spawning, who knew whether or not they would turn against their human companions and use their power against them. It was dangerous and likely that this would happen, and everybody was terrified of the consequences of such behavior.

If she provided the dragon-born clan with any more heirs, their mission would be hopeless. They were certain that the Kersh clan had been improving their technology, and if they figured out the portal between the worlds before the guardians did, there would be hell to pay.

Josie had done her best to call as quickly as she possibly could without arousing suspicion. Krista was still finishing up with her paperwork, which gave the Guardians ample time to make it to the police station. They waited outside for her, smug smiles on their faces as they prepared themselves for another attack. Most of the police force knew of them as powerful men who worked behind the scenes, so their actions wouldn’t be questioned. They stayed concealed behind the trees, and quietly watched the front door of the police station as they hoped for Krista to emerge.

It seemed to take an extraordinarily long time, but finally, there she was. Her full lips were curved into a relieved smile as she descended the stone steps of the police station. When Richard gave a nod, everybody began to creep toward her.

Before they reached her, a female dragon-born landed out of nowhere in front of them, her eyes piercing through the group of Guardians menacingly. She had flown down from the sky and landed in half-human form, which was almost more dangerous than full-dragon form. It always depended. Sometimes, their guns didn’t work when the shifter was only half-dragon and half-human in appearance.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” the woman asked indignantly, staring at the Guardians. They were annoyed and clambered over each other to move past her, some of them reaching for their weapons, but others more concerned that they were losing sight of Krista. The direction that she was going in was soon to be lost to them.

“Get out of our way,” Richard growled, pushing his way past the shifter woman. She gave him a menacing smile before swiping her claws painfully across his cheek. He hissed in anger, and motioned for everybody to attack her. This seemed to be the action that she had been waiting for, and soon, they were engaged in a full out brawl. Krista was completely oblivious, and had already reached the parking lot. Before long, she was pulling away from the police station in her little copper-colored car.

In fact, nobody seemed to notice the battle waging between the Guardians and the single dragon shifter that had volunteered to look after Krista for the afternoon. They had learned a trick from the faeries in captivity about concealment, and had stolen some of their magic to make their own deeds easier to accomplish.

Clayton was going to be furious, the dragon-born woman thought to herself as she emitted dangerous heat waves that scolded the Guardians. They cried out in agony as their skin began to blister and they covered their faces with their hands. Backing away from the shifter, they retreated into the wooded area around the police station.

The shifter, whose name was Jasmine, followed along with Krista’s car in the air, completely concealed from everybody. She had never been more thankful for her ability to blend into the Earth’s atmosphere. Her relief was short-lived as her thoughts began to catch up with her.

It was vital that they protect Krista from the dangers of the Guardians. Now that the Guardians knew who Krista was, they probably had an idea of where she lived, or at least the general vicinity of the city that she came from. They were going to have to be extra careful. In fact, if they had people on the inside who worked at the police station, it was likely that they already had her address on file. The thought made Jasmine pause, and she shuddered as an icy panic began to overwhelm her. She had to tell Clayton, and she had to do it now.




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