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FLASH (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 15) by Samantha Leal (213)


Kylie was upset about being taken from her home, but it felt nice to have a reason not to worry about what she was supposed to do with her life. Now that she had no job, she wasn't sure where her life was heading anymore. She would just have to play it by ear. That was a whole lot easier to do when staring out the window of the ship as the stars passed by then it was sitting alone in her summer home before she sold it for an extra chunk of money. Although she was bitter about being kept prisoner, it was nice to surrender a little bit of control over her life.

Soon, her stomach started growling, and she couldn't wait for her next meal. She wondered what in the world it was that they were feeding her. It tasted great, and she felt stronger and more nourished after eating it than she did eating the food on earth. The door to her apartment hissed open, and two Driads in lab coats walked toward her. The male had a long needle in his hand, and she flinched away from it.

“Not to worry child, you're going to be fine. Just brace yourself for the pain. It will only last a moment."

She grimaced and the other Driad gripped her shoulder, forcing her to stay still as the long needle pierced into her delicate flesh. She exhaled sharply as the pain seared through her. Finally, he withdrew the needle and gave her a small cup with a clear liquid in it.

“Drink this," he demanded.

She did as she was told, strongly resenting the hand of the Driad woman who was gripping her firmly, and immediately the pain in her body dissipated. She wanted to thank him, but stopped herself. They had just inconvenienced her body with a serious amount of pain after abducting her from her home planet. There was no way she should be thanking them for anything. And that woman was looking at her so strangely, it made her feel like a lab rat.

Her stubborn anger toward the alien race wore on long after the Driads in lab coats left. The threat of the Codans meant nothing to her. They might as well have been made up and part of the strange delusion she was having during her nervous breakdown. It would all make so much sense – the need to escape reality, the handsome, masculine man in control... everything her life might be lacking. And even if it wasn't a nervous breakdown, she had never heard of the Codans all the time that she was on earth, so she didn't see why she needed to think about them while she was in space either. The idea of the human race becoming extinct because of some weird space virus seemed absurd.

Kylie grumbled to herself and tried to get comfortable on the couch in her room. It wasn't as difficult as it looked like it would be, and she sank easily into it. She leaned back and smiled, instantly relaxed. She could get used to this, she thought, and then sighed. She didn't know how long she would be there, so she might as well try and enjoy it while it lasted.




Kane was sitting in the control room, thinking deeply about how to set a course to avoid Codan territory. He had just figured it out when his two leading scientists burst into the room, waving a file excitedly. He looked at them as if they were crazy, until realization dawned on his face.

“Is that a match?" He asked, his jaw dropping in awe.

“Yes!" Korda exclaimed. “It's an exact match. The genetic sequence is perfect – all we have to do now is get it in the formula and see if it works. We have the test subjects being readied right now. It's going to be a very simple process. If this cures them, you do realize that all the power in the universe will finally be resting right in our own hands, don't you?"

“Of course, this shifts everything in our favor. But we will have to keep this top-secret, there is no way that the Codans will leave us alone if we are carrying something so valuable. We're going to have to set up some kind of a safety net here. But once we have enough of what we need, are going to take the power back into our own hands. This changes everything. I'm so glad that we made such a wonderful mistake!"

Korda nodded enthusiastically and summoned his assistant Gina to follow. They disappeared behind the door to the control room, and Kane leaned back and let out an excited whoop. Finally, things were going to go right. His mind drifted to the beautiful human that they had abducted by accident. He hadn't had a great feeling about abducting the drunk children, and when their sights had landed on the women, he felt as if some kind of divine miracle had taken place. He thought at the time that maybe that was just because he had never laid eyes on somebody more beautiful than her, but now he questioned whether or not he had some kind of premonition about the fate of the universe resting in his own hands.

And it was all thanks to this woman. Kylie. He began to pace on the control room, his mind taking on a completely new train of thought. Kylie was now a precious commodity in the universe. If the Codans were going to eliminate earth, they would have to make sure to keep her as safe as possible. It was crucial that nobody discover the value of their cargo until they were able to produce enough serum to help everybody fight the disease that was enslaving the races of the universe to the evil Codan empire. But that was why he was the captain of the Legacy, he was going to do his best to fight the oppressive force out to enslave them and liberate the universe once and for all.