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FLASH (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 15) by Samantha Leal (212)



Kylie looked around the room, her heart racing in fear.

“Where am I?" She demanded.

“Don't worry, you are safe. You should take a seat, most people find it very difficult to withstand the abduction rays. I'm sure your legs are feeling quite unpleasant. ”

The man gestured toward a bench in the room, and she reluctantly sat, unable to stand any longer. Her legs were feeling rubbery and weak. She finally regained her eye sight completely, and noticed that the room they were in was like a large apartment.

“You are aboard the Legacy. My ship."

Kylie stared at the man in disbelief.

"Your ship? Where is your ship going?"

“That really depends," he said with a raw laugh.

“Depends on what?” She demanded.

“It depends on what we discover about you. I should probably explain myself. There is far more going on in the galaxy than you could ever conceive of. You can be part of something amazing.”

“What are you talking about?" Kylie asked. She was suddenly very tired.

“I can explain everything to you," he said, heading toward the door. “But for now, I'm just going to let you rest. We will talk when you're feeling better, and you be able to understand everything much more clearly then. Have you eaten in the past five hours?”

“That's a strange question. But no, I haven't.”

“All right, I'll send something by and get you on a regular diet. We can talk more then.”

He didn't give her the chance to reply before he marched out the door. It closed automatically behind him, and Kylie sat back and took a deep breath. She suddenly had a feeling of acute loneliness, unlike anything that she had ever felt before. She missed the deep and masculine voice of the man who had just left her company. She was confused and frustrated, but her body wasn't able to handle all of it at once. She felt promptly into a deep sleep.

She didn't wake up until the door in the apartment slid open again. She recognized one of the people who had been panicked about abducting her. He was lingering in the doorway for a moment, nervous, before entering. He was looking at her the same way many of the men on earth had looked at her – hungrily. It made her nervous, especially when he approached, but he simply sat a tray full of food on the table. It smelled surprisingly delicious, and her stomach rumbled heartily. The person, for lack of a better word, left before Kylie could speak, and she began to eat enthusiastically.

With the food in her stomach, she was able to think much more clearly about the situation that she was in. It all still seemed very impossible, but at least now she knew for sure that she wasn't dreaming. It was possible that she was going insane, but it was probably because she was having a nervous breakdown. That was completely acceptable in modern society, most people had a breakdown at some point in their lives. It was nothing that she should be too ashamed about.

She had mustered more energy after eating and began to poke around at her surroundings. It was full of strange objects as well as some familiar ones. She was pressing buttons on a strange device that looked like a calculator when the attractive man who had led her to the apartment entered.

"Do you think that I will ever have any privacy in this place? And how long do you plan on keeping me here for?"

"I'm sorry, next time I will knock,” he said with a wry smile. “And frankly, the duration of your stay will depend solely on the task at hand. Maybe at the end of our quest you will find that you feel more fulfilled on earth, although that seems unlikely. If we get what we need and we are able to accomplish our mission, you will be returned safe and sound. We wish no harm to come to you.”

“What mission are you talking about? Why is it necessary for me to be here? Don't you care that I might have a family and friends back home that I care about?" Kylie scowled, but not at the thought of being stuck in space at this handsome, albeit strange man. She was more concerned as she remembered how her family and friends had turned on her in her time of need. There really wasn't much left for her on earth, but still, it did seem pretty rude to be taken away without any second thoughts.

“I should probably break down what's going on for you,” he said thoughtfully. “My name is Kane. I'm the leader of the Driad people. We are one of many races in the universe. We have been traveling throughout the galaxies in search of a way to stop the Codans, because they are enslaving other races. They are the only ones who hold an elixir for a virus that is plaguing the universe. Many races are being wiped out by it, and it is lethal and mysterious. My team is working against the Codans to find a cure and liberate the people who are being used for the Codans evil schemes. They abuse the power of the elixir, and purposely keep people sick so they have to continue relying on the Codans for their livelihood. The worst part is it only eases symptoms, it doesn't even cure them.”

“What does that have to do with me?" Kylie asked.

“It has both nothing and everything to do with you. Humans haven't been touched by the virus yet, though we have reason to suspect Earth as an origin of it. We've been looking for people who can help us to unlock the genetic sequence in the disease. If we were able to find a cure, that would mean that we can get out from under the oppressive thumb of the Codans and find peace and harmony in the universe once again. The Codans have very big ideas about what to do with the races they've enslaved, and they want to colonize the whole thing.”

“Colonize...?” Kylie asked, imagining

It's highly likely that your planet will be overtaken by the Codans, or obliterated by the virus. Either one is an unfortunate fate. We've been collecting some specimens to avoid extinction in case the worst happens. But you do see how this affects you, don't you? You might just save your world and ours. My planet has already been lost to the disease," Kane said, turning around as he grimaced painfully.

He tried to hide the emotion in his face, but he couldn't. Kylie found herself wondering how strange it was that she should be able to empathize with it being from another planet. All of this seemed too strange and unworldly to be true, but what other choice did she have but to believe him? There she was, in a spaceship as it began to orbit far above any of the earthly boundaries that she was used to. Somehow the conditions in the ship were perfect for her to thrive, and she wondered if it was just in the apartment or if she was ever going to be able to have free roam of the craft. Finally, Kane turned back around and gave her a reassuring smile.

“All we have to do is test your genes, and will find out if they're match for the antivirus. I understand that you probably don't have any interest in helping us, considering that we basically just kidnapped you from everything that you know and love, so we will try and make this quick. However, if it turns out that you are a match, we may need to keep you on board for further tests. I hope that you will come to forgive us for this invasion in time.”

And with that, he walked out of the room, leaving her to stare behind him in disbelief as the door closed with a hiss and left her alone.