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FLASH (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 15) by Samantha Leal (284)



“What year is it?” Jonathan had asked. Jax was younger by two years, and always believed that the two of them would stick together.

“I don't know,” Jax had laughed.

They felt lucky together, at first. Most people didn't have anybody left. Somehow, the two of them had defied all the odds and been immune, probably thanks to some gene they carried. Unfortunately it had skipped a generation and their parents had fallen ill shortly after the carriers were left to roam the country. The boys were left orphans, and Jonathan was devoted to taking care of Jax. He taught him everything he knew about hunting and foraging, which wasn't much, but they'd stolen books from the library and kept them secure, reading them over and over again, to themselves and to each other in their home until the power flickered out and huge groups of people began roaming the streets, rioting and breaking into houses, stealing things they couldn't use, hoping to take advantage of a crisis.

It hadn't been safe, and they'd had to leave quickly with just a few remnants to bring along with them. Jax had taken a family picture to remember his parents and the good times, but during his orientation into the Hex tribe, they'd taken his things, looking through them and throwing away anything they deemed sentimental. He had no past, they told him. Only a future. And he was in charge of that.

It had been a liberating thought at the time, but it had been painful to watch them burn the picture. He'd had to force himself not to cry as he watched the faces of his parents and brother melting right in front of him. By then, he'd lost Jonathan too. He'd been alone for a year before Hex found him and brought him in. They could tell by his size that he was strong, and his eyes were sharp, wizened by his experiences. He could be of use to them, they were convinced of it, and he was for a while. It was one of his prideful points, and when Jonathan had come back to him, apologizing profusely for abandoning him, Jax was already well-established with Hex, and wasn't capable of forgiveness. They were his family now, and Jonathan could either join or leave him alone.

“I won't be a part of one of these sick cults,” Jonathan had said sternly. “And when you change your mind, because you're too smart not to, come find me.”

Jax's heart had been too broken by his brother to care or take his words seriously. All he felt was the gaping hole of loneliness and anger. The sadness could have destroyed him if he let it. And he was feeling it now, as he drifted into fitful sleep across from a stranger.




“Jax,” a faraway voice called. Someone was touching him, moving him. He shook his head in confusion and reared his head back, flinching from the hand. He rose, his eyes wild with confusion and hot with tears.

“Jax,” Layne whispered. Her voice was soft and gentle, and he blinked hard, wiping the tears away so that he could see her clearly. “You were dreaming. It's okay.”

Her hand was cool on his cheek, stroking him gently. She felt like salve on a deep, raw wound he didn't know he had, and she soothed him out of the dream and back into reality. He didn't know he dreamt so loudly, loudly enough to stir her from her drunken slumber. Her eyes were on him, drawn with concern and something he had never expected to see in another person again - warmth.

“We should move,” he mumbled, stumbling to his feet and throwing his bag over his shoulder. “If I was loud someone might have heard me.”

“You weren't,” she said. She'd only heard him whimper softly, and felt a pang of sadness as tears had streamed down his face in his sleep. “Sit down and have breakfast with me.”

“I can't spare my rations yet,” he said, still heavy from sleep. He leaned against a tree.

“I've got plenty,” she replied, tossing a bag to him. His eyes widened and he laughed suddenly. So this was why they were after her.

“You got this from the Jackals!” he exclaimed.

“Yes,” she said, her eyes sparkling. In truth, her bag was full to the brim of their ration bags. She had raided them late in the night, but had made the mistake of stopping to eat before she left. Her hunger had controlled her and left her vulnerable to being spotted.

“Smart girl,” he said approvingly, and sat down on the ground. She sat across from him, pulling a bag out for herself. They ate quietly together, the strength coursing through their bodies and making them both feel incredible.

When they were done, they sat together in silence, listening to the birds singing and appreciating the spring breeze and blue sky. It was a beautiful morning, and much easier to enjoy with somebody else. Neither of them had had company for a while, and the companionship was refreshing. Layne was reluctant to give it up.

“So where are you heading?” she asked finally.

“North,” Jax answered vaguely.

“What's north?”

“I'm looking for my brother.”

She could tell it was difficult for him to talk about, but she couldn't keep the words from spilling out. She'd missed having somebody to talk to, and she was burning with curiosity about this man. She decided to change the subject, if he got too prickly she would have to leave.

“Are you part of a tribe?” she asked.

“Not anymore,” he said. “What about you?”

“Not anymore.”

“What happened?”

“They were self-important freaks who couldn't get along. They thought we would find a the world. But nobody knew where to start and shot down anyone who gave it a try.”

“You're a doctor?” he asked, unable to conceal his surprise.

“A scientist,” she corrected.


“What happened to your tribe?”

“I outgrew them,” he said softly. “And now I have to find my brother.”

He was obviously in pain and she wanted to reach out to him, give him some kind of hope.

“I'm sure you will,” she said.

The thought seemed to please him, and he was quiet for a moment, considering the likelihood of this happening.

“We parted on bad terms,” he said. “I don't know if he'll be happy to see me even if I do find him.”

“He's family,” Layne said, her chest constricting painfully as all she had lost flickered before her eyes. “You belong together. I'm sure he knows that.”

Jax considered this and nodded. Jonathan had told him to find him, so that's what he was going to do. It had been a long time, a really long time, but some things didn't change, like the love you have toward your siblings. They wouldn't be able to hurt you so much if you didn't care more about them than you knew what to do with.

“I should get on the move,” he said finally. “I appreciate the food. Take care of yourself.”

“Oh,” Layne said, crestfallen.  “All right. Good luck. I'm sure everything will turn out fine.”

He nodded and stood, turning his back on her and disappearing into the forest.




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