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FLASH (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 15) by Samantha Leal (242)

Chapter Eight


Moments later, the couple relaxed easy in one another’s arms; resting in the divine softness of the carpet beneath them as they shared and enjoyed the vision of a crackling fire.

“Wowsa,” Jasmin gasped out, blowing a stray tendril of hair from her cheek as she considered the events of that evening.

Nathaniel frowned.

“So sorry, my darling, but I am not overly familiar with that particular term,” he admitted, wrinkling his eyebrows with a shrug. “What does it mean, exactly?”

Jasmin laughed.

“It just means you did a really, really good job, Dude,” she assured him, laying a playful slap across his bronzed muscled chest as she added and emphasized, “A REALLY good job.”

Nathaniel chuckled, pulling her to him in an affirming hug as he pressed two warm, sweet lips against her flushed cheeks.

“I am most pleased to hear that, Love,” he affirmed, continuing through gritted teeth, “I was a bit concerned, seeing as how it’s been ages since I enjoyed the company of a lady.”

Jasmin shook her head.

“Well, it’s been ages since I got laid—that is, since I enjoyed the company of a gentleman,” she revealed, adding through gritted teeth, “And come to think of it, the last gentleman whose company I enjoyed took the form of a stocky ol’ grease monkey named Clyde.” She frowned at the recollection. “Wow, no wonder I crossed all boundaries of time and place to find a new life. All things considered, my old one kinda wreaked.”

Nathaniel guffawed outright.

“Well, before you came along, milady, my own life was passing miserable,” he assured her, raising her hand to his warm soft lips for a most gentlemanly kiss, “Oh the days passed pleasantly and productively enough, as I was able to throw myself into my work.” He paused here, adding with a grave tone and a faraway look, “The nights, however, were quite another matter. I bided my time between weeping and mourning for she who I had lost, and dreaming of the many times we had shared together—awakening the next morn to an empty bed and an empty life.”

He took in his breath as his lover swept him up in two loving arms; holding his body closer than close as she whispered low and sweet in his ear, “You aren’t alone anymore, baby. I’m here now. Together, we can dream new dreams—then we can make them all come true.”

Within an hour, the couple found themselves safe and sound in the sanctity of Nathaniel’s manor house; with Jasmin’s doting host delivering her to the distinguished drawing room that formed a beautiful, highly-elegant centerpiece to his upscale manse.

Jasmin nodded affirmingly as Nathaniel excused himself to the kitchen, where he promised to prepare some steaming hot cocoa that would bring an ideal finishing touch to their dream of an evening.

Finally alone as she perched herself on the edge of a settee of lavender velvet, she seized the opportunity to take a good look around his stylish salon. This room, she found, was distinguished by the presence of stained glass windows and lamps, lavender cushioned cherry wood furniture with matching plush carpeting, and an expansive ceiling mural that depicted angels in flight across the vast expanse of a gem blue sky.

Her admiring eyes followed the cornice bound lines of this illustrious mural, her gaze finally descending down the side of a shiny silver brocade wall to admire yet another work of art; one that portrayed yet another angelic subject.

Jasmin gaped outright at a large, brass framed oil painting that depicted the image of a golden goddess; a tall, slender woman with flowing golden hair and a chiseled flawless face.

The model came dressed in a striking ivory ensemble that well befit her celestial image. This fine example of Victorian fashion came complete with a contoured jacket of satin and lace, as well as a bustled cream-hued, lace-lined overskirt with a crisp cotton ruffled underskirt attached. 

“She’s annoyingly skinny and impossibly beautiful,” she mused, biting her lip as she froze stock still on the edge of the settee. “That has to be her.”

Jasmin suddenly realized that she was staring into the wide dark eyes of the mistress of this house; a woman whose beauty and grace made her feel skeptical of her own status as a newly minted Victorian princess.

“Oh, who am I kidding?” she released on a sigh, shaking her head from side to side. “I am nothing but a pretender to her throne. I might as well forget about this high falutin’ fantasy and try to find my way back to the real world.”

“Oh, come now, Darling. However can I persuade you to stay right here? Where you belong?”

Her head snapped forward as she found that she was not alone; and, even more noticeably, that the man before her just happened to be completely and delightfully naked.

Another celestial image now bathed her vision. This one came defined by the presence of a bulging muscled chest, washboard abs, a trim waist and long legs, and—of course—a long hard shaft that saluted her in grand fashion.

“Um,” she sputtered out, all the while never tearing her rebellious gaze from the vision of his chiseled perfection. “So I take it that the cocoa pot didn’t come to boil?” She winced as she realized that she’d just said the cheesiest, most cloying thing possible.

She took in her breath as he met these cheesy words with a sexy, downright wolfish smile.

“I’d far rather bring you to boil instead,” he whispered, adding as he flexed his ever hard muscle for her pleasure, “I want you to have your way with me, Jasmin. Take me now.”

An enraptured Jasmin nodded her consent, gasping outright as her lover swept her off her feet and carried her up the winding staircase that would take them to her bedroom.

Soon, Jasmin found herself lost in the silken softness of an ivory comforter; reveling in the feeling as an attentive lover slowly stripped away her confining ball gown and the ultra-tight foundation garments that lie beneath it.

Nathaniel made it a point to kiss and compliment every part of her naked body, finally covering her bare form with his own masculine hardness.

Once again consuming her in his strong but loving embrace, he claimed her lips in an intense kiss as his worshipful hands wandered everywhere over her body. He coddled and caressed her breasts and her rounded stomach before settling his hand between her legs—rubbing and kneading her throbbing clit as she gasped and moaned her approval.

Their lips uniting in what seemed a binding kiss, the couple collapsed and writhed in one another’s arms as he continued to knead her nub; sending raw sparks of erotic energy that ran wild through every part of her body.

Their joined beings rolling wild across the soft luxuriance of a silken comforter, clinging to one another as his pulsating rod rose in grand fashion to kiss her feminine cleft.

“By the fates, Jasmin,” Nathaniel gasped out, pulling her body closer than close as they clung to one another in the heat of passion. “I can’t get enough of you.”

In lieu of a verbal response, an awestruck Jasmin sank deeper in her lover’s arms; writhing wild in his embrace as her hands roamed the breadth of his chiseled pecs and the width of his carved washboard abs—finally laying a firm hold on his hard massive cock.

The couple continued to kiss and cuddle as his sumptuous lips kissed and massaged her own; their tongues entangling as her buxom breasts crushed the surface of his hard massive chest.

Nathaniel growled his pleasure as she rubbed and kneaded his rock hard length, pulsating in her grasp as she opened herself to him.

Finally, he plunged his long hard shaft to the depths of her feminine garden, moving slow and smooth within her as his magical fingers continued to rub and stimulate her clit.

Their elated gasps mingled sweetly in the air above as ecstasy overcame them; waves of erotic pleasure invigorating and uniting them as Nathaniel continued to probe and penetrate Jasmin.

Finally, and in a last advance, he laid a firm squeeze on her throbbing femininity; at the same time, surging forth to her core as he carried them across the bounds of an incredible shared climax.

The couple collapsed together moments later as they surrendered to the warmth of an encompassing embrace; their whispers and sighs intermingling as they stared deep into one another’s eyes.

“So, my love,” Nathaniel whispered, searing her with a wolfish grin as he graced her buxom derriere with an affirming playful squeeze. “Now do you believe that you are my princess? And, if you so choose, the queen of this manor?”

Jasmin thought a moment, then nodded.

“Almost,” she revealed, gracing him with an adorable smile. “Even so, you just might have to do some more convincing to assure me of this fact—several more times tonight, in point of fact.”