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Imagine Me by Fiona Cole (11)

Chapter 11

As soon as I got to my car, I jerked the door open and fell into my seat, slamming it behind me.

The date was a bust. And I’m going to warn Jo to never trust the friend who set me up on this date again. The guy was shorter than me, which wasn’t a big issue except he used the height difference to stare at my boobs the whole time. On top of that, he had acne, greasy hair, and called me babe all night.

At one point, I tried to salvage the night and made a joke about how my eyes were up higher. His response? To laugh and say, “Babe. Your face is great and all, but those breasts keep calling my name.”

Needless to say, I dropped a twenty on the table and got the hell out of there. I looked down at my top. I hadn’t even worn anything sexy. Just my skirt and blouse. I’d kept the lingerie on because it made me feel sexy, and maybe I’d hoped to share it with someone, but that was a pipe dream.

So, there I sat, in my cold car, gripping the steering wheel in frustration. I thought of the past month of disastrous dates. Of my frustration with Shane. It built and built until I almost choked on it. Who had this kind of luck? Me. I did.

I heard the voices of Hudson and my parents bouncing around in my head, reminding me I shouldn’t be on my own. My frustration bubbled up and boiled over. Letting it out, I growled and screamed as I shook the steering wheel, which only shook me instead.

Done with my fit, I panted heavily, my hair falling in waves over my face. Shane would probably laugh. Say he was right. Ugh. I smacked the wheel for good measure.

Shane. Shane. Shane.

An idea hit me, and maybe because I was just in a ‘fuck it’ kind of mood, it sounded like the best idea I’d had. I laughed at how crazy it was. But right then, I felt a little crazy.

In the dark of the parking lot, the dome light of my car off, I shrugged out of my long coat. I unzipped my skirt and tugged it off, tossing it in the passenger seat. Then went the blouse before I pulled my coat back on and buttoned it. A pair of wild blue eyes caught my attention in the rear-view mirror and I wondered for a moment if I should bail.

My lips twitched before curving up. I put my keys in Betsy’s ignition and went for it. I didn’t even turn on music, just let my excited breathing mix with the rumbling of the engine. I sat in the silence and let my imagination flow. Each fantasy better than the last, but I’d hoped, for once, reality was going to top my imagination.

I parked on the street and got out of my car, pulling the coat tighter, highly aware of the way it brushed against the skin of my thighs, bare above the stockings I still wore. The way the material was abrasive against the bare skin of my stomach and ass.

I paused for a moment, my fist hovering above the door, and considered turning around. But I didn’t. I rapped my knuckles three times and waited.

Shane opened the door bare chested in a pair of sweats that hung low on his hips. He chuckled at finding me on the other side of his door, and caused me to drag my eyes up from the deep V on either side of his hips.

“Another little date gone wrong, Mini MacCabe? Did he actually have a grandma fetish and was disappointed there were no cardigans? I bet he was even more sad not to have seen those thigh-high boots.”

I barely heard him over the blood pounding in my ears, my heart working overtime, fueled by adrenaline and frustration. Either way, I didn’t acknowledge it. I only raised my eyebrow and began unbuttoning my coat, slowly, as I held his icy gaze.

The humor that had glinted there a moment before, faded, replaced by a warm heat that followed my fingers from button to button. He was nervous and I liked it. I liked the way his grip tightened on the door. I liked the way his Adam’s apple bobbed with a heavy swallow. I liked the way his chest moved a little bit faster.

Once I worked the last button free, I let my coat hang open, exposing the lingerie I was wearing in the picture I’d sent to him earlier.

“Remind me how much better than okay you think you are.” He didn’t respond, but didn’t slam the door in my face either, so I placed my palm against the wood and pushed it open a little more, stepping inside. “Or are you scared that I might be right?” Another step. Noticing the bulge growing in his sweats, I took the tip of my finger and dragged it along the length, all the way from root to tip. “That you really are. Just. Okay.”

Lightning fast, his hand shackled tightly around the wrist of the hand currently taunting his dick.

“You want to play with me, little girl?” He tugged, pulling me into his chest, skin to skin, so hot I wanted to melt. “You want me to teach you what it feels like to be fucked by a man, unlike those boys who don’t know what to do with this tight pussy?”

“Yes, sir.” The answer barely slipped past my lips on a breath before he slammed the door shut behind me. “Teach me.”

He looked me over like he didn’t know where to start first. The anticipation, watching his hand clench and unclench next to his leg, like he was holding back was the best kind of torture. Standing before him like this, was so much different than the night in Jamaica. I’d surprised him, snuck into his room and he took me. Over and over, but there was no hesitation, no words of denial between us like there was now.

This tonight, was a whole new experience I was practically panting to start.

His hand finally relaxed and brushed the coat aside, dragging his calloused fingertips up my inner thigh until they reached the wet panties covering my core. He gently stroked back and forth, not saying anything, letting the tension build before he pushed the edge aside and slipped between the lips of my pussy and played in the wetness, teasing my cunt. Not entering, not stroking hard enough to push me over the edge. Just touching and spreading my juices all around as he looked me up and down.

He moved to my clit and I cried out when he pinched it in between his fingers. “You’re going to fall to your knees, and suck my cock.”

A part of me almost caved right then and there, my mouth watering at the thought of tasting him again. But as much as I wanted him to teach me, I wanted him to know that I wasn’t quite the little girl he assumed I was.

So, I laughed. Right in his face, enjoying the way his eyes widened at my response.

I rolled my hips, trying to gain some friction between my legs beyond the punishing grip he had on my bud. “How about you fall to your knees and get your face between my legs.”

He breathed out a laugh that brushed against my lips before he released my clit and gripped the flimsy lace, tearing them from my body. I yelped, unprepared for the sting cutting into my skin.

His eyes never left mine as he dropped slowly to his knees and parted my lips. He stroked his tongue from my opening to the top. He held my eyes right up until he plunged his tongue inside me and my eyes fell closed in pleasure.

He left no part of my pussy untasted. I reached my arm behind me to try and find the wall for support, but we were too far away, planted in the middle of his entryway, him on his knees worshiping my core with his mouth, me clinging to his shoulders for support, fighting from tumbling over top of him.

My nails dug into his muscles and the buzzing in my ears grew louder. My toes curled in the pumps I still wore, trying to find purchase on the ground before I floated away. He pushed me over the edge when he shoved two fingers inside me and flicked his tongue in fast strokes across my bundle of nerves, wrenching cries of pleasure from my throat.

Once I’d finally came down from my orgasm, he placed one last kiss to my pussy and stood, dragging his body up mine, stopping to bite at my hard nipples. Continuing until he stood before me and planted his lips on mine, shoving his tongue inside, making me taste myself. He pulled back and stared at me as he walked backward toward his couch. Then he sat, his legs wide.

As I shrugged off my coat, letting it fall to the floor, he tugged his pants down enough to free his long, thick dick. Stretching one arm along the back of the couch, he watched my approach and began stroking himself. I couldn’t help but stare at the way his fingers gripped his shaft and slowly glided up and down.

Now you will get over here and suck my dick.”

He didn’t have to ask. I wanted nothing more than to lay at his feet and taste him. I set about remembering every groove, vein, and hidden flavor of him. I sucked the head of him soft, like a lollipop before I dove down as far as I could, pushing past my gag reflex, loving the way he moaned and his hand tightened in my hair. Loving the way his other hand reached down my body and pushed my bra out of the way so he could play with my nipples. Roll them around in his thick fingers.

I picked up my pace, wanting to make him come, wanting to swallow all of it, when he tugged hard at my hair, removing my mouth from his dick with a pop. I looked up, confused as to why he stopped me.

“Turn around, but stay on your knees.”

I did as he instructed and faced a wooden coffee table. He slid from the couch to his knees behind me and placed a hand between my shoulder blades, pushing me down until I lay across the cold tabletop.

“These garters are fucking torture. Like you’re wearing clothes, and yet your perfect pussy is exposed, begging me to fuck it.”

“Yes,” I moaned.

He reached in a drawer beside me and extracted a condom. I heard the crinkle and waited with anticipation for that first push. Would it be slow? Fast? Hard? Soft?

His hand moved back to the spot on my back, holding me firm to the table as his other hand moved his dick to my opening. He swiped it up and down my juices, smacking against my clit a couple of times before he lined himself up and shoved in all at once. His deep groan of pleasure mixed with my cry of pain. It’d been so long and he was so big. But he didn’t stop. He pulled out, all the way before he did it again. And again. The pinch each time burning and flowing throughout my body, morphing into pleasure.

The edge of the table dug into my stomach on each thrust. My nipples rubbed against the cold wood. My body jerked with his forceful thrusts. It was painful. It was wonderful.

He moved a hand and gripped a fistful of my hair and jerked my head up, bending my neck so he could lean down and whisper in my ear as he fucked me.

“Little girl.” Each time the name slipped past his lips, it made me feel dirty and wrong. And I loved it. I loved the way he controlled me and owned me. “Is this what you wanted me to teach you? To teach this tight cunt what it feels like to be stretched. What it feels like to hurt and to like it.”

Tears leaked out of the corner of my eyes from the burn of him pulling my hair. “Yes. Yes.” The words were quiet cries. Quiet pleas to never stop.

He pushed in and pulled the top of my body off the table, it arched away from him with my head pulled back into his chest. He pounded into me over and over, grunts mixing with the sound of our flesh smacking together. He reached around and toyed with my nipples, switching from one to the other, dragging me to the brink.

“Shane. Please. Shane.” My words were incoherent and when he pinched my nipple hard, the fiery burn set me off and I came, my cries unable to be hidden with how I was exposed. They flew into the room with abandon, getting louder with each rippling wave of pleasure, soon to be mixed with his groans.

When we both finished, he loosened his hold on my hair and I collapsed back to the table, where he slowly pulled out of me and disposed of the condom. I let myself slide to the floor and laid back, staring at the ceiling, until he came back to stand above me. He’d lost his pants and he looked so proud, strong, and unabashed with his dick hanging thick and heavy above me, nothing hidden from view.

Smiling, I rose from my spot on the floor and stared into his eyes, trying to find what he was thinking. Shaking my head, I turned to grab my coat and leave, minus a pair of panties. But he stopped me with a hand to my jaw and a questioning look.

“I should go.”

He didn’t move, just his eyes taking me in as though pondering what to do next. I fully expected him to let go of me and help me gather my things. It was Shane after all, I didn’t expect anything more when I came here.

But he did none of that. Instead, he chuckled, letting go of my jaw, dragging his fingers down my body to between my legs. I gasped when he hooked two fingers inside my pussy and began walking backward toward the hallway. I followed him. He was literally dragging me around his apartment by my pussy. And I loved it.

“Oh, no, Mini MacCabe. You’re mine for the night. And next time, you’re going to swallow my cum.”